Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Emig saw his ch an ce and m oved in to second, with M cG rath trying to ge t h im back. . "I kin d of got all excited righ t af ter he (Em ig) pa ssed me, and 1 wan ted to p ass him back ," McGra th sai d . "I got way too exci ted, got pumped u p an d had to cal m it back d own." " I noticed tha t ev eryone w as making m istak es, not jus t m y self," Emi g sai d . "I noticed Jeremy m ak in g a lot of mistake s, and so wa s Dou g. "On e t hing ab ou t th at fo u r- stroke, " Emig sai d of chasi ng H enry . " Yo u ge t behind i t, an d it just th r ows thi s h u ge r oost, and the sou nd alone abou t blows you off th e bi k e." O n th e ei gh th lap , Albertyn w as cl osing on McGrath when th e South African cra shed, tak i ng H u ffman - w ho had jus t passed Windham - ou t wi th him. " I l a n d ed and cr o ss-rutted i n a jump," Albertyn said. " I didn't actually f all by m y self; Hu ffm an hit m e, an d t ha t' s w hat put me on the g rou nd. It w as k ind of un fortunate ." The r id er o n t h e m o v e n o w wa s Pi chon . Once A l be r t y n and H uffman w er e out of hi s w ay , Pichon had a cl ear shot at M cGrat h , a n d th e Fre n ch man qu ickly r eel ed in th e Ya mah a. Picho n m ade th e p ass o n M cG r ath - o n ly to cra sh over a jump two l aps la ter. A t th e sa me time, w h ile ru n n i n g sixt h and seven th, res pecti vely, Windh am an d Lusk got together over a lon g a nd fa s t d oub l e jump. It l o o k ed as though Lusk floated in to the ba ck en d of Wind ham' s Y amaha an d landed si dew ay s. L u sk sl am m ed into th e g rou nd but, amazingly , go t ri g h t b ack o n hi s feet. He qu ickly r emoun t ed his bent m otorcy cl e an d sl owl y cir cu la te d th e track w i th a r ep or tedly injured w r ist. According t o FM F' team manager Bob M'oo·,,; . .rider Scott S heak will be out .of action for up to three 'weeks, due to a .stre tched Achille s' tendon suffe red at the GFI W inter Series Supercross' Invitational.the wee k befo rethe Coliseum Super.cross : Sheakis expected to 'return ,for roundone of the AMA ,125cc East Coast Region series in Indianap?lis, , ' . Desp ite wet an d rain y con diti on s, 61,855 spectators filled the LA Coliseum fo r the opening round of the ser ies, and nearly all of them were on their feet throughout the 2D-lap 250cc main. . "A g uy o n o u r t ea m said th at h e (Lusk) faded i nto m e; 1 didn' t feel 1 w en t in to h i m, " Windham sai d of th e i ncident. " T here's p r ob ably going to be different si d es of the sto ry from different views , ang l es, and d ifferent t eam s. 1 d idn' t go over on h i m on p urpose - 1 ju st th ink it w as one of those d eal s when w e h i t i n th e ai r . U nfortuna tely, h e went down . It was pretty g na r ly - w e hit at low ~ut th~ ro~gh stuff and use dry. ro~d·base dirt for the corners to help dry things out and help the riders keep their rnomen- . tum up." W inkler made good on his plan and should be applauded for the job he and his crew did in saving the ram-besieqed track'. . . b~fore the LA Supercross 'w hile on display atthe Speedway Cafe in Newport Beach. California. The privateer was devastated when he heard the news and. perhaps as a result. he failed to' qual;'fyfor the 250cc main event o n his practice bike. " .. , . . . , . '.' . . . . S hoc kwa r e . a d at a "acquisition system developed for off- ' 'Former' Worid Sno';"board Champion and mouniain·bike racing road motorcycle racing. 'has joined forces with the Factory ConS~x:time M.1A Nation~1 Motocro~s Champion and all-time 500cc prodigy Shawn Pa lmer won a big bet' Saturday evening. A nection race team , The sys tem. which opera tes off sensors , National event winner B roc Glover was doing the big meet-andrumor floating around the Coliseum pits claimed that if Palmer placed on the swingarni and forktubes, provides telemetry based .qreet circuit in Los 'Angeles. Glover was recently hired by PJ 1 qualified for the main event in the '125cc division. Pro Circuit's " on real time and feeds the information backto a laptop computer, lubricants and will act as a brand manager for the company. , Mitch Payton promised to underwrite his race effort for the entire . Owner Don Owen has developed two'systems : On e system is a 199B supercross ~ eason. Palmer made it by snagging the final black -box-typeproqram thatis operated through a small box World·class surfer and major motocross enthusiast S unny Gar- , qualifying position in his heat race. "l am just f- - -" out of my placed beneath the seat of Mike LaRocco's race bike. while the , .eta was in Los Angeles .to watch the season kickoff : In recent mind right now, - Palmer said after the race from the door of his . . . , , other: a more sportsman-oriented model, utilizes a monitor - or months: Garcia has given personal surfing lessons to both Jeff ' posh tour bus. " ' accomplished'another goal. I've got my snow' . hi . . t ialif '.Emig and Jeremy McGrath. While the two racers' are landlocked amprons 'p, 'Jus qua , red for a supercross ' shock clock -'which is bolted to the triple clamps. Both systems , · . board ,ng W or Id Ch' inlanders (living in Riverside and Canyon Lake. California, respec- . main event. I' m going to win my mountain-biki ng World Champi." are claimed to measu re .sag ~s well as compression and reboun d onship here real soon, and then I want to start to dick around with ' rates. ·tiv" ly). they both enjoy paddling out "'(hent ime permits. '. . . some road bikes maybe nextyear and win a road race World , KTM ' brought 'out a factcry-tweaked 250 for Lance, Small to ride Championship." When asked if he would race the rest of the White Line Fever: 'If'the, Los Angeles pits were .any Indication, in Los Angeles. The bike glistened with WP works suspension. a series. Palmer replied: "The dream is over: I think I'm done with it. .you 're not a major player in U.S, supercross unless your team 280 mm front disc rotor. billet-machined trip le clamps. factory If I,wanted to succeed even more with the 'dream, and ride fO'r ' operates out of an la"wheel t ruck or fifth-wheel trailer. Taking rear suspensio n. a f actory-fabricated aluminum swingarm and Mitch · I can: Mit ch. I could put you ' to,your heels right now, I on the appearance of a big-time NASCAR Winston Cup race. the " FM F pipe. Interestingly. the bike also ran a 199 1 crank last used could make you build a bike, I could make you fly me to the races' pits were congested by the abundance of semis, Honda, Suzuki; by former KTM factory racer Mike,Healey in the '9 1 FIM 250cc and you 'could have to pay Skip Norfolk a lot of money to wrench Yamaha. Kawasaki (who also showed up with a hospitality rig). GPs. ' , .. Pro Circuit. FMF. Honda of Troy. and Chaparral all worked out of on my bike. But we'll sse.". the luxurious beasts• .while a number Of other private operations , Borrowing a trick used,in the biq-dollar (and biq-spendinq) world Do ug Henry won the ' "900.PRO.RACE Holeshot Award ' such 'a's Stiffie. Tecate. Moto ' XXX and 'others whether outof :of CART Indy Car racing, Team Yamaha laid down trick plastic , and the $1000 ,that goes along with it. Ry an Huffman picked up convenie nce 'or economics · -went with . th e fifth-whee l option; . floor in ,their pit area, Smooth. cleenand user-friendly. the floor ' the $500 up for grabs in the 125cc' main event on his new Primal . Finally. the box van has still not fallen completely out of vogue. as makes the life of a race mechanic a bit more pleasant. Impulse/ Bill's Pipes/S uzuki RM125, the Primal Impulse/ Bill' s Pipes/Suz uki team 'and a host of shop teams and privateers still co unt. on -the time-honored contrap. . . . . Team Yam":ha had it~ bikes pr~pared for war'on the m~ddy LA ' .- Beverly Hills .902 10" star L uke Per ry made a special guest ti on s .. · . Coliseum circuit. Each bike ran solid front and rear rotors: along : appearance in Los Angeles. Said Perry to the masses. "lf I had a with numerous foam'inserts (to keep mud and water out of specf- bike, I'd be outthere on the track in two minutes !" Too bad no' On a ' hi st o'ri cal not e , four non-A merican riders have woo' the ' ic areas), The carburetor of Doug Henry's VZM400 was wrapped . one took him up on it. '. Los Angeles Supercross at the Coliseum. Sebast ien Tortelli in a special Velcro/ vinyl sleeve in order to keep 'water and mud joins Pierre Karsmakers of Holland, Roger DeCoster of Belgium from jamming the carb/accelerator-pump linkage. . ' ,. " , and Greg Albertyn of South Africa as one of the four. . , a The f irst qU~lifiers were run. i~ ' deplorable co';ditions: a~·the .heavy rain that deluged the track on Friday and Saturday mo rnjnq turned the Coliseum 'floor ,into a major-league quaqrnire' of thick and heavy mud. How ever. tr ackdesiqnerHlch Winkler .had .a , master plan to help save the day. "When the qualifiers are over.- .. seld.Wlnkfer as he watched the first qualifying races while standing in ankle-deep' mud.." we w ill take out the small jumps and 'use ' -that dry dirt .on. 'approaches to ' the big triple jumps. We'll mel-. the ' .... ' , ' ' . ' > - Eric .Johnson , 9

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