Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Catch the world' 5 original extreme sport in all its high-ftying . gravity-defyingglorv! See the plane s t' top riders pushedto the edge of their abilities by 75' iU'Tlps. 70 mph straightaways , hairpin comer. By the time he restarted his bike, Evans had already zip ped by to take the lead. How ever, Holland neve r gave up and he tried to hunt Evans down. He was slowly gaining ground until another bobble dashed his hopes. With time running ou t, Hollan d sta rted riding conservatively and appeared content with secon d . Behin d Holland, Ryan had a secure hold on third, as did Pestana on fo u rth. H o w ever, Ra ci n e w as, once again, caught u p in a battle, this time wi th Matson for fifth. The duo swapped pos itions several times thro ughout the mota, with neither rider giving up. When all was said and d one, Evans h ad take n the win, fo llowed by Holland, Ryan, Pestana and Matson. "I felt a lot better this mo to," a smiling Evans said. "I was fast through the whoop section and was able to cu t across the ruts in some of the turns." "I took a middle gate position this race and go t the holeshot," Holland said. "The fron t end washed out in the tum, and I fell, but I was catching up to Tyler until I bobbled." In other action, it was Kawasakimounted Jeff Northrop sweeping both the 250 and 12Sec Intermediate classes with a pair of convincing moto wins for the overall in each class. Ryan Morais put on an incredible show of speed as he and his Yamaha took a convincing victory in the 80cc Intermediate class. Over on the Pee Wee track, it was ody Jackson, on a laM, taking the 7to S-year-old-class win, and Ruben Hernandez, on an Action, taking the 4- to 6year-old-class win. lJ\' t..-ns and whoop-de-doos, all jarnned into a 3/ 4·m ile man-made dirt track! It'S all part of the 1998... ®TOYOTA TRUCKS p~ . ';mSs Ser/es .~ Featuring... (jfjjJ~l~jD Jeff Bnig jere .IY I\.I)::Grath KevinWindham Ricky C a r m ich ael & many more! ~_~esents .... . .... Round 4· Sat.,}anuary 31,7:30 P.M. Seattle Kingdom - Seattle,WA Gates open 5:30 P .M. Early entry begins at 1 2:30PM Action Passes availableatAl'sAuto Supply Ticlcets avaiable at Ticlcetmaster and l participating area Yamaha dealers Ticlcets $10,$20 and$25 A1l lcids tickea just $10 Resuns PlW 50 t rt 14-6 ): I. Jo shua G r ec k o (KT M); 2. Michael Murphy (KTM); 3 . Lacey Pe ral es (Va m); 4. Michael Brooks (ya m ); S. Jessica Lucas (Yam). PlW 50 frr (H I), 1. MM:hac1 Curd (Lem ); 2. Kramer Patterson (Lem); 3. Robert Va n Camp (Yam); 4. Ja ke Baraldi (Ya m); S. Eric Rudi (KTM). 50 STK BEG (4-4;): 1. Ruben Hernandez (Act) ; 2. Ty Keencm (Act ); 3. Ryan Bowen (Yam ); 4. Michael fIo res (KTM); S. Preston Mull (Yam ). 50 STK BEG (7-8 ), 1. Cod y Jackson (KTM); 2. Chris Gil bert (Yam ); 3. Ryan Martin (KTM); 4. Jacob Brehman (Vam ); S. Jason Shi p man (Yam ). 50 STK NOV (4-4;): I. Micha el Bologlu (KTM) . 50 STK NOV (7-S ): 1: Micha el Curci (Le m ); 2. Bra ndon Reyna (Cob); 3. Eric Path (Cob). 50 STK NOV OPEN : 1. Ma tth ew Spencer (KTM) ; 2. Kramer Patterson (Lem) . 60 Fff: 1. Drew Town er (Ka w) ; 2. Tyler Freeman (Ka w); 3. Stev en Sand (Kaw ). For tickets. call TIcketmaster or your loca ticketseller. or check l the S upercross website at -;4& SCOTT' u_ ffiThe 60 BEC : 1. Rocco Cu rci (Kaw); 2. Bryan Perry (Ka w); 3. G reg fou lS (Kaw ); 4. Scott McKinnon (Ka w); S. Denver Edwards (Kaw) . 60 N O V: 1. Jarrod Martens (Ka w); 2. Casey Hinson (Ka w); 3. Kyle Bergantz (Kaw ); 4. Kyle Pa rino (Kaw); S. Dustin Enochs (Kaw ). 60 !NT: 1. Ni ck Da vis (Kaw); 2. Daniel Sani (Kaw); 3. Charlie Morrison (Ka w). so BEG : I. Mik e Robbins (Suz); 2. Justi n Godo v (Yam); 3. Ja red Mo rrison (Ka w ); 4. Raymond Navarro (Kaw ); 5. Casey Hinson (Suz) . SO NOV: 1. Jack Va n Camp (S uz ), 2. N ick Da vi s (Yam); 3. Daniel Sani (Suz); 4. Eric McCrwnmen (Yam); S. Michael Alarcon (Kaw~ ao INT: 1. Ryan Morias (Yam); 2. Da vid Boothe (Han); 3. Jon Repogle (Suz); 4. Brian Halsey (Yam ); S. [C2I)J prererred card of ~~.-.-. ~ proWced by PA C E M" 0 T O R S, 0 • T S Q\arlie Morrison (Yam). IW SlM IN ~ 1. Rya n Morias (Yam); 2. Daniel Sani (Suz) ; 3. Robert Harold (Yam); 4. Dav'" Boothe (Han); S. ad< Van Camp (Suz) . 125 BEG : 1. Kyle August (Ya m) ; 2. Andy Alford (S uz ); 3. Dennis James (Yam); 4. Josh Hoyt (H a n) ; S. yan August (Yam). G 125 NOV 0-1: 1. Micha el He rna nd ez (Kaw); 2. Bowman (Yam); 3. Bobby Garda (Yam ); 4. Mike iello (Yam); 5. Chris Dias (Yam) . 125 NOV 0.2: 1. Mike H unter (Suz ); 2. Kelly Quinn Suz); 3. James Ma ltbi e (H a n ); 4. Eddie Laret (Kaw); S. Ludlum (Hon). 125 INT: I. Jeff N orth ro p (Kaw); 2. H a r ol d age man (Suz ); 3. Dan ny Ornelas (Ya m) ; 4. Nick cBMe (Han); S. f red d y Woechers (H a n). 125 PRO: I. Rusty Holland (Suz); 2. Tyl er Evans Su z); 3. Rick Ryan (Suz ); 4. Brett Racine (Kaw) ; 5. ro n C h eseIske (Kaw). 2SO BEG: J. Jason Dodson (Han); 2. Keith Rhodes Ka w ); 3. Michael Mo rgan (Suz ), 4. Joe Alford (Kaw); S. or Rodrigues (Suz ). 250 NO V: 1. Ke ll y Qu i nn (S uz); 2. M ichael e m andez (Ka w); 3. Jimm y Pierc e (Ho n); 4. Steve (Ka w); S. Brian Toline (Suz ). 2SO INT: I. Je ff N orthrop (Ka w ); 2. T urtle Wik off Ka w); 3. Cory Marias (Yam) ; 4. Jason Jenkins (Ka w); 5. ig Truglio (Ka w). . 2SO PR O : I. Tyler Evans (Suz); 2. Rusty Holland Suz) ; 3. Rick Ryan (Suz); 4. Jeff Pestana (Yam); S. Dean tsc n (Suz) . 1:00 PM . Presentedby Ent ry Fees • Whiplash Motorspotts AdultsClasses $50.00 •.. The Pa rleerArea Unclassified $30.00 Tourism Committee, the . indudlng T·Shirt (one lap) ParleerAreaChamber of Minis $35.00 Commerce, alongwith theParleer Rotari s, e Pee Wees $25.00 Jaycees, Main Street Teams each rider $40.00 Committee, theBLM and thePa rleer Pros $100.00 Community. ~~ e . 00 0\ 0\ ...... , ...... N e- eel ;:l ~ eel -. 31

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