Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2i}!J,,£gc,v Be '''e II's as easy as••• ~~ , . II D 1/1, po.. '. : ~ ~ " ~" '- '[J)HeonJ/ 'Jt:tileog s(5;t:tss. , +, \• ." :; " .~. \$ \tl ~ \ \ ',:. \.. ,1 •.: t \ \ ~ ~"" CALENDAR Calendar listings are a free seMce for C)dt News readers and race promoters. AI ilfotmaIion is lhl!l responsibility of !he prornoW. C*Idar . . . . CIMOt be ICCII*d 0WIt the phone: we lTIUII hive a _ _ Calordatislngoniie.Uselistingblri.ltissedion.LJmgs"""be"""""'bV , WeOOesday lor pI.illicalion .lhe IaIowing - - . issue. We SllOl9Y - ' racoMpec:talols call1lo ~~~.''t>~.".~,.~',~.";.; :,.;~.,\:,~';;plOl:"';~iWdc;~"~corIiIm:;_:~beIore:~IraYeIi1g:·:";Illo~""':~ . ~, I. L;- 'Q~''''.~'-'(~''i'':.'''-~'~''''''''!' '1 ::..'"\; :.:.. 6119 Vojens, DeMiarli, Ri1d 3 Road Race SerIes 8/7 Bradford. England, And 4 4/5 SuzuIca Japan And 1 8128 Urj(oping, Sweden, And 5 " 9/18 Bydgoszcz, Poland. And 6 4/19 Jeho<. Malaysia. And 2 5/3 Jerez, Spain, And 3 AMAIMBNA Superbike SerIes 5117 MugeIIo.ltaty. And 4 4117.19 Monlerey. CA, And 3 5/31 Paul Ricard. France. And 5 4/24-25 Rosamond, CA, And 4 6114 Jarama. Spain. And 6 511.3 Sonoma, CA, Rnd 5 6/'n Assen, HoItand, Rnd 7 5129-31 Bg, Austria, And 10 Assen, Holland. And 11 Sentul. Indonesia, And 12 StJgo, Japan, And 13 ShahAlam,Iolalaysia,RndI4 ····Ie. World Endurance ChampIonship 4/19 6128 7/12 712fJ 9/13 La liens, France, And 1 TBA. England, And 2 Spa. Belgium. And 3 SuzuIca, Japan, Rnd 4 La CaslaIet, France, And 5 World Trial ChampIonship TEL-!540. 650. 1759 * 4/18-19 Hawkslone Pari<, England, Rnds3,4 4/25-25 san Marino, Rnds 5, 6 5123-24 Nopomui<, C2ed1 RapubIic, Rnds7,8 5J3O.31 Kieterstetden, Gennany, Rnds9,10 6120-21 Cha""""- BeIgUn, Rnds 11, 12 6127·28 V'uieu-le-Grand. France, Rods 13, 14 7/4-5 Sent J,*", Andorra, Rnds 15, 16 8/8·9 Helsinki. FIflIand, Rnds 17, 18 8/15-16 Hvervenluk1a.Qslo. Notway, Rnds 19.20 call or write for a. complete list of TRAINING VIDEOS FAX· 540- 65D- ~i!D P.O. BOX 13D STAlE RD. 617 AXTON VA ~ t2.AS!iES ARE LIMITED. 5O!iI6N LP E4IiI:Y m. * Trials des Nations _ _10 1:00AM -Lop 1:'5 AM 125-250-500 Nationwide Cycle ROUND 1WO OFn-tE 1998 CAe TRI RACE SERIES Golden Bear Gran Prix ..n::-""~"'"'undayApril 12 at LACK -- 1:15AM AN 1Occ' BIg_/Women 10:15 AM ~ 11:15 AM ANIOcc ~ .... 12:00 NOON ..... 12:1_ CIlC-(+3O) CIlCSr(~ 1:15 PIt 125-250-500 1og14-Sbab 2:15 PIt EACH CLASS RACE ;; M NUTES ' :: TROPH ES GREAT fiNISHER PINS' CASHTO PROS Mall Entry SZS.OO • Post Entry S30.oo Noa-Mankn 530.00 • NoII-~,. vw:."'1~ T_ _ $]5.00 3:15 PIt Membership Not Rcqufn:d PrIzes 6 PoI.1S 10 Membcn Only I 998 Memba-lhlps Av.llable Mall Es"Y To: eRe : . --.-- ATTM:,._ 37045". Drtw. P. . . . . . . CA 93550 • 9120 :: : . ,. ,- Championship 415 4/19 5117 5/24 8/7 6114 6128 7112 7/19 8/8 8123 WOJId 250cc Motocross 415 4/19 4126 5110 5124 8/7 8/14 6128 7/19 712fJ 819 8/16 IVJO 916 9/13 5110 5117 8/7 8/21 00 6128 rl 7/19 8/2 8/8 8130 - ..... '0.. "' < 46 (209) 673-8080 Pacific Coas~ Pro-AnI. CJum.pio....hJps April -'&5 - Ha.nrrtown/Prairie City OHV, CA A prO U - (S.tQ.nby race) - Holl.Ua~ CAt. April l8&1.9- - Club Motu L i ~ CA Aprll 25&26- - MaIleD. CA ~y 9&'10· - Holll.ter. CA .......-...::tloe .Race ~ _t. - ~,PortugaI, And 2 Valkar6waard, - . And 3 Villats-&ol, France, And 4 l.etMln, E1oope, And 5 ~ PaJ1I. England, And 6 Asli.IIaIy. And 7 Jinin, C2ed1 Rep.tlIic, And 8 8andl.rlg, - - . And 9 1Aaracay, Venezuela. And 10 Bela . - , 1lIlIzi. And 11 T_,Gomaly,And12 Mol, Belgium, And 13 Glle, NC. Roo 14 Dallas, TX, Rnd 15 5/2 las Vegas. NV, And 16 AMA NationBI MX SerIes 5110 5117 5/24 6114 6/21 7/5 7/19 712fJ 8/2 8/16 8130 san Bamardino. CA. Rnd 1 Sacramento. CA. And 2 Mount Morris, PA, And 3 Southwiclc, lolA, Rnd 5 Budds CnleI<, MO, Rnd 4 1ltJchanan, loll, And 6 New 8eI1in, NY, And 7 Troy, 00, And 8 Washougal, WA, Rnd 9 Millville, MN, And 10 BinghamIon, NY, And 11 DeIrnonI, PA, And 12 819 8123 ,~, ~'.,'I'~,".'1" J. ~;.~; . ;!1, .• ¥ 1'1/" T Inlo: 6141891·2425 AMAINATe NBlIonal Championship Trills Series 4118 TemecuIa,CA,And5 Washougal, WA, And 6 Washougal, WA, And 7 8/1 Duluth. MN, And 8 8/2 Duluth, MN, And 9 8/8 F1agstan, AZ. And ,0 8/11 FIagstaIf, AZ. And 11 Info: 4021435-4146 4125 4/26 AMA Western National FoIlr.....u ...... ~-lotX SerIes 4/ 18-19 Phoerix, AZ 5/23-24 Y ReddIng:W CA 5J3O. 31 a~ma. A 818-7 Salt Lake City, UT 6127·28 Denver. CO, 7/11-12 Boise,IO 8/8·9 Albany, OR 8/23-24 Ward Creel<, WA 9I!Hi Whitney. TJ( Info: 5301365-1979 AMA Sound 01 Thunder Am8leur""-Series v. _ _ 616 916 AMA NatIonal Hln Scrambles Series 415 4/19 7/19 9/13 9120 1014 1Il/18 Hurricane .... TN, And 3 Good Springs, PA, And 4 Tillamook. OR, And 5 MiNfIllld, 00, And 6 Pari< Hils, MO. And 7 LynrMIIe, IN, And 8 Tlisa, OK, And 9 AMA NBl'I Hln and HCUId SerIes 4/4 4/26 JericIlo, UT Lucerne. CA Wells. NV Yerington, NV Lucerne VaJ1ey. CA 9/12 9fEl 10125 Info: 304J284.OO84 AMA Grand National Cross CounlJy Series 4/4-5 Hurricane 1oUs, TN 4125-25 C1a....... - WV ,~.. 519-10 ElIzabeth. WV 5116·17 Brownsville, PA 616-7 IAanahawldn. NJ 7/11.12 Boyars, PA 9/12.13 Mililield,OO 1011~11 U~,OO 10124-25 Crawfonlsville, IN Inlo: 3041284-0084 AMA National ChampIonship HIIIclImb SerIes M~, IN, And 1 Jefferson, PA, And 2 51ee1 City, PA, And 3 A\/OCll, NY, And 4 _ . I N , And 5 Haydenville, 00. Rnd 6 812 Nol1a1 Shores. MI. And 7 8/16 llansviIe, NY, And 8 9/13 S1eeI City, PA, And 9 9120 - . y , IN, And 10 9fEl JeIIer!on, PA, And 11 10111 Oregoria, 00, And 12 Info: 61418S1·2425 5/17 8/7 6/14 6/21 7/18 7/25 AMA GrInd NIIIionII Cl1ImploIlIllIp SerIes 5/16 5/24 Hat!i1gIon, DE, And 2 SpmgfieId, IL, And 3 5130 LaSala, IL, And 4 6120 _ , WV, And 5 6/'n Lima, 0Ii. Rnd 6 714 TBA, And 7 7/11 Ou Quoin, Il, And 8 7/18 Oklahoma City, OK, And!i 7/25 Rossburg, 00. Rnd 10 8/2 Peoria. Il, And 11 815 Rapid City, SO, Rnd 12 8/8 Joliet, IL, Rnd 13 8/15 Indianapolis. IN, And 14 8/22 Hagers1oWn, MO, And 15 8129 Sadalia. MO, Rnd 16 916 Splingfield. Il, Rnd 17 9/12 ShaJ

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