Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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PRESENT ~nd The Annual place. Sanchez cruised in for the win, with Thomas and Handall surviving for second and third, respectively. Results 125 NOV:1. Richard Ow ens (Yam.~ 125 PRO: 1. Eric C;u;u (Xaw); 2. Mark BurneĀ« (Yam ). 2SO NOV: 1. Kenny Sand-.ez (Yam) ; 2. Bri;mlhJmD (Hm.); 3. Alex HandaJ1(Hon). 2SO EX: 1. ~ BickndJ (Kaw); 2. Grant ~Ie (Han). 250 VET: 1. Larry GlOM (Yam ); 2. John Wachald (Han); 3. Joe Trujillo (lIoo~ 250 PRO: 1. Rich Truchinski (Kaw ); 2. Shawn Elli. (Suz) ; 3Billy MLOinttxk(H an). Weldy wins Doorbell Classic Hare and HoundIPoker Run LAY 0 OUNDATION CHA ITY GOL CL SIC Tuesd _ay~ March 3, 1998 :- 1 P.M. By Bret Eckert OOWNHlLL,CA,JAN. I Mark Weld y claim ed the 2.5Oce-class victory and overall hon ors in the Polka Dots MC 44th annual New Year's Day Doorbell Derb y Classic. Weld y u sed a comb ina tio n o f fast rid in g and stro ng "Doorbell Sense" to win this year's event, w hich consisted of 26 to ugh m iles of raw trails, icy roads, and do wnhills too steep even to bulldog itdown. At high noo n, the signa l was give n a nd the Hare &. Hou nd/Poker Run began with Bob Austin grabbing the holeshot on his '98 KX25O. Hot on his roost were Ken Herna ndez and Bret Ecke rt, w ith Weldy makin g up for a two-kick s tar t and pushi ng hard in fou rth . Ecke rt and Weldy quickly dis p laced Hernandez and, along wi th Aus tin, set a blistering pace the rest of the co n te sta n ts co u ld n ot ma tch. Th e lead t rio swapped positions and raged in some of the best condi tions seen in years, reaching checks two and th ree well ahead of the other riders and - to thei r dis may - wi tho ut check one'scards. Weldy reached the killer d ownhill between checks three a nd fo u r fir st, a nd wi sely d isounted and bull dogged his aging XR through the bo u lders, s tu mps and other obstructions. Austin tried to gain on Weldy in the 2.5Occ class, trying his luck riding down the incline, and ended up on his head instead of in the lead. At this point, Mark Weld y's fath er, Vern Weldy, closed the gap wi th Eckert and his hard-starting 600 in the Ope n class. Whil e the rest o f th e rid ers st ru gg le d through th e downed logs , low branches and n trim med bushes in the very wel l-ma rked "green " trails, Weld y and Eckert smo ked first into checks four and five but then lost the scen t f the trail. The two d oubled back and Weldy as first to look up and see check one, get do wn o the task of finding the last tw o checks and inning the race. It was at this stage of the event t Vern Weldy took over the lead in the Open lass. Vern sho wed, as he has in pas t Doorbell erbies, tha t youth and speed do n't always win h is tricky e vent. Ve rn ca ug h t up to his so n a rk. and they ended up findin g the rema ining ecks first and finishin g the Classic with Vern nly 23 seconds behind Mark at the checkers. This year's win for Mark We ld y makes it ee years in a row that he has taken hom e the op prize in the 2.5Occ class, which earns him the o vet ed p erpetual trophy. Vern Weld y 's win arks his first Open-class victory after numerus pa st wins in th e 250 an d 200cc d iv is ions. en He rnandez claimed his first-ever Doorbell in by outlastin g all entrants in the ultracometiti ve 200cc class. The win did not come easily, owever, as he wasted a motor in his hig h-zoot OX in the process. esults Charles and Sharon Clayton , the founders of America's weekly motorcycle newspaper, Cycle News, established this foundation in 1989 after they realized the need to financially help motorcycle racers who have unfortunately been injured during a race. Their wish has been to give back to the motorcycle industry, what the industry has given to them. r-- ~-------- -- --------, Name _ Addr ess City Zip St at e _ Phone ( o Single o Double' o Foursome' ' Additional Name(s) in Group Over the years, the Clayton Foundation has disbursed thousands of dollars to these injured racers when their insurance funds have run out, and benefits or raffle money that their family, friend s and clubs have contributed is gone. That's when the Clayton Foundation steps in. Each entrant must submit a separate form and payment. Every effort will be made to match requested group pairings. Regular Entry -$95.00 includes entry and free unlimited range balls. Corporate Sponsorship -Fee: $ 1000.00 - Gold $500 .00 - Silver -Includes 4.entries into the tournament -Company 's banners at a tee box and the green of the sponsored hole -Cotnpeny logo included in all advertising materials -Special recognition at Awards Ceremony Please come join us for a day of fun that helps support this worthwh ile charity. Make checks payable to: The Clayto n Foundation L I ~ Mail to: Cycle News Inc. P.O . Box 805 Tucker, GA 30085-0805 ~ I n d i g o Lakes Golf Club Daytona Beach, FL SIGN-UP NOW SPACE IS LIMITED O/A:l. Mark Weldy (Hon). OPEN: 1. Vern Weldy (K.w); 2. Alan Ruth (Han); 3. BIrl Ed(Han); " OUld Ship~ (Yam) ; S. BiD F"in (K.;Iw) . 2SO: 1. Mar k Weldy (Hon); 2. Bob Austin (X.;Iw); 3. Dave d (Kaw); 4..Joe Kimbrel (Kaw ). = ,."'".......... (]

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