Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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25+ BEG : 1. Mich ael Morgan (Suz), 2. Ant ho ny Lorsch eid er (Ho n): 3. Robe r t Wr ight (Yam); 4. Ton y jaime (Yam); 5. Chris Ribeiro (Yam). 25+ N OV : 1. Rick Ma tto s (Suz): 2. Brian Toline (Suz) ; 3. Sergio Fern andez (Hen): 4. Jeff Be cker (Yam); 5. Terry Huffer (Suz) . 25+ INT: 1. Mike Hod ges (Suz); 2 Jeremy Chisum (Ka w) : 3. Shan e Verdin (Su z); 4. Kevin Wise (Yam ); 5. Judd Houck (Kaw ). 25 EX.: t. Rick Ryan (Suz) ; 2 Dean Matson (Suz): 3. Tre vor Jon es (Su z): 4. Eric Sa ndstro m (Suz); 5. Eric Ducray (Y am). 30+ BEG: 1. Rick Barkow sk y (Kaw ): 2. Rob er t Woehrl e (Hon ); 3 . Sc o tt Sch u lt z C o n ); 4. Arvo H Backholm (Kaw) : 5. Ray Ke enom (Ka w ). 30+ N OV: 1. D avid H arvey (Ka w); 2. Sergi o Fernandez (Hen): 3. Mike Wenstrand (Yam); 4. Mart in Marhie (Ho n); 5. jamey Parker (Kaw ). 30+ IN T: 1. Mik e Hodges (Suz) : 2. Shane Verdin (Hon): 3. Richard Quinon es (Suz): 4. Ron Sharp (Suz); 5. JeffMolina (Kaw l. 30+ EX: 1. Jon Za hrt (Ka w): 2. Steve Lucent e (Suz ); 3. Richa rd Bunch (Yam); 4. Rick Ha Jens ich (Suz); 5. Ken Zahrt (Yam). 30+ PRO: 1. Rick Rya n (Suz); 2. Terry Bostard (Suz ); 3. Jon Nelson (Kaw): 4. Shawn Fra iling (Ka w) : 5. Mike Johnson IHbg) . 35+ NOV: 1. Tony Shi p man (Kaw): 2. Randy Lynch (Yam); 3. Jim Enos (Suz); 4. Rick [ewell (Yam); 5. Tom Sullivan (Suz) . 35+ INT: 1. Ron Sha rp (Suz) ; 2. Ha nk Arm endariz (Suz ); 3. John Handelin (Suz); 4. Terry H uffer (Suz ); 5. Robert Hansen (Suz). 40+ NOV : 1. Ro n Rud tI l-Ion) : 2. Bobby lryn ch (Yam); 3. Bill Ca rnes (Yam); 4. Bill Willio; (Ho n); 5. Jo hn To wn er (H e n ). 40+ INT: 1. Terry Huffer (Suz): 2. Alan McGeh ee (Hon); 3. Joe Root (Ka w ), 4. Steve Johnson (Yam); 5. Ed Sims (Hon). 40+ EX: 1. Ken Zah rt (Ya m); 2. Joh n Ha ndelin (Suz ); 3. Robert Hansen (Suz); 4. Patrick Scullen (Suz); 5, Steve Terry (Suz) . Ward gets wild at Superbowl of Motocross By To ny Alessi LANCASTER. CA, DEC 5 James Ward see med to be a crowd favorite as th e Barstow nati ve sto le th e show in the 125cc ;;inn er class during the fifth and final round Bc of the Supe rbowl of Motocro ss, held a t the An telope Valley Fair Grounds . Wa rd was quite for tu nate in . the op eni ng moto of th e 125cc Beginne r class, .when he was able to skirt around a hu ge p ileup tha t seemed to clai m mo re than half of th e 30-ride r field . Ward sa iled away mostl y unchallenged for th e rema ind er of the mot o, muc h to the d elight of t h e lo cal crow d . Eugene Wheeler w o rked th rou gh the field to secu re second at the finish, while Kurt Nelson, high- flying Jer emy Ray and Grant Larso n rou nded the top five. The St.'COnd mota saw a clean er sta rt pr evail, with Ward again finding the front of the pack a coz y p lace to be. While War d sty led up fro nt, Ho nda rider Jerem y Hinton hustl ed through the pack and was soo n secon d and challenging for the lead. Hin ton, who was part of the first-mo to pileup a nd finis hed a disappointing 19th , wa s out to prove a poi nt. Prove a po int he d id by not on ly catching Wa rd , but passing and pulling awa y from him for the eventual moto win. When the dust sett led, Ward was declared the overall winner via a 1-2 finish, which topped Garrett Sti nes' 7·3 runn er-up an d Kurt Ne lso n 's th ird -p lace 3-7 for third overall. Hint on broke into the top 10 with his bittersweet 19-1 finishes . Jared Browne toppc>d the charts in the BOcc Novice d iv isio n by pos ting bo th moto w ins aboa rd his AC Raci ng · tu ncd Su z uki. Browne ga ted abo ut third at the sta rt of the first moto, b ut before the fie ld re a ched t he third tu rn Browne had a lready found his way into the lead . Cory Redinus an d Edward Hc'ITing had a scrap for second that was set tled by Herring by the start of the seco nd lap . Ricky Hemme wa s flyin g and also mad e his way into the top five by the end of the third la p . When the chec kered flag waved, it was all Brown e, while Herri ng se ttled for second after a few bobbl es se t him back a few bike len gths at the finish . Consistency was the mos t important item on Browne's age nda at the start of the second moto. Browne wa s qu ick to find the lead and pull away fro m th e ba tt le fo r second be tw ee n Nicholas He ns ley a nd Herrin g . At th e finis h line, Brow ne stole the spo tlig ht with a runaway victory in front of Herring a nd Hensl ey, wh o ba ttled to the wire for second , with Herri ng getting the runner-up position. Results 50 BEG: 1. Ch apman Fien e; 2. Daniel Kariger; 3. Jake Morrow; 4. Cody FalTar; 5. An tho ny Mu noz. 32 50 (0-6): 1. Bl.tke B.lgge tt; 2. MicMd HolU; ·3. Alan Jiro n; 4. C alTl.'t Nob le; 5. Ni c Pa lu zzi . t 50 (0-6) MO D: 1. Donnie Kearney; 2. Michael Hall; 3. Bilike BaMctt ; 4. A1.ln Jiro n; 5. Cerrett Noble. 50 (7-9): 1. Mike Alt"Slli; 2. Bry n- Te rzi a n; 3. Sco tt Noble; 4. • C ha d Gores ; 5. Tylor Hemme . 50 (7-9) MOD: 1. Mik e A I~s i; 2. Tanner Langham; 3. Justin Mulfurd; 4. Jak e H ull"tt: 5. Chad Go res. ; 60 BEC: I. Ryan Lasko; 2. Mile Meadc; 3 . Jdke Hulnt; 4. Riley Holrper; 5. Robt.'TtO Jiron . Pat Wade w on the 250cc Intermed iate class at the fin al round of the Sup erbowi of MX Series , held in Lanc aster, Californi a. 60 (0-8) : 1. JeffA IC5Si; 2. Tye Ha mes; 3. Chad Gores: 4. Douglas Ca rtlT. 5. B.' . Bohrer. flO (9-1 1): 1. Edw a rd He rring; 2. Chris Ru ny a n. . r / w 80 : 1. Jam t!S Jen ki ns ; 2. Marcu s Walke r; 3. Ne lls haw n Wallu" 4. KL'Vin Up p; 5. Kris ti Pa tri ck. r; HO BEG: I. Cory Baldwin; 2. Lloyd Wnon; 3 . Riley Beckingt>r; 4. Ta ylor Satterfit>ld ; 5. Kevin Willidms. 80 NOV: I. Jar ed Bro w n e ; 2. Edwar d H l'rring; 3 . Rick y H emme, 4. N icllows Hcnsll'Y; 5. Cory Rrtll'1liw.. 80 1NT: 1. [oshua C m n t; 2. Ben Ramsiaran. 80 EX 1. Chris Tocco; 2. D.lvid Boothe. : 125 BEG: J. James Ward; 2. Garrett 5tinl"S; 3. Kurt Ne lso n; 4. David Mc. Ll nus; 5. Eegere whee ler . \ • . 125 NOV : I. Eric An d erson: 2. Branden Mihit ead; 3. Mich.lel Mead ows, 4. Chris Elliott ; 5. C hristopher ll.lm1t. 125 INT: 1. An d rea u Labra dor; 2. Tra vis Sm ith; 3. Joe l Net!On; 4. Raym ond Smit h. 125 PR&--1. G reg Sch nell ; 2. Tim Lang d on; 3. Espen Blibtad; 4. Danny Carl!lOn; 5. Jimm y Lavoed . 250 DEC: 1, Brian Sht> ; 2. et"Ci1 Avery; 3. Sha u n Ca lla h.. n: ffer l 4. Billy McClain; S. Jeff Dewell. 250 NO V: 1. Bra nd e n Milstead ; 2. Ro ger Ho lder; 3 . Ja son Dowe n. 250 INT: 1. Pliltrick Wa d e . 250 PRO: 1. Kyle Lewi!J 2. Donald U pto n; J. Terra nce Ma lan ; ; 4. Jim m y Lavord. JR VET BEG: 1. Cain Smead . JR VET NOV: 1. Jo n Ceovetu, VET BEG: 1. Tim Damon; 2. Kirk [anco. VET NOV: 1. Curt CidL'OV Mik e ClIT . VET lNT : 1. Jerry As her . SRVET BEG: I .Ja ck C illiam . WMN : 1. Bonni e Kelly; 2. C rys ta l Plomner; 3. Tiffa ny Smi th; 4. JMln ifer Parka; 5. Jessica Hall . Partridge trees a pair. at Las Vegas Motocross By Dick Goodwin LAS VEGAS, NY, DEC 7 Suz uki's Kyle Partridge obli terated all comers in th e BOcc co ntes t a t the Las Vegas Mot ocr oss Cl ub 's Mot ocross races at th e new Las Vegas Moto r Speedway. Pa rtri dge blast ed to th e fro nt in race one, ahea d of Michael Parker a nd Robb y Woods, an d immediately increased his lead with each lap on hi s Bobca t of Las Vegas-sponsored RM80 . Behind him, a wild ba ttl e for seco nd through fifth raged between Derek Cos tella, Parker, Ty Mor row a nd Wood s. The outco me of th e race wa s n ev er in do ub t, ho w e ve r, - s Pa r tridge a zip ped across the finish line to win going away. Cos tella .bes ted the d uel ing pack to finish sec ond, ahea d of Par ker and Morro w. The second moto started off in similar fashion, wit h Part rid ge hoo kin g up a big holeshot. This time, he was lead ing Morrow and Costella into the first comer. Parker came up qui ckly to join the lead pack, bu t Pa rtridge, alone out front , was once again showing everyone else the fast way around the track . Cos tella wa s on the prowl and fough t his way into second during the first lap . Morr ow an d Parker would n' t let Cos tella go, however, a nd hounded him throughou t the race. Partridge q mtinucd to carve up the track f..""n rou te to his seco nd straight win , p utting his Suzuki in the win ner' s circle for the overaIl 80cc (7-11) cro wn. Costella once agai n finished second, and firs t overall in the 80cc (12-16) class. Morrow and Parker wrapped up the seco nd and third spots in the 80cc (7-11) class. Rick Essex led the Novices at the sta rt of their first moto, but Justin Vau ghn was on the gas and made a pass as the first lap was winding down. Vaug hn cran ked it u p an d blas ted to a solid win, while Essex held off every one else to finis h second. Marcus Davis wa s able to mtL"'Cle past Brian Lopez to gra b the third spot. Race tw o fe atu re d an o t her Rick Esse x holeshot, a head of Davis . Da vis wa s able to get past Essex, but Vaug hn pass.rt Ca m pbell (KTM ); 4. ThoIrul!l Yag ll' (SUZ) 5. Brett Hani; so n (lcrM ). P/ W (7-8) B; I. Kurt is M u rp hy (KT M ); 2. Ju lian Mit ch ell (H o n). P /W (4-6 )A: I. Ron ni e Coodwin (A ct ); 2. Nic ho la s Ren zi (Lem); 3. Tun y Ca pu to (KTM I; 4. Co ry Sib il"')' (Lem ); 5. And rew Iovino ( KTM). P/W (7-8) A: 1. Matt fJa rri ~n (KTM); 2. Kyle Lew is (A ctl . 60 BEG (6-8): 1. Eric Whipple (Ka w); 2. Miltt Hani-.on (Ka w); 3. Tony Ca p u to OC ); 4. Sheldo n P r08Ct" UCo1w); 5. Ro n nit" aw IIt" Good wi n (K..1W ). 60 BEG (9-11): 1. Ron ni e A lva rado (!Caw ); 2. Chr hi Mt.-'t1hkoff (tcaw); 3 . Cory Aycr.l (tca w ); 4, Juhn Mo rrow UCol w ); 5. Frank lovi no (Kaw). 60 JR CYCLE (6-8): 1. M.1rk Pro!oCellc (Ka w ); 2. Stooln Th u mp90n (Ka w); 3. Joln-d Pa rtri dg t' (Ka w ). 60 JR CYCLE (9-11): 1. Ta y lor Gilmore UCo1 w ); 2. Welllt. )' Har" rill (Kaw); 3. Anthony H art (Kaw); 4. Chrill Renzi (Ka w) ; 5. Ky le C ha mbef-Iain (Ka w). 80 BEG (tJ..1) : I. Nick Bu lloch (Ka w); 2. Jeff r age (Kaw); 3 . l Matt Rt"im:kfoUlon); 4. Za ck Molitor (Ya m). 80 BEG (12 -16 ): 1. C hance Bull och (Ya m ); 2. J im i Hams t H o n); 3. Mi ke Do w ney (Han); -4. Sea n Sim o n (Ya m); 5. Patri ck Sny d er (Hu n). 80 NOV (6-1]) : 1. Kyle Partridge (Suz); 2. Ty Murrow (Kaw); 3 . Mi c ha l!'! P arke r (H on ); 4. Robby Woods (H on ); 5. Taylor C ilmore x (Yam); 4. OnTick Polso n (Ya m); 5. Luke Dr aper IKaw) . 125 tNT: 1. Bryan Ha tch (Yam); 2. ja son Burton (Suz) ; 3 . Clark Abecas...i,"l(Ha n). 125 PRO 1. Monte Montague (Su z); 2. Larry Leavitt (KTM ); 3. Bry a n Burg ea.. (Ho n). 250 NO V: 1. Charley R<-nnit" (Kaw); 2. Reed Kellr-r (Kaw); 3. Marty Ma rtin (Yam) ; 4. Lanie C io rd ano (Kaw ); 5. Dana Hansen (Han). 250 lNT: 1. West ley Vaughn (Ka w ); 2. Tro y Fitch (H on ).250 PRO 1. Jason Partridge (SUZ). MSTR 25+ BEC : 1. Kenneth Ford (Yam ); 2. Th omas Yag le (Han). MSfR 25+ NOV : 1. Bobby Hun t (Yam ). MSTR 2S+ tNT : 1. Jim Owms (Kaw); 2. Brad SimCOll(Hon); 3. Creg Sh-'phe ns.(Hu n); 4. Kipp FIl'tchl"l'(Kaw). MSTR .JO.+ EX: 1. Tro y Filch (Hon); 2. Ke vi n Steele (Hu n). MSTR 40+ NO V: 1. Wayn e Johnson (Ka w ); 2. Kevin Pa n;on ()(awl. Gilmore goes for it at Las Vegas Motocross By Dic k Goodwin LAS VEGAS, NY, NOV. 23 Ta ylo r Gilmore devastated all the fast guys in the Jun ior Cycle division at a motocr Davi!' (Ya m); 3. " T om COlite Jla (Suz); 4. Demdc.Pol !U,ln (Yam ); 5. Luke OraP"' (Kaw) . 125lNT: 1. Jaso n Burton (Suz) . 125 PRO 1. Mont .. Mun tague (Suz );:z. Wes Ma lm gft"tl (Yam); 3 . Larry Leavitt (KTM). 250 NOV : 1. Dustin Malmgren (Hon ); 2. Reed Keller (Ka.....); 3. Jo rda n Dula (Hon) ; 4. Ma rty Martin; 5. Shawn Lam pman. 250 lNT: 1. Wes tley Vaughn (lGlw); 2. Tro y Fitch U lon) , MSTR2S+ NO V: 1. Robe rt Wer.K': t"}'(Yam ); 2. Rory O' Ne ill h (Ho n); 3. Cu rtis Ashl ey (KTM ); 4. Bobb y Hunt (Yam); 5. Tom Pat · tun . MSTR 2S+ lNT: 1. Jim Ow ens (Ka w ); 2. Duane Ho lt (Hcon); 3. Mike Ste p he ns (Hun); 4. Car l Marti nez (Ya m); 5. C reg Srep ht·ns (H a n). MSTR30+ EX: 1. Troy Fitch (H o n); 2. Kevin Pa nlOns (Kaw). Sanchez sizzles at Rosarito Beach MX By Rich Truchinski ROSARITO, MEXICO, DEC 7 One last chance to blast throu gh the Cantamar sa nd dunes bro ug ht a race-hu ngry horde of racers to parti cip ate in the fina l round of th e Too M uc h Fun Pro m o ti on s La Playa Ma st ers of Motocross, an d Kenny Sanchez won the 250cc Novice class with a 2-1 moto score. With ma ny races being canceled in the Sou the rn California area due to rain, riders knew it wo uld take a lot of rain to fend off a race at the dunes. In the firs t 250ec Novice race, Sanchez led aboa rd his YZ and proceeded to scamper away from the pack on the first lap . Bu t there was one ride r everyone cou ldn't help noticing, an d tha t was Richa rd Owens. Owens was the on ly 125cc Novice, an d he ne ver looked back as he took the holesh ot and overall mot a win on his paddleequipped YZ125 . CR- mounted Alex Ha nd all and Bria n Th omas fough t toot h an d nail ove r second pl a ce be h ind Sanchez u n til th e bowl tu m , where Thom as took the adva ntage on the i ns ide. Sa nch e z was now in t r oubl e, wit h Thomas catching him very quickly. Thomas took the lead as he sa iled by Sanchez on the big dropoff ju mp . Thomas then rode a flawless race an d pulled ou t a fo u r-seco nd lead by th e fin is h. Sanchez and Handa ll rounded ou t the top three. In the seco nd moto, 125cc rider Owens again holesh ot the 2505 an d b laz.

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