Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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r knew I had a lead on Buddy and it felt good to pull away from the new charnp." SATURDAY Antunez nailed the holeshot in the 125cc final, followed by Pederson, Gaddis, Palmer and Goodman, but Goodman was the man on the move as he moved by Palmer on lap three and Gaddis through the rockers on lap four. It took another eight laps, but Goodman moved by Pederson over the enormous triple and into second on lap 12. Antunez was too far ahead ·(or Goodman, though, and :tossed the line for his second 125cc win of the weekend. B'ehind Goodman at the finish were Pederson and Palmer, followed by Stephenson, who worked his way up through the pack after another dismal start. "I want to thank all my sponsors .everything worked great." Antunez said. "1 got out front early and never had to pull a tearoH." Arenacross announcer Robbie Floyd nnted that Goodman looked fast all night and predicted a podium finish. "That was a good call by Robbie," Goodman said of his solid second-place run. "I felt strong tonight, and Wyatt (Goodman's mechanic) and Pro Circuit 'h'ave been working hard. I'm getting ready for Supercross." In the 250cc final, Stephenson, Jones and Palmer all went down in a heap in the first turn. As Jones was very slow in getting to his feet, the red flag came out, s1gnifying a restart. Antunez, Kawasaki. of Carrollton's Brad Woolsey and Pederson were at the front of the pack at the restart. Pederson moved by Woolsey on lap three into second and aimed for Antunez, wanting to win at least one · · .~. ." 1"1'e··'t,'.'.. _,-----~ B ~._._ '., .. '. ....•. I . . ". '. .... . - .•.••._•. .. (Above) Antunez actually landed the title after his win in the 125cc main event on Friday night. He backed it up with another 125cc feature win on saturday night. (Above right) Chad Pederson stili had a shot at the title going into !'riday night's races, but Antunez's '125cc win was the knockout punch. Just the same, Pederson acquitted himself well with the 250Cc feature win on Saturday night. (Right) Mike Jones styled and smiled his way to the 250Cc win on Friday night. "JonesIe" will wear the number 7 in the 1998-99 series, thus reflecting his finish in this year's points chase. final on the weekend. The chase was on. By the halfway point of the race, Antunez and Pederson were running up front, with Stephenson, Buehl and Palmer next. . On lap 15, with Pederson on his tail, Antunez got oompletely sideways while jumping int9.the rockers. Pederson moved into the lead, while Antunez regrouped to get back on track in second. With about four laps to go, Pederson was in control out front, with Antunez, Palmer, Stephenson and Buehl all in a tight group, giving chase. One lap later, Palmer scooted by Antunez through the rockers into second, a. position he would never relinquish. Stephenson soon moved by Buehl for the fourth spot. At the finish, it was Pederson taking the final Arenacross main-event win of the year in one of the most exciting races of the season. Palmer finished second, in front of Antunez, Stephensoil, Buehl and Gaddis. "1 was following Buddy, hoping he would make a mistake, and sure enough, he did," a smiling Pederson said of his win. "The restart kind of made me mad. I was leading, but who knows - 1 may not have won that one." "1 wish 1 could ride every race like ... fered a tWist~ kn.';", at;l inj~ed hip a"d 'aga~h in the thigh: After s.e~er-· a1 minutes, Adoptante came back for.his second jump; a perfectly exe- . _ _---'-~~----'-_-~~ 'cuted "Cliff Hanger." The crowd loved it, imd Adoptarite Iimpecfoff the . track with the win. . . .. .The final four 1~900-P:RO-RACE ho~shot'awa:rds~ere wo~ by' .' ·F.oUow!ngthe fina1'ev~nt, .U,eriders ~nd'thejr frie";ds ';'d.Wes Chad'PedersoI1 and Buddy Anhinez. Pederson'got the holeshot in Fri- . headec! off to n~arby Park City for several days of skiing aric! snow- .'s 1::25 and 250cc finals;. and Antunez pocketed .the $100. for ea¢> of ·Qoarding.:On Monc;:!ay, ~ACE and PJ1 ·l;lOsted a banquet to.pass .0Ut the .: his fast getaways in Saturday's mains. .'::.... . $100,000 Pjl poin~ funq.. The top 15 riders. received:checks from.Pj1 repI ... '.. . . ' .resentative BrQc GIQyer ranging 'from $1000 for .15th place to. Buddy: \ . JimlIly Gaddis,k-in action ror what ~as orily hisfourth are- Antunez's whopper of a check for:$25,OOO. Mo: money! American·Suzu, · J,lacross'ra~e of the year.. Gaddis was hurt lit the. season open~ at Des 'ki'~ Pat Alex;utderwas alsq in attendance at the 'banquet andpres~ted MOilles and later ma!f.e appearances at Jylilw:auk~ anc;:! Sal} Franciscp.... Antunez with a $5000 bonus ITorn Suzuki..Even. mo' money! AntuneZ' ·Gaddis, who' was b!,lIlffied: about his seasqn, said that h~ .may maJ<~. a also received a check from Uni Filler lor $1500 for the Unl Filter Dorn.i: return to Supercross. :'If I can' work put a. d'eaI'with someone, I'd .liRe. to' nator award fodeading the series at ~e halfway.pomt and t±ie champi, '. race.125 Supercross-next year," G~ddis. said. Qns,hip. "I'd like .to thank U~ Filter;:' An!=unez )iaid as he picked 1.\p :the' . .. .~.ward. "We·usetlie,manq. never had·probi"!,,s· they're'great" ". :' :The E Center Are~a, in whiCh this years final e;;enf0as -held; is'on'; At the banq~et, PACE'~ ar~nacrciss division president Mike' Kidd 'of the large, modern facilities built.",pecially ~or 'the approaclung 2002' Winter Olympics to be held in Salt Lake 'City. 1)levenue, whie!) isless' was the master' of ceremonies and 'gave away sevet:al other awarc\s. Ed LQngacre, Antunez~s mechanic;wasgiven a trophy for Mecl1ank of the .th~n a year.old, will be hosting the' ice hockey.and 'speed-skating events. Luxury suites, a bar; comfortable seats and an enorrnpus glass Year a~d t.1ike JQnes. wa;s. p'reserited a~ .tlie. overall jump-off co!,test mezzanine greeted the fa!)s WhO attended throughout the weekend.. ""inner. Seventeen different winners were presented with a. Check frpm 1-900-PRO'~CE for·holeshot awards. Chad Pederson ~anie.outon tqp Both nights of racing were nearly sold out. : . with·11 wins and $.1100. The.Scandinavia.n. Brake Systems Dash For 'Speaking' oOUX1lIY suites, B;"ddy Antunez'Tent~d o~e.on Saturday. Cash awards were also given out. Denny Stephenson was crow:ned' as night for his family and frien,ds .tq watci) the 'final race' of the year and the overall champ 'of the four-lap shootouts and mUmbled, ''1 guess ·the'crowiI1g'of his second cons~tive Arenacross Championship. Some. ·thars all.! can put logether in a· season." Stephenson took the bonors in of the names in·atten'dance included· Jeff Emig, as·he sat .out the·Min-· 'front.of Mike jones. and.Chad Pederson and received $2S00 to jones' .n.eapolis Supercross.with a so're back; 198iEast~m' regJonaISupercross· $1500 arid Pederson's $100Q. And what's going to happen to Pr.o Cj.r,champ RO':l Tichenor and his wife; and -Impulse owner Kirk Clo-. ..cuit's A,enacross representative sully, ~ho'has become quite a hit with -vis and: team manager Billy Whitley, justt011ame'a few. .' . . all the riders;·meChanics and .others who frequent·the. tour?·"I'd -like tei .go .to all, the rest of the supercrosseS and·.natlo!,als·and !>elp out'the pros' r "Before 'Saturqafs .SBS Pa~h. :For cash,.' Buddy ~tut;lez wa';'e race arid thanked·EriUg foi: his money. Arenacross ·lineup.· "We have nothing iit· stone· yet:' Mike Kidd said. t .. ..' . . .' <'We may drop a stop ortwo and wemay--pi,ck up two'or three 11\Ore for' I . The scariest '1l\oment .of the weekend occured during Satuiday.'s''! total of.~·15-stop:tour. next year'" Kidd.a!so.:noteii that this ye;>r's. jump,oH: contest. The ~'Flyin' H;awaiiari, n. Clifforc;l :AdQptante, per: series was a 'huge suc~ess. "With no less than 11 .different mainc"vent . formed;'a nund and suf-' .: make it even;better next Year." . . · ,. that one," said Palmer, who finished off his year wLth a secolld-place finish. "1 was in a groove and on a roll. Hopefully I'll go into the Supercross season like that." Antunez capped off his weekend with his fourth podium finish. "1 was trying to push into those whoops too hard," Antunez said. "1 should have -slowed down when I started making mistakes, but 1 pushed too hard. Four podiums - two being wins and a championship... I'm happy!" (N E Center Salt Lake City, Utah Results: March 20-21, 1998 (Rounds 27 & 28 of 28) friday . 125 PRO: 1. Buddy Antunez (5uz); 2. Chad Pederson (Kaw); 3. Denny Stephenson (Hon); 4. Jeremy Buehl (Hon); 5, Grayson Goodman (Kaw); 6. Cliff Palmer (Kaw); 7. Jimmy Caddis (Kaw); 8. Mike Jones (Kaw); 9. Travis H.odges (Kaw); 10. Kris I'apworth (Yam); 11. Brad Woolsey (Kaw); 12. Kipp Posey (Yam); 13. Clifford Adoptante (Suz); 14. Andrew Munson (Suz); 15. Jim Chester (Sux). 250 PRO: 1. Mike Jones (Kaw); 2. Buddy Antunez (Suz); 3. Cliff Palmer (Kaw); 4. Chad Pederson (Kaw); 5. Jeromy Buehl (Hon); 6. Travis Hodges (Kaw); 7. Brad Woolsey (Kaw); 8. Jimmy Gaddis (Kaw); 9.]im Chester (Suz); 10. Grayson Goodman (Kaw); 11. Denny Stephenson (Hon); 12. Kris Rourke (KTM); 13. Gifford Adoptante (Suz); 14. Kipp Posey (Yam); 15. Kelly Andris (!

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