Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"For the first two lap s, I heard them," itzpatrick said . ."After that, I felt comrtable for mo st of the race . H MILE Although hardly conducive to close cing, the 50cc classes still offered comtitors the oppo rtu nity to take a spin on ae fabled Indy Mile during Saturday's eek-ending mile championship races. the 50cc Juni or (4-6) class, John Long I showed Casee Lynn McCammon and lex Guilbeault the fast way around the ile, and Candy Hil ey held a similar linic for Carl Cheatum and McCammon gain in the SOcc PWSO (4-8) class. Lady racer Nichole Cheza grabbed e initial lead in the 65cc DTX (7-11) inal, but KTM-mounted Alex Reimers olted past Che za and took the point as ley crossed the stripe at the 'end of the irst lap. Reimers, 9, from Muscatine, owa, then commenced to put a halftraightaway lead on the rest of the class e fore taking th e win . Carter Myers ou nd up se cond , w it h Devin Jes sop ird . "I wa n t to th an k Mike Schwarzenache for letting me rid e his KTM, and ryce Welch for help ing me thr ou gh the 'ears, and Max Leathers for giv ing me ea thers," Reim ers said . "I also wa nt to h ank m y d ad fo r letting me rid e his 00." The wa r betw ee n ick Cummings nd Lo ga n Myers rea ched a feverish it ch on th e mile as the pa ir went a t ach othe r in the 85cc Mod ified (7-11) lass. Cummings led the race for little ore than five laps before Myers buried t in to one and .led Cu mmings off four o r the last tim e . Cummings tried to raft back by up the fro nt stra ight, but it as too little; too late. Blake You ng was hird. "I was jus t waiting for him, " Myers aid . "I was running hard er int o the cor ers. I kinda thought he was gonna ge t e back, so I knew not to let off in the .om ers." . Cumming s did ge t Myers back - in he 85cc DTX race, as Cu m mings go t nother ho leshot and Myers trailed off he line in fourth place, behind Blake oung and Ricky Mar shall. Myers ultiately made it to s eco n d, p a ssing oung, who held on for third, ahead of oung and Carter Myers . But Cumings was the victor. "I missed that last one by half a bike ength, so I had to win this one," Cumings said. Bryan Smith ow ned th e 250cc DTX lass, taking the win by a t least half a ·tra igh ta way over Meiring and Dusty aulds, both of whom had pulled clear f -a four-rider battle that earlier had neluded Ni ck Hammer and Brett ankey. Roger Lee Hayden e xperienced esults similar to Smith's in the 500cc odified class. Ha yden got off the line third and then stayed co m fo r ta b ly head of Henry Wiles and Zakk Palmer o earn the win. "I just think I rode harder, because I ad gotten second in a heat race earlier," Hayden said. "I also think that I had more power." The Open Over 30 class fell to Ameri:a n H-D's Steven Glasgow, 35, of Livonia~ Michigan. Glasgow overtook racelong leader Dante Da mbruoso at the ~ntrance to tum three on the while-flag la p and hel d on to take th e win over Damb ruoso and Matt McQuillin. "He (Dambruoso) had motor on me," ::;Iasgow said. "O nce I got closer, I knew :h a t I was gonna have to poke it off j eeper in the comer. I figured I could .l old him off if I did that." The old guys were hard at It, too: Dave Atherton (15X) just beat Roya l Adderson (28) to the fl ag in the Open Ove r 40 class on the mile. At herton Is the father of dirt t rac ker Kevin Atherton. It wa s Adderson v s, Atherton in the Over 40 class, as Dave Atherton - father o f Grand National dirt tracker Kevin Atherton - diced for the win. Atherton, aboard one of his son 's ex -HarleyDavidson factory XR750s, grabbed the lead and held it until Adderson jumped him in turn three on the final circuit. But Atherton kept his cool and drafted past Adders on on the front chu te for the win . " I' m d o wn to ridin g o ne e ve n t a yea r," Athe rton said. "If I' m going to ride one a year, then this is going to be it." Per ha ps the best 50cc race of the weekend came on the mile, as Candv H iley gra bbed ye t a nother holesho t in the 50cc Senior (7-8) fin ale but wa s quickly swallowed up by Travis Myers and Ma tt Downs, who proceeded to battle rig h t to the wire, with the Leroy Vankirk/ Aunt Bubba and Uncle Davesponsored Myers coming out on top by less than a wheel length . Tom Link scored the win in the 85cc (12-15) class , successfully defend ing the cha llen ges of Cory Mc De rmitt. Jason Isennock was third , having been able to hold back Jam es Liles. It was Upset City for Jesse [a nisch in the 65cc Modi fied (7-11) class, as he got caught up in a draftin g battle with Justin Hittle. The pa ir wen t back a nd fo rth , with Hittle, 9, from Peoria, Illinois, pr evailing over Jani s ch b y half a bik e . length. John Lewis put in a goo d effort for third . "I though t I wa s going to be able to ca t ch him ," th e Da ve ' s Bod y Sh op / SplitFire /Sprock et Specia lis ts backed Hittle said . " I'd been chasi ng him all week." Josh Toungett , 13, of East Peori a, Illinois, dominated the 125cc ranks, pulling clear of a close seru m for second place. Toungett' s w in was never in doubt, as he ramrodded hi s Fast Forward Ra eing /Bell /Cometic Honda around th e mile for the win, ahead of Nick Hammer and Cory McDermitt. "Nick actually got the holeshot, but I passed him in two," Toungett said . "He passed me in three, and then I passed h im back and never saw him a ga in . Thanks to Tryce Welell, who builds all my bikes." . Other winners included Bryan Smith, who won both the 250cc and 600cc Modified classes; Priestly Racing's Jeremy Thompson, who scored the big trophy in the 250cc Pro Sport class aboard a borrowed Alien Racing Honda 250; and 4&6 Cycles ' Geo rge Mack, who claimed the Open Twin Over 25 race on a borrowed Rod Lake Harley-Davidson. The 600cc Pro Sport race closed the show, and it had the makings of a bamburner. But the race was halted right off the start when Josh Knott blew into the turn-two ha y .bale s . On the re star t , another Californian, Toby Jorgenson of Stockton, California, emerged from the pack to take the lead. Despite the constant shuffling of the pack immediately behind Jorgenson, they did stay behind him, giving the Idemitsu /Rod Lake Racing/Rac e Tech -backed 16-year-old a huge victory in one of the tightest races of the week, an event that wa s completely indicative of the level of competition at Ind y. "I'd bee n stru ggling on the pea grav el all week," Jorgensen said. "It was a good race, and I had a good bike. I was just trying to stay on the bottom ." Staying on the bott om took Jorgenso n to the top, along wi th several other riders who earned either a tional o r G rand Championship num ber-one plates during the week. For the rest , the d ream o f National g lo ry still b u rn s bright. Next year... (~ Indiana State Fairgrounds Indianapolis, Indiana Results: July 7, 1998 H.JIfMiI~ ()..65 (7· 11): 1. Iesse Ja nisc h ( K.1w ); 2. Andy Fay ()(aw); 3, Jus tin Hittle (Ka w) ; -t. John Lewi s (1(,1\',') ; 5. Nichole Cheza (Hun). 125 AM: 1. Josh Toungett (Hon ); 2. Robert Pt;".l1"S01l sley Bro wn (Ka w): 3. Co ry M cDermitt (Hen) : 4. w e (Hon); S. To m Link IKew) . 250 AM: 1. C ha rl ie Ita lia (Ha n) ; 2. Roger l ee Ha yd en (H e n) : 3. Jo h n Spir elli IHo n}: 4. Richard Nclltnger (Ya m); 5. J~ Zy dins ky (Hlln). 2SO PRO SIT: I. Donald Mullen 11 (SU2); 2. Randy Smith (Hon) ; 3. Brian Mayo IHo a ): 4. Joe Eades (Hen): 5. Todd Kluev er ISuz). 250 DTX : 1. Ton y Meiring (He n): 2. Bryan Smi th C on); 3. Dus ty Fau lds (Hen): 4. Josh Tou ngctt (Ha n); 5. H Nich olas Hammer (Suz). 500 MOD: 1. Za kk Pa lmer (Ho n): 2. Roger Lee Hayd en (Rtx): 3. Co ry Ruth (Han) ; 4. Tony Me irin g (Utx); 5. Henry wiles (Hun). 50 JR (4·6): 1. (T IE) C as ee Lynn McC a m m u n (Act)/ Alex C uilbeau lt (Cob) / John long III (l.e m). PW 50 (4-8) : I. (T IE) Ca ndy Hil e y (Cub ) / Mark Keicrl eber (KlM)/Ca see Lyn n McCam mon (Yam). SO SR (7-8): I. Elliot Oqui>t (Cob); 2. Travis Myers (Act); 3. Matt Downs (Cob) ; 4. Candy Hiley (Co b); S. Evan Ba.M'(A ct ). 600 MOD: 1. Brya n S mit h (Rtx ); 2. Roger Lee Hayden (Rod; 3. Zakk Palmer (Rtx); 4. Cory Roth (Rtx); 5. Dusty Faulds (Rtx). 600 PRO SPT: 1. Bria n Shi rley (Rb); 2. Mic hael Ferro (Rtx); 3. Kenn y Noyes (Hbg); 4. Joe Eades (Rtx); 5. Jason Goodwin (Rlx). 6S DTX (7·m: 1.lJe\in Jessop (Kaw) ; 2. lohn Lewis ()(aw); 3. Ca rter Myers (Ka w) ; 4. Eddie Black (Kaw); 5. Camt.-ron Neans (1(a w). 85 (12·15): I . lames Liles (Hon) ; 2. Cory McDermitt (Suz); 3. Tom Link (Yam ); 4. Steve Murray (Hon); 5. Nid Sellen (Suz). 8S MOD (7.1l~ I. Logan Myers (Yam); 2. Nicholas Cummings (Han); 3 . Bla ke You nS (Hon ); 4. Ric ky Ma" ha ll (Hon) ; S. I""" lanisch (Kawl. 85 OTX : 1. Nicholas Cum mings (Ha n); 2. Loga n Myers (Yam); 3. Ca rte r Myers (Hon) ; 4. Ja mes Liles (Hon); S. Blake Young (Hon). OPEN 3D...: 1. Da n Craw fo rd (Ya m ); 2. Josep h Bro m le y (KTM); 3 . Geo rge M a c k (Rtx); 4. Da n te Damb ru 050 (Rtx); S. Dona ld Herring (Ya m) . OPEN 40+: 1. Royal Ad d",r.oo (Rb(); 2. Bob Casey n (Rtx); 3. Cary H ite (11· 0 ); 4. Rick Reed (Rtx) ; 5. Dan Weicht (Rtx). oPEN TW 25+: 1. Royal Adderso n (H· D); 2. I.>rry Van Valke nburg (Yam); 3. Geo rge Ma ck (Tri) ; 4. Cary Hite (H-D); 5. Paul I.>a l:. , (H-D). " IT 0.-65 (7-11): 1. Jesse Ja nisch (Ka w); 2. Andy Fa y (Kaw) ; 3. Justin Hittle (Ka w); 4. G ayton Riggle (Han); 5. Joh n Lewis (}(aw). 125 AM : 1. Tom lin k U(aw); 2. Co ry McDermitt (Ha n); 3. Wesley Brown (Han); 4. Brod y Milkr (H us); 5. Nicholas Hammer (Suz). 250 AM: 1. Kurt Hawk (Hon); 2. Roge r Lee Hayden (Rtx); 3. Bryan Smith (Rtx); 4. Jason Sto nns (Yam ); 5. Joe Zydi nsky (Han) . 250 PRO SPT: 1. Dani el Kauffman (Yam); 2. Jere my DeRu yt er (Ha n); 3. Do na ld Mullen II (SU2); 4. Todd Kluev er (Su zl; 5. lerry Ca rtwrig ht (Ya m). 2SO 0 = 1. Cha d Fitzpatnd (Yam); 2. Kurt Hawk (Ho n); 3. Tony Meirin g (Han); 4. Joseph Broml ey (Suz); 5. Bryan Smi th CHon>. SOIl MOO, 1. Hen ry Wiles (lion); 2. Joseph Broml ey (KTM); 3. Brian Woo ch " a rd ( Ka w ); 4. Mar k C heza (; 5. Tony Mciring (Rtx) . 50 JR (4-6 .: 1. (TI E) Ca see ly nn McC am m on (AcU /Tyler Pit m a n (KT M) / Jo h n Lon g II I /M ark Keierleber (KTM). 50 PW50 (4-8); 1. mE) Casee Lynn McCa mmon (Yam)!Joey Moore (Yam)fTyle r Pitm,m (Yam) /Candy Hiley (Yam). SO SR (7..s): 1. Elliot Oquist (Cob); 2. Tra vis Myers (Ac t); 3. Matt Down s l'rmitt (Suz); 3. Ja son I!. n nock Kaw ); 4. James Liles (Hon); 5. e Shawn BurT (Kaw). 85 (7 ·1U: I. Logan Myers (Y",m); 2. ~i ch ol ...s Cummings (Ho n); 3. Bl.a.b Young (Hon); 4. Justin tfittle (Kaw); 5. Ricky Mars ha ll (Hon) . 85 DTX: 1. Nicholas Cu m ming s (Hon); 2. Loga n Myers (Yam) ; 3. Bla ke Young (Ho n); 4. Carter Myers (Ho n); S. Ricky Marshall (Hon). OPEN 30+ : I. Ste ven Glasgow (H· O); 2. Dante Dambruoso (Rtx); 3. McQuillin (ATK); 4. Geo rge Ma ck (A00; 5. Mar k Cheza (Ho n). _ OPEN 40+: I. Da ve At he rto n (H · D) ; 2. Roy a l Ad derson (H ·O); 3. Steve Wilson (Rtx); 4. Rick Reed (Rtx); 5. Rod Lake (Rtx). OPEN TW 25+: I. George Ma ck (H·D); 2. Ruy al Adderson (H-D); 3. Ste ven Glasgow (H·D) ; 4. Rod I.>ke (H-D); 5. c.ry lIite (H-D). 1998 AMA C r<1.nd Ch",mpi on s 50 SR (7-8): Travi s Myen. 6S DTX (7-1\1, Devin I.."'p. 6S MO D (7-m: J""" Janisch . 85 DTX: Nick Cummi ngs . 85 M OD (7-m : Logan Mye". 85 MOD (12-15): Cory McDennitt. US MOO, Josh Toungett. 250 DTX: Ton y Meiring. 2SO MOO: Roger Hayden. SOIl MOD: lIenry Wiles . 600 MOO, Bryan Smith . OPEN TW 25+: George Macl:. OPEN 30+: loseph Bromley . OPEN 40+: Royal Adderson . 2SO PRO SIT: Dona ld Mull"" 11. 600 PRO SPT, Brian Shirley rrnn 33

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