Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Above) Garret Ward unw raps his new Suzuki DSSO with the help of Good Times Kawasaki/Suz uki/Ducat; of Sacr amento owne rs Sherman and Della Walke r. The bike was a gift fr om Suzu ki and Good Times , to help Garrell better deal with a rare lung disease. (Left ) Billy Payne made the jump to the Pro clas in sty le by winn ing the 250cc Pro class and finish ing second to Casey Lyt le in the 125cc Pro class in Hungry Valley, California. pull ing him up the long straigh taway going into the w oods. Hadaway and Gray came -to gether an d crashed, hand in g the lead to Qu ick, wh o never looked back on the way to his win. In the Vintage class. it was Maico-mounted Kevi n Quick who nailed th e hol esh ot , leavin g Kelvin Herrala and his Os sa in a cloud of sno w. Herrala pu lled to within tw o bike length s by the end of the first lap , a nd at the beg inning of the thind lap they came together hard going into the w oods. Quick w en t down, bu t H erra la managed to han g on a nd ca me ou t of the woods section with a sub st anti al lead . By th e end of the fourt h lap , Quick blew by Herrala and motored on for a well-d eserved victo ry . It was later learn ed that Herrala's shif t shaf t was shea red off at the cases wh en they came togeth er, leaving the Ossa stuck in first gcar. Results 0-100; I. Matt Quick (Hon ); 2. JO!ICph Gray (Han); 3. Dan Ha da w a y tH u n); 4. Ronn i(' Bardo (Su z:); S. N ick Ayees (Hom . 101-200 : 1. Jim Sch u ltze (Ho n); 2. Ca m Raffe rty (K.1W) ; 3. Michael Williams (Kaw). . NOV: 1. Chri s Kunt e (Ho n); 2. Jaml'S Kalman (Mail ; 3. Rola n Durlot (Hon); 4. Greg Sleza k (H on~; S. ' ('Moil' Smith (Cag). VINT : 1. Kt."Vin Quick (Mal) ; 2. Kelvin Herr e ta ( 201·2 50: 1. Allen Ca rm ke (Hun); 2. Caleb Kenne y: 3. Ken C ha mbe rlain (He n): 4. Gregory Smith (He n): 5. Da vid McNeal O-Ion). VET A: I. Stephen Kosher (Han); 2. Matthew Mu rph y (Ka w ~; 3. Kelvin Hcrrala (Hl.n). VET B: 1. ja mes Mouthy (K.1W ); 2. David Beneedu m (Suz) ; 3. Richard Holbert (5 uz); 4. Ga ry Haskell (Suz) ; 5. La rr y Luthe r (Suz). SR A: 1. Jam es Spe nce r (Ka w): 2. Bru ce Miller ( Ho n): 3. witham Ervin (Hon). SR B: 1. David Ken ney (KTM); 2. JOM!ph Arce~>i (Ho n); 3. Dav id Kun te (Ho n); 4. Eric Hemecki (Honl, EX: 1. Tod d Sal ton (Ya m ); 2. Sco tt Rich (Ka w ); 3. Nat han Kanne (Suz ); 4. Kevin Brown (Suz ); 5. James Spencer (Kaw ). y Payne turns Pro at Hungry Valley MX By Ton y Alessi 34 GORMAN, CA, DEC.14 Team Green 's Billy Payne-made a su ccessfu l d eb ut in the 125 a nd 2SOcc Pro classes, taking the 250cc win by storm and finishing second to Honda of Troy's Casey Lytle in the 125cc race du ring round thr ee of the SSC Thou sand Oaks Kawa saki Winter Warm Up MX Series, held at the Hun gry Valle y OHV area. "I remember my first Pro race," Lytle said . "I was nervou~ bein g on the line with all these gu ys I read about and admired for years ." After takin g what appeared to be two easy moto victories in th e 250cc Pr o ,class, Pa yne seemed right a t hom e in the Pro division s and eager to prove his worth in the 125cc di vision. Th e line was fille d with top-ranked talen t as Payne pulled up to the gate. To his left was Lytl e a nd Idaho' s Da nny Smith, a bo a rd his new FMF I T eam Honda su p port rid e; to his ri ght , teamm at e Tim Langdon a n d Swed ish race r Espe n Bliks tad . Wh en the ga te d ropped, Pa yn e a n d h is potent Pr o Circuit Kawasaki p opp ed ah ead o f th e fie ld for a p erfec t holeshot. Payn e w en t on to lead for most of the ea rly laps w hile Lytl e a nd Smith go t in to a battle for seco nd. The Pro racers were to be treat ed to a pair of 12-lap motes, wh ich raised qu esti ons a bo ut Payne. Cou ld he go the distan ce? Is he in good enough shap e? Th e answ er a p pea re d to b e " no " w h en Pay ne went down near the ste p-u p jump and handed the lead to Lytle. Payn e re mo unted near last place a nd went to work , repa ssing rid ers in an effo rt to ge t back into the hunt. Lytle and Smith went at it for the remain de r of the moto, with Lytle ge tting the nod at the finish. Payn e charged back for a very im pressive third by the end of the moto. The second moto saw Payne out front again, with Lytle, Langd on and Smith all in tow. Langd on pressu red Ly tle early in the race, whic h helped Payn e open up some dayligh t bet ween himself and Lytle. As the race wo re on, Lang don and Smith began to battl e for third , while . Lytle set out after Payn e. As the racers com pleted lap II of the 12-lap race, it was evident th at lapped rid er s 0 25cc Interm ed iates) wo uld pose a potential problem for Pay ne as they began to steal the lines of the lead ers . Durin g th e la st la p, Lyt le mad e his move after Payn e followed a tapper down the fr ont st ra igh t. Lytle p er formed an awesome leap to the left of Pa yne a nd passed bo th the lapper a nd Payne in one feUswoop. Pay ne tried in vain to retake the lead, bu t Lytle was a little qu icker and we nt on for the moto a nd overall .win in front of Payne and Langdon. Results 50 (4-6): 1. Col e Pug m ire (tem); 2. David Mead e (Cob) ; 3. Chris Plou ffe (KTM) . 50 (7-9): 1. Mikr Mead e (Cob). 50 (1-9) YAM: 1. Justin Eubanks (Yam) . 60 (1).8): 1. Jeff Ala..i (Kol. w); 2. Tren t Pugmire (Kaw );3. Mike Meade ( Ka w ); 4. Ta nn e r Al exander (K.II w) ; 5. David Meade (Kawl . eo (9-11): 1. Mike Ak"!>Si ( Kaw); 2. Rya n Malh erbe (Kaw ). 80 n EG : 1. Tat e Misi..suk (Ka w ); 2. Ada m Ta kl ( Ka w ); 3. Kevin William s (Yam ); 4. Kenn y Ce verh tll (Yam): 5. Josh BaAAe (Ho n). 80 NO V: 1. 8ml Mo un lain (Yam ); 2. Bruce Wll kinMm (Hon) . 80 (12· 16): 1. Richard Euba nks (Yam ). 80 S / MINI: i . Mik e A lt.~si (Ka w); 2. Jeff AI~1 (Kaw); 3. Bruce Wil k inson (Ho n); 4. Bre tt Mou n ta in (Ya m ): 5. Kevin Williarq..'1 (Ya m). lis BEG: 1. w es Cla rk (Ka w ); 2. T.' . Beraric (Ya m); 3. Brad Stan ley (Kaw); 4. Kur l Nelson (Ya m); 5. 101.'1 Swa nso n (Suz) . 125 NOV : 1. Eric An derso n (Yam); 2. Colin Morri son (Han); 3. Brad Teuy (Yam); 4. Chris Oark (Kaw); 5. Brian Terry (Ya m) . 125 INT : 1. R.I. Thompsen (Ka w): 2. And reau l..Jbrador; 3. Lann y Turner (Hu n); 4. J"--TI."mY San toro (Kaw) ; 5. Tra vis Sm ith ' (Kaw ). 125 PRO : 1. CaSt" Lyt le (Hon); 2. Billy Pa yne ( Ka w l; 3. y Espen B1i s ta d (Yam): 4. Da nn y Smit h (Ho n): 5. Tim Lan gdon k (Kaw). 2SO BEG: 1. M a; k Eckman (Ya m); 2. Mike Malherbt> Yam ); 3. Kip Co ntreras IHo n] : 4. Richard Caeta no (Su z); 5. Sieve Terry (Ka w ). 250 NOV : I. jona tha n Schultz (Yam); 2. Mike Embry (Yam); 3. Brad Terry (Yam) ; 4. Bri,m Terry (Yam); 5. Joe Root (K.1w ). 250 !NT: 1. Jeremy Sa nto ro (J

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