Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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firs t turn when Cliff (Adoptante) fell in fron t of me. I just rode as hard as I could and gave 100 percent." Antunez finished 10th. T he fina l ma in o f th e weekend appeared to belong to Brad Woolsey of Burleson, Texas, a subu rb located at Fort Worth's sout hern border. The Kawasaki of Carrollton / Pro Circuit /Tho r / RK/ Smith / Su nst a r/ SBS-backed s tar timed the ga te with the precision of a su rgeon and sliced his wa y to the first tum to collect 1-900-PRQ-RACE Ho leshot Award . Antu nez gated secon d o n to th e course an d chased the yo unger Woolsey for four laps before a cha rging Pederso n took his position whe n Antunez go t off balanc e in the whoops. Antunez recovered and cha rged after Pederson, never allowing him to ge t too much of a lead on him. "I wa s going into the big part of the w hoops where ther e tends be one line," said An tu n ez. "I was going after Brad for the pa ss, bu t I knew I had to clear the ga p to make it all the wa y through the whoops, but I lan d ed on top of them ins tead, my fro nt end dropping on me th e th ird whoop fro m the en d, takin g me to the left." Duri n g la p 14, A n t u nez sa w h is cha nce and passed Pederso n back in the whoop sectio n, and then foc used o n Woolsey, who had onl y a couple of bik e lengt hs on Pederson in the first place. The crowd wa s go ing wild, cheering on their local rid er as Antunez guided his machine like a nuclear missile and began to close what little gap there was, showing Woolsey his fro nt wheel in sev era l turns. (Above) Suzuki-mounted Buddy Antunez started off strong with a second-place finish In the 125cc main on Friday. A firstturn crash in the 125cc main on Saturday ยท caused by CliffAdoptante and Including Cory Franc is - saw him finis h 10th in that race . (Above right) Travis Hodges started off the weekend right by taking the holes hot In the 125cc main event Friday nighL Hodges led until the final rap, ultimately finishing fourth . (Right) Though Cliff Palmer only finished in the top five once in the four races third In Saturday's 125cc main - the Kawasaki rider still hung on to third in the season point standings. When Woolsey caught a hay-bal e cove r o n la p 18, A ntunez made h is move an d passed the leader. " I was le tt ing th e p ressu re ge t to me," said Woo lsey. "I'm faster than tha t and I sho uld have won, but I kept making mistakes. When my arms started to pump up, all I cou ld d o was ho ld on for dear life." An tun ez said at the en d : "I raced the 250cc ma in lik e I d id the 125, but this time I was little bit more ag gressive and put the pressure on Brad. I got a good start and felt really strong at the end ." IN Will Rogers Coliseum Fort Worth, Texas Results: January 2-3, 1998 (Rounds 7 & 8 of 28) # Friday 125: 1. Josh Demuth (Suz); 2. Bud d y Antun ez (Suz): 3. Cha d Ped erson (Kaw) : 4. Travis Hod ges (Ka w) ; 5. Grayso n Goodman (Ka w ): 6. Tod d DeH oop (Yam); 7. Jim Ch est er (Suz ); 8. jere my Beuhl (Ho nk 9. Den ny Stephenson (Ho n): to. Cliff Palmer (Kaw ): 11. Jacob Mart in (Suz): 12 Brad Woo lsey IKaw): 13. Mike Jones (Kaw): 14. Tom Hofmaster (Suz): 15. G ifford Ad opt an te (5uz). . 2SO: 1. Josh De uth (5uz); 2. Mike Jon es (Kaw): 3. m Grayson Goodma n (Kaw): 4. Denn y Step henso n (Hen) : 5. Icro my Beuhl Il-ion): 6. Budd y Antunez (5u7.) 7. Chad ; Pede rso n (Ka w ); 8. Cli ff Pa lm er (Ka w); 9. Clifford Ado ptante (Suz ): 10. Brad Woolsey IKaw): 11. Dan ny Ham (Yam); 12. Jim Chester (Suz): 13. Jim my Wilson (Suz) : 14. Travi s Hodges ( Kaw). D FC: 1. Mike jon es (Kaw ). JUM P-OFF: 1. Mike Jones (Kew) . Saturday 125: 1. Ch ad Ped er son (Kaw ); 2. Tr avis Hod ges (Kaw ): 3. Cliff Palme r (Kaw ): 4. Mike Jones (Kaw): 5. jer emy Bueh l (He n) : 6. Jim Ch es ter (5 u z); 7. Jo s h Demut h (Suz ): 8. Grayso n Good man (Kaw): 9. Denn y Stephenso n (He n): 10. Buddy Ant unez (5uz ); 11. Todd De Hoo p (Yam ); 12. Brad Woo lsey (Ka w ); 13. Earl Kep hart (Hen): 14. Co ry Fra ncis (Suz) ; 15. Cliff ord Adoptante (Suz ). 250: 1. Budd y An tunez (Sua ): 2. Brad Woo lsey (Kaw ): 3. Cha d Ped er so n (Ka w ); 4. To d d De Hoo p (Yam); 5. Josh Demu th (Suz); 6. Jeru my Beuhl (Hon k 7. Cameron Taylo r (Suz); 8. om Palmer (Ka w ): 9. Denn y Stephenson (He n): 10. Mike Jones (Kaw) ; 11. Gravso n Goo d man (Ka w): 12. Tom Hofm aster (Su z): 13: Jim Ch est er (Su z) : 14. Ji mmy Wilso n (Su z) : 15. Trav is Hod ges IKaw). D FC: 1. Den ny Step henso n (Hen). JUMP.()FF: L Mike jones (Ka w). AM A PJ ! NATIONAL A RENAC ROSS S ERI ES POI NTS STANDINGS (Aft er 8 of 28 rounds): I. Chad Pederson (244/ 3 w ins ); 2. Budd y Antun ez (235/ 4); 3. Cliff Palmer (232/2); 4. Josh Dem uth (210/3); 5. Denny Step he nso n (199); 6. Jerom y Bue hl (196); 7. Grayso n Goodman (191/1); 8. Jim Ches ter (164); 9. Brad Woolsey (157 /2); 10. Tod d DeH(K>p (122); 11. Tra vis Hodges (97); ! 2. Mike Jo nes (92 /1 ); 13. Cha rley Boga rd (92); 14. Heath Voss (79); 15. Tom Hofmaster (58); 16. Nick Wcy (51); 17. Barry Carsten (28); l B. Jimmy Wilson (26); 19. Ty Wallace (24); 20. Cory Keeney (24). Upcoming Rounds: Rounds 9 & 10 - OklahomaCity, Oklahoma , January 9-11 Rounds 11 & 12 - Hampton, Virginia, January 16-18 19

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