Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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&'6-7 IiI27 -28 7111-12 &'1-2 Gta1Ian, MI BekliI, L BekliI, L EIeb,KS 4111-12 IleIDiI, L 4125-26 McunI MerilIan, IN S'23-24 Beloit, IL &'6-7 GraIIan, MI 1iI27·28 Beloit, IL 7111-12 BekliI, IL &'1-2 EI'9 lJJceme, CA 4125-26 8 Trial. CA &'6-7 Big Bear. CA Info: 7141562·n42 Southern Enduro Riders Ass'n Hare SaaJrtlIes Series MapIesviIIo. AL WIggins, Info: 5ll4Ili6S«l13 1118 us 218 SETRA Hare Scrambles 1118 MapIesviIIo. AI.. Ard 8 _ CoItm>us. GA. And 10 cue Golden State MX Nat'ls 2122 1'8 Macon, GA. And11 IltaselIon, GA. Ard 12 :lI29 ClOss _ . SC. And13 KnoMIe. TN. And 14 SouIII RegIon 1118 SanJacinIo. CA, And 2 211 Palmdale, CA, And3 2115 !llM>nl. CA, And 4 BraseI1on. GA 7118 7119 7/25 WingIon, TN College SIalion, 1)( Gane_ .OH FauIkviIIe. GA &'15 IV22 Henderson, 1)( SouII1 Havon. MI TaIIadoga. AL ~ Halet,0K !lIS GaneIISviIIe, OH' !VI2 GlalIan, MI' !VI2 SLrmIlPoint, W'J !VI9 F _. GA 9120 College Station, 1)( W26 McunlMerDan, IN lW14-18 8IaseIlcn, GA • , !lDIJlIo point events Info: 407/831-<1331 or WWW.weravlntage.axn Great Lakes Road Racing Association series 411 8-19 GraIIan, MI !i'9- 0 Indianapoiis, IN 1 5130-31 GraIIan, MI &'1 0-11 Elchart lAke WI , 7/4-5 Grattan, MI 7/15-1 6 L.exingllln. OH 818-9 Indianapolis, IN 1V22-23 Grattan, MI !VI9-2O Grattan, MI Inlo 616/ 58-5888 : 4 Sunshine State MX Championship series 218 RedlId<, R. And 1 2/15 DadeCity, R. And 2 1'8 QItando, R. And 3 415 315 Daytona. R. Ard 12 Greensborn, GA. And 13 Mor]janIon, NC, And 14 Cochran, GA. And 15 CIanIon, AI.. Ard 16 0Iuslee. R. And 17 TanyIDwn, Fl, And 18 Hunicane MiUs, TN, And 19 ~5 415 4119 4116 5117 FTR Championship series Hare Scrambles 7/4 = Wedgelieid. SC. And 10 Penon. SC, And 11 HendIIrsott, 1)( 5110 Henderson, 1)( 5114-17 BraseI1on, GA ' 5123 Mount MerilWl, IN' ~ GanettsviIJe. OH &'20 5Imnlt Point,W'J• 6125-28 Inlianapoiis, IN' 818 818 1 /25 ~ 617 Point, W'J Ta11adoga. AL GIaItan, MI ana. Fl, And 4 Ocala. Fl, And 5 1117·18 Rosamond, CA, And 1 2114-15 Rosamond, CA,And 2 ~ 4-1 5 Rosamond, CA,Ard 3 411 8-1 9 Rosamond, CA,Ard 4 3'16-17 Rosamond, CA,And 5 6120-21 Rosamond, CA,And 6 7/18-1 9 Rosamond, CA, Ard 7 &'15-16 Rosamond, CA, And 8 !VI9-2O Rosamond, CA,And9 lW17·18 Rosamond, CA,Ard 10 11 114-15 Rosamond, CA,And 11 12119-20Rosamond, CA,And 12 Ho: IlO5l25&-1234 211 5 = . SC. Ard9 11/22 218 Faulkvil1e, GA ' BraseI1on. GA 5llmm ~ 218 Riverside, CA :>'21·22 Rosamond, CA 4112 PaJornar. CA 5/3 Riverside, CA 1iI27·28 Rosamond, CA 7125 Palomar, CA 8123 Riverside. CA 9127 PaJornar. CA WSMC Road Race series = 5/3 Clermont. IN College Station. 1)( , CMRRA 5OccI125cc C'ship Road Race series Rock Rardl. CA Info 7OoII6ll4-4297 : :>'14 1/18 HoIisl8rIil.CA 211 camog;e. CA' 2115 0alfieId. CA' 'Action, Kawasalci, SuZIJci & Yamaha Ca1Iingen:y Info: 9ll9/653-4042 or 209I65lHl682 Conal Canyon. CA SETRA Championship Enduroseries = 4118 ~PaJ1<,CA' GIen.-..CA' Pems,CA 2122 American Trials Association Nonh AmoricIn Sport BIU DayIona BeacII, FL !i'9-10 EIeb,KS ~ 8IaseIlcn, GA 10120-25 Daytona BeacII, FL lIlA Homestead. FL WERA VIntage series = Nonh Pems, CA ' Sarona 0aIts, CA ' 2/1 InIo:7061327-4015 2I2fJ SouIII 1125 218 2122 1'8 10124-25 Rosamond, CA Palomar CA . 12/13 RiveBide CA . Info: 9091674-5357 l~_,CA = GRWInter series Inf :7061327-4015 o 1117-18 lIlA 1131·2/1 lIlA 2121·22 lIlA :>'21-22 lIlA 4/4-5 lIlA 4118-19 Vero BeacII, FL Info: 4071264-0559 FTR Cham()ionsh ip EnduroSeries 1'8 Ocala National Forest, FL 5/3 0Iustse. FL 3'17 Aic:I*>am, FL 5/31 Daytona. FL Info: 4071264-0559 FTR Mo tocross series 1/25 Olceectoobee. R. Ard 5 211 5 Illn1oI, R. Ard 6 :>'15 Panama City. R. Ard7 4125 0I'7 Las Vegas, NY Yo! Panaca, NY 6/13-14 CaIienle, NY &'3 By. NY 8123 Hiko. NY lW17 ·18l.oganlla1e, NY lln -a 1lea1Iy. NY 11/21 Alamo. NY InIo: 702I4:!T-oT2fi SilverState Desert Race series 4117·18 Tompah, NY Ard 1 . 6126-28 By. NY Ard 2 . lW1~ Vegas-ll>Reno. NY. Ard3 12/4-6 ~. NY And 4 . 1nIo: 7021457-5T15 or"""bild.alm. World Spo rts Winter-AM series 1117·18 ana (8Iaden1on). FL 1/24-25 GaroesviIIe, FL Info 8131823-2090 : American Trials Association 2/1 Rock AancIl, CA 2122 Conal Canyon. CA 4118 4119 l1Jceme. CA Rock AancIl, CA RockRancll, CA Big Bea CA r, = 616-7 Info: 7141562-n42 MRA Roadraclng series 5/3 Mead, CO 5115-17 Coiolado Springs. CO Orlando, R. RedlId<, R. 5/31 Mead, CO &'14 Denver, CO DadeCity, FL ana. R. QItando, R. 6128 2 _ .CO Mead,CO PISm. CO Colorado Spings. CO 9113 Info: 3521242-2605 &'16 ~ 37

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