Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"I go t a second wind an d wa nted to s ee if 1 co u ld ca tc h La nce," LaMastu s sa id . "After we go t th e two- lap sig nal, 1 washed ou t o n the top of th e hill. Luckily the bike st ayed fired and 1 d idn't lose too mu ch time." Lalvlastu s crossed the line 50 seconds b ack , fo llowed by a ug h to n an d Sch nell , w ho had gotten past Myers lat e in the race. . " It was a rea l hard tim e co ming from the back," sa id Schnell of his ba d start. "My rad iator was leaking wa ter onto the co nc rete (s ta r t pad) a nd I spun rea lly bad ." " It was getting tou g h to ha ng on with four fingers while tw isting the th rottle," said Mvers of his so re th umb. When it w as all ove r, Anaya took sixth, followed by Baron, H art, Ta y lor and Roth. O nce aga in, the second m oto was all Sm ail' s. H e a ga in na ile d the hol esh o t an d sped a wa y fro m the rest of th e pack - b u t no t w it hout so me res is ta n ce by laMas tus early on. LaM astus beg an to p ressure Sma il very hard rig ht away, and it w as evident th a t he wanted to get b y Sma il. Th e close pursu it, how ev er , d id no t las t' long, as LaMastus went to tr ipl e p ast m a il but land ed off the s id e of the track a nd we n t down. He got up in a flash a nd got going again in 11t h . But his problems were n' t o ver yet . Tw o laps later, the m otor in hi s Husaberg gave wav, an d La Ma stus h a d to s h u t i t d o~n. Nel son found himself in his familiar position of second place, but thi s time, there we re no crashes or broken parts to keep him from finishing there. Woods ra n third for most to the race and crossed the finish line in the same s p o t, w hi le Taylor ma naged to ge t arou nd both Na ughton and M yers to take fo u r th . Fi ft h pl a ce went to Na ughton, w ho was followed by Myer s, Schnell an d Downs. 0 'Owy hee MX Park Bo ise , Idaho Results: July 12, 1998 (Round 6 of 9) MOTO 1: 1. Lance Sma il (Hbgk 2. Jimm y laMastu s (Hbg ): 3. Rob ert Na u gh ton (Ya m ); 4. G re g Sc h nell (Yitm); 5. Sco tt Myers (Yam); 6. Andy Anaya (Hbg) ; 7. Beau Ba ro n (Yam) ; 8. G ra yson Hart (KTM); 9. Rich Taylor (Va m ); 10. Robb Aot h (Yam ); 11. Jaso n Mathew s (Yam); 12. Chris Dinee n (Yam); 13. Troy Kalina (Yam); 14. Cu rtis Dice (KTM ); 15. Mike Lars on (Ya m) : 16. Du....tin Nelson (Yam); 17. Kevin Knox (Ya m); 18. Trent Ho wie (Yam); 19. JOt."I Howard. (Yam); 20._&'Ott Hal as (Y.1m); 21. Allen Henderson (Hbg): 22. Tod d Downs (Yam); 23. Tom Yor k (Yam) ; 24. Nathan Wo()( (Yam). h MOTO 2: 1. Lance Smail ( H~); 2. Du stin N elson (Yam); 3. Na tha n Woods (Yam) ; 4 . Rich Taylo r (Ya m); 5 . Robert Nau ght on (Yam); 6. Scott Myers (Ya m); 7. Greg Schnell (Ya m); 8. Tod d Downs (Ya m); 9. Andy Ana ya (Hbgj: 10, Robb Floth (Yam ); 11. Grayson Hart (KTM); 12. Bea u Baron (Yam); 13. Jason Ma th ews (Ya m); 1.\. Chris Dineen (Ya m); 15. Kevin Knox (Ya m); 16. Tro y Ka li na (Ya m ); 17 . C urtis Dice ( KT M ); 18. A llen He nderso n (Hbg): 19. Trent How ie (Ya m ); 20. Sco tt Hola s (Ya m ); 21. Jim m y La Molstus (H bg): 22 . Mike Larson (Ya m); 23. JllC'J How a rd (Ya m); 24. Tom Yor k (Yam). O /A : 1. L.. ce Sma il tHbg): 2. Robert Na ugh to n m (Ya m); 3. Greg Sch~1I (Yam); 4. Sco tt Mye rs (Yam); 5. Rich Taylor (Ya m); 6. Dus tin Nelso n (Yam); 7. Andy Anaya H-Ibg}; 8. Grayson Hart (KTM); 9. Beau Baron (Yam) ; 10. Robb Flo tb (Ya m ); I t. Jim my LaMa stu s (Hbgj: 12. ~a t h a n Wood .. (Ya m); 13. Jason Ma th e ws (Yam); 14. hris D ineen (Yam); 15. Tod d Do""T1S (Yam); 16. Tro v Kalina (Yam ); 17. Curtis Dire (1(li\-1); 18. K~ Kn o ll. ()' .l m); 19. Mike Larson (Yam); 20. Tren t Ho wi e (Yam ); 21. Alle n Hen derson (Hbgj: 22. Scott Hal a s (Ydm); 23". JOt1Howard (YdOl); 24. Tom York (Yam). ,A MA WESTERN FOU R-STROKE N ATIONAL O IAM PIONSHII' MX SERIES POI NT STA ND INGS (After 6 of I} ro un ds) : t. Lance Sma il (288 /5 wi ns); 2. G reg Sch nel l (242); 3. Sco tt Mye r s (171); 4. Robert Na u g h to n ( 62) ; 5 . Du st in N else n (1 57); 6. Jimmy La Mas fue (135/1); 7. Natha n Wood s (123) ; 8. Andy Ana ya (106); 9. Todd Do w ns (94); 10. Billy Binckley(92); 11. C h ris D in een UW); 12. S p u d W.l l ter s (76) ; 13 . Grayson Ha rt (61); 14. Rich Taylor (60); 15. Troy Kalin.l (56); 16. Mike Larson (48); 17. J.1YGrim m (42); 18. m E) Jason Math e w v/ Tom York (4]); 20. Rusty Holland ()8); 21. Go rdon Ward (37); 22. Pal Ca m m (32); 23. Ke vin Foley (28); 24. (TIE) Mike Ladner/ Iosh Kellogg (26); 26. (TIE) Tony G ra v~.../ Cr.l ig Ca noy/Bea u 6,11"(10 (23). Upcoming Rounds: Round 7 - Albany, Oregon, August 8-9 Round 8 - Ward Creek. Washington, August 23-24 s AMA Membership Required Entry Fee: $25; Pee Wee Entry Fee: $15 Gate Fees : $10 Adult; 6-12: $5; 5 and under: Free SUNDAY, August 9th, 1998 60 cc 4-8 Yrs 9-12 Yrs Beq Nov 80 cc Nov Beg 125cc Beq Nov 250 cc Beq Nov 500 cc Beg Nov Jr. Vet. 25+ Nov Beg Vet 250 30+ Nov Beg Vet Open 40+ Nov Beq Sen 25040+ Beq Nov Sen Open 40+ Nov Magnum 50+ Sup Sen 60+ Nov Women • Nov Beg Four Stroke Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Int Int Exp Exp This Is No t A Dis trict 37 Points Event Gates open @ 6 am Track opens @ 7 am Practice starts @ 8 am Firstmoto starts @ 9 am Each mota will consist of 5 laps Repeat schedule for 2nd·moto Pee Wees (50cc) will race on the Pee Wee track during the mota break " So rry, no three wheelers or quads" " NO PRE ENTR IES" For Information Call 909.880.3090 AMJJ ' . foI eYIDltIO I~ AI "BEST OFTHEWEST" 11II. . ... . HAT.T. OJ' :rAm RACE Illinois State :ratrgrounds in Bpr1ng1'ield, IL Saturday, September 5, 1 9 9 8 Labor Day Weekend 15 Top Grand National Riders J 0 Laps - $50,000 Pursel See all the Grand Nat ion al stars in a full afternoon of racingl AVA Grand National Ohampionsbip Bpr1ng1'ield !411e Sunday, September 6, 1998 A Full Day of AMA Grand National Racing on Americas Fastest and Most Competitive Dirt Trackll 43

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