Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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60 BEC (6-11): I. Kirk Payne (KTM); 2. John Kenrungton (Kaw); 3, Joseph WallIS (kAw); 4. Justin Hunt (Kaw); S. Patrick Provmcl\er (Kaw). '. 60 JR CYCLE (6-8~ I. Rhett Urseth (Kaw); 2. Mark Prcect'JIe Jr. ()(aw); 3. Jared Partridge (Kaw); 4. Scan Thompson oc..w); 5. Bnan Dmd\an (K.lw). 60 JR CYCLE (9-11) I. Paul Pearcy ()Caw); 2.. Shane Patao (Kaw); 3. Robert \icmoli (}Caw); 4. Brandon Keabmaba (JC,aw); 5. Andrew Kbnn OCaw). 80 BEC (6-16): 1. uck Grobstein (Hon); 2. Patrick Snyder (Hon); 3. Casey Tobia! (Yam). 80 NOV (6-11): 1. Kyle P.artndge (Suz); 2. Robby Woods (Han); 3. Michael Parker (Hon); 4. P..ul PeMCy (Hon): 5. TayJor- motocross industry and riders really are, and they helped to make the many childTen and theiT families who battle autism on a daily basis the big winners. Results 60/80 SlIP: 1. "yle Gorrio (Yam); 2. Kyle French (Suz); 3. MIR Uwiw (Kaw). 125 SUP: 1. Ryan Lutt (Hon); 2. Du5ttn Kcuntpc (5uz); 3. Max l.aPotn~ (Kaw); 4. Bernie Plummer (Hon). 1. Joe Mikabon (5u.z); 2. John Hanford (Kaw); Dye (Kaw); •. Oustm Keunt,es (Suz); 5. Barry Higgins 250/500 SUP: Gamo.. CSuzl. 3. 5f~ (Hbg). 80 NOV (12-16): 1. Kevin Roberts (Yam); 2. Dane Palao Jr. oc..w); 3. Dylan Miks (Yam); 4. Scott Theobald (Yam); 5. Derek CObtcJb (lVin Hodge {Pen}: 2. Bob Bitting (CZ>; 1 St'-let!)' Clark (C-A); 4. Barry Lee «()g); 5. Andy Agwto (Bul), SPTSMN 250 EX: 1. Randy Bailey (CZ); 2. Allan J;lggard (Hon); 3. Jack Weaver (Yam); 4. Dick Stenkowski {CoAl; 5, David Kdth(OIl.sI. SPTSM 500 NOV: 1. Justin Dixon (Bul); 2. Joe: Gresc:hncr (Yam); 3. Chris Iiuhn; 4. BlI] 0.1\'15 (CZ>; 5. Todd Newell (8ul). SPT'SM 500 INT: I. David Tucker (85A); 2. Davi Curci (MaO; 3. Andrew Hardin (Hus); 4. P"'ul H.wir CBSA): 5. Kevin Hodll"'(P.,,). SP'TSMN SOO EX; 1. David Goyer (Mlu); 2. Pc~r Villacaro (MaO; 3. Eamon M",ssett (Mai); 4. Chuck Peavy (Hus). 30+ !'.'OV: I. CJuu Huhn (Hon); 2. Guy Ander.son (Hon); 3. Bob H""""J' (Mon). 30+' INT: 1. Stacey Clark (C-Al; 2. &ny Lee (Clu); 3. Andy Agraslo (BuI); 4. BIU Coulter (Hus). 30+ EX: 1. Tim Marlcs (Hon); 2. Dick Stenkowsu (C-A); 3. David Goyer (Mal); 4. Allan Jaggard (Hon). 40+ OV· I. James Stwso (CZ); 2. Tim Hackney (CZ>; J. Bill (CZ);4. Dan Mackie (Yam); 5. GeToId !'.ucoo (Mou) 40+ lNT; I. Andrew Hardin (Hus); 2. Dave Cwd (MiLiI; 3. Andy Blaclr.bum (CZl; 4. Randy Hultman (Hon); 5. Roy Maley (Mai). 40+ EX: 1. Jack Weaver (Yam); 2. John Hart (Hon); 3. Ray Weir(CZ). SO+ !NT, I. G"S HamilIOn (M.;): 2. Jcny ",,",ens (CCMl: 3. Bond Way (Man); 4. Roy M;dcy (Mal); 5. Dave Dixon (Mal). so. EX: 1. P'tU1 Hanford (CCM). 2. Hugh Wca~(BW);3.Ted G~noW51d (KTM); 4. Robrrt Hayes {Stuj. 60+ NOV: I. Oint SwMforrl (Hus). EVO NOV: 1. Pat Rhodes (Mai); 2. Bill (MaO; 3. Robert Mackey (Mai). EVO INT: 1. Mike H1yci.1 (Mai); 2. Chns Dixon (Mal) EVO EX: 1. Dave Ellis (Yam); 2. Rick Dougherty (Mai). o.V1S Farnell takes Loretta Lynn's qualifier By Kyle Myers REDDICK, FL, MAR. 15 Four hundred riders from seven states and Canada competed jn the Southeastern Area QualifieT for Loretta Lynn's, held at Motocross of Marion County. Kyle Farnell made his Suzuki debut a very successful one by winning all four classes he entered. Farnell won the 125cc Youth (12-15) and 125cc B classes and Stock and Modified divisions on his Performance Engineering/ Thor/ AlpinestaT/RM Farnell won seven out of a possible eight motos. Farnell shocked most onlookers as he topped both 125ee B motos over Team Green rider Jeremy Brown and Clint Shealy. Another notable rider on this day of racing was Paul Perebijnos, who dominated the 80cc classes. Perebijnos won all six motos in the 80cc (14-15) Stock and Modified classes and the Super Mini class. Michigan pilot Randy Valade was the top A class rider, easily winning the 125cc A and 250cc A division to collect the lion's share of the purse. The Goerke family had a great day at the races as Matt Goerke won the 60cc (10-11) Stock and BOec (7-11) Stock classes while his brother Kyle topped the 51cc (4-6) sha.ft-drive dass. Results P/W (4-6) SHAfT: 1. Kyle Goede (Yam); 2. Kalen Fit%plltrid (Yam); 3. Karel Benoit (Yam); 4. Mike Halliwcll (Yam). P/W (4-6): 1. T.J. Rhonelli (Cob); 2. Colton Winebrenner (Cob); 3. AJiltJey Vickery (Cob); 4. Kurtb Halliwell (Ad); 5. Josh UoydlCOO). P IW (7-8): 1. Troy Smith (Cob); 2. Kenn Hill (Cob); 3. JeU Mu!eavty (Cob); 4. Karel Benoit (Act); 5. Zack Freeberg (Cob). 65 (7-9) StK: I. Don Solley (Kaw); 2. jon Camp (Kawl; 3. KIvell Benoit (Kaw); 4. Cole Boutwell (Kaw); 5. Dcan Dyess (Kaw). 65 (10-11) STK: 1. Matt Goerke (Kaw); 2. Dan Willman (Kaw); 3. jord".n Gooch (Kaw); 4. Chris Haack (Kaw); 5. Ian Hewett (Kaw). 85 (1-11) STK: I. Matt Goerke (Yam); 2. Ball"ett Smith (Suz); 3. Dale Kump (1-lon); 4. Jordan Gocx:h (Kaw); 5. Matt Bonl (Kaw). 85 (12.13) STK: 1. Quinton Bigalow (Yam); 2. U:vi Sammons (Yam); 3. Jesse Richard:> (Yam); 4. Rytln Smith (Yam); 5. Garrett Edmister (Yam). 85 (14-15) STK: 1. Paul Perebii~(Hon); 2. Shawn Mayo (Kaw); 3. Eric Stewart (Yam). 85 (9-13) MOO: 1. Quinton Bigillow (Y.m); 2. Bobby l.ucroy (Suz); 3. Matt Boni (}Caw): 4~Danny Young (Yam); 5. ~I Sammons (Yam). &5 (14-15) MQO; 1. Paul PerebiJf"O' (Hord; 2. ~ jones OCaw); 3. Shawn Mayo ()(aw); 4. jOl'h Faustino (Kaw); 5. ShaM Salmon OCaw). S/MlNl: I. Paul Perebijnos (!; 3. Ron ~ (Yam); 4. Bob Dan (Kaw). WMN (12-15): 1. Dyanfl.1 Conner (Yam); 2. April Hodges (lYw); 3. Emmy Norton (Kaw). WMN 125+: 1. Angela KeuntJeS (Yam); 2. Patty Whitehouse (Suz); 3. Beth Lewis (Yam); 4. Beth Shaw (Yam); 5. Ht!tn). 4-$TRK: 1. RUM M

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