Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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QUIKSHOP I COSM ~ MOTllJlS •3D1 JaslIIvIIe . . . 1Ia1lxn, PI 1.1·8005 23-2522 DP AD Lighter, Sttonge r, fasflOr TITANIUM FASTENERS, COMPONENTS &: CUSTOM FABRICATION Fre e Price She et FAX (800) 745-7989 Phone (510) 46 1-1130' 394 2 -L Valley Ave nue • Pleasanton. CA 94566 E-Ma il-Sti ck-e m ml W EBSIT E: WI LL NOT RU ST Rancho Motorcycle Dismantling "If WI! DDn't HBVI! It, We'll Find I"" LATe MODeL SA LVA Ge USl!d Parts: .Mast Priem at 5D% Df Nl!w 3559 Ret:yde ReI. RIndlo Ca!IIlIft, CA. 9574Z UPS Dlilly I (BOD) lI9-lICVCCE fAX t91&1&3 1-941DSAI:DIpIB EXCEPTIONAL GEAR FOR EVERY KIN D OF RID ER . RIDE EAt SLEEIi' £5r" , COlli t()r our lOll r:l ~ (;ttal{)~ >t:' JOHN KOCINSKI fillt"d with revolutiona ry YAMA -"£J 1iLJ'" iiCt" i."loth i n~ &. hundred.. uf ~ n 1997 World SuperfHke Champion Castrol Honda Team "t11 a c xceprioual rnxtuet\ such .... REPE£ FORA CASTROL DEALER OR DISTRIBUTOR INFORMATIONV1S1T us 011THEWEB AT _ _ c lstrDla do com · k )( h i ll ~ m.1 P"" l u~ huul'\., 't'. huuk ... Motoc:rou Development S ince 1983 elecrromo, run1, &: Ilh.lrt'. 1 1 ££ C A T A LOG 1-800-222-1994 III-Tn·I971 • fll 211·120-3610 I ~ II ' 'VI. • • O lU M. 11 U Tlt, 106 ~ Call N o ",,"a n d s • • w hy 'th is is a~ c lose t"aetory as you can Bee ( 330) 3BS ·FAST · to FAX ( 3 3 0) 3 8 6 - 1 15 1 E NEWS NEVER COVERS RACES IN MY AREA... DON'T JUST WH E A8 0UT " - WRrrE AIjO rr! UT POLISHING express Wh eels • Swing Arm • Frame • Parts GSX R • FZR • ZX • CB R & Others .. N EW Y EAR SPECIAL .. 2 Wheels ' 3 Di sc ' SWln 9 Arm 5575 0 0 2 Weeks Tuman>und • UPS Available 24 H R • ( 4 0 4) 370-5 7 6 6 · USEDPARl ~ Slreet and Dirt (Used) ' Get Your Parts Fo1l:! CPC 8 18· 3 4 3 · 3 3 6 8 2·Stroke PipeDe Removal nt CR·VZ PWM Carb Convers ion 200.00 ~DoIly n you don't see local coverage in Cycl e News of events in your area , you can hel p by becoming a Cycle News con1ributo r. You write the story (and shoo t photos) at your local club and track events, and submit the story to us for publication. We'll even pay you lor what we print. All you have to do is call the Cycle +l ews head · quarters at 7 14· 751-74 33 (week day s from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. P.S.T.; Tuesday thru Fnday ) aod ask fo r a 'contrib ut or kit' . W e' II se nd yo u all the detai ls about how to write local storie s for Cyc le News . REMEMBER.•. We can't run it if we don't get itl (ill]]~. (303) 81lHl218 ~ ~ ··Factory" Eng in e a n d Suspension m ods. ArenacrosSISX Packa&;es Available . AmmQl's W

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