Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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d oubl e m oto s weep , foll o w ed b y Ezerins wi th a 2-4 and Hofm aster wit h a 5-2. "The trac k is good , real fas t; it was hard to pull away," Gad d is said of his ride. "I want to thank Nielsen for their help. I'm getting read y to open my new mot ocross track in Nevada on July 10th. I'm looking forwa rd to that: ' In the first 250cc Pro moto, Gaddis again grabbed the start, but Hofmaster and Oettel we re right there. On the second lap , Gaddis made his only mistake of the night and went down as his front wheel washed out in an off-camber corner . Hofmaster .and Oett el took adva nta ge a n d mo ved to the front, as did Valad e and Ezerins . For the next few laps, Hofmaster and Oettel bat tled back a n d forth , w hile Gaddi s was b u sy p laying ca tc h - u p . Eze rins ma d e h is way by Va lade for th ird on the sixth lap but, on the final lap , Gad dis blazed by bo th rid ers to take third a t the fin ish behi nd mota winner Hofmaster an d Oe ttel in second . With the 250cc overall still on the line, the seco nd-mota start was very impor tan t. Gaddis used his yea rs of experie nce to get the holeshot, wi th Honda-mounted Phil Gau thier and Hofm aster next in line. Gaddis started to pull away as Hofma st er and Oettel had th ei r o wn war after getting by Gauthier. Oett el pinned it through the who ops and m oved int o seco nd o n lap s even , and Hofmaster dumped it in the same comer as Gaddis had one lap later. Gaddis took his third moto win of the night, followed by Gettel, Valade, Ezerins and Hofmaster. Besides the Pro classes, Gaddis suited up for the Over 25 class and took both mota wins in style for a total of three overalls and a good chunk of change to take back to Vegas . Torque Center-sponsored Zac Sapko showed the large crowd on hand that he may be a force in next year's ~ classes, as he stomped to three moto wins in the 125 and 250cc B cla sses. Su zuki-m ounted Greg Hochmu th was th e only rider to beat Sap ko, as he won the second 125cc B 1'X mota . Lake Geneva Raceway Lake Geneva, Wisconsin Results: July 2, 1998 PIW JR: 1. Trevin Simes (Act); 2. Cory Speno (Cob ); 3. Darrick Jackson (!.em); 4. P.). Kreuger (Cob); S. joseph Tarver (Co b ). PIW SR: 1. Heath er R~ ch (Cob); 2. Kyle Wilson (Cobl; 3. Derek Muehlbaue' (Cob); 4. Erik Bo (Cob); yle S. Judy Walker (Cob). 60: I. Robert Loire (KTMl; 2 Joe Llzaretto lKaw); 3. Jack Rowe (Kaw ); 4. Cory Iverson (Kaw ); 5. Justin Hager (Kawl. 80 J R: 1. Ch ris Lazaretto (Suz); 2. Dylan Ma rtin (Soz); 3. Robert Loire (Ya m); 4. Andrew Tyrell (Suzl; 5. C ha d Westbrook (Hon ). 80 sIC I. Ros, Martin (Suz); z. Tad Tyrell (Suz); 3. J~ Skodras (Ya m); 4. Ma tt Atherton CHon); 5. Justin Kand lt>r (Yam). 125 PRO: 1. Jimmy Gad dis (Ka w); 2. Em n Ezerins t5uz); 3. Tom Hofmaster (Suz); 4. Ran d y Valade ( Ka w ); 5. To nv Podc'A;ls (Suz ). 125 s : I. ZaeSapko (Yam); z. Greg Hochmuth (Suz); 3. Ryan Bond (Yam ); 4. Wade Joh n!OOn ( K..1 w ); 5. James Ros si (Suz). 125 Cl: 1. Chri s Gunderson (Suz); 2. Steve Schul tz ()(aw ); 3. Andy Th yber g (Suz); 4. Jaso n Rowe (Ka w); 5. Ryan .And eTSOn (Yam ). 125 C2: I. Ca meron Colby (Ya m ); 2. Jakob Shaw (Suz) ; 3. Tim Gunderson (Suz) ; 4. Chris Athe rton (Yam); 5. Matt Athe rto n (Ho n ). Uel 250 PRO: 1. Jimmy Ga ddis (Ka w ); 2. Dave Ot> (Kaw ); 3. To m Ho fma ster (SU1:); 4. Randy Valade (Kaw) ; 5. Ero n Ezerins (Suz). • 250 B: 1. be Sap ko (Yam ); 2. Mike Cowe (Hon); 3. No r m L.1ro~e (H on ); 4. J es ~ e Edge (Kaw ); 5 . C lint Frit.'St.'11 (5uz), 250 C: 1. Sha w n Bier s tc ke r (Ho n); 2. Ja mes Ko~topnuills (Hon); 3. Ju ~tin Ande rso n (Kaw); 4, Chris At h"" n (Ya m ); 5. Matt Alb rech t (Ka w ). rto 25+: 1. Jimmy C.ld dis (Ka w); 2. Jeff Lois (Yam ); 3. Tom Drc tzka (5uz); 4, Jim Heilman (}(awl; 5. JOt' Keefe (Yam). 56 35+: 1. Jim H eilman (Kaw); 2. Tom Dretzka (Suz ); 3. Joe Keefe (Y a m ); 4 . Jeff W a y (Ya m); 5 . K urt A ndrews ( KTM). , VINT: 1. Je ff Pa tel (Hon); 2. Keit h Degrand (Kawl; 3 . Tom A ng lim (Hon); 4 . La rs Nebergall (Hon); 5. C had S ha w (S u z) . John McKean (261) was the ho les hot man In the Collegeboy c lass at Hurricane Hills in Clifford, Pennsylvania. McKean was second overall to Jason Kear. Plotts, Kear hot at Hurricane Hills MX By Jim Sanderson CLIFFORD PA JUL , , YS Darnien Plott s and Jason Kear took top ho nors in 250cc Open Exp ert a nd Coll egeb o y cl a sse s, respectively , at Hur ricane Hills Spo rts Ce nte r. Racing began o n a racecourse made muddy by hea vy ra in showers late Saturd a y nigh t and early Sun day moming. G oudy ski es preven ted the COUl'5e fro m d ryi ng out until ea rly a ftern oo n. Skies finall y clea red and track conditions went from m ud d y to great. giving riders at least one d ry moto. More tha n 200 riders came out to race in 25 classes. Plot ts took the holeshot in th e first 250cc Open Expert mot o. Trailin g Pious th rou gh the first tum w er e Dag Bo yesen , Alex Bla ck w ell, Bre U She nna n and [oe y Yag los ki. With only a quarter o f a la p in th e boo ks, Bo yesen began cha llengi ng Plotts fo' the lead w hile Blackwell and Sherman rod e a co ns isten t third and fourth, with William Cheney getting by Yagloski to round out the top five. Ju st off th e d ownhill double along the tree lin e in th e ba ck o f th e track, Plotts an d Bovesen were bar to bar on the straig htaw ay, but piotts had the inside line and he managed to keep the lead . On the last lap, Boyesen seemed to let off, allowing Plo tts to take the win. Boyesen fi ni shed seco nd , Blackwell third, Shennan fourth and Yaglosk i fifth . No t to be denied, Boyesen blasted off th e gate to grab the ho les ho t in the second me te, with PIoUs, Black w ell , Yagloski, Sherman and Che ney in tow. At the halfway mark of lap tw o, Boyesen wa s still out front, but Plotts wa s only three seconds behind and wa s pressuring Boyesen hard for the lead. By the fourth lap, lappers would decide the outcome of the second moto. Boyesen had to go wa y outside in the big sweeper near the star t area to get around a lapper but managed to square off the be rm in time to sneak to the inside and hold off Plotts. Again, on lap five, loppers w ould become a problem for th e leaders. Boyesen go t 'lightly o ut of shape trying to ge t ar ound a lapper on the do w nhill afte r the hu ge Hurri cane s tep- u p and Plotts slipped by o n th e in side to take th e lead. Bo yes en ch a rged hard alter Plo tts bu t again lappers caused Boyesen to lose too mu ch tim e. Plott s took the wi n, followed by Boyesen , Black w ell , Yag loski an d Sherma n . John McKean s nagged the holesho t in th e first Collegeboy moto, followed by Jaso n Kea<, Aaron Lambert, Joe Ma rshall and Clint Esposito. Kear had mana ged to get by McKean (0. th e lead w hile Esposito go t by Marshall for fou rth by the halfw ay mark of lap o ne . By the end of the seco nd lap, Kear had a su bsta ntia l lead over McKean in seco nd. By lap three, Kear was go ne and the res t of moto was basically to d ett!rnline secon d throug h fift h . Mc Kean, barrin g any major m istakes, .had second locked up, w hile Espos ito moved up to third, Jeff Du n lap was now running fou rth an d Lambert had d ropped back to fifth . Mot o one went in the books wi th Kear o n top, fo llo w ed by McKean , Es posi to , Dunlap and Marshall. The start of the second mot o was a repeat of th e firs·t: McKean to o k an other ho les hot, w ith Kear , Du nlap, Ma rs ha ll a nd Tim othy Harris in tow. Kear qui ckly moved. past McKean in the d ifficult w hoo p section to take the lead while Esposito go t by H a"is fo' fift h. On lap two, the to p th ree ' emained the same w hile Esposito got by Ma rsha ll for fourth. Kear took the win , followed by McKean, Dwtlap, Espo sito and Marshall. Results S / M IN I: I. Jdfrc.·y \-fount (Ka w) : 2. ja m e. Ay n 's (H o n): 3. "!l Mdrk Kohlc. {Ho n.; 4. Steve n Lew is(Suz l. ... • P / W (4--6): I. M a tt he w Pag e (Ya m ); 2. [ o n a t ha n Daniels (Ya m l; 3. Jn hn He lllc"r (Y.lml ; 4. lc. Meit e rm a n (Y.l m ). P / W (7.g): 1. M<1n;hallllurd (Cob); 2. Daniel Holton lCo b ); 3. Ph illip Bdl (K'Tht); 4, Da vid Co nklin (KTh1). 50 ( ,, -ti ): 1. M ike Me ite r m a n (C o b ); 2. An th ony Oeregrtn (KTM); 3. Blake Leavitt (K'Th1) ; 4 . Jon Rc.-bn- (KTM). 00 (7-91: 1. Chris ~ (Kaw); 2. Manohall Hu rd (lColW); 3. Ab bie Bardo o Caw); 4. A nthony Hdrdy (((aw); 5. StC'V c.· Ma lincha k {((a w l. bOliD-it ); 1. Seeve Corazzi (Kaw l; 2. Sean Wall ace ( K.1W); 3. MllttM-w Rice (Kaw ); 4. DanWl Zlt>ro_ki (!Caw) ; 5. Broc Rl'Jlol d r (Kaw) . • KO (7-111: 1. Seeve Corazzi (Sud; 2. Nic k Esgro (Suzl; 3. Wa l· ter l.abro~ (HonI ; 4. Kt-nny Milnky (Ka w); 5. An thon y Hardy (Suz l. KO (12· 13): 1. M ike Leavitt (~w); 2. JolflW."!lO Ayres; 3. MkhowI Emet'}'I Kaw ); 4. Brad Ford (K. w ); 5. Mark Kol er{Hon). 125 BEG; 1. Jt--.f~ ~ount ( Kaw); 2. David M.lttel' (lC aw); 3. Rya n James (Su z); 4. j ohn Fredrickson ( Suz) ; 5. Ste phen Buss (y a m ). 125 NOV: 1. earl Sn yd er (H o n); 2. LindN y C m n (Suz l; 3. , ... - m y RO!>enkrans ( Ka w ); 4 . Dominic Jo rg e nse n (Ya m) ; 5 . Md~w Loprea to (Su d . 250BEG: t. Scott Barnes (Y~); 2. lawrence Fa rber (Kl'M); 3. Tom Britzke (Yam ); 4. Low, Wolf (H on); 5. Scutt Nolrul (KTM). 250 NOV; 1. Carl Snyder ( Han); 2. Fred Mc.'tZgt."t'; 3. Ben Book; 4. Rdndi H offman; 5. Derek Uppeseeck. 250 AM : 1. John Md Wolf (H o n); 3. Mark Gro ve. SR: t . ' am C8 Fisher (KTM ); 2. Joseph YlIg lOli i (Suz) ; 3. [eeome k Lynn (Suz) ; 4. Erv Braun (5u.z); 5. William Ferri ( KiM ) . VET NOV: I. lance Rowland (KTM) ; 2. Henry Lu cio (Kaw) ; 3. RobertHo wey (Yam); 4. Scott Bamt!!!! (Yolm) 5. M Atthew Av ery ; (Kaw l. VET A M; 1. Ch u ck Potts (K1'M); L Ca rl Ne-i imer (Yam); 3. d Dave Ga ya lc.-r ( KTM); 4. Doug Welch (Yam ); 5. M.lI'aJ s Ml"!l ina s (Suz). VET EX: 1. David Eckhart (KTM); 2. Jolm n FUlCher (Kl'M ); 3. Bre tt Sherman (Hon l; 4. W illiam Cheeey (Hon). 2S+ A.\i : 1. C huc k Potts (I (Ka w ); 5. Chad Myers (Hool. 80 (12-13); 1. [ed ed tah Hilin..." (Ka wl ; 2. Christopher 5mAI1 Jr. (Ka w ); 3. Da n 5cilipntc (H o n ); 4. Pa ul Schumaker Jr . (Ka w); 5. Ma~ Sch ueler (Ho n) ; 2. Steven H dn" (H o n); 1 Willia m Brauner (!Caw); 4, Lynn Ruby (Kaw l; 5. 0larie'5 Hunger· ford (Hon). 125 A: 1. J",mn Ma x (H o n ); 2. Cool Will iams Jr. (KTM); 3. Ronald Beam (Hon ); 4, Ed gar§ (Ya m ); 5. Jarrett Rhoads C Hord . 125 B: 1. Gregory Batts C on ); 2. JOM.-ph Briggs (; 3. Rpn H Nl"W rk (5u.z ); 4. Donnie Mil ia (Suz); 5. Todd e-wy (H on). ki 125 C: 1. Ronald White Jr. ( Ka w ); 2. G arry Little (Ya m); 3. Chri!Oto p her Sch u m dkn (H o n ); 4. Ddvid M(l(In" (Ya m ); S. Milt' fuM (Hon). 250 A: 1. Tom Wd ch (Suz) ; 2. '"mn \in (Hoo); 3. Mich....-l Moofot' (Ka w ); 4. Jon 6oI'.er(H on ); 5. Fn-d ThomJ'5O" (Han) . 250 8 : 1. Mdr },;, End no (lC aw); 2. Rub ert Swinehart (H o n); 3. Leo Ya tes (Suz) ; 4. Lynn Ruby ( Ka w); 5. J.m" 8oyn" (Hon) . 250 C 1. Warren Cisney (Han); 2. Rc.maid Whill" Jr. (!Caw ); 3. Gregory Bt.wers (Kdw ); 4. Gregory Newmdn (Han ); S. Egl i Conway (Yam}. . 25...A: 1. Tom Welch (Suz); 2. B. Tt"d Orr (Suz); 3. Tim SC .. tun.. lyu n (K.ilw ); 4. ja mes M" x (KTM); 2. John Kirk (Ho n ); 3. Will iam Spe lt.'05(Ya m}; 4. T im Titcomb (Ka w); 5. John Kellou~h (Hoo) . I' 4-STRK. 1. Chm Schu dt-'" (Yam); 2. Jay (Yam); 3. Tod d : Wo lft' ( Hu~); 4. Brett Friood (KTM); 5. C h ris Rhll tc.'1l (Ya m) . \fI1I."T: I. Chris Rhoten (H o n ); 2. Tom Anania (H un ); 3 . J~ Krok (Suzl; 4. David Dixon (Mdi); 5. Chri... DIxon (Mail. .- }

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