Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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\:-, '\ $ \~ '~ "\ :Q''\ \ .: . ',~ \. 1) ,~_\ -'.' l,\ • \ 'n C'ALr1'DIAR It ~"I It H \, CaIendIr Iisti1gs 8,,'-i '"" seMce b C)de HeM 1'88dlll's and race promoIer$. AI inbmation is !he responsibiIiIyoflhe~.c..ew~CIMOIbllCCIpIIdlMflhlphont;wernus!haYea :', ClIII\llOle"'" Calendar Iislng en lie. u.e Iislng blank ,,!lis sedion, Listings net be received by \ W~ Iorpublcallon il ... -.g we SlJcnijy ~.tadc to ccnIilm _ -'..-..lrlg Ill"'-", ,t \, ~ :, \ . '" ',- ",$ , , MRA~T~ _.Issue, "CMAPdk;C;;;~Ain Challenge Motocross Championship Milan, Mi" 5/3 Mian, Ml 7/10 7/11 Della, OH Della, OH 7/12 Della, OH 10/4 111111 MiIen, MI Info: 4191822-3006 or 734/241-1600 4/4-5 4/111-11 4/18-19 4125-26 MRA Ironman GP Series 4/18 6/14 6128 7126 819 Della, OH Della, OH Della, OH Della, OH Della, OH 8123 !l/2O' Della, OH 10/25 Della, OH 11/1 Della, OH Info: 419/822-3006 or 734/241-1600 SCIlIu.stllm Trials Riden Association C'Shlp SerIes 414-5 4/18 512·3 5123-24 616-7 6120-21 '8115-16 8/5-6 Q/19-2O Monroe, GA Cleveland, GA Clinton, SC Crossville, TN T8A KY ShoolIngCraek,NC C00kevilIe, TN Gadsden, AL eo-. 1013'4 lI_,AL 10/24-25 Seque/l:Ilie, TN 11/14-15 Cumming, GA Info: 423'942-8688 Trials IncorporBted ChampionshIp Series 5/16-17 Twinsburg, OH 6I2O-21Carro11ton,KY 71) 1-12 AlIA VOltage Oeys (exhibition) Lancasl8l, OH 7126 8116 08y1on, OH . 9119-20 Columbus, IN 111111 08y1on, OH 11/14 T8A Info: 9371299-1501 MId East Hare Scrsmble Series 4/19 Morganton. NC Hickory, NC 5/3 Greer, SC 5/31 _,NC 8114 8116 Greer, SC Morganton, NC 918 9120 Lancasl8l, SC 10/4 HickoIy, NC 10/18 T8A 11/1 Grover, NC Info: 704I937-9m or 7041484-9000 NMA WOl1d Mini Grand Prix 4/'15-19 Las Vegas, NV Info: 5621868-8112 or 9Il9I857-6782 NYS Grand PrIx Championship Series 4/26 7/12 7126 Colden, NY, And 1 Colden, NY, And 2 L.engfonl, NY, And 3 Info: 71li/825-8720 NYS Off-Road Grand PrIx ChampionshIp Series 9/6 Q/13 9120 9127 Hemburg, NY Hamburg, NY Hamburg. NY Hemburg, NY Info: 71li/825-8720 NMA Grand Nat'l MX Championships 7128-811 Ponca City, OK Info: 5621868-8112 or 9Il9I85HI7ll2 Branson USA MX ChampIonships 10/2·3-4 8nInson, 110 Info: 9Il9I857-6834 La Playa MX Grand PrIx 5eries ~ ~ ex:> 0\ 0\ ,,. ex:> ..... ..... I-< 0.. < 50 5/17 Rosari1ll, Baja Califomie 8123 Rosari1ll, Baja Califomie 11114 Rosarito, Baja Califomie 12/6 Rosari1ll, Baja Califomie Info: 011152-661·22525 ThorlParts UnRmlted Northeast CI8ssIc: MX Series Englishtown, NJ ._ rlllllll SpoIls Center, NY HlIIicane HIs SpoIls Center, PA 617 lJnde V*/ SpoIls Center, NY W_ Playboys, NY 7126 _PaIt<,NJ 812 Info: 7171222·9290 4/26 5/17 5/31 AMP Motocross Spring SerI8s 415 Hollister, CA 4/19 Hollister, CA Tracy, CA (CarnegIe SVRA) 4/26 5/3 Tw1o\:k, CA (Oetlield) 5124 Hollister, CA Info: 2091856-9682 Pnlirle City (Hangtown), CA HoIIisler, CA Livermore, CA _ , CA HoIlisler, CA 512-3 Info: 2tl9I673-llOIlO CMA UttIe Okie SprIng Series Madef8, CA Madef8, cA Madef8, CA 512 Medefe,CA SI8 Madef8, CA 5/15 Madef8, CA SI22 Madef8, CA 5129 Info: 2tl9I673-llOIlO 4125 CMA Valley Chlclren's Race 6/13 6120 M!7 Madef8,CA _,CA _,CA' Info: 2tl9I673-llOIlO CMA UttIe Ollie Summer Series _,CA 7/10 7/17 Medera,CA 7124 Medera,CA _,CA 7/31 Medera,CA 817 _,CA 8/14 _,CA 8121 Info: 2091673-8080 CMA Bounty Hunter Ssrles SI8 5/16 5/23 5130 616 Los Banos, CA Los Banos, CA Los Banos, CA Los Banos, CA Los Banos, CA Los Banos, CA Los Banos, CA Los Banos, CA Los Banos, CA Los Banos, CA Los Banos, CA Los Banos, CA Los Banos, CA Los Banos. CA 7/4 7/11 7/18 7125 811 818 8115 8122 8129 Info: 2tl9I673-llOIlO American Trials Assoc:lation 4/18 Reed VaIItey, CA. Reed Valley, CA 4/19 JoIv1son VeI1ey, CA 5/17 Big Bear, CA 616-7 Info: 7141562·n42 SETRA C'shlp Enduro Series Morganton, NC, Rnd 14 415 Cochran, GA, And 15 4/19 4/16 CIenIon, AL, And 16 Olustee, Flo Rnd 17 5/3 Terrytown, FL, And 18 5/17 Hutricane Mills. TN, Rnd 19 617 Inlo: 7061327-4015 Rocky Mountain Encluo Circuit 4/19 SI3 5/17 5124 617 6/21 7/19 819 8123 9/13 11/8 Post, TX Crawford, NE Montrose, CO Umon,CO . Buena VISta, CO Uploo, WY Rand,CO . DivIde, CO Taos, NIl Gunnison, CO Malador, TX Info: 3071742-4136 Black Jack Enduro Series StIIlwal8l, OK 4/12 Rat Rivel, 110 5/17 Coiins,IIO 5/31 9/13 UIlIe Rod<, AR Tulsa, OK 9/27 111111 lAuensler, TX 10/25 ChedwIcl, 110 11/22 Oldahoma City, OK Info: 417/581-5552 or 417/581-4046 Texas Endwo Series . 4/19 KaIgaJy, TX 5/3 Naa>gcp:Iles, TX 5/16-17 _ WeY8l1y, TX _,TX 617 819 A1exonOia,LA _ WaY8l1y, TX Q/13 9127 CIoodaolt, NM 10111 """-,TX 10/25 lotefrl>hjs, TX 11/8 lIaIador, TX 11/22 Oldahoma City, OK Info: 8001558-7232 Oldahoma X-<:oootry Series 415 4/19 5/10 5124 617 6f21 8123 916 Erick, OK Stillwal8l, OK StIIIwa18r, OK Tulsa, OK RooedaIe, OK EIington, OK ~,OK ~Ier,OK sulPst""""'_caI'" .. '....... ~''''. :.• ," ,~".'1.... ,::;. ......" .. ~ ..,'. ,'. .., Cogar, OK 9J'lJ 11114 ROse,OK Braggs, OK 11/1 Hallett, OK 11/8 In/o: 4051366-1 051 or 4051390-5227 SRA West Series 4/4-5 W~1ow SpMgs, CA 4/17-19 t.1onlerey, CA 512-3 Willow SpMgs, CA 5/16-17 Willow Springs, CA 6/12-14 EiIdlll~ Lake, WI 7/18-19 Wdlow ~ngs, CA 8115-16 TlIlCOee, CA Q/18-2O Por1Iend, OR 1013-4 Wdiow SpMgs, CA 11l117-18 Wdiow SpMgs, CA Info: 91~1778 FDTRA Championship Dirt TIlICk Series Ot1ando, FL Ot1ando, FL 0t1and0, FL Orlando, FL 616 Ot1ando, FL 6120 Orlando, FL 7/4 Ot1ando, FL, 7/18 Ot1ando, FL 811 Ot1ando, FL 8115 Orlando, FL 8129 Info: 4071869-5388 512 5/16 5130 FTR ChamjMonshIp Series Hare Scrambles 4/4-5 T8A 4/18-19 Ven:> Beech, FL Info: 4071264-0559 FTR C'shlp Endwo Series Olustee, FL 5/3 Richloam, FL 5/17 5/31 Daytona, FL Info: 4071264-0559 FTR Motocross Series 0I&ulII_ Perris,CA 4/26 'Action, Kawesa~, Suzuki & Yamaha Contingency Inlo: 9Il9J653.4042 or 209J656.9682 CMRRA 5Occ:I125cc C'shlp Road Race Series 4/12 5/3 PaJomer, CA R_,CA 6f27-28 Rosamond, CA PaJomer, CA 7126 Rivenlide, CA 8123 9/27 PaJomer, CA 10/24-25 Rosamond, CA 11/22 PaJomer, CA 12113 Rive_,CA Info: 9091674-5357 WSMC Road Race Series 4/111-19 Rosamond, CA, And 4 5/16-17 Rosamond, CA, And 5 6120-21 Rosamond, CA, And 8 7/18-19 Rosamond, CA, And 7 8115-16 Rosamond, CA, And 8 .Q/19-2O Rosamond, CA, Rnd 9 11l117·18 Rosamond, CA, And 10 11114-15 Rosamond, CA, And 11 12119-20 Rosamond, CA, And 12 Inlo: 1lO5f256.1234 NCMRRA Road Racing Series 4/18-19 5actamenlo, CA 5/16-17 5ac1amenIo, CA 6120-21 SecramenIo, CA V18-19 5ac1amenIo,CA 8114-16 Donne< ~ Ranch, CA Q/12·13 5actamenlo, CA 1013-4 Sectamento, CA 10/31-11/1 Secramento, CA Inlo: 916/722·5517 MRAN Desert SerIes Panaca, NV 512 6/13-14 Cetienle, NV Ely, NV 819 Hil

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