Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ifirst in 13 laps during the Ughtweight Sportbike class, nipping Scot jensen at the line. Ledesma got the holeshot at the start of the Ughtweight Sportbike race but stalled in tum one while the rest of the field streamed by. TIle electric shifter on Ledesma's Kawasaki EX500 malfunctioned and he had to stop to tum it off .manually, leaving himself about hal! a lap behind last place. Ledesma took off after the leaders and by lap 12 he caught Scott jensen and just nipped him at the line to take a popular win. On returning to the pits, Ledesma was greeted by a round of applause from the spectators. Later, Ledesma got into a pitched ballle with Ducati 916-mounted Bill Morgan and, although they were in different classes, they went at it in a hammer-and-tong battle for the entire l3-lap sprint that had the spectators on their feet. Morgan led early on, but Ledesma outcocnered Morgan to take the lead. It was short-lived, however, because Morgan's Ducati simply ran away from the little 500 down the straightaway. They swapped positions for several laps before Morgan decided to go to school on Ledesma's rear fender. Morgan followed Ledesma for three laps, then pulled out and passed him and put to use what he had just leamed. But Ledesma was just too quick and managed to get back in front as they entered the last tum for the last time. Morgan pulled the trigger on the 916, but came up six inches short. This would be the second time Ledesma received a well-deserved round of applause from the spectators. Ledesma scored his final win of the weekend during the Unlimited GP by using the superior acceleration of his Kawasaki ZX7 to beat the Suzuki GSXR750 of Chris Greve to the finish line. Although Ledesma won most of the races at Ftrebird, he did not set fast lap. That honor went to an inspired jim Cox during the Unlimited Supernike race. Cox and Charles Dixon were the only bikes on the track for this race because the third entry, Mark Hensley, was prohibited from racing by referee Tom Dahl because of an "accidental" wbeelie in the pits. Nevertheless, Cox (on a Yamaha VZF600) and Dixon (on a Honda CBR6(0) stayed nose to tail for 13 laps, with Cox getting quicker and quicker as the laps wound down. Stopwatches came out and two of them clocked Cox at 1:03.67. The record is currently held by David Durpey at 1:03.18 on a Suzuki GSXR750. (N Results U IL SPTBK: 1. Chris Greve (Suz); 2. J~mes Cox (yilm); 3. Scott Jensen (Yam). H/W SPTBK 'EX: 1. pson Pvka'" (Su,z); 2. 0ui:5 Ctn'e (Sox); 3. Rick Stratton (Suz); 4. Bill Morgan (Due); 5.. Stephen tbnsen (Suz). H/W SPTBK AM: 1. Rob Martin (Suz); 2. Greg Cilli!! (Hon);).. Gregory Wurster (Suz); 4. 00naJd Blatter (Hon); S. Mike Wiebe ()(aw). M/W SPTBK EX: I. CaliS Morgan (Hon); 2. Dean Mizdal (Yam); 3. James COl( (yam); 4. John Killer (folon); S. William Galt.'lli (Hon). M/W SPTBK AM: I. Greg Gillis (Hon); 2. Donald 81attrr (Hon); 3. Howard Kaplan (Hon); 4. Cary Torrington (Kaw); S. M.....' ...Iey (Hoo). t/W SPTBK EX: 1. Mark l.edeuna (Kaw); 2.. Scott Jenxn (Yam). L/W SPTBK AM: 1. Charles Coyle (Kaw); 2. Henry Wang (Hon~ 3. LoonanlT""""""" (Suz~" Troy r.-y (_). SK SPTBK: 1. Rid Stratton (Suz); 2.. SAirphm Iiansm (Suz); ). Charles Dixon (Hon); 4. Mil;:Ne1 Sunderlin (Yam). U/LS/BIC: 1.~ Cox. (Yam); 2.. Oaarles Dixon (Han). H/W S/BK EX: 1. Chris Greve (Suz); 2.. M4ar. Ledesma (Kaw); 3. <:ass Morgan (Hon); 4. .J.tdc Van Bcdt (Suz); S. BiD Marpn(Duc~ H/W S/BK AM: 1. ~ Wu.nIlE'r C'uz); 2.. Robb t.b.rtin (Suz); 3. Guy Toningtcn (,,",wt .. MiU W_ (,,",wt 50"""""" c..._(Suz). M/W SI8K _eo. S/8K El" I.I.e- """Pn GuyT""'- (Hon) 2. john Ri_ (Hont 3. (Y~~" _ . . . - (Hont, 5. 5ooIt . . .""", (Y~~ M/W AM; (,,",wt, 2. MKNd IIegIey (Hon): 3. Eric """"'""" (Duct, .. _ tbpn (Hont 5. ..... """"(Hon). UWS/BK EX: 1. Mark ~ (Kaw);2. Ter:rySpdl (Han); 3. Scott jcnsm (Yam); 4. 0errKk Dixon (Yam); S. Mark Oi Pietro (Y~~ UW S/BK AM: I. Howa.rd K.apl.1n (Yam); 2. Evm Ussuk (Hon~ 1. 0 -... Coyle (\(aw):" Troy r.-y (Hont, 5. ........ Yoder (lCaw). U/t GP: I. Mark I..edama (J:ilw); 2. Chris Grn-e (Suz); ~ WillWn Cates (lion); 4. Jason ~rter- (Su:z); s. John Ri«er (Suz). M/W 0' El" 1. _ eo. (Y~t 2. c... """"" (Hon): 3. Ri_ (Hon): .. (Hont 5. _ ""P"'" (Hon). M/W 0' AM; I. Donold ..._ (Hon): 2. Guy Toningtcn (Kaw); 3. Mike Wiebe (Kaw); 4. Steve IC.opp (lion); 5. Michael Beg- 'oM a..,... "'- Dutch 6rand ley (Hon). UWGP EX: 1. Mark Lrdesma (Kaw);2. TenySpdl (Hon);). Scott Jensen (Yam); 4. Derreck Dixon (Yam); 5. M.1rk Di Pietro (Y~~ L/W GP AM: 1. Howard Kaplan (Yam); 2. Jessr Provmcio (Yam); 3. Chris Nicoloff (Hon); 4. Richard Webster (Kaw); 5. Henry Wang (Hon). GP SCt.: 1. Kurt Hod (Hon); 2. MitcheU WeisbcTg (Hon); 3. Michael Sunderlin (Yam). H/W SPTSMN EX: 1. Ronald l~nnin5s (Suz); 2. Bamry Wright (Due). H/W SPTSMN AM: I. Eric AndftIon (Due); 2. Charles Coyle (Kaw); 3. o.vid Mills (Suz:). L/W SPTSMN EX: 1. Marl Ledesma (Kaw); 2. Mtchacl Sunderlin (Yam); 3. Scott Jensen (Kaw); 4. Barney Wright.(Duc). L/W SP'TSMN AM: 1. OI:&drs Coyle (K.iaw); 2. Richard Webster (Kaw); 3. Brandon Yoder (; 4-. John Casmir (Yam). en EX: I. JilSOft Plirkef' (Suz); 2. Ronald .Jennings (Suz); 3Rmy Pa....... (Suzt, •. john _ (Suzt, 5. Troy Galloway (Suz~ en AM; I . . - Mamn (Suz~ 2. Cr.Ug Lindeman (_); 3. Donald BlaUer (Hon); 4. Richard Kaplan (Hon); 5. Tom Reed. (Yam). en AM: LHowMd Kaplan (Yam); 2. Je- Provencio (Yam); 3. Richoard Wdm"er (Kaw); 4. Evan ta.:uk (Hon); 5. Leonard Teod~{Suz). en EX: 1. Mark Ledesma (Kaw); 2.. Scott jensen (Kaw); 3............ (Hon); .. Teny SpoIl (Hont 5. aan..,. Wright (Duc~ British &ra. Flexible dates. Singles, couples, friends welcome. Optional add-ons for Alpine rides. Call for brochure or information. Join us for either race or both. Assen - .June 27 Donington - .July 5 Great Hotels. Unbelievable race tickets. Special perks including tour of Team Roberts headquarters in England. VIP race tickets also arranged for all overseas GPs and World Superbike races.

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