Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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was followed by Cycle Shed KTM-sponsored James Povolny in ninth. FMF/Honda's Danny Smith rounded out the top 10 in his first race back since being injured at Daytona. With two Eastern Regional events remaining, Carmichael only needs one point to clinch his first 125cc supercross title. Barring misfortune, Carmichael will most likely wrap up the title next week at Pontiac. The real battie in points will be between Reynard and Sellards. Reynard has a six-point advantage over Sellards, 101-95. HEATS Deegan grabbed, the start of heat one, with Reynard, Sellards, Keeney and Charlie Bogard giving chase. Reynard moved into the lead over a triple, and Deegan went down soon in the rockers soon after that, taking Bogard and several other riders with him, As Reynard set sail for the win, Keeney moved by Sellards for second, while Povolny took advantage of the crash and moved into fourth. Smith passed Thomas for filth midrace and Clawson Motorsport/Pro Circuit's Jeff Pestana held seventh, while Weyand FMF's MattShue battled late in the race to snag the final two transfer spots. Skaggs nailed the start in heat two and led for a lap, with Carmichael, Perolio and Kawasaki of Carrollton's Brad Woolsey following closely. Carmichael executed a block-pass on Skaggs on lap two and quickly pulled away for a comfortable win. Skaggs rode well for second, as 2Xtreme's Jeff Dement passed Perolio for third. Honda of Troy's Casey Lytle, Stoughton Cycle's Jeffrey Baker and Suzuki's Tyler Evans moved into fifth, sixth and seventh, respectively, after Woolsey and R&S Kawasaki's Isaiah Johnson \angled hard over a triple jump. Team RPM/SMP/ Papa Joe's Pizzabacked Doug Dehaan crossed the line in eighth and Primal Impulse Suzuki's newest recruit, Tony Lorusso, came back from a first-lap crash to snag the final transfer position. LAST-CHANCE QUALIFIER Kingsport KTM's Robbie Horton dug' deep to win the last-chance qualifier, followed by Bromley Suzuki-backed Barry Carsten and Deegan, Team RPM/SMP/ Papa Joe's Tom Clowers edged out several other riders for the final transfer position to the main. MAIN Carmichael nailed the start, followed by Reynard and Skaggs. Reynard dived to the inside of Skaggs in turn three but just did not carty enough momentum to clear the following triple. Reynard cased . the triple violently and shot off the side of tl:\e track and into the wall of the stands. Skaggs moved into second and Perolio found himself in third, Sellards, who gated in fourth, moved by Perolio on lap three and was gunning for Skaggs. Skaggs, who was tiring, gave way to Sellards late on lap six. ' Notably moving through the pack was Wey. Starting in eighth, Wey passed two riders on lap one, Keeney on lap five and Perolio on lap six. Wey now had his sights set on Skaggs, who was' some five seconds ahead of him. Carmichael, meanwhile, pulled away from the other riders and had a sevensecond lead by the halfway point. With one lap to gO'and an ll-second lead, Carmichael's front wheel washed out in a' sharp left-hander and the speedster hit th'e deck, Carmichael recovered, saw that nobody was near him and styled for the crowd in the remaining moments, Carinich~el crossed the line for his' sixth consecutive main-event win, followed by Sellards, who some eight seconds back. Skaggs would hold on to third in front of a hard-charging Wey. "I got a holeshot and I'm happy about that," Carmichael' said, "I'm going to cool it this week and see how it goes from there - just try to have fun," "ThiI:d here last year, second this year, hopefully win next year," Sellards, who is currently third in the points, said, 'The track was good, technical, 1 rode smart and stayed smooth, The ninth in New Orleans hurt, but there's two left." "1' d like to podium in these last two races," a proud Skaggs said. "I'd really like to pull off a podium in Vegas, too that would be cooL" "I got a decent start and passed a few guys," fourth-place finisher Wey said, "I got kind of tired but not too bad for a first race back" Perolio would hold on to fifth, followed by Keeney and Deegan, who started in 11th.· Thomas moved up several positions to nab eighth, followed by KTM-mouJ;lted Povolny, Smith, who started in 19th, rounded out the top 10 finishers, Carsten would cross the finish in 11 th, followed by Lorusso, Dement, Lytle, Baker, Horton, Shue, Pestana, Clowers, Dehaan, Evans and, for the record, Reynard, CN \ Trans World Dome St. Louis, Missouri Results: April 28, 1998 (Round 6 of 8) 125 HEAT 1 (6 laps, 1-9 transfe,[ to main): l. Robbie Reynard (Suz); 2. Cory Keeney (Yam); 3. Brock Sellards (Hon); 4. James Povolny (KTM); 5. Danny Smith (How; 6. Jason Thomas (Kaw); 7. Jeff Pestana (Yam); 8. Nick Wey (Kaw); 9. Matt Shue (Suz); 10. Barry Carsten (Suz); 11. Grayson Goodman (Kaw)i 12. Mark Burkhart (Hon); 13. Joseph Oehlhof (Hon); 14. James Eickel (Kaw); 15. Erall Ezerins (Suz); lp. Jacob Martin (5uz); 17. Shae Bentley (Kaw); 18. Brian Deegan (Kaw); 19. Tom Clowers CHon); 20. Charlie Bogard (Suz). Time: 5 min., 42,490 sec. 125 HEAT 2 (61aps, 1-9 transfer to mai.n): 1. Ricky Carmichael (Kaw); 2. Robbie Skaggs (Yam); 3. Jeff Dement (Yam'); 4. ShaUll Perolio (Suz); 5. Casey Lytle (Hon); 6. Jeff Baker (Kaw); 7. Tyler Evans (Suz); 8. Doug Dehaan (Han); 9. Tony Lorusso (Suz); 10. Robbie Horton (KTM); 11. Dennis Owens (Yam); 12. Tony Graves (Yam); 13. Erick Vallejo (Kaw); 14. Ronnie Renner.(Yam); 15. Brad Woolsey; 16. Paul Currie (Kaw); 17. Isaiah Johnson (Kaw); 18. Kelly Smith (KTM); 19. Jim Neese (KTM); 20. Scott Davis (Suz). Time: 5 min., 38.810 sec. US LCQ (4 laps, 14 transfe.r to main): l. Robbie Horton (KTM); 2. Barry Carsten (Suz); 3. Brian OeeS!ln (Kaw); 4. Tom Clowers (Han); 5. Paul Currie (Kaw);' 6. Tony Graves (Yam); 7. Jacob Martin (Suz); 8. Dennis Owens (Yam); 9. Charlie Bogard (Sux); 10. Jim Neese (KTM); 11, Kelly Smith (KTM); U. Shae Bentley (Kaw); 13. Erick Vallejo (Kaw); 14. James Eickel (Kaw); 15. Grayson Goodman (Kaw); 16, Joseph Ohelhof (Hon); 17. Ronnie Renner (Yam); 18. Eran Ezerins (Suz); 19. Brad Woolsey; 20. Mark Burkhart (Hon); 21. lsaiall Johnson (Kaw); 22. Scott Davis (Sul). '. Briefly._·· ~.• _----c-------'---o- (Above left) FMFlHonda's Brock Sellards took runner-up honors in the 125cc main, (Above) Robbie Skaggs rode his Lemonds Yamaha to a third-place finish, Time: 3 min:. 53.900 sec. 125 MAIN (15 laps): 1. Ricky Carmichael (Kaw); 2. Brock Sellards (Hon); 3. Robbie Skaggs (Yam); 4. Nick Wey (Kaw); 5. Shaun Perolio (Suz); 6. Cory Keeney (Yam); 7. Brian Deegan (](aw); 8. Jason Thomas (Kaw); 9. James Povolny (KTM); 10. James Povolny (KTM); 11. Barry Carsten (Suz); 12. Tony Lorusso (Suz); 13. Jeff Dement (Yam); 14. Casey Lytle (Hon); 15. Jeff Baker (Kaw); ]6. Robbie Horton (KTM); 17. Matt Shue (Suz); '18. Jeff Pestana (Yam); 19. TOOl Clowers (Hon); 20. Doug Dehaan (Hon); 21. Tyler Evans (Sux); 22. Robbie l~eynard (Suz). Time: 14 min., 14.270 sec. Margin of victory: 8.006 sec. 125ee TOYOTA TRUCKS/THOR/PARTS UNLIMITED/AMA EASTERN REGIONAL SUPERCROSS SERIES POINT STANDINGS (After 6 of 8 rOlLnds): 1. Ricky Carmichael (150/6 wins); 2. Robbie Reynard (l01); 3. Brock Sellards (95); 4. Casey Lytle (79); 5. mE) Jim Neese/Shae Bentley (53); 7. James Povolny (52); 8. (TIE) Tony Lorusso/Cory Keeney (49); 10, Robbie Skaggs (42); 11. Jeff Dement (40); 12. Barry Carsten (39); 13. Paul Currie (36); 14. Jason Thomas (34); 15, Nick Wey (30); 16. ,Ryan Cl"k (28); 17, Robbie Horton (25); 18. Tom Clowers (20); 19. Matt Shue (18); 20. Jeff Bake< (15). Upcoming Rounds: Round 7 - Pontiac, Michigan, April 4 Round 8 - Charloltll, North Carolina, April 18 ;0 because of th~ inj~.y," White said, ':H~ needs pull himself Qut of that. aAd it's bee'n dillcult for someone as serious ·as. Ezra to do 'that." Lusk .said, "My wrist is, 1aD-percent healed - it's time to 'start winning again, " 'For the 'second yveek in 'a row. defending ,Supercr0ss Champion Jeff One of the big qUMtions in supercio~s ri.gQt now is or not Ricky Emig did '1,01 compete. Ernig is 'still suffering ·from.a strained back liga- c::armichael .. whose chances are good. to' wi}1 the title. in 'the 12Scc East ment that first .surfaced at the Daytona Supercros.s. Emig, who is original- . Coast Series, whioh, will oome t9 a close April 18 at Charlotte, North Carly from·Missouri. says he will also pass on next week's CAprilA) Pontiac olina ". wil.l. make hi$ .250cc debut at the' Dallas Supercross, on April 25, . 'Supercross in' Michigan but is hopeful he will be 'ready for Charlotte on' The one man with the- an'swer is Carrnichael's team boss, Mitch April 18. . . , .Payton. "We don't plan on it,': Payton said. "It is'som'ething to' consider, . though; bec'ause the is going to be televised' on ABC the' next day, So how has the loss of Jeff Emig affected the Kawasaki 'team'? and that could·be good exposure, but it oould backfire. We have the' .. Because of the individual nature of each of our athletes, we lOOK at it as : Nationals td think about." Carmichael said, "I'd love to ride the 250s, bui . .. an opportunity to' shine. show what they can do.:' team 'manager Bruce it's. up to the team, manager. " . . Stjernstrom, said of teammates f!.yan Hughes and ,Damon Huffm'an .. .. Jeff has carried the torch for the last three years.' We've tOld Ryan and The Answer-backed,: Prirnal impulse/Bill's J'ip~s/S\Jzuki leam picked up a Damon'. 'Here"s yOur. opportunity, take advantage of it.' We're hoping new. ride~ for the '98 'season '- Tony Loruss\>. "We'll work ,wfth ,him. they ride to 'the challenge. .. ., (Lorusso) in the next few rounds, then go hard with him· at the outaoor Nationals," said Primal Impulse mechanic 'Rick Blasinga":'e. Lorusso "'(as Also sitting' out the St. ,Louis Supercross was Team Suzuki'" · recently discharged from th~ F&S Su~uki team, Alberty... It was Albertyn's 'second no-show in a row. Albertyn took a couple of hard falls at the New Orleans Sup.ercioss three weeks agoand Now thpt the AMA/PJl Arenacross Series' is over, 'some ohhe arenacross is. still too' S0re to race. "We thought he was going to be able to ride this' regulars joined up with the Supercross .Series at,St. Louis, including ,Cliff week." T~am Suzuki manager -Roger DeCoster ·said... He tried to practice Pal me', Mike Jo.nes, Grayson, Goodman, Todd DeHoop and Jeromy on'}'uesday but was in too, much pain." DeCoster added that,·Albertyn's BUllhl, EYen second-place finisher in the.'arenacross series Chad Peder, ' MRI on his upper region came back negative '('10 broken bone.s· or. son came to St. Louis - but did not race"After buying a $780 plane ticktorr musCles) and bis physician belieyss the problems are nerve-related. et. Pederson arrived at th'e Trami.Wdrld Dome but' was. not allowed-' to race. TheAM~ wo~ld not issue:Ped~~son a pro IitEm"e at the race.. "f . Still On the injured list. is Team Noleen's'Tim ,Fer,ry, -Ferry Injured his didn'tfillout the paperwork in time," Pederson:." but.l ~Hought thEly w01Jld . knee at the Tampa Supercross on March 1, and is expllct"d to miss the' issue. mea license anyway..They used to issue licllnses on the day 'of the remaining' rounds of the Supercross Series and start .his comeback at the nice, b.ut I gu.ess.lhey doh't ,do that anymore. All you need in.arenacross ·outdoor National series opener in San Bernardino, California, in May, Also is 'an AMA. membership card .. 1'1i just 'relax tonight. ha~e fun and. watch," still' out' is Kawasaki of MexicolTecate's Phil Lawrence, who is on the Palmer had toe' mast success of the arenacr;'ss stars, finishing 11tn' in "mend with 'a broken collarbone. the 250cc main. Buehl' finishee ; 7th. 'Jones, DeHoop and Goodman failed While a few riders were absent at St.' Louis, another few returned tb to qualify for the main events,' action at the Trans World 'Dome, one of which was'Team SplitFire/Pro Cifcuii/Kawasaki's N'ick' Wey. Wey suffered a slight' shoulder 'disloc~· After Cqmi~g'up inches last week at Minneapolis"Team Suzuki's tion at the Indianapolis' Supe[cross and missed the Tampa, Daytona and, 'Mickael' .Pichon took .the 1-900-PRO-RACE 'Holeshot Award in 'the 250cc main (a first for Suzuk;) and" with it, the $1000 check. Ricky Minne~polis rounds of the ~siern Regional 125cc 'S."ries. Wey, however, ciid compete ~ week earli,er at the Spring National Amateur MX at Lake Carmichael grabbed the S500 holeshot·award check in the 125cc main, Whitney, Te~as,. w~ere he fjnished second to Robbie Reynard: W,ey fin- ' ished fourth 1'1 .the 125cc,main, Also'returning to, 125cc E~st Coast SX 'Bromley Suzuki"s Barry Carsten: tried qualifying for both the' '125 Md 'action was· FMF/Honda's Danny Smith., who injured his th.e' '~5cicc main' events at St· Lo~is, <:;:arsten' accomplish~d half 'his, goa) by' m~kin'g it to the 1~5cc feature where he finished 11 tho .. Daytona SUperCr0SS, Smith 'finished 10th, ' ' Team Honda's Ezra Lusk felt confident.before'the St, louis main event, Team 'Ho~da manager Cliff White said' before the evening's racing pro· graOJ that Lusk' in his lef1:·hand has healed, and 'hll is hopeful to nab his 'third win of the year, ·"Ezra's had a pit of a Jl)ental let,down So what,is' the·key. fo Kevin Windham's 'recent success? ."It's .the yellow lenses," said 'Bevo Forti of Sccitt goggles, "Ever since he started using. yellow lenses, he's gotten two firsts and' one sec'ond-place finish. It's the ' lenses, I tell ya. "

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