Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"We had a new motor for qualifying da y - yes terd ay - and we had a new Amotor and we had so me pa rts, finally a couple of little parts for this engi ne, that we' re tr yin g to d ev elop and we were only 4 mph down at that po int. We were p retty excited about that because the bike handles grea t right now and we're jus t waiti ng for a little. bit more horsepo wer," Miller sai d. "Unfo r tu na tely, the th ing had a little incident, a little mech ani cal failure just before qua lifying, so we had to throw all the suspension pieces on the rain bike, which is a full su perspo rt-spec mot or cycle, which ha s noth in g but a valve job and an exhaust pipe. "We were pretty lucky to ge t second today, being that we'r e grossly down on horsepower. Like I said , the YZF-Rl handles so good that we can make up in the corners what we lose in the straig htaways - just not eno ugh to ge t Eric tod ay." Miller said he never gave up, hop ing that his Michelins would last bett er late in the hot race than Bostrom's Dunl op s. He knew he was faster in a couple of corners a nd th ought he might be able to exploit the advantage late in the race. It neve r happened. Instead, he was under only very slight pressure from Taylor. Tay lor sai d he wa s m o tiv ated all weekend long because he knew Eric Bostrom was ridi ng the American Honda RC45 Superbike for the first time and might not pay as mu ch atte ntion to the Xtreme machine. It looked like he might be righ t in qualifying, but Taylor dug himself into a hole by being slightly disorganized. One of h is mechan ics had recently quit, so he was short-staffed for the race. Weighing hi s Canad ian Kawasaki Motors' ZX-9R was not a priority, espedally since he d idn't know that the AMA weighed the machines after qualifying . He was found to be five pounds under the limit an d was forced to the back row of the g ri d. And then he didn 't eve n make it there. 'We figured superbik es are just coming back in the pad d ock, and th en we went d own to the grid and everybody was already gone, " Tay lor said. "So no t only did we start in the back bu t we had to start fro m a stop. Ther e's no rew ard for stu pid ity and I certa inly learned tha t this wee kend ." Once away, he had to work his way through the 29-rid er field. He was 12th at the end of the first lap, seventh at the end of two, then fifth after thr ee. He moved into fourth on the fourth lap and inherited third whe n Nobles went out. "I knew that if the tires stuc k to the gro u nd as m uch as possible, we could get some good lap times in," Taylo r said . "I just concentrated on slaying clean , tha t was the main thing . I know from experience: I go t into comer one here in a T:>Occ Supersport race once and I was off in the grass at a hund red miles an hour. It's real easy to get bumped off line here so I concentrated in the morn ing practice on riding all the craziest lines tha t I've never rid den before to see what it's going to be like in the race, and lu ckily a lot of the riders we re pretty clean. I d idn't have any ma jor problems. On e guy on an Rl just messed me up bad d own iii. the back section. I mu st have lost two seconds . I kind of lost my spirit after tha t. I lost too mu ch here and I'm going to cras h if I try to beat Mark (Miller) now. Just stick with podium and be happy wi th that." . Taylor was abo u t 7.9 seconds behind Miller. Arou n d a nother 50 se co n d s b a ck came Fastra x Racing' s Dean Mizdal, all alone on his Suzu ki GSX-R750. Then came the first race of the field, Greenfields Turi's Chris Voelker an d Mid- Ohio Suzuki/ Honda /Yamaha / Kawasaki' s Daniel Bailey of nearby Mans field . Voelker managed to ke ep h is Ho nd a CBR900RR in fron t of Bailey' s Suz u ki GSX-R7 50 for th e duration , but th ere wasn' t much in it a t the end . The pair were abou t 15 seconds behin d Mizdal. They had a similar gap on Grand Prix Kawasaki 's Larry Locklear, by himself in seve n th, w it h M ik e Voelker, a lso o f Greenfields Turf, eigh th o n a Honda . CBR600. J&J Motors Su zuki's James Doerfler led a quintet of Suzuki GSX-R750s across the line in ninth , though they were well spread out. He had a gap on the pair fighting over 10th, Eric Seward and Keith Marquez, l~ wit h Sewa rd taking the spot. Mld-Qh lo Sports Car Course Lexingt on, Ohio Results: July 18, 1998 (Round 8 0112) AMA PIRELLI FORMULA XTREM E FINA l.: 1. Eric Bostrom CHon); 2. Ma rk Miller (Yam) ; 3. Michael Tay lo r (Ka w): 4. Dean Mizdal (5uz ); S. Ch ris Voelker (Hon): 6. Dan iel Baile y (Suz) ; 7. Lar ry Locklear (Ka w ): 8. Mik e Voe lker (Hon); 9. lames Doerfler (Suz); 10. Eric Seward (Suz ); 11. Keith Marquez (Suz) ; 12. Todd Snyder (Su z); 13. Da vid N ays mi th (5U2); 14. Rog er &>11 n OOS) 10. Co ry Cal l (90); ; 11. Jack Pfeif er (85); 12. Mike Voelker (75); 13. Mikl" Sul livan (71) ; 14. Creg White (69); 15. Paul Harrell (62); 16. Mic hael Cage (69) ; 17. Kei th Marq ue z (Si) ; 18. Michael Barnes (56); 19. Myro n Scott Bigley (54); 20. Mirnatc'1 Sm ith (52 ). Upcoming Rounds: Round 9 • Brainerd, Minnesota, August 1 Round 10 - Joliet, Illinois, August 8 AMA Progressive Insurance P Thunde ro rSeries Round 9:Mid .QhioSports Car Course By Henn y Ray Abrams LEXINGTON, OHIO, JULY 19 is time, Paul Harrell d ecid ed he would win, at any cost. "I don't care if I win the cha mpionship or not, I am not going to go this whole season without winning on e of these things," the Orange Country Triumph rider decided before the race. So he we nt out and ran down a fading Shawn Higbee to lake his first Prog ressive Insurance Pro Thunder win of the year. "I think today, the reason I won, honestly, is because Pirelli put me on a really good tire," Harr ell said. "The thin g was flaw less the whole time." And the reason Higbee lost? "I think I chose the wrong rear tire," Tilley's H-D/Buell-mounted Higbee said of his rear -tir e choice aft er d ropping to th ird . "W e went with the so ft and we should have had the medium or hard." In between was Harrell 's teamma te and fellow Triumph rider, Curtis Ad ams , the rid er who diced with Harrell much of the race befor e both we re ab le to overtake Higbee. At the end of the day, Harrell for had extended his championship lead ov er Higb ee to 10 points, 280-270, with four races left. Adams is third at 251. Ha rrell said that because he really T w ant s to win the champion ship , he "played it safe most of the time, had some bad luck, thought I could wi n a few times , blew it a cou ple of times. And then I thoug ht coming into this round , 'That's it: Wh en th e race began , on a hot and mu ggy afternoon, Higbee mad e himself the rabbi t, jum ping to the fron t immedi ately, wi th Ha rrell and Adams chasing as the the to p three left the rest of the 19rid er field behind , jus t as they have all year. ' Higbee was able to build up a thr eesecond lead an d hold it until the 11th of 16 laps. In a single tou r of the 2.4-mile facility, Harrell cut the gap to a second and a half, then was on Higbee a lap later . The pass came on the 14th lap and Higbee was helpless to stop it . " I go t out front and put my head d own a nd th ings were w orking good until abo u t halfway, and then the bike s ta r ted gett in g really loose, " Hi gbee sa id . "So midway through the race the rear tire was sliding around and, losing m y drive off the turn . Th ese guys caught up to me bu t it was real surprising for me because I looked back a cou ple of tim es and didn' t see them back th ere. So I was ki nd of tryi ng to co nse rve my tire a nd next thing I know these gu ys are pulling by. I tried to fight back bu t the rear suspensio n was a little loose. Didn' t have the damping, I gues s. The setup just wasn't there to catc h up with them." " I was running up fron t and then I couldn 't cat ch Shawn," Harrell said . " It looked like he was going to get a gap on me, Curtis (Ad ams) was rig ht there , so I sa id , . ' Ma y be C u r t is ca n chase h im d own, I've seen him d o it many times ' . I let Curtis drive for a litt le bit a n d Curtis se e med to b e not going as fast as I could go, so I said I'm going to try to get this guy myself. So I just go t on the gas , tri ed to get away fro m Curtis and try to cat ch Shawn. Every lap it seemed like it was a little clo ser, little closer, then I knew 1 ha d him. And I followed him in a coup le of corners a nd his tires were really slipping and sliding around and I knew for sure, because I was still hooked up the whole time. Drove it out of the corner, totally the thi ng was really hoo kin g up good, and just sucked him in real quick and got him and tried to make a break for it." There were less than three laps to go at this point and Harrell thou ght he had it in the bag until he go t a little cocky. "Towa rd th e end th ere, on th e las t couple laps, fina lly, I' m sit ting ther e, talking to myself while I'm in the lead ," Harrell said. "I go, 'You know what ? you better sh u t u p , jus t co ncentra te, ge t through the rou nd: and so I'm happy it's over." He said tha t on the second- to-last lap, rig h t after taking th e lea d , he tried a sligh tly d ifferent line in a comer that had been troublesome all weekend and "Bam, I hit the bump, the thing went full lock, Triumph-mounted Paul Harrell won his f irst Pro Thunder fina l of th e season. Harrell continues to lead the championship po int standings over Shawn Higbee. I' m all, 'Oh m y God, no t aga in .' I just back-braked a little bit, saved it. Th is trac k does not see m to be very forgiving." Harrell com pleted the 16-Iap, 38.4mile race in 25 min utes, 94.320 seconds at an average speed of 90.999 mph. Ada ms took a little longer to get past Higbee. He'd rid de n a cautious race after falling twice during the weekend a nd beating himself up. His opening came as they were en tering the turn-two Keyhole on the penu ltim ate lap . "I think the only shortcom ing today w as m yself," Adams said . This was Adams' firs t visit to Mid -Oh io and he, too, found the track to be unforgiving. If you get off line, it punishes you . He didn' t want to crash again, so he didn't push, riding within his limits to a secure third . Fourth, all by himself for the duration, was Michael Ga ge on a no the r Orange Country Triu mph. T he b attl e for fift h wa s between HMC's Shawn Conrad and Hal' s H-D & Buell's Billy Graef. The pair of Wisconsi n riders hooked up on th e third lap and were toget her almost to the end, Conrad in front, Graef in his draft, u ntil Graef ma de a m ove on th e 15th la p , go ing under Conrad between turns 10 and I I. After that he was able to quic kly pull ou t enough space that he wasn' t threatened to the flag. Advanced Motorsports' Jeffrey Nash was seven th, unchallenged , with Bill St. John eighth on the Vee-Two 984. It took St. John until almost the end of the race to get by Triumph-mounted James Lickwa r in their battle for ninth. Tenth went to Mark Cummings on th e Advanced Motorsports ' Ducati Supermono. l~ Mid-Qhio Sports Car Cou rse Lexington, OH Results: July 19, 1998 (Round 9 of 13) A MA PROG R ES SI V E IN S UR A N C E PR O TH U N D ER FINAL: 1. Pa u l Harrell

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