Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VINTAGE AHRMAPROGRESSIVE SUSPENSION HISTORICC SERIES UP .•'. ' i _ Rounds 11-12: AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days • George Ric htmeye r (1) was chased by Gary Davis (89T) in Class ic 5001750 racing in Ashland. Oh io. Davis took the win. AHRMA Speed &Sport Vintag ria e eT lsS ries, Round10:M id-OhioS C rCourse ports a Stage fright By Matt Ben son LEXINGTON, OH,JULY II t AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days, AHRMA tria ls competitors have the rare opportunity to pe rform before a crowd. Laid out in Mid-ohio's back lot amid dumpsters, empty drums and d irt mounds, most of the section s are highly accessible to VMD's thron gs. Of course, that's a mixed blessing. On one ha nd , riders ge t to show off their pree n ed a nd p oli sh ed Bulta co s a n d BSAs. But on the other, there are obstacles such as section tw o - a big, muddy dit ch that ga ve competitors fits as they cli mbed in a nd ou t se ve ral times. Err there - as most ride rs did to some d egree . - and it's not just the checkers who get to grimace at your gracelessness. This yea r the AHRMA layout crew found some ge nu ine tria ls te rrai n ou t nea r the Mid-Ohio campi ng area , and three new sectio ns we re pl aced there. Th ese featured so me rea l cha lle nges: rocks, logs, mud, climbs and creek beds. Overall, th e even t drew favo rabl e reviews from riders. Bob Augustine of Park er, Pennsylvania, was the only rider to zero the entire trial, d oin g the trick in Modern Classic o vice on a Bu ltaco, Sadly, th e well liked competitor su ffered a fat al heart a t tac k in the ne xt d a y ' s v in tage motocross. Yam aha -mo un ted Ron Bertrand turned in a tru ly im p ressiv e per forman ce in Modem Classic Expert , losing just eight mar ks on the d aunting nu mber-one line. Six of those points came in the first loo p and two the seco nd lim e a ro u n d; he rode th e third loop clea n. . Run n e r -u p was Bob Wa ts on wit h a score of 18. Th er e w as a low-speed s hootou t in Mod ern Classic Intermedi at e, as Mont esa ma n Gaylord Bunnell bested Yamah a rider Ken Eftink by a single mark - two to three. Bunnell lost both his marks on the first loo p, then rode the rem aind er of the trial error-free. Close behind, Bul- A 38 taco riders Steven Glinski and Duwayne Connolly each scored eigh t points, wit h Glinski winning the lie b reaker w it h mo re clean sections . Ano ther exceptional rid e wa s Pete r Slesser's score of five on his BSA to take the Prem ier Lightw eight win ahead of Bob Capistrant (on a Du cati ) at 14. Dennis Brown and his Greeves ea rned the Int ermed iat e wi n, while "Smil in' " Jim Ca mero n was top Novice on his BSA. John French' s score of 35 in Premier Heavyw eight Expert ma y not sound all that great, bu t it was a treat to wa tch him finesse his hu ge Matchless thro ugh the light number-two line (the sam e line that the Modern Cla ssic Intermed iat es ride on th eir in fi nit ely more n imble Ossa MARs and Yam aha TYs) . Rid ing the sa me line, Gary Davis mu scled his Royal Enfield to a winning score of 52 in the Interm edi ate division, while Dun can Wrig ht (BSAl wo n his Novice-clas s d ue l wit h Beno Rodi on a Matchless. Rid ing a Penton, Keith Wynn carde d a three in Classic Novice. Th e o ther C lass ic di v isio ns we re top p ed by G reeves rid ers, Mike Pa rsley in th e Int erm ed iat e s a nd Bob Gi n de r in n Expe rt. Mid-Ohi o Spo rts Car Course Lexington, Ohio Resu lts: July 11, 1998 (Round 10 01 17) C IRD ER NO V: 1: John Innes (Tn), s t pts. RI G ID NOy: 1. Do ug Wo th lu" (Pa n), 44; 2. Rick Froel ich ffiSAl. 66. PREM U W EX: 1. Peter Sles ser C 8SA) , 5; 2. Bob Ca pistran t (Due), 14; 3. Jeff Sm ith (BSA). 44 . PREM UW (NT: 1. Denn is Brown (G re), 52; 2. Randolph Stoike (BSA). 64; 3. Brad ley Eato n (BSA), 66; 4. Tom Boyd IBs Al, 80: 5. Bru ce CleggICrel, 108 . PR EM U W NOV: 1. Jim Cameron IBsAl. 39 ; 2. Larry williamson (CIT) . 45; 3. Brian O'Conno r (Due), 48; 4. J a~ Libcom b If'n), 62; 5. Bill Decker (Tri), 66. PR EM Hi\\' EX: 1. jo h n Fren ch IM"t>. 35 . PREM HIW INT: 1. Cary Davis (EnO, 52; 2. Steve Dorenka m p (EnO, 68; 3. Ron Winget (R"A). Sh. PREM HIW NOV: 1. Duncan Wright <85M 29; 2. , Be Rod i (Md1). 34 . ne CLSSC EX: I. Bob Ci nder (Gn'), 25; 2. Scott w oc rth <0..1 .37. CL$SC tNT: 1. Mi ke Parsley (ere) . 11; 2. Dennis j oe e, (Pen ). 28. CLSSC NOV : 1. Keith Wy n n (P e n ), } ; 2. Ric k Mercer (Ma n), 4. MO D CLSSC EX: I. Ron Bertrand (Yam ), 8; 2. Bob w a tson (Ya m) . 18; 3. James Sn e ll (Oss) , 22; 4. John Cal liso n (Ya m ), 25; 5. G ra ha m Fost er (Mo n), 40. MO D CLSSC INT: 1. G aylo rd Bun nell (Mo n), 2; 2. Ken Eftink (Ya m ), 3; 3. St ev en G lins ki (B ul ), 8; 4. Duwaync Co nnolly (BuD, 8; 5. David Boydstu n (Yam), 12MO D CLSS C NOV: 1. Bob Aug us tine (Bu D, 0; 2. Robert Croft (Bul). 3; 3. Ryan Davie (Ho n), 4; 4. Mo rga n Cro o k (Ya m), 7; 5. Larry No rdma n (Bu l), 8. BEG: I , Cha d Dani k (Yam). 2; 2. [}

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