Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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as he cleared the 6-foot wall and went on to clean the section. The race for the ~ was up in the air until the cards were turned in. Kempkes' minder (and father), Rod, said, "Jess was on fire. He only took three points on his last loop. It's all up to Geoff's score. Jess did bis part." As the scores came in, Kempkes' three-point third loop gave him an impressive 21. Aaron repeated his firstloop score of an eight for a total of 23, two points behind Kempkes. Peters was on fire at round two of the U.S. Trials series, coming back strongly from his third-place finish on the previous day to card a first-place finish. Peters turned in a first-loop score of only five points. Next was Beta's Aaron with a 14. New in the mix was Montesa's Bell and Matt Moore, both with a 15, just three points ahead Kempkes' 18. The sections were similar to the day before, consisting of fallen trees, creeks and sandy walls. "The sections are more difficult than the previous day, but they are all possible cleans," Aaron said. Ahvala, the 1992 World Champion from Finland, rode as an exhibition rider with an amazing 2-1-1 on each loop for a total of four on the day. His dominance showed as he made effortless cleans through the first sections, whic took single and double dabs from the top U.s. riders. The second loop set Peters alone in the lead with an amazing two-point score for a total of seven after the first two loops, 11 points ahead of Aaron. The first and second positions were pretty well-established, with the remaining battle for third place between Bell with a 23 and Kempkes with a 24. Moore fell two seats behind Kempkes after a loop score of 26, putting him at 41 after the second loop. The third and final loop returned Peters to the spotlight with another twopointer, for a total of nine on the day. "Today, every section just went different," Peters said. "As I entered each section, my line almost glowed in front of me - everything just felt right. I was relaxed and put everything behind me from yesterday and just rode like it was a new day." Aaron turned in an impressive threepoint loop for a total of 21 on the day, securing another second-place finish. Third went down to the wire, with Bell on top after an eight-point loop for a total of 30 on the day: Kempkes turned in a 10-point loop for a total of 34 on the day and a fourth-place finish. "My hat is off to Raymond - he found his focus and came out riding great," round-one winner Kempkes said. "I didn't think I rode bad today. It was just little worthless points here and there. I think we have a really competitive run for the U.s. title with the new Gas Gas, and it's showing with two wins at the first nationals. I am glad to see a fellow Gas Gas rider on top.'" {N Cooms Motorcycle Park Brooksville, Florida Results: March 14-15, 1998 Olk 1. Jess Kcmpkes (G-G); 2. Geoff Aaron (Bet); 3. Ray Peters (G·G); 4, Ryon Bell (Mon); 5. Matt Moore (Mon). Sunday OIA, 1. Ray Peters (G-G); 2. Geoff Aaron (Bet); 3. Ryon Bell (Mon); 4. Jess Kempkes (G-G); 5. Matl Moo... (Mon). Hodges breaks out in Lake Sugar Tree Motocross By Jay and Sharon Hauser AXTON, VA, MAR. 15 The opening round of the U.S. Eastern Motocross Spring Series was schedule4 for a (Above right) Jeff Eide won the 125cc Inte~late class at the Bandldo Grand Prix, held In Palmdale, Callfomia_ (Ab,?ve) Mitchell Hodges (567) leads Shane Shipley (389) and Scottie Shipley (22) en route to sweeping both 250Cc Pro motos in the opening round of the U.S. Eastern MX Series at Lake Sugar Tree in Virginia. week earlier and was to be held at Devils Ridge MX in Sanford~ North Carolina, but it was a total washout - thanks to El Nino. The skies finally cleared up and round two of the series at Lake Sugar Tree was bumped up to serve as the oPening round. With nearly 500 riders, it was obvious that the racers were ready to get back on the . track - none more so than Mitchell Hodges. Hodges, who was coming off a very successful 1997 ra.cing season, was read y to break out whe.n the gate fell at Sugar Tree - picking up right where he left off. Hodges would end up winning a total of three Pro motos on the day, two of which swept the overall in 250cc A racing. Hodges' 250cc A win didn't come easily, as a few northern boys had come down from Pennl:3ylvania to get out of the snow - and they meant business. Indiana, Pennsylvania's Shane Shipley put in strong efforts in both motos. Although he ran up front, he just couldn't match Hodges' pace. Shipley would record a pair of third-place finishes, giving him second overall on the day as he was able to edge Rob McWhorter from Denton, Maryland. McWhorter blazed to second place in the second moto, and that was enough to put him on the podium. Jamie Frazier had a strong ride to second in moto one, but faded back to sixth the second time around; his score, though, was still good for a fourth overall ahead. of yet another Shipley, Scottie. Hailing from Greensboro, North Carollila, and no relation to Shane, Scottie Shipley turned in a score of 4-5 to round out the top five. The toughest competition Hodges would face was in the highly competitive 125cc A class. Troy Brewer has overcome a major hip injury to regain his Lake Sugar Tree speed, and he showed it off early by grabbing 1I,e holeshot in moto one. Brewer had his hands full with the other Pennsylvania hotshot - Ryan Gates, out of Johnstown - and Brad Tester. Tester's Kawasaki 'slipped slightly back to filth while Hodges worked up from a poor start to take third behind Gates. Brewer held the pOint to the aag and the top three remained the same. M'cWhorter had taken some time off from motorcyclemechanics school and looked right at h me back ill the sad.dle of a dirt bike as he started the series with a fourth-place finish in mota one. TI,e second moto would see Hodges get back on track, taking a perfectly timed holeshot to lead Brewer, Yamaha-mounted Dougl'leighbors and Gates. Hodges left the rest of the pack to eat his dust while he ran off and hid. AllllOugh he nabbed the moto win, it wasn't enough to capture the overall; that honor fell to Brewer. Hodges did take second over Gates, while McWhorter played it cool with a pair of fourths to finish fourth overall. Tester did what he had to do to hold off Neighbors and Suzuki of Winston-Salem pilot Dustin Floyd to hold on to the final top-five spot. Results so (4-6): I. Jordan David (Act); 2. Ryan Su'llth (KTM); 3. Ryan Zimn\cr (Cob); 4. Z,1chary Moran (KTM); 5. James Gom (KTM). 60 (7·9): 1. Matthew Pierson (!<.aw); 2. Ryan Fitzwater (Kaw); 3. Casey Taylor (Knw); 4. Sidney Humphrey (!<.aw); 5. Seth Brown (Kaw). 60 00-11): 1. Samuel Fitzwater (Kaw); 2. Wes Gauldin (Kaw); 3. J-Man Troxell (Kaw); 4. David Mitchell (Kaw); 5. Zachary Tumer(Kaw). 80 (7-11): 1. Samuel Fltzwotcr (Sl1%); 2. Mark Brown (Kaw); 3. Cameron Lambert (Suz); 4. Jeb Caskill (Kaw); 5. Zach Turner (Yam). 80 (12-15): 1. Andrew Williams (Kaw); 2. Jake Furnace (Yam); 3. bch Kut8Cenko (Suz); 4. Cory Gholson (Ynm); 5. Josh Dexter (Yam). S/MlNI: I. Isha Wood (kaw); :z. Josh Dexter (Yam); 3. ZnCh Kutseenko (Suz); 4. Jake Fuma« (Yam); 5. Michael Bria (Suz). SCHBY: 1. Michael Crickenberger (Yam); 2. Phillip Shields (Yam); 3. Nick Pasa (Suz). 125 A; I. Troy Brewer (Yam); 2. Mitchell Hodges (Yam); 3. Ryan Cates (!<.aw); 4. Rob McWhorter (Hon); 5. Brad TL'Ster (Kaw). 125 B: I. justin Gibbs (Kaw); 2. Eric Cox (Yam); 3. Josh Fulton ()(aw); 4. Stephen Benoy (Kaw); 5. Michael Haga (Yam). 125 C: 1. Adam Ward (Suz); 2. Isha Wood (Kaw); 3. Jeff Winstcad (Yam); 4. Travis Powers (Iioo); 5. Bryan Stevens (Yam). 125 0 1. Chris French (Kaw); 2. Steve Smith (Hon); 3. Robert Eure (Yam); 4. Rnndy Melton (Suz); 5. Daniel Allgood (Suz). 250 A: 1. Mitchell Hodges (Yam); 2. Shane·Shipley (Hon); 3. Rob McWhorter (Hoo); 4. Jamie Frazier (Y1Im); 5. Scottie Shipley (Yarn). 250 B: 1. Jason Ring (KTM); 2. Kyle Richardson'(Kaw); 3. Nelon McFarland (Kaw); 4. Jamie Holcomb (Hon); 5. Troy Stanley (Yam.). 250 C: 1. Jason Crawford (Suz); 2. Matthew Fanner (Suz); 3. Ray Ward (Kaw); 4. Steve Sanford (Kaw); 5. Michael Palmer (Kaw). 250 0: 1. Robert Brammer (Hon); 2. Lonnie Foster (Suz); 3. Jimmy Fraley 0·100); 4. Mike Miller (Suz); 5. Kurt Bouchard (Hon). 25+ A: 1. Jamie Frazier (Yam); 2. Shane Shipley (Hon); 3. Rob McWhorter (Hon); 4. Scottie Shipley (Yam); 5. Doug Neighbors (Yam). 25+ B: 1. Sean Rakes (Hon); 2. Nclan McFarland (Kaw); 3. Ronnie johnson (f"lon); 4. Greg Smith (Hon); 5. Troy Stanley (Yam). 25+ C/O: I. Michael Palmer (Kaw); 2. Steve Sanford (Kaw); 3. Billy RobirulOn (Kawl. 3(H. A: 1. Scottie Shipley (Yam); 2. Sidney Williams (Kaw); 3. Stacey Redifer (Yam); iI. Janles Morris (Hon); 5. Joyce (KTM). 30+ B/C: I. Ronnie Johnson (Hon); 2. Mark Hill (Kaw); 3. Todd Marshall (Hon); 4. Chris Brewer (Hon); 5. Jay Lankford (Yam). 35+ 1. Sonny Mitc:heal (Suz); 2. William Hobson (Yam); 3. Chris Brewer (Hon); 4. Jerry Robertson (Kaw); 5. Barry Nelson dge. PRO: 1. Willy Musgrave; 2. Craig Canoy; 3. Spam Henn; 4. John Greenway; 5. Gary Wagner. Eide takes CRC GP win By Greg Robertson PALMDALE, CA, MAR. 15 Perseverance and a little bad luck on the competition's part helped Jeff Eide claim the California Racing Club's Bandido Grand Prix 125cc intermediate-class win at Los Angeles County Raceway during round two of the American Red Cross Charily Series. . Yamaha-mounted Matt Armstrong led the charge when the green flag waved for the deadengine start. Nick Mairose had his KTM running a close second, ahead of Ryan Orr, Eide and Brent Gilliam. Orr was on the move, passing both Mairose and Armstrong on the first lap to run out front. Orr started to stretch out his lead as Armstrong had his hands full with Mairose. A third of the way into the 45 rninute race, Armstrong went down and dropped back to fifth, handing the runner-up position to Mairose - who was about 15 seconds behind the disappearing Orr. It looked like Orr was going to run away with the win while Eide started to slowly reel Mairose in. . With just a coupl.e of laps remaining, Orr sta.rted slowing down - the victim of a flat rear tire. Mairose took a 'soil sample and dropped off the pace, hand it)g second place to Ede. It wasn't long before Eide caught and passed the ailing Orr for the lead and eventual win. "My bike started on the first kick, but so did everyone else's," said Eide after the race. "T just kept track of where everyone was at a.nd just started slowly gaining ·on them. Mairose p

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