Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA AUGUST .ANCT ION ED 11>'17·18 Logandale, toN lln-a Beatty, toN 111'21 Alamo, toN Info: 7l12J1JI-672ti 10116-17 SanDiOgo, CA llN3-1 4 SanFrancisco, CA llJ'2().21·22 Re toN no. Info 702J267-1392 : SilverState Desert Race Series Texas Cross Country RacingAssociation 1~1-4 Vegas-lO-Reno, toN, And 3 1214-6 PahnJnp. toN. Rnd4 Info 7l12J4"-'STT5 01 ww«bt!d : .com. Silver Sla Golde Slale . te n Motocross series 71'24 &'1 &'14 Pm 913 Carson Cdy toN . Bishop, toN carson Cdy, toN Bishop, toN Bishop, toN Info 702J267-1392 : USRA Desert series 8129 Bl12 Jencho, UT Wells, toN !0'26 TeA 1 ~10 Price. UT ll N4 Knolls, UT Bl1-2 Price, UT Pm-23 Cedar Cily UT , 9/19-20 Ogden. UT 10f.l.4 Rock Sp rings, WY 111'27-2 St. George, UT 8 Inf : 801/96&4635 or4351673-2444 o Br.ll Pe Mlope TX , 9/13 Roderaossrace, Merced Fair. _ Info: 2091656-9682. July 24-25 - Americon Motorcyclist Association 33 Collegeview Road Westerville. Ohio 4308 1-1484 (614) 891·24 25 www•••••cyc...... Competitio n Pa rk Motocross CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS · Racing Enterprises Motccross. And 3. Sunvner Series. GlenHelen. San Be rdino. Info me : 619/484-1441 . 8:00 AM · 6:00 PM (All Tracks) • CAUFORNIADIRT TRACK • San Diego Flat Tra ssooatiM Temecula cH Speedway, TemecuJa. Into 6191277· : 1591. ORT TRACK CAlIFORNIASH Budweiser and RSRaong. 0l0wchfIa F~ ChlochIa. ilia: 2lI!l'661-0706. Open Pract ice: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Motocross l int. Supercross I 60 & 80 I PeeW ee TRACKRJUY GROOMED EACHDA Y! (909) 654-2 /26 o r (760) 633- / 197 • CANADA SP EEDWAY - CIIA. National Speedway Championsh'll. TheWeiland CcU11y Molorcyde aub. NialAC Raceway. Weiand. Ontano. Into: Fri, JUly 24 GEORGIA MOTOCROiS - Southern Raceway MotOCtOSS. e., ll1!tndge. Info: CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS· A.V . StadiumCross Nigh!Se ries, la ncasler. Info: 8051942-6040. WE ONlY GRADE ON A CURVE. '. . ;: RT CAliFORNIA SHO TRACK· Stoctcton MC, AMA. HillslerySpeedway,Newman. Info: 209/466-6781. 9051835-2754 or http ://www.niagara '' -malo. .cor • CALIFORNIAMOTOCROSS· K-B Racing Promotions. Nigh Race, t SacramentoRaceway. 5acramenlo. lnfo: 916/682-6123 . . IB THIS SCHOOl. . ... Pro t e ct Your • Rig ht t o Ride CALIFORNIA MOT OCROSS · CRC, lurday Nighl Speoal, Los Angeles Sa County Raceway.Palmdale. Info: 805J'272-8669. NOVA SCOTIAVINTAGErr - Ilntish Cyde Supply COIrl>anY. 1998 AtianlX: Vtntage rr, CMA. Sill aMUaI Bn tish Cyde Supply. AIIanIX: Molorspor1 Pa rt<. Shubenacadie.lnfo: 9021542·7478. CAUFORNIA SP DWAY · FaSl Fridays EE Speedway Racing, Nor1lv'Sou1h. TheCivil War 01 Speedway, Gold Coun1ly Fairgrounds. Aullwn. Inlo: 5301878-7223. _ BIke 8r.nd CAlIFORNIA MOTOCROSS· CMXR• nes. Rnd8,CaI1sbad 1998 Spring MX Se RacewaY. Carlsbad Inla: Il8&'55ll- OTO M Z 3 , x pl re . E AMNI 2561561·3495. IIIIiIISI' 13 14 15 1. 17 1. 11 ChowchdIa. CA Chowchilla. CA ChowchdIa. CA ChowctiIIa. CA • MONTANA HIUCLIMB - Billings Motorcycle Clull, Grea Ameritan t Hillclmb AlIA. Distnet15. BMC Clull i . grounds. Billings. 1 4061252-5568 or 010: WW« .b1gsmotor:lub erg. 11 ZI 21 ZZ Z3 Z4 Z5 7 I 7J'25 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th MICHIGAN MOTOCROSS · Baja Acres, Mininglon. lnfo 5171871-3356. : ZI Z7 ZI ZI 3lI 31 I BI20 ChowchillaDirtTrack Championship series • MICHIGAN MOTOCROSS· AMA, District 14 DirtRiders Motorsports, Log , Rpad, Bronson.lnlo: 41 91636-5430. 12 13 14 15 11 17 11 5 California Rough SCrambles series Madera. CA 1~4 Madera. CA Wll Madera, CA 1~5 Ma dera,CA 11/1 Madera, CA 11/8 Madera,CA l lN5 Ma dera, CA 111'22 Madera, CA 111'29 Madera,CA Inf : 2091661-0706 o • IDAHO MOT OCROS - Wild W S e" i rt Nalonals, Idaho F..rgrounds, Rupe Info: 2081436-7071. • WASHINGTON ROAORACE WeSl PrornntJonS USA Inc. • WMRC. Blaine Airpotl. Blaine. Info : 6041794-3824. 916 BI20 Dalton GA . Bremen. GA 1~4 Macon. GA 11>'11 Roberta. GA 1ll'25 Bremen. GA Info 9121788-0413 : .. JUl.y t Gate Opens 10:00 M'. P ractice 12:00 PM Qualifiers 2:00 PM Main Events 6:00 PM • WYOMING SUPERCROSS • PaI1< CcU11y Sl4>eraoss. ,.. aMUal. PaI1< CcU11y Fair Powell. 1010: 307n54-2915 . 01 4061256-2124. A.V. Stadium Cross Nightseries S IIWYKlO OH IOSHORT TRACK - Lawrerce!lurg Molorcyde Speedway, Se mi-Pro, Nigh! Race. Cincinnati.lnlo: 51:v662-7759 or 8121537-5299. MRA Roadracing series Pueblo, co 8129-30 Cok>rado Springs. co 9/19-20 Steamboal Springs. co 1014 Mead, CO Info 3031530-5678 or3031369-8409 : • • NEVADA ARENACROSS · OnTrac Events. GSC Ra ang. S;verstale l Raceway, carson ClI . lola: 7ll2I267-4392. y 7J'25 USRA&ZMA Motocrossseries 9 • DElAWARE SHORT TRACK · Delaware Mo torsport' Inc Sealon:l .. Speedway, Sealord h,iO 302/422-8661. : www. Gl en Hel en . c om MXPrac:1lco 8:00am WIDUSK MXPraclfctl8:00am till 2:00 pm SRA Grand Prix gatts open 6:30am MX Prac:1lco 8:00am till OUSK Jo hn Bu rr Cy c l .. P, . . . nrs : Vlu , tl ndtt s AliA ( Dl s t . 37) Mo roen.. Au; . 2 Thur. July 23 Sal., July 25 Sun. July 26 Thur. July 30 9121246-3607 or91212. 6-5088. • GEORGIA StJPERCROSS • W II1QS and Whee Sou1heastem Sucereoss S/lool. ls, Out Series, Bremen Race Pari<. Bremen. Info: 7701941-6464 0' . Dirtman23 a • IUlNOIS HALF MII.E - Pr irie Thunder MC, AlIA, Dislrict17 Manard County . /632· Fa irgrounds,Petersbur9 Inlo: 217 3857 or mcdevin4@ MI H C IGAN MOTOCROSS· MRA, Night Race, Milan CycleCity, Milan Info: . 7341439-7735 or7341241-1600 or West Coast Stadlacross series 1~-3 Raceway.lnlo: 702J267-4392. IOWA HALF MILE· Unlimiled Promolions, And 2, De Moines: In s to: 515J'265-83B8. (909) 653·4042 A IUder for lhe IUd.r. 'N.d..::; 7!1o~ ...... ...., , . Sat ., .Iuty 25 - _ Practb (]pm -DUSK) ....... . I5pm. , Opml O.tH.G. of Night Sat .. July 2S AX) Day GFINIght M:J: s.n..W 6 Wed.• .Jul 29 w.d, Practke (Jpm -DUSK y I ...... ......... lanecnNot "rrl, ~ (209) 656-9682 ~ ~::",for '''.lUder. 23 Th. M.rced Po-r Sport SuperCro.. Sun. Aug" 9 . Sun.. Aug. 23 at Me«.d Foil' ~(,.d. CA He:.11111 ....Hil. GP Trod.:. Holli.t.... CA l . HoIII,tet- H GPO Track. HoIllltft'. CA m. !hurL.July toe!!' S••• ,4., , 1 lit,. prl., Ie , " t. 7172- • NEVADAMOTOCROSS · OnTrac Events, CMC, Nigh! Race, Silv erState ~ INDIANA DIRTTRACK · AMA, Semi-Pro, FTR, District 15, Nighl Race, Indiana Stale Champ hip. Blinker Hill ions Speedway. Bunl

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