Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~~ VOICES America's weekly motorcycle newspaper LETTERS TO THE EDITOR VolumeXXXV Sharon Clayton, President Michael KJinger, Publisher Refreshing Editorial Paul Carruthers, Editor Kit Palmer, Associate Editor Scott Rousseau, Associate Editor Mark Hoyer, Managing Editor Keith Bush, Assistant Editor/Copy Editor Cameron Coatney, Associate Editor Alan Cathcart, European Editor David R. Holther, Copy Editor Ja on Pridmore's attitude about the disqualification of the HyperCycle Suzuki i a breath of fresh air in a world too full of excuses. To me, this makes him a real winner. Bill Barton San Oiego, CA Advertising Terry Pratt, National Accounts Manager Mark MHchell, £astern Accounts Manager Mark Thome, Western Sales Manager Thomas Gonter, Weslerll Sales Mallager Forrest Hayashi, Western Sales Mallager Greg Mitchell, Eastern Sales Manager Rick Matheny, £astern Sales Manager Rhonda Crawford, Western Ad Coordinator Bridgett Bobrofsky, Assistant Carla Allen, £aste"n Ad Coordinator Tina Farr, Assistant Good dirt, bad dirt Marketing & Promotion Mark Thome, Director Forrest Hayashi, Manager Kory Klinger, Dealer Represelltative New Media Development Mark Mitchell, Director Rick Matheny, Webmasler Stephanie Leamon, Assistant Classified Ads Cherie Collie Graphics and Production Mandy Lao, Productioll Mallager Dennis Greene,Lnb. Tech. Amanda Wallny, GraphiC Artist Robyn Li/?ht, Graphic Artist Terra Whitmeyer, Graphic Artist , I'm writing in response to Carl Skaggs' letter ("No dirt track," Is ue #11, March 24). I have subscribed to many motorcycle-racing magazines from all over the world and Skaggs' bashing of Cycle News is unfounded. Cycle News has the best American motorcycle-racing coverage - especially of dirt track - in the world. And Cycle News is weekly. I, being a supercross/motocross enthusiast for 30 years (l'm only 37), was not even interested in dirt track until I subscribed ~o Cycle News in the '70s. Carl, if you need a cover-ta-cover di rt track magazine, I would advise that you go to your local bank, borrow $1 million, hire Scotty Parker as the editor and start one. I will be your first sub criber. Bruce Starks Sacramento, CA Administration Judy Klinger, Coordinator Leanne Sims, Administrative Assistallt Accounting/Data Processing Donna Bryan-Diamond, A/R Coordinator Geneva Repass, Assistant Theresa Milburn, Credit Circulation Alma Anguiano, Circulatioll Malloger Carol Maggio, Denier Coordinator Pam Klein, Billing Coordinator Joy lou, Assistant Service and Support Shannon Clark, Receptionist Jim Olson, Service and Support National Headquarters . 3505-M Cadillac Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 P.O. Box 5084, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5084 (714) 751·7433 FAX (714) 751-6685 Eastern Office 4188 First Ave., Tucker, GA 30084 P.O. Box 805, Tucker, GA 30085-0805 (770) 934-7850 FfllX (770) 934-3112 Where's Larry? I am writing in regard to a continuous act of unfairness by Cycle News. It has come to my attention that a Woodland, Washington, vintage racer named Larry Legarra has not yet gotten his picture in your paper - despite the fact that he has won a total of 16 races this season alone. Photographer Oay Light has provided Cycle News with a number of pictures of Larry. What we would like to know is, why hasn't Larry Legarra's picture appeared in at least one of those articles? I feel that Larry has more than met the requirements to deserve the honor of appearing in Cycle News. To put it bluntly, Larry is kickin' butt at the Woodland Vintage MX track and deserves the credit. I'm speaking for many of your readers and subscribers, so please respond. Kathy Gadberry Longview, WA For months now, I've been staying up 01 night figuring out ways to tn} to keep Larry Legarra's pholo oul of Cycle News. J simply can't take il anymore. J give up. Memo 10 otlter moms, wives, girlfriends, COl/sins, aunls and lIncles: This method of persuasion is not guaranteed 10 get your loved ones in Cycle News... Editor. Mr. Daytona? Scott Russell - Mr. Daytona? Please. What does that make the likes of Dick Mann, Kenny Roberts, etc.? What competition has Mr. Daytona faced? When Yamaha brought Eddie Lawson to howca e their bike, that was probably the last serious challenge that Russell faced. And he lost. I admit he did have one impressive win - when he crashed his Kawasaki and got up to win. But Paul Carruthers ("Teardown," fs ue #11, March 24) is right'- nobody else was there to challenge him. Where has Russell and his Yamaha been the last few years in the World Superbike wars? Come on, Daytona wake up. I first attended Daytona in 1966 and went for the next 20 years. I have seen the event go downhill and there doesn't seem to be any interest in stopping the sliae. Attendance figures alone should convince the promoters tha t the event has lost its audience. Perhaps this is a reflection of the entire industry itself. Cruisers dominate the market. Perhaps they should race Viragos and Shadows, with the riders in black leather and fringe-covered clutch and brake levers. Since I now live in the Northwest, I am no longer able to go to Daytona, but I don't know if I'd go even if I could. Still, I hate to see suc\l a motorcycle classie go the way this one has. I don't mean to come across as totally negative, but I just don't think we should tout Russell so highly. Torn Cuccia Colfax, WA Adventure bike In response to Jim Bellach' search for an adventure bike ("Voices," Issue #11, March 24) - why wait? Go to your BMW dealer and get on an Rll00 GS. It weighs more than you'd like, but that disappears as soon as the wheels start rolling. It wheelies, powerslides and will outcorner whatever you're riding now. A a TL and GS owner, I have more . fun smoking sportbikes in the twisties on my GS - two-up with bags on. All in total comfort. bid I mention my electric jacket and heated grips for when the sun goes down? I'm with you. 1 also can't wait for a TL-based flat tracker, but for now I'm content with my go-anywhere GS. Chris Meredith Hilliard,OH A mome!1t of silence What a shame and disgrace that in neither night of the Pro short-track races at Memorial Stadium in Daytona was there a moment of silence for the fallen Ricky Graham. Larry Maiers (the trackside announcer at the event) only mumbled an afterthought when Saturday night's winner, Scott Parker, took it upon himself to acknowledge Ricky's passing. He stated what we all feel - tilat we miss him. J.K. Lacey Youngstown, FL' Letters to the editor should be sent to Voices, Cycle News, P.O. Box 5084, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5084, faxed to 714/751-6685 or e-mail, Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Letters should not exceed 200 words and all letters are subject to editing. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. All letters should contain the writer's name, address and daytime phone number ... Editor. e-mail subscribe® Internet Cycle News (uSPS 141-340) IS published weekly except the last two weeks of the calendar year for 550.00 per year by Cvcle cws, Inc.• 3505-M Cadillac Avenue. Costa Mesa. CA 92628. Periodicals Postage Paid al Costa Mesa. CA and at additional Dl

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