Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Dale Kieffer 0:34 .49&); 23. William Mrk lsa s 0:34.571); 24. Eric Moe (134.912); 23. Dea n Mizde l (1:35.104); 26. Ja v Doy le 0 :35.551) ; 27. Daniel Baile y 0 :35.634); 28. John Jacob i 0 :35.837); 29. Rick Shaw 0 :36.541> 30. John ; Stipuls ki 0 :36.661 ; 31. Ste ve Tes chke (1;36.779) ; 32. i) Mik. walsh (1;37.114); 33. T,xld Snyder (1:37.358); 34. A.J . Ammann 0:37.560; 35. Eric Seward 0 :38.284); 36. Keith Ma rq uez (1:39.023); 37. Brett Ray (1:39.307); 38. Stc pha ne Berger on (1:39551). SUPE R8 1KE N AT IO N A L: 1. Aa ro n V.lles (5U2); 2. Iam le Ha ck ing (Ya m) ; 3. To m Kipp (D ue) : 4 . Ben Bostrom (He n): 5. Eric Bostrom {Hon l: 6. Rich Oli ver (Yam); 7. Ma t Mla din (Suz) ; 8. Do ug Chand ler IKa w): 9. Tommy Hayden (Kaw); 10. }.lmic-Jam es (H-D): 11. Chris Rankin (H-D); 1"2. 'R.1d Grea ve (Suz); 13. Jordan Szo ke s (Ka w); 14. Jimmy Moore (Suz); 15. Andrew Deatherage (Kawl; 16. Da le Kieffer (Suz); 17. Mari o Dul-la mel (Suz); 18. Brian Gib bs (Suz ); 19. William Mrklas (5u1.);20. John Jaco b i (Suz): 2 1. Jay Doy le (5 u z ); 22 . John 5tipulski (s uz) ; 23. Todd Snyd er (5uz) ; 24. Rick Shaw (Yam); 25. Mike Wa lsh (Yam); 26. Ke-ith Marquez (5uz); 27. Brett Ra y tsuz ); 28. Eri c Se-ward (5 uz ); 29 . 5tephane Bergergon (5 uz) ; 30. Pasca l Picotte (H- D); 31. Larry Pegram (5uz); 32. Dea n Mizdal (5oz) ; 33. 5tL"Vt" Crevier (Suz); 34. Iames Rand olph (5 uz ); 35. Th omas Ste vens (Left) Ric h Oliver had a m ostly lonely ride to fi ni sh sixt h. (Above) The t op three - Tom Kipp, Aaron Yates and Jam ie Hackin g - celeb rate In the w inner's c ir cle . Iy win o ne of these things, bu t Aaron (Yates) was run ning real strong. " I got not so great of a start and it took m e a fe w l ap s to get going and put myself into a good position , " Kipp added . "I thought i f I cou ld just hang there an d maybe make a good break in lapped traffic, then we'd be there. I closed it up t o within a second, but it wa s a good race. The Michelin lires hung in there r eal well and we didn't really have too many problems." Then he ran into a bit o f a problem he did n 't know Hacking was so close. " I was misreading my pit board; or we didn't ha ve accurate information on there," Kipp said . "It' s not the first time it's h ap pe ned . I d idn't r eal i ze tha t Jamie (H ack in g ) was back there . I kept ,sh o w ing a ' Pl u s 1, Plus 1, Plus 1: The n ext thing you k now, h e passes m e w hen I'm supposed to have... and that Pl us 1 is rea lly a Plus 2 b ecau se I'm supposed to have a b uffer for me. That's the way we have it figured out. So I didn't know he was back there and I was pretty irritated when he went b y me - to say the le ast. There was nothing I co u l d do. He was seriousl y motivated at that point an d I was surprised :' Another beneficiary of Picotte' s and Mladin's woes was Eric Bostrom. In his superbike debut, the 22 -y ear-old wa s doing ev eryth ing he needed to do. He rode sma rt, u sed his head and didn't crash. Still, Bostrom expected to do better an d he blamed much of his problem on fatigue. " I got tired," Eric Bo strom said. " In the beginning, they were flicking it in and I wasn't. I was being conservative an d I shouldn't have been. Really , the bike's b et t er than I am . Then t h ey all started coming b ack to me. I was doing 30s, th en 29s. But a t around h alfw ay , my teeth started going numb and my h ead got all fu zzy. I had to chill out; I didn't want to make any dumb m i st ak es. I n ever really came close to crashing the bike all weekend - and if y o u want to win, you can 't ride like that." Oliver, too, moved pa st Mladin late i n the rac e, but the Australian was ab le 0 to keep Chandler behind him. (Due). Ti me: 38 min., 44.250 sec , Distance 26 laps, 62.4 miles Ave rage speed. 96.651 mp h Ma rgi n or victory: 2.886 sec, AMA SU PE R B IKE NATIONAL C'SHIP POI N T STANDINGS (After 10 or 14 ro u nd s ): 1. Dou g C ha nd ler (274); 2. Ben Bostro m (267); 3. Anthony Gobert (248 /3 wi ns); 4. Mig ue l DuHame l (236 / 4); 5. Jam ie Hacki ng (235); 6. Mat Mlad in (227) ; 7. (T IE) Rich Oliver /Tom Kipp (2 12); 9. Aa ro n Ya tes (208 / 2); 10. Steve Crevier (86); tt . Tommy Ha yden (82); 12.. Red • Grea ves (47); 13. Laryy Pegra m (131) ; 14. T ho mas Wilson (127 ); 15. Tho ma, Steve ns (119) ; 16. Pasca l Picotte ( 18); 17. Mike Hale (12); 18. Jami e James (03); 19. Mario Du l-lam el (99); 20. Ch ris Rankin (%)_ Mi d-Qhi o Spo rts Car Course Lexi ngton , Ohio Results: July 19, 1998 (Roun d 10 of 14 ) SUPERBIKE QUALJFYING: 1. Aa ro n Yates 0 :27.887); 2. Ben Bostro m 0 :28.132); 3. Pascal Pico tte 0 :28.220; 4. Ja m ie Hack in g 0 :28.251); 5. Tom Kip p (l ;2tS .649); 6. Rich Oliver 0 :28 .720) ; 7. Mat M ladin (1:28.n6); 8. Eric Bostrom 0 :28.789); 9. Sieve Crevier (l :28 .7~9); 10. Thomas Stevens 0 :29.171); 11. Tommy Hayden 0 :29.180; 12. Larry Pe gr am 0 :29.1362); 13. Jami e J,UTleS 0:29.718); 14. Doug Cha ndler 0 :29.72i) ; 15. Ch ri s tophe r Ran kin 0: 20.642) ; 16 . Jo r d a n Szoke 0 :31.593); 17. Rad G reaves (1 :33 .198) ; 18. And re w Dea ther age (1:33.318); 19. james Randolph 0 :33.862); 20. Jimmy Moor e 0:34.119); 21. Brian Gib bs 0:34 .135); 22. .Brieflv..• - Performance Machine's Roland S ands . who'd been .tabbed to ride the Fast By Ferracci Ducati ·beginning at Brainerd in two · weeks. said his superbike debut would be delayed. - I have obliga· tionato the people who support ine - mainly my main sponsor. Performance Machine: Sands said. - I need to try to wrap this Yoshimura Suzuki' s A a ron Yates continues to use the carburetedSuzuki GSX-R750 rather than the fuel-injected model. "Hope- championship up befor e I do anything like that. And as soon as I do that. then I'll ride the bike. but not until then. So maybe the last fully, it' ll be fuel injeCted for Brainerd.- Yates said. - We didn't run couple of races or maybe the last race. whatever it takes to do it ill Daytona (the fuel-injected bike) because we didn't have any it. .. endurancetestinq with it. Since then. they haven't thouqhtit was beneficial enough . I kinda liked it. :but they said on the ·dyno il Three of Ihe iour men on Ihe front row of the Superbike grid were didn't look that good. Hopefully. they'lI have it for Brainerd and it' ll hot off last week's World Superbike round at Laguna Seca. and all be dialed in and working good and we can get a little extra top of. thern said they'd learne d something. " Last wee k helped. speed out of it . I hope." . .Jamie Hacking said. - I picked up some stuff. Those guys (the top Worl d Superbike ridersheally pick up the thrott le early out of Muzzy Kawasaki"s Doug C h andler crashed on Friday afterthe comers: and that's whal I've been try;ng to work on: gett ;ng noon when he hit his front-brake lever on the inside' curb of tum the bike up and picking up the throttle, I'm just working on getting · nine. Chandle~ didn't s ~ffer · any " new 'injuries in the crash. but smooth on the motorcycle and using my head a little bit more. the fall didn't help him, as he was already suffering from the USI rather than J stabb;ng it and not knowing whatI'm doing.battering he lo ok at the Laguna Seca Worid Superbike round the week before Mid ·Ohio . Chandler spent the majority of the Eric Bos tro m was impressive in his debut o n the factory Honda weekend in the Muzzy truck . undergo ing treatment from noted RC45 .durinq qualifying. The yo ung Californian put the injured trainer Dean M iller. He was suffering from a bad ly sprained Miguel DuHamel's bike on .the second row of the grid with the ankle and a sore knee . " The 600 is easier on it (t he ankle). " eighth·fastesftime in what was his first outing on a superbike . Chandler said. "J ust because I think I have more room from And he did it without much .help from his older brothe r. Ben. " I foot peg to seat. We changed the pegs. dropping' them 15mm haven 't helped him all weekend ." .Ben Bostrom said. -I don 't on the superbike to try 10 get it more of Ihe same. and that know why. He was so damn tired from riding all three classes yesmade a big difference . The superbike has more power, soit terday that he just fell asleep after. din·ner. We haven't golto talk takes more strength. - . . . . .. · much. but he's pretty close .- about a half a second off : He'lI go faster tomorro w (Sunday). The Honda .is really good for a race Tiltey'sHarley-Davtdson' s .J~;"i~ ·.Ja m e s ';"a. aboard Thomas · Pace. I don' t know why . but wit h race tires , it seems to work just Wilson's factor~ Harley-Davidson VR l000 and also had the use as well at. the end of the ·race that it does at the b".9inning. I!' s of W ilson"s top mechanic.·Scotty Beach. James was riding the actually a real good overall bike." Eric Bostrom finished fifth in the factory bike out of the.Tilley'a garage: howevenend wasn't pitted National. Ben Bostrom was fourth . • . with Pascal Picolle and Ihe factory team. : . : AMA 750c~ Supersport winner N i;'ky Hayden was back at With the suspension of his teammate, Anthony Gobert. Vance & track on which he'd ridden before . though· his last time at M id· Hines Ducati"s Thomas Stevens had four Ducatis at his dis· Ohio was in 1994 at .a raCing school · and ·on a 125cc GP bike. posal. The biggest difference between his bikes and Ihose that . His teammate .Jason Pridmore didn't m iss Ihe.opportunity to w ere pr eviously r;dd en by Anthony Gobert? : - The brakes.:-. p·oke some good-hearted fun at h;s HyperCycie Suzuki teammate. Stevens said. "You barely have to touch 'em." Stevens didn't - He was 6 years old thaI day.- Pridmrn-e said during the pOst-race take advantage of the situation as well as many had predicted: H e press conference. On July .30. Hayden will .tum 17, and you can . tell he's looking forward to it. -I won 't be . 16 no more: Hayden qualified 10th. but crashed out of the National on the first lap. a Upcom ing Rounds: Round 11 - Brainerd, Minnesota, August 2 Round 12 - Jo liet. Illinois. Augu st 9 ·said.· ..Now hecan go to rated-B movies without a parent." Pridmore chimed in. . .. . ·The .Jo liet . Illin ois, round of the AMA Superbike Series. scheduled for August 8·9, is. in doubt. according to AMA road racing inanager Ron Barrick . Barrick said a final decislon on the future of the race would be made by Tuesday; July 2 1. Tom K ipp and the Fast By Ferracci crew ended up back where they belong at Mid·Ohio . near the front. Aher. a terribly disappointing season. things seem to be looking up for the likable Kipp ·and team owner Eraldo Ferracci. " Up untH th;s point, I think I've been the smoothest I've ever been on a bike: Kipp said. " In recent years. anyway. This weekend . I just seemed to be really loose all weekend and I never could figure it out . It didn't matter what tires we went wit h - we tried six differenl tires. It didn't matter what tires we went with . about the eighth or ninth lap.' they started to go off . We figured out that it wasn 't the tires. but it was a 'chassis thing . We never really figured it out. So I don't know . · This weekend's got me a lillie baffled. I guess. because our setup didn't really come in like it normally does. But Ihe Ihing ran really strong all weekend. Ifs stUi my lavonte b;ke that I've ever ridden. . lt 's an awesome machine. lt's' been a challenge for me to figure ,:,U!. but it's got some prelty miqhty potent ial." Aaron Yates will likely get to test the Suzuki500cc Grand . . Prix bike at some point in Ihe season. most Iikeiy in August. - It . was somethinq I had in my contract· just to get to ride the th;ng . and see what u's like. " Yates said. - It was supposed to happen back when I hurt my arm. after those three races in California. but ·it didn't , Now they're talking about August. .1just want to see what the thing·s like. really; If I like the thing. maybe I could work some, thing out. I don't know what to say: I' m just going to go ride the damn .thing. If I haul ass on it, I'm gonna try 10 keep riding it end racing it. The Suzuki hasn't really been doing that we ll: I don 't know if they'll let me try stuff (changes) with it or not. " Neither of the Yoshimura ·Suzuki TL1OOORs finishE;d the Soper: bike National. though bot h ·were going well when they. dropped out. Larry Pegram· was having his most inspired ride. of late when his TL quil running with what was believed to be a fuel·injec· lion problem. Steve Crevier. meanwhile. high·sided his TL while ru nning ·ninth. . . 9

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