Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TM's Puzar too k runner-up honors. 1 tw ist ed m y left knee in a corner and had a lot of pain all the w ay to the finish . I had settled for second until Sandro had pr oblem s." Af te r 30 m inutes , TM rider Puzar suddenly slowed d rama tically. " I suddenly lost a ll the po wer," Puza r said . "It was o n the big d ownhill jump. My front w heel land ed o n a big rock a nd it was thro w n u p onto my pipe. Look, it's mad e a dent as big as a tennis ball ." Still, Puzar hung on to second, and VuilIemin was a very distant thi rd - but what a ride that was from 18th. " I' m happy with my scores today," VuilIemin said. " I could hav e lost a lot of points with my kn ee , so 4-3 mot os is good . It has kept m e in th e champions hip chase." Th e battle for the pl acin gs between Phil ippe Dupasquier, Belometti, Federici, Nunn, Paul Malin, Luigi Seguy and Luca Cherubini - and, a t the end, Dobb was ph enomenal. P osit ions cha nged e very lap be fore Dupa squier fo ught clea r with a few laps to go. But fo urth wa s not to be his. "Malin made a goo d pa ss under me in a co rne r at th e top of th e tra c k," Dupas quier said. " He deserved it" The Brit had mo re than doubled his season's total. J "Finally, a rough tra ck wher e I could u se my rid in g skills," Do bb said . "It's just a pity I go t pushed out in the first turn." H is tea m mate N unn dropped d own the order wi th a misfire, w hile early-sea·so n hotsh ot Erik Camerlengo decid ed to watch . " My right shoulder is still too weak," Camerle ngo sai d, " a n d this was no place to ride in that sta te." l~ Sat. 7/ 25 8p m est. 1998 Isle of M an TI Sun. 7/26 3pmlocal. AM.A Supersbike - Mid-Ohio Sun. 7/ 26 5pm est. Canadian M otocross - Lethbridge Tue . 7/28 9pm est. Canadian Superbike - St. Eustache Tue.7/ 28 lOpm est. FIM GP 250 - Britian l!m I' ''',' . ,.. _'1- Launsd orl-Malgem Crossstrecke · Klagenfurt, Aus tria Resu lts: Jul y 12, 1998 (Round 8 of 11) MOTO 1: 1. Aleswio Chiudi (Hu ..); 2. Claudi o Fede rici (Yam) ; 3. Alessa ndro Puza r (TM); 4. David Vuil le min (Ya m); 5. Philippe Du pasquier (T M); 6. Frederic Viall e (Yam) ; i. Carl Nunn (Ya m); 8. Lu igi St'guy ( H u n); 9. ndro Belomerti (Yam ); 10 . Mkht"le Fant on (Ka w) : 11. Rodrig Thain (Ya m ); 12. Ste ve Ramon (Ka w): 13. Erik Egg en... (Hon); 14. Jamo Dobb (Hon): 15. Patrick Caps (Yo1m). MOTO 2: I. All...sic Chiodi (Hus): 2. Alessandro . · Puzar (T~l); 3. Davi d Vui llem in (YJ m); 4. Pa ul Mal in (Yam); 5. Philippe Dupasquler tTM); 6. Claudio Fed.....rici (Y.1m); 7. Luig i Seguv C Hon) ; 8. Alessand ro Belcmetti (Yam); 9. Luca Che ru bini (Yam); 10. Ja~ Dobb (Hon); 11. Ca rl Nu nn (Yam); 12. Ce d ric Melo n e (Yam); 13. Patrick Caps (Y., m); 14. Steve Ramon (K.. W); 15. Moiscs , Bemardez (Hon} . O /A : 1. Alessio Chiodi (Hu s); 2. Alessandro Puzar (TM); 3. David Vu ilh.·mi n (Ya m) ; 4. Claud io Fed eri ci (Yarn): 5. Philippe Dupasquier (TM); 6. Lui gi Seg uy (Ho nk 7. Alessa nd ro Bclo me tti (Yam); 8. Ca rl N unn (Yam); 9. Paul ~l.l l i n (Y.lm); 10. Fred eri c Yialle (Yam). Fl M WOR LD C HA M P IONS H IP 12S" M X SE R IES POINT STA ND INGS (After S of 11 ro und s): 1. Alessio Chi o di (234/ 4 wins); 2. Da vid Vui ltcmi n (218/3); 3. Alessandro (212/ t); 4. CI.1UJitl Federici (37); 5. Ca rl Nunn ( 22 ); 6. Luigi Seg uy (1 9 ); 7. Brian jorgen sen OO()); 8. Ales sandro Bdomett i' (97); 9. Jam L Do bb (92); '5 10. Philip pe Dupasquwr (85); 11. Fred eric Vialle (76); 12. Erik Ca me elengo (i t); 13. Michele Fan ton (54) ; 14. Ced ric Melo tte {4tH; 15. Dave Strijbos (44); 16. M ax Ba rtolin i (42); 17. Thoma s Travcrs ln! (37); 18. Luc a Cheru bi ni (36); 19. Ni colas Cha rlier (35); 20. Luea Prct to (32). Upcoming Rounds : Round 9 - 0 55 , Holland. July 19 Round 10 - Chateau-du-Loir, France, August 9 R ce Tech prete S pons ored by Cycle Wo rld, SUZUki, Kawasaki, Honda, MMI 1-888-22SPEED Paul Thede's Technical Edge Suspension Seminar Do you want to become a bette r suspension tuner for your race te am, your business or just for yo urs elf? Wa nt to make profit on suspens ion performance? Want to know the"why" be hind the "wha t?" Race Tech's Pa ul Thede is offering a three day semina r on cutting edge s uspens ion theory and practice. Through thisseminar PaulThedebrings his distinguished technical background and 19 years of practicaland professional experience to benefit individuals interested in increasingtheir knowledge and earning power. Do notmissthisseminar if you are serious aboutunderstanding ' state of the art" suspension technology. This is knowledge that even decades of practical experience won't teach you. BASIC: HANDS ON SEMINAR r-----:r""' ee-o:--'-=" s7" Se:-- n-'--:Inc"7udes-:-:""'t-orc- cle A p"" a""- n fo-- - ' h- -= ay Ba- ic--: m7"l a - /- :-- uo - y "7- "" - /ic- tio -s"7 , p (Three Day Seminar) D irtandPavement Subjects Covered: O ates: Da tes: August 15,16, 17, 1998 in Pomona, California August 18,19, 20, 1998 in Pomona, California TUmON $495.00 TUITION $295 .00 Ii j; ~ • Sus.penslon T~eory ~ Suspens!on TU~ing • Springs & Spring Theory • Suspension A:'lds • Hydraulics • Damping, Damping Curves • Valving Theory, Valving Systems • Shop Training • Shock & Fork GoldValve Theory & Installation • Gold Valve Cartridge Emulator Theory & Installation When You're Serious About Su spension 3227 Producer Way # 127 ' Pomo na , CA 91768 ' (909) 594-7755 FAX (909) 594-6682 . CALL your RACE TECH Customer Re p re s e ntative for detalls - DO IT NOW! www.race-tech.c o m m 41

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