Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1993 KXSOO Desert I Baja I QUIKSHOP Ultra rellable, many extras . 52 ,600 . 8385. CA. Promoters.o, Greg A1bereyn. Buddy Antunez. Damon BradshB.. • v: . CUSTOM MADE K N EE BRACE '\ .8 ~ RACE TOWARDS A CAREER IN MOTORCYCLE MECHANICS AMI HAS rr Al.LI -< i TRUST THE PROS Ernig and McGrath agree .• . No _ C.T1.- .That'. why 8 2 of Ute AMA'. U1eIr bocty'. 8U~.ton COp '1 CO In good -orklng r~ " ' " - ~n ~ c ..... .., ,..ty o n c.-n .- ~ .....p keep _I - _ ·hod ....,Da........ ~. -. Ult ra . llght: hand la minated carbon fi b.,. fnlme help-. k_p your body'. a u.penalan In IJI'WI. P . rforrnence friendly d • •lgn \Non"1: slo w you dowon. T........ T_ c... g. AMSTM .f CAntl-M lg r et;Jon S p t emJ k_p C .T1.2 In plac. • ::l help. American Motorcycle Institute A OMs40n of AMI. Inc . c... '" m '" 3 R • •;: mod.l. a lao l ieU' nC.ltCAI. • ClOSE SurERIIStOI I'UCE.EIY ASSISTAICE • fllAIICIAL ASStSUICE UrROYED fOR ,nEIlAI'S nAIIII' ~. available. ~ -n J C ALL TOLL FR EE 1·800.874-0645 • 1-8000881-2AMI 3042 West International Speedway Blvd. Daytona Beach, FL 3212.- j Accutorec1M h lng• • move with you and help block hype~xten.ion .. «- J: '" ~ Law profile atrapping .ya~m c reetea ~ CMSTM Wf.tlme trame lind h inge W'eM"anty .. -- .@ 1iiiii _ _ ...... .,. ...... f ah_,..'lt:. (Cuatom M __urlng Sptern) allow. f o r precl• • cuatorn ftt. Are your events not being covered In Cycle News Call (562) 427-7433 and ask our editorial depart ment to send a contributor kit. leam how to send i 6lories the right way! 1996 Hon da malo'. 2nd Place 1997 Hot Sho series. $3,500. (614)n 3-9103 or (614)772OH. • ........·Buell .. Buell" Buell ..-... Save up to 51,500 on '97 M2 Cyclones. Simili savi ngs on all remaining Invenlory . Call for be p rice s . We ship da ily . Delano Spo rt Cent (800)827-2530. MN. '96 XR400 . Sen ior own ed . Pro -Tapers . excell enl cond il io Green sticke r Moose suspension . $4 ,200 fl, I (530)343-6806. CA. 1995 KTM 300EXC Sen ior owned . Irail ridden. excepllonal "as ne cond it ion . Call Vince for list 01 extras. 53, 60 Home (805)836-231', Work (805)328' 0 188 (800)257-Q985 CA. . ~ J: t ! 250 Dirt Tracker Dealers••• Do you have a back room full of old and obsole par1S? Sen them In the Cycle News Want Ads Collectors adsl ? INNOVATION SPORTS,INC. :D sales1 www.isports .com 1 .8 00-2 2 2 .4 2 8 4 'SlMal ojo\)! ·B:lUB.JMIll 1 'o::J:lOtj"l "'IIVII 'UOSW"l llIIB>S -uos uqcr- Aase::J 'so~ '4cj 1 1996 Triumph Daytona Super 3 race pipe, jetted, polished whee ls, ;gn· " pl us mor e. One of a kln d l MinI cond itio (818)790-4220 Eve's. CA. 1990 FZR400 Roadracer Supersport motor (one season ), Fox, Race T f orks . Hindle, some spares. Canadian LWS Ch amp In 1997 (Rac e) . Great Blke l $2,99 (315)342-5760. NY. Rebuilt Cranksl.... " s _.-.r. -'JlY'..&~. CoJopIoIo Io-bo ... _1.. 11I"". 1 _ po_ nco Ilanlfhtniable price ! 1993 Venture Royal T ~ 1121S.w. l' Avt uI · 'om...... aaKll, fL noaa ~ n 'II" __M _ 154.-7B4-DCZa • Fll854-7I4-D1D1 Call Toll F 1·800-321.6354 ree Take you' honey with you on lhallong Sunday rid As new. 5.285 miles. Drive, backrest, AMlFM, sette , C/B. air. suspension - 58,000 l obo. 19 RD350 , beller than new l Sepc II pipes, 30m Mikun l carbs, Excel wheels, Sticky tires , War shocks 53 .000 firm . Ca ll aller 6pm M.S . (520)753-7990. AZ.. > HODAKA BMW PARTS 0 Ne w and Used. Crank Rebuilding Cylinders. Boring & Pan ing Hei d's Hodaka - BM W Sh ip H:ON"DA. Discount Parts "JUST THE LOWEST PRICES " FREEFREIGHT OVER $1 00 .I.... FMF · DG • PRO CIRCUIT· RENTHAL - RK 800·279·7 433 MAXIMA - MOrUL - BOYESEN • DICO • ITP UP5 0aily HODAU 53 Garn el Lake Road Johnsburg. NY 12 843 (5181 251 -2110 SINISALO - ONEAL - SCOTT - EBC • AFAM MONDAY - SATURDAY 8AM - 5PM MST " RIDE FAX·602 -949-802 4 UPS· FEDEX - NEXT DAY AVAILABLE VISA · MI C • AMEX • DISCOVER BAJA Expmnra the Legmdary Baj a. Sedhe sights em Honda XR's. DUNLOP - BELL · GAr ORZ AND MORElli WESTERN HONDA WHOLESALE TO DEALERS ORDER LINE.... .. 800-783-5859 , BAJA :OFi'-ROADADVENTlJEES SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA MAGNUM DEALERS SA VE SSS (714) 52S-6539 • FAX (714) 630-4474 The Knowledge To Win HALL'S HUSQVARNA (8J Husqvama v~~ MAICO & CZ - ~ NORTHWEST °Vlntage Racing Speclalists° large Inventory · Acces.5orIes - VIntage to Current New 8< Used Mo,orcyde5 8< Potts • Buy SeI • Trade 0 19130KlippelROOd. BenetOR97701 ' - - - - (541) 389 -6112 --J ROCKET REX RACING MOTORCYCLES· ATV'S • WATERCRAFT DESERT· MOTOCROSS . ___"""l\JWkIing ••- ...... IP'''''-_ Suspension lAodiliclllion n'~ Woldlng & FabticBlion MX·SChooia 10825 Milpas Drive Rocket Rex Staten =~T'l" Apple ~ Volley. CA9230B (619) 2405208 Visit fa mous Mike's'SIcy Ranch. Minim"", age riglttnn oleL Large Inventory 0 28 Years In The Dirt 3801North Olrltsonl>al1

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