Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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OBSERVED TRIALS FlM IND O O RTRIALS WORLD CHAMP N HIP IO S By John Dickinson 26 SHEFFIELD,ENGLAND, JAN. 3 ou g Lampki n began the defense of h is Ind oo r Trials World Champion ship with a thrilling win over d epos ed k in g Ma rc Colome r wh en the 1998 series got under way at Sheffield in northern Eng land, not far from the Lampkin family ho me. Consequently, the sellou t crowd of 8000 in th e s po r ts are n a - h o m e to th e Sheffield Steelers ice hockey team - were Lam p ki n supporters to th e last man, and a lt hough th ey weren't hostile to . Colomer, th e Spania rd sure knew he wasn't in Spain! Just six sections plus a hig h jump and two races had been set up in the stadium, the cou rse mast erminded by Lamp- kin' s dad, Martin , co-promoter of th e eve nt. Each section wa s brand-new, big and not for the fain t-hearted. Sheffi eld '98 was a two-day affair, with tw o sepa ra te even t s . Frid a y evening's w as an In ternational are n a trial, w ith Saturday' s even t bei ng th e World Cha m pi ons hi p ro u nd. Th e sections on Friday were mad e easier to give th e less er riders a chance to m ake it th rough without hurtin g themselv es. Fr ida y' s lin eup non eth el es s h a d the stars in it, including British riders Lam pki n , Steve Colley, Grah am Jarv is, Spaniard Ma rc Co lomer, Ja pa ne se ace Kenichi Kuroyama, Belgian Fred Crosset and Finn Joachim Hindren. Hind ren came in as a last-minute replacemen t for injured European champion Marc Catt- lao

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