Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VINTAGE AHRMA PROGRESSIVE SUSPENSION HISTORIC CUP SERIES s 11·12: AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days 250 GP: 1. Jon atha n Wh ite (Due) ; 2. Jay Richard son (Due); 3. Fran cis Ga nanc e (Due) ; 4. Joh n Richardson ([)UC); 5. Chri Kellehe-r(Oue). s 350 G P; 1. Greg Nichv l, (Due); 2. Erik Green (AjSl; 3. Jona tha n Whi tt> (Due); 4. Joh nny Dc mo isey ITn) ; 5. Jay Richard son ; 2. Alex Mclean (Nor); 3. Car leton Palmer II (H-D); 4. "Doc" Batsleer ' (Ind); 5. AI Knapp (H·D). C L C FO O T : I. Ralph Auer (BMW); 2. Carleton Pa lmer II (Vin ); 3. Alex Mclean (No r); 4. N o rbe r t N ickel (BMW); 5. Lonnie Harmon (Tri). CL CHAND: 1. Blak e Wilson (In d ): 2. A rth u r Mullins (H -D) ; 3. "Doc" Batslee r Ond ); 4. AI Knapp (H- D). . • CLSSC '60s: 1. Jdf E lings (Mat ); 2. Rusty Lowry J p Johnny Demoisey was firs t to the finish, ahead of Sprain. Dave Rosno returned to Formula 500class actio n with a pair of win s aboard th e Pow er house Raci ng Ho nda 400-4. O n Sa tu rday his win came afte r some in tense racing w ith Christopher Spargo (o n a Yama h a) , Ad am Pop p (o n a Hond a) and Rick Merhar (on a Yama ha). Spa rgo wou nd up seco nd, w hile Popp a nd Merhar ran into problems on the way to the checkered flag. On Su nday, however, it wa s Merhar and then Popp and Sparg o chasing Rosn o to the finish. Amo ng th e modern clas ses , Ducati Supermono-mounted Jeff Nash and Sven Bley, riding a MuZ Skorpion, put on quite a show in Saturday's Super Mono race, with Nash leading when it counted most. Na sh a lso won one of the weekend 's Sound of Thunder/ BEARS rounds . f~ Mid-O Sports Car Course hlo lexington, Ohio _ Results : July 11·12, 1998 (Rounds11 & 12 of 19) S.tturd.ay 200 GP: 1. Butch Sprain (Ho n); 2 Corey Rusk (Due); 3. Joh nn y Demoise y ITri). 4 Brian Beck (Du e); 5. Larrv Kirby (Yam), (H-D); 3. John Cooper (BSA); 4. And rew Tamik (BSA); S. Virgil Elin gs (AJS). F-125 : I. Jack Seaver (Ho nk 2. Philip Turking ton (Ha n) ; 3 . Bruce Cla rk (Ho n) : 4 . Mar tin Yannerilla (Yam); 5. Clai r Saam (Yam). F-2S0: 1. Chip Lar kb y (Yam); 2. Richard Merba r (Yam); 3. Jerry Herm an ( H on); ~ . Kris jepsen (Yam);.5. Jeff Elings (Yam). FpSOO: 1. Dave Rosno If-io n): 2. Chri stopher Spargo (Yam); 3. Roger Swa rto ut (K aw) : 4. Rob er t M . Hu rst (Yam); 5. John Ricka rd (Ya m) . F 1. Adam POp? (Ha n); 2. Greg Nicho ls ITn); 3. Will Hard in g (Ha n ); 4. Frank Shockley (Tri); ·5. Steve Von Borstel (C uz ). F-VINT: 1. Fran k Shock ley (lrD; 2. Dave Ros no (Ho n); 3. Will Har di ng (Han); 4. John Ellis (Yam); 5. I Steve Von Borstel (C uz). . 3 5 0 SPTSMN: 1. A da m Pop p (He n) : 2. BiII Moell er (Hen): 3. Eric lewis (Hon); 4. jason Bessey , (Ha n); 5. James Swartout (Hen). 500 SPTSMN: 1. Peter H om an (Han); 2. Ralph A ue r (BMW ); 3 . Er ic Lewi s IHon): 4. Bill Moel ler (Han); 5. Daryl Foster (H an) . J, 750 SPTMN: 1. Frank Shockley (T n); 2. John Ellis (Yam); 3. La rry Kirby (Yam); 01 . Tim Joyce ITrD; 5; Jason Bessey (Tn). SIMONa, I . Jeff Nash (Due); 2. Keith Wa ke fie ld (BMW); 3. Mark Cummin gs ( Due); .. . Ma rty Stalnaker (Yam); 5. Chuck Davis (Hen ). SI M O N O 2; I. jonathan H o rd (BBM ); 2. Gary And erse n (Yam) ; 3. Chu ck Campbell (Yam); 4. ~ ~ke Tiberio; 5. Erik Myhre (Ho n). p750:

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