Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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crashed, so I got by him, and 1 don't know what happened to Orr. Once, 1 started catching Orr, and then he slowed down and I went by him, 1 figured I had the lead.· Orr had a big enough lead that, even after getting the nat, he was still able to limp home to finish second, ahead of Gilliam. Armstrong came across in fourth, ahead of Mairose. Results P!W YAM (4-6): 1. Dylan p ~ (Yam); 2. ~vKl Pedder (Yam); 3. Chue Lippie (Yam); 4. Michael Stewart (Yam); 5. Shawn Rhinetw1 (Yam). P!W YAM (7.-9): 1. Cak Su~ord (Yam); 2. Rodalto BIan· co Jr. (Yam). P!W BEG: 1. Chris Plouffe; 2. Donnel Lopez Jr. (KTM); 3. Chris White (KTM); 4. Ethan Aores.. S/STX (0-6): I. 8r.mdon Doll (KTM). S/STK (7-9): 1. Shawn Butler' (Cob); 2. Nicholas Evans (KTM); 3. Daniel Deltoro (Cob); 4. Nathan Search (KTM); 5. Preston Lundin (KTM). MOD (4-6); l. Jacob Lee Buelna (Lem). 60 BEG: 1. Ocm.'Ck Murphy (Kaw); 2. Ryan Lasko (Kaw); 3. Timmy Rit.der (Kaw); 4. Mikey Garcia (Kaw); 5. Shana Rhinehart (KAw). 60 (o-tI): 1. Tye HOIml.'S (Kaw); 2. Tret'lt Pugmire (Kaw); 3. Kyle Jenkins (Kaw); 4. Justi,:, Mulford (Kaw); 5. Cody Rogers (Kaw). 60 (9-I1): I, Robert Memoli (lCaw); 2. Brandon Spencer (!Caw). 80 BEG: 1. Cory Baldwin (Yam); 2. Randall Hall (Kaw); 3. Tye Hames (Suz); 4. John Cr.lgg. (Yam); 5. KI,.'Vin Williams (Yam). 80 (1-11): 1. Robert Memoli (Hon); 2. Garren Norr (Suz). 80 (12-13): 1. Daryl Ecklund (Yam); 2. Chris Non (Suz); 3. Mike Epstein (Hon); 4. Anthony Barbacovi (Yam); 5. Robert Clark (Hon). 80 (14-16); 1. Jamie KII,.>1n (Hon); 2. Ryan Riess (Yam): 3. Brian Melshcimer (Yam). B/W: 1. Loui~ Sanliago (Hon). WMN: I, Mdissa Billingsley (Yam); 2. Bonnie Kelly (Yam). VINT: 1. Dean Ostrander (Hon): 2. Creg Robertsoo (Yam). DECADE: 1. RkkO'Donnell (Hon): 2.1Grk Barnett (Hon). 4-$TR.K: I. Jay Wahl (Hon): 2. Jason Moss (Kaw). ~ 125 BEG: 1. David DeLucia (Yam): 2. Chris Resnick (Hon): 3. Zack Moore (Yam); 4. Jeff Vet'5q)ut (Yam): 5. Benjamin Stuelb (Suz). 125 NOV; 1. Sean O'Connor (Yam); 2. Kent Findenhagen (Yam); 3. Scott Howe (Suz); 01. Oyde Adams (Yam); 5. ChnSmilh (Y~) 125 INT: 1. Jeri Eide (Hon); 2. Ryan Orr (Yam); 3. Brent Cilliam (Suz); 4. Man Armstrong (Yam); 5. Nick Mairor;e (J(TM). 125 PRO: 1. 1'homu Bwcrud (Yam). 250 BEG: 1. Shy M06he (Suz); 2. Richard West (Yam). 2SO NOV: 1. Jason Trubey (Kaw); 2. Scott Minster (Suz): 3. Chris Reed (Kaw). 250 INT: 1. Frank CosWuo (Hon); 2. Mike Cibson (Hon); 3Chris Honnole;t (Kaw); 4. Chuck Kober (Suz); 5. Ian Pavlu.k (Kaw). 2SO PRO: 1. &pm Blikstad (Yam). 500 NOV: 1. DiIIrren Staf~ (Hon); 2. Tyson TItUemier (Hon); 3. Mike O1JonneU (Kaw); 4. John Dean (Kaw). 500 tNT: I. Gary Cheek (KTM); 2. Jimmy Roberts (Hon): 3. Karl Allen (Hon). 500 PRO: 1. RaclcO'OonneIl (1-100). JR VET BEG: 1. ~I Trubey (Kaw): 2. Shy Moshe (Suz); 3. Randy Rhinehart (y.un); 4. Charles Pridgen (KTM); 5. Albert TOf"-" rt'!l(Hoo). JR VET NOV; I. BNce Richards (Kaw): 2.Cy Prado (Kaw); 3. Eric Lathrop (Kaw); 4, Rob Enriguez (Yam); 5. Bob Gorman (Yam). JR VET INT: L Randy Wilkins (Stu); 2. Brad Pietro (Suz); 3. Harold Smith (KTM). VET BEC: I. Richard Marshall (Hon): 2. Sean Ireland (!'Ion); 3. Steve Devoll (Yam): 4. Michael Seymour (Hon): 5. Nick Dally (Hon). VET NOV: 1. Joe Villt.ogas (Hon); 2. BrtJC'e Richards (Kaw); 3. Tom MlIler (Yam); 4. Creg Atkinson (Hon); 5. SIeve Non (Hon). Saul (Yam); 3. Mark VET INT: 1. Chad Nehlon (Hon); 2. Horton (Yam); 4. Randy Wilkins (Suz); 5. Randy Tittlemier (Hon). VET EX-PRO: I. Tim Telford (Hon); 2. Frank Costanzo (Hon): u..'O 3. Jalillynch (Hon). SR BEC-NOV: L Tracy Ollwell (Yam); 2. George Lazenby. (Kaw); 3. Bob Dunham (Yam); 4. Larry Hipp (Yam); 5. Warren Brown (KTM). SR INT·EX: 'I. Karl Allen (Hon); 2. Rick Johnson (Hon); 3. Conrad Brookll (Su~); 4. Edwardo Trippo (Hon); 5. George Jimenez (Kaw). Tumrace 60: 1. Robert Memoli/Trent Pugmire. 80: Mike Schuneman/Robert Clark. 125 BEG: 1. Melisu Billingsley/Scon Billingsley: 2. Tamera ~itzellJosephNeitzel. 1251NT; 1. J.J. Taylor/George laMonte; 2. Ryan Orr/Levi ReKl.. 250-500: J. Jameson Fakarsh/RuS5 Somers: 2. Walt Dorsch/Cole McCarty; 3. ~d Nelson/Bryan Nelson; 4. Tony Barranti/ Andrr Brandes. 80 lRONMAN; I. Anthony Barbacovi. SPTSMN: I. Rid:. Johnson; 2. Bob Byrne: ~ O\ase Wilson; 4. Rk.k Bohannan. Wheeler, Nelson tame Barona Motocross By Homer Eubanks RAMONA, CA, MAR 15 EI Nino took the day off, resulting in Southern California motocross racers coming out in droves to the second event of the season at Barona Oaks Raceway. The fans enjoyed not only warm sunshine but also heated motocross action that resulted in a win by Chris Wheeler in the 250cc Pro class. Wheeler, however, couldn't match the effort of Dustin Nelson in the 125ce Pro class and was forced to settle for second. Throughout the day, a total of 241 riders rode in 27 separate classes· the largest class being the 125cc Beginners, which had 26 riders take the gate. Wheeler had little problem in spanking the 250ec Pro class, taking the flag first in both motos. Dustin Nelson managed to give chase in the first moto but couldn't match his ride in round two and finished fifth overall. Tim Beatty took home the second-place money. Beatty was fourth in the first round and followed Wheeler across in the second moto. Ronnie Faisst brought home the third-place money with a pair of thirds. A heated battle raged in the 12See Pro class between eventual winner Nelson and Bader Manneh. Manneh bested Nelson's eHort in the 00 0'\ 0'\ ....... - 00 ..... 0.. <: l-< 39

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