Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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250 8 : 1. Kt.; th Schrei er: 2. Chris Evitts; 3. Rich Field ; . ' 4. Ma rk.Ke lick: 5. Robe rt No votny. s VET B: 1. N ils Tribus. 2. Bob How a rd : 3. Ronnie Utt ; 4. Jam es Reber; 5. Tim KohJ. SR: 1. Ja mes " Bip" Gu nselma n; 2. Cli ff Te nney; 3. Jero me Lynn; 4. Kev in Reed: 5 . Alfred Sch nug . S /S,R: 1. Jac k La fferty Sr .; 2. Dav e Ve rdetto : 3: Richa rd Trader; 4. Ken Ettin ger ; 5. Rocco Spano. Costa Mesa S ay FairDerby peew Fred Hoess led all the way at the ECEA Marshland Hare Scrambles in Pennsylvania. Schwartz, Venegas champs By Elaine J ones COSTA MESA,CA,jULYII t' s fai r ti me a t Co st a Me sa , a nd th e spec ta to rs go t a treat with World Cha m pion Greg Hancock o n hand to do battle. The ni ght, ho wever, belon ged to ve teran race r Bobb y " Booga loo" Schwar tz, w ho won th e Scratch m ain ' event, and IM5-sponsored Charlie "The Edge" Ve negas, w ho took hom e top honors in the Hand icap main even t. The firs t heat on the Scratch side saw Hancock ta ke the field to school. as he outgated ev eryone an d ran away with the race. Running second was Shawn "Mad Dog" McConnell, who made th e low line wo rk, and he would also m ove up the ladder. Rand y DiFrancesco cam e . in as a reserve and came awa y w ith th ird , with Pau l Colston fourth and Johnny Walker fifth. The first try at a go in the second heat saw a red flag when the referee determined that Gary Hicks had anticipated the ga te. On the restart, it was Schwartz, from the middle of the track, who went out on top, with Hicks in seco nd . Unfo rtunately for Hicks, th e bike p ro blems that ha ve p lagued hi m all season st ruck again and he went o ut. Jo h n A den moved to the second spo t, and he and Schwartz moved on to the se mi. Roun ding out the field were Charli e Cooley and David Taylor. "Rad" Brad Oxley, fro m the outside, cu t the best gate and go t out on top in th e third heat. Running a close second was A n dy "The Enforcer" N o rth ru p, w ith Brian Burch third. "Fast" Eddie Castro to ok a cha nce an d wen t into the first turn too hot, and th at caused him to sp in ou t, end ing his chances of m o vin g up. O xley and No rthrup, howev er, did move up. Th e fourth heat was a duel between Ve negas an d Chris Manchester. Both riders cut great gates, but Ven egas - out of two - go t th e better d rive into the tum and came away wi th the lead . Mancheste r was ri ding d oub le w it h him, a nd Gary Ackr oyd was tryi ng to ge t a piece of th e action. When Veneg as and Manches ter pulled away from the field , it was a ll over a n d th ey m oved to th e semi. Ackr oyd p icked up th e third, with Rich ard Jones and Jason Chism taking fourth and fifth , respectively. In "the first Scratch sem i, it was Hancock, ou t of gate five, who jumped into th e ea rly lead. It would be a wire-towi re win in the quick fou r-Iap per for the World Champi on . Manch es ter w as a so lid seco n d, a n d th e se tw o ride rs wo u ld have a pl ace in the ma in . N or th ru p a nd Schwartz moved o n to the last-chance qualifier. In th e se co nd Scr atch semi, it w a s Ven egas, from th e middle of th e track, w ho ou tgated th e field , and , like Han- I ECEA H reS a crambles Series,R 5 ound Hoess wins Marshlands ,S H By Paul Cli pperfTrall Rider magazin e 3 MARSH, PA,JUNE 21 red Hoess took the point early on at the Valley Fo r g e T r a il Riders' . Marshlands Hare Scram bles, built up a comfortable lead, and then never backed off all the way to the checkered fla g . Hoe ss' main competit ion was Richard Lafferty, who chased hard on his KTM but could never get within striking di stance. Hoess rode his Bromley Su zuki at a breakneck pace for th e entire five laps on the fast and demanding VFTR cou rse, and wouldn 't back off despite running o ut of water in the last l~ps of th e ev ent. The m orn ing s ta r te d w ith a mini even t and quad race, the latter of which served to widen th e course and nicely exp ose a ny ro ots th at m ay ha ve been close to the su rface. True to its name, the Marshlands Scramble is run o n some d ecidedly swa m py g ro u nd , br oken up by the higher g rou nd of pi eces of farm fields and patches of woods. One stream cro ss ing p ro ved to be rathe r tri ck y in spots, but for th e m ost part, the cou rse was all easily passable, tho ug h decidedly slim y in th e low sec tio ns. Temperatures were o n th e high si de of warm, wi th plenty of su nshi ne throughout the race. For th e m ot orcycl es, th e VFTR club put together a 6.7-mile course ove r th eir Marshlands property, which d id its best to live up to its name. The property consists of abou t 625 acres of farmland, and the course w ound throu gh all the bit s that have proved to be impossible to farm o r build upon. Still, 75 percent of the land appeared to be w oods, and though it might be low; it wasn' t under water. Mud wa sn ' t nearly th e problem that ro ot s were, and the unwary rider co u ld find himself on hi s head nearly any w here on the course. The A class go t off the line with Mike Si g ety g e tti ng th e h o le sh o t, but h e F was n 't a b le t o ge t away . The pack swarm ed into the woods , and the quick process of sorting ou t the way-fast from th e m er ely fast began. By the time th e p a ck e merged i n to th e fa rm fields, Bro mley Suzuki's Fred Hoess was in the lead and had the hammer down. Hoes s went into hyperdrive mod e, obvious ly wanting to pu t so me distance between himself and series rival Richard Lafferty, wh o was rid ing hard , bu t Hoess was possessed, and no matter what Lafferty d id, H oess co n ti n u e d to pull a way throughout th e race . By the last lap, Hoess had pulled ou t a lead of 2 1/2 minutes on Laffer ty, and though his pit crew tried to sig nal him to slow down, apparently tunnel Vision had ren dered him blind. He had no id ea how far back Lafferty was , so he kept it to th e s tops. His pit crew was frantic, and the y finally convinced him to stop for a sp las h of ga s on th e last lap. He held his position to the end , though , and he still finis hed up more ,than two minu tes out front after seven laps of th e cou rse. Lafferty finished second overall, followed by WER ' s Mike Arendasky, who w a s definitely on the gas o n hi s KDX, and local rider James Ott Jr . in fou rth overa ll. . Th e top four w ere the o n ly rid e rs w ho managed seven laps of the course. Craig Shenigo topped th e 200cc A class, getting by early front-runner Sigety. Th e Open B cl ass wa s topped b y Richard Klin e [r ., th e o nly rider in th at class to go six laps. Earlier in the day, the club sponsored minibike races, and Christopher Rams ey was the top finisher in the 12- to 15-yearold Youth class, going five laps with Ken 'Ettinger jr. , wh o finished second. In the 7to l l -year -old Youth class, it was Benjamin Gisson taking the win, with Michael Nentwig finishing second . A young lad y ' by th e name of Megan Horn topped all ('X the boys in the Pee Wee class. . Marshlands Hare Sc rambles M arsh, Penns ylvania Results : Jun e 21, 1998 ", OIA CHAMPION, Fred Hoes, (Suz). . PIW: 1. Me ga n D. Hom; 2. Marcus Hod ge; 3. Kyle Desimone; 4. Ier od Sto ne r; 5. Kevin Karwoski. - YTH 85 (7~t1) : 1. Be nja m in Gi sso n; 2. Mi cha el Ne ntw ig; 3. Do mi nic Jud y Ir.: 4. Michael Ma rschal: 5. Chri s Hen ry . YTH 85 (12 ~15 ) : 1. C h ristopher Ramsey: 2. Ke n Ett ing e r j r.: 3. Sha ne Trout: 4. C hi p Koha n; 5. Rya n Pratt. 200 A: 1. C ra ig Shenigo ; 2. Mike Sig e ry: 3. Da lt> Hiles Jr.; 4, James McC om m on ; 5. Brand on Sexto n. OPEN A:. 1. Fred Hoess: 2. Richard lafferty; 3. Mike Arendasky; 4. James Ott Jr.; 5. Ryan Rodgers, OPEN B: 1. Richard Kline Jr.; 2. Sam De n inno: 3. Fred Hall owell; 4. Bria n Karwaski ; 5. Mark Schleeweis. coc k, he led fro m sta rt to finis h. Aden held off a very aggressive Oxley to take the seco nd, and he wo uld join Venegas in th e m a in . Oxlev an d McCon ne ll wo u ld ha v e o ne mo re chance in the LCQ. The last-ch an ce loo ked like a main event anywhere else . Oxley was on the pole, wi th Schwartz in three; McConnell d re w fou r, and No rthrup, on the outside, was in five . When the ga te ca me up, it was Schwartz who go t th e ju m p on th e field . Oxley was out seco nd and th e tw o wen t at each other tooth a nd na il. When all was sa id and done, it was Schwartz w ho had the final spot in the Scra tch main. Oxley took a hard-earn ed seco nd, w ith Northrup and McConne ll third and fourth, respectively. Th e Scratch ma in event had Venegas on the pole. Hancock was in two, wi th Ad en in three. O n the o u tside, it was Manchester in fou r and Schwartz in five. They loa ded in and the gate ca me u p . A s it ha s b e en a ll year, Schwartz r each ed way d o wn and pulled o u t ano ther amazing performance. All five riders were on the gas, but it was the vetera n, 'Schw artz, who showed them how it' s done. He m ade the track rou nd, making sure nobod y cou ld get around h im o r und er him, and Venegas was definitely trying to find the hole on both sides. Manchester was working hard on Ven ega s, and Ad en was ho lding Han. cock at bay . It was an awesome riding display by five very talen ted riders, bu t it was the vetera n - who just keeps geiting better - w ho showed them the way home. Venegas w as ,seco nd and Manchester third, and Ad en and Hancock were fourth and fifth, respectively. The lineup fo r the Handicap main had John DeFries a ll alo ne o n th e 10yard line. No o ne w as on the 20, and Kon Baur had the 30 all to himsel f. Ed Ca stro and Gary Ackroyd shared the 40, with Chris Manchester and Gary Hicks on th e 50 . Oxley and Venegas picked thei r spots on th e 60. Eight riders, eight laps: It would be a race of attrition. When the flag came up, it 'was Baur who moved DeFries out to take th e lead . Castro was running seco n d , w i th Hi ck s th ird. H icks and DeFries were sideli n ed a t th e en d of one, and Baur w as d on e o ne la p later. Venegas, who had already m oved into seco nd by the end of two, was now o ut in fron t a n d goi ng away . His (M Sbacked GM was hu m mi ng and no on e was going to catch him . O xley, w ho had to get around Castro befo re he could go after Venegas, was four laps in before he could put th e pressur e on. It was a bat tle of th e ou tsi de line for Venegasvs. the insid e line for O xley. Veneg as ma y have had further to go, but he just turned the wick up and th e main was his. Oxley was second, with Cast ro and Man ch es ter th e only other rid ers t o fini sh . Ac k royd made i t halfway before pulling over. , Billy Lyons we nt wire to wire in the Su ppo rt main, picking up the win over Tim Tucker and Joe W in st on . Michael Storms nipped Greg Starvecic at the line to win the Support B main. Gre g Corona was third. Jeff Carr and Mike Moreno, and Alan Hall and Dirk Votaw ga ve the cro wd a t the fa ir a tas te of Sid eca r action, and they were in their finalrace of the night when Ca rr and Moren o hit the first- turn wall as they 'took the flag . Moreno hit the wall hard and Carr went ov er the wall, and the bike tried to go through it. Carr was fine but Mor en o wa s taken to th e h ospital for obs erva tio n, an d the bike was carried off in two pieces. ('X 53

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