Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• MICHIGAN MOTOCROSS - MRA, Milan Cycle Cily, N91I Race, Mien. Info: 7341439-7735 or 734124,.,600 0< WWW.ICK;.8ITI1LCOf11. May 9-10 CAUFORNlA MOTOCROSS - Pacific Coast Pro-Am Chafrl>ionship, _ . Info: 2091673-8080. CAUFORNA SCRAMBLES - Dual E,""""",, SctaJ1'llIes, Iladgen MG, Red Mou1lain, Ridgacrest. 1nfo:'80512422712. Sal, May 9 • FlORIDA MOTOCROSS· KAY Inc., Pasco County Fairgrt>ll1ds, Dade City. Info: 3521588-4697 or H1lp:J.tiomepage.USR.comIDIDadacity. • OHIO MOTOCROSS - MRA, Delta Raceway, Night Race, Delta. Inlo: 4191B22·3006 0< 7341241-1600. • OHIO SUPERCROSS • AMAJAction Sports, Action Sports Cenler, Nelsonville. Inlo: 7401594-6686. OHIO RUN TO THE WAll- Abala 01 Ohio Inc., Run To The Wall and Bike Blessing, Stafford Pal1<, Maple HeIghts. Info: 216/425-7830 or 33llf62ll-4S75. • OHIO MOTOCROSS - AMA, Din Country Raceway, BIanchesler.lnfo: SI:J1625.7350. • UTAH HARE AND HOUND - Buzzards MG, CherTy Creel< Area, Jericho. Info: 8011569-1998. VIRGINIA MOTOCROSS· Pow8nine Motocross PIa)voInl. FIoy County, WiIis. InIo: S4M89-7200 or S4M897640. Sun, May 10 • CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS - CMC, Spmg Classic, AtgyI Pali, Dixon. Info: 7071678-3592 or H1lp:JIwww.i>s.natt_argyt.htm. COLORADO MOTOCROSS· RMXA, Aztec FaniJy Raceway, Colorado Spongs.lnfo: 71914m723. KENTUCKY MOTOCROSS· VocIOIY Sports Racing, SeTO or America~ Weekly • SOUTH CAROUNA MOTOCROSS Hardeeville MX, Punysburg Road. HardeeviDe.lnfo: 9121748-6304. Info: 971l/S33-9747 or 5051325-4195. Sal, May 16 CALIFORNIA VINTAGE CYCLE RAllY 301h annivelSalY Vintage Cycle Rally, Hanlord.lnfo: 8051733-1137. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS· Racing Enterplises Motorsports, Glen Helen Raceway, San Bemardno. Inlo: 61914841441. FlORIDA DIRT TRACK - FJorida Din Track Racers Association, Orange County Raceway, 0I1and0. Info: 4071869-5388. • FlORIDA MOTOCROSS· KRY Inc., Pasco County Fairgrounds, Dade City. Inlo: 3S2IS88-4697 or H1lp:JJHomepage.USR.comIDIDedeci1y. • Build WEEKLY FOOT TRAfFIC in your store • Create ENTHUSIASM for new products, latest events and trends in the sport of motorcycling SOUTH DAKOTA MOTOCROSSSOIIAMA, Yankton. Inlo: 6051665-3512. Fri, 22 • Local COVERAGE of events in your area, in addition to National & Worldwide news about motorcycles • CAUFORNIA SPEEDWAY - Fast Fodays 5peean IAivollapois; loIN Supemgs 8:30PM _ 6:30PM 3:30AM Sl Uloos, MO Supemgs (lNe) -- -

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