Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMAI~[Q)£ 125/250 PRO NATIONALS THE th e s ta r t of th e 600cc Pro -Sp ort final. Mon agen look ed to be a sure-fire wi ner in the ea rly stages , as he bu ilt up a ubst an tial lead , bu t he clipped a hay all' and barely saved wha t would have n a hor rific cras h in fron t of the pack. Monagen d rop ped on ly two positions in the process, thou gh , wi th Beers (in only his secon d Pro race) an d Wa tson get ting past. From that poi nt, Beers and Watson wo uld spend the duration of the 12-1ap race in close quarters. A bobble b v th e 16-vea r-o ld Beers llowed Watson"' to steal a last-lap pass that resulted in a win for the local rider . Beers salvaged second, ahead of Monagen, while Montana's Young held fourth to finish ahead of Fox, Osterman and Allen. It wasn't m u ch of a surp rise to the larg e gallery o f s p ec ta to r s on hand when An nen jumped ahead of the 600cc Exp ert final , although fo r a few laps Annen d id get a surprise from Fay, who wa s in the hunt until Annen put th e hammer down and did on e of hi s bynow-famous disappea ring acts . Fa y w at ched fro m a d ist ance a s Annen put ground on him, leaving the . O-y ear- old Fa y to fac e the lo o m ing advances of the up-and-coming Liberty. Liber ty stayed glued to Fay' s rea r wh eel for the rema ind er o f th e race; behind them was a battle between Ma rsh and • Ibor PARTS UNLIMIT E D ifDUNLOP SCOTT ~ ~~::. ~~~ rner s. Annen breezed to wh at ap peared to an effortless win , finaliz ing his weeke nd sweep of th e 600cc p ro gr am a nd ea rning him $685, while Fay s hoo k off the pesky Liberty to net second . Liberty was followed by Kopp and Somers, wh o got aro und Marsh late in the race to net fifth. Marsh , Currey and Mor gan trailed the first-tim e Expert Somers. Liberty ca me right back to wi n the 750cc Expe rt class, ridi ng the Latu s HD/Uberty Tire-backed machine, beating Kopp's Donally Logging / Dick's Suz ukisponso red XR750 - sweet reven ge for a loss to Kopp th e prev ious night. Matt fames aga in finished third . Am ateur support classes were added to th e prog ram , s h o wca s in g se v e ra l exce ptional performances. James scored a pair of Open Vinta ge Twin-class win s aboar d his Triumph. His closest competiti on wa s in Saturda y ' s final, when Mona gen' s BSA rode in his s ha d ow . Monagen, though, fell short, finish ing ahead of Greg Triber. Jason Seehorn, a cousin of Lonny and Rob Kopp's, showed that there is mo re talent in the famil y b y winni ng the Open Amateur final. Seehom ou tlas ted all of Steve Schard t' s challenges for a win on Friday. Saturday's Open A final, tho ug h, went to Richard Clark. Clark made the trek from Montana pay off by putting his Honda CR500 into an uncontested win over Schardt and Jeff Best. l~ Sponsored. by «LS;> SKI-DOO 3L ........ ....... ~:~ e."t. PEPSI ([ffilli~ l1l1!JRWR§w' " Photo By Motocross Journal" Spokane Play Fair Race Track Spokane. Washington Resutts: Ju ly 10-11. 1998 frida y 000 EX: I. 1t'ff Annen (W-R); 2. Lonn y Kopp (W-R); 3. J.P. Simonse n (Rtx); 4. Larry M.ln; h (Rtx): 5. Stev e Liberty (Rtx). 750 EX: 1. Lonn y Kopp (H·D); Z. Stew Liberty (H D); 3. Matt Iam cs ITn). 600 P RO-S I)T: 1. Tud d Som e rs (H en): 2. Jim Mo negan (Rtx): 3. Ton y Fox (Rtx): 4 . Fra nk Marker (H en): 5. Rob Kupp (W -R). EX DFC : 1. J An ne n (W R); 2. Lonn y Ko p p (W- R); eff 3. J.P, Simo nse n (Rb). o rEN AM SUI J : 1. Jason Seeho rn ( Rtx) : 2. Stev e Schard t (Honk 3. Jeff BL (Hu n). 'St Sa tu rd ay . 600 EX: 1. j eff An ne n (W-R); 2. Mickey Fay (Rtx); 3. Steve Lib e rty (Rtx ); 4. Lonn y Kop p (W · R); 5 . Todd Somers (Ho n). 150 EX: 1. Steve Liberty (H-Dl; 2. Lonny Kopp (HMat t J.lmes I'I'ril. 600 PRO-SlTf: t. Bria n watson (Rtx); 2. Eric Beers m. (W-R); 3. Jim Mouagen (Rtx): 4. Justin You ng IRtx): 5. Ton y Fox (Rtx ). EX D FC: t. Jeff Anne n (W· R); 2. Mickey Fay (Rtx): 3. Stew Liberty (Rtx). \ OrEN AM SUP: t. Richar d C lar k (Han); 2. Ste ve Schardt (Hen) : 3. Jeff Be t (H en). s 45

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