Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 12 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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picked up thei r bike s as many riders passed them; among those rid ers were Palmer and Stephen son, who took over third and fourth, respectively. Antunez crossed the line for his (and Suzuki's) first win of the year. Pederson and Palmer hung on to fin ish second and thi rd, respectively. "Yo u can't wi n if you s ta rt in la st," said Antunez of his seventh in the I25cc final, "but on the 250, I got the start, and 1finally put it together." "I almost went down ag ain," sa id Palmer, who wen t down on the sixth lap but still ma naged a third -place finish, "bu t I got lucky when those two guys went down, and that's all a part of winning championships." (Suz); 9. Jim Chester (Suz); to. Josh Dem u th (5u1;) ; 11. Todd DeH oo p (Ya m ); 12. Brad Wo o lsey (Kaw); 13. Tommy Oowers (Hon); 14. Tom Welch (5uz); 15. Travis Hod ges ( Kaw ) . 2S0 P RO: 1. Budd y Antu nez (Suz ); 2. Ch..d Pe d erso n ()::~w ) ; 3 . C li ff Palmer (K.lw); 4. De n n y Step henso n (Hoo ); 5. Br~ w cobey (Kaw); 6. Grayson Goodman (Kawr, 7. Todd DtoHoop eYam); 8. Ty Wa~ (Hon); 9. Jim Cbester (Suz); 10, Io-h Demuth (Suz); 11. Travi.. Hod g..... (Ka w); 12. Jem my But"h1 mun}; 13. Barry Carsten (5u7.); 14 . Charley Boga rd (5uz); 15. Tom Hofmuter (Su7:). OFC: 1. Chad Pederson (!Caw). JUMP-DFf: 1. Tommy Clowcn (Hcn l. S.l turd~y 125 PRO: 1. Cha d Ped erson (Kaw); 2. 8u d d y ; An tunez (SUL) 3. Grayson Good ma n (Kaw); 4. JOf,h Dem ut h (Suz); 5. Todd Del-loop (Ya m); 6. De n ny Stephen son (Hon); 7. Jeromy Buehl (Hon); 8. Charley Bogard (5w); 9. Jim o-ter (SuL ); 10. Tom Welch (suz); n . Brad w oolsey ( KAw); 12 . Cliff Palmer (Kawj: n . Tom Ho fmastee (SU7); 14. To m m y Cluw (>f'i; (Hon); 15. Ty w allace (5 U7) . 250 P RO: 1. Buddy Antunez (5 uz); 2. Cha d Ped e rson (Ka w ); 3. Ieromy Buehl Ilion); 4. Grayson Good ma n ( Ka w l: 5 . Josh Demut h (5uz ); 6. Denny Ste p hens o n (Hon); 7. Cli ff Palmer (Ka w) ; 8. Ba rry Carste n (Su z ); 9. Jim Che ste r (Suz); 10. Ty Wa llace (Ho n); I I. Ch.J.rley Bogard (Suz); 12. Tom Hcfmas tcr (Suz); 13 . Brad Woolsey ( Ka wj: 14. Todd DeH oop (Kaw); 15. Tom Wt'lch (Suz). DFC: 1. INnny Stephenson (Hon) . JUM P.O FF: 1. Gr ayson Goodman (Ka w). A MA / PJl NATIONAL ARENA CROSS S ERIE S r Ol NTS STAN DINGS (Afte r 4 of 28 ro unds): 1. O iff Pa lme r 024/2 wi n!l); 2. Chad Pederson 0 23 / 1); 3. Bud dy Antun ez (119/ 2); 4, Grayson Goodman (114/1); 5. Denn y Step henso n (99); 6. Ierom y Buehl (%); 7. Josh Demuth (90); 8. m E) Brad wootscy / Jim Ches ter (81/2); 10. Charley Bogard (721;11. Tod d DcHoop (54); 12. N ick We y (St) ; 13 . He a th Vos s (35) ; 14. (TIE) Tom Hofma ster /Ba rr y Ca rsten (28); 16. (TIE) T y w atta ce/ Cc ey Kl't.'nt.'v / Travis Hodges (24); 19. Mike K.1tin (19); 20. Jim my Cad dis (221. SATURDAY Goodma n, Pederson and DeHoop we re all at the fron t of the pack at the start of the 125cc final. Pederson ma de the pass on Good man at the end of the whoops on lap tw o and never loo ked back . DeH oop wa s, on ce agai n, on a cha rge and moved in to second on lap three. Antunez, who was working his way up from a mid pack start, also moved around Goodman into third on lap four. Ped erson wa s pulling away from the pack on lap six as Antunez and DeHoo p had a great bat tle, side by side, for several laps. Antunez made the pa ss int o Upcoming Rounds: Rounds 5 & 6 - Rockford. Illinois. December5-7 Rounds 7 & 8 - Fort Worth. Texas. January 2-4 Briefly_ ..._ Tw o -t im~ N a ti o nal A re na cros s Serie s Champion J imm y Ga dd is sat ou t the (Above) Chad Pederso n put his new Kawasa ki on t op of the podium lor the first time In the st ill~yo u ng season. Pederson cla imed the victory in Saturday' s 125cc Pro ma in. (Left) Jeromy Buehl made a late-ra ce pass on Grays on Good m an to lan d on the podium wi th a solid third- place finish du ring Satu rday's 250cc Pro feature. Alba ny round s due to a broke n collarbone. s u ffe re d .i n a h e a t -r a c e c ras h a t D e s MOines. Several sourc es say that he will be ou t o f acti on for about four to six weeks . Gadd is may unde rgo surg ery to. have the bo ne pinned . and may be back in action early as the next round in Roc kf ord . l11inois . as The top 12 riders m point s at each round automatically qua lify for the even ing's program . AU other riders race preliminary qualifiers in the aftern oon to make it to the big show. At A lbany, all the ride rs in th e preliminaries qualified for the progr am. due to a lack of riders. FMF/ Hond a rid er Scott Sheak wa s on hand to wat ch the races .at Alban y. 'a s he is a nativ e o f New York. -I just came off a · hard three 'weeks of te sting the '98s, and I carne back to visit my ' family for 'Thanksqiving. Sheek said . " l lrve in Cali forn ia dU ·ring .the wi nter, and just co me back here for . li ttl e v aca t ion . - S he ak 's aid the t the FMF/H onda team is lo oking really g ood, M a and that he' will be at the GFI 'Invitational second; then Good ma n was next to pr essure DeHoop. Good man also mo ved by seve ra l laps lat er and took over third. Demuth passed DeH oop in that sa me section and took away fourth from the Yama ha rider. Pederson took his first win of the seaso n and said , "It's a long series , and I wa nt to stay consi sten t an d be as close to the podiu m as possible." "I saw 'Swa p' (Pederson) out in front and was tryi ng to make time o n him ; then my clutch went away," Antunez said of his second-p lace ride. "1 was playing wit h my clutc h ad just er but it took too long and I ran ou t of time." The first few laps of the 250cc final were very sim ilar to those of the 125cc fina l, as Good man , Ped erson, Del-loop and Palmer were all front-ru nners. Peders on again jum ped out front th rou gh the w hoo p .sectio n, as An tu nez was on the mo ve. Palmer made a mistake in the tight right-han der before the double and lo s t man y p ositi o ns . Antu nez a n d DeHoop were trading positions until DeHoop wen t down as a result of the ba ttle. Ped erson looked s tr ong out fro n t for the first 11 laps, but Antunez was closing. O n lap 14, Antunez chose to tr ip le (w hile Pederson elec ted to d ouble) and moved in to the lead. Pederson did not give u p , though, as he drove harder through the whoops and back in to the lead a lap later. Antunez dived to the inside in the following tu m and too k Pederson high on the berm, executing a perfect block-pass back in to the lead. Antu nez too k his second win in as many nights, with Pederson crossing the li ne se veral seconds back. Goodma n , who was third for most of the race, had heavy pressure from Tuf /Tho r Honda's Jeromy Buehl with several laps remain ing, and Buehl made the pass, cap turing his first podium of the season. "I rode mo re relaxed this weekend," said a happy Antunez. "I took my lime passing everybody and d idn 't make any mista kes." "My mechanic, Chris, a nd 1 ha ve been working reall y hard on the bikes. an d it finally paid off," said a mellow but happy Bueh l. "I' m happy to be up here. an d hope 1can take this confidence to Rockford ." ." Peps i Arena Albany, New York Resu lts : November 21-23,1997 (Rounds 3 & 4 01 28) Frid..y 12S P RO : 1. CIiH Pal mer (Kaw); 2. G ray son Goodman (Ka w l; 3. Charley Bogard (SUL); 4_Chad Pedersen ( Kaw); 5. Denn y Stephen !OllO (Hun); 6. [ero my Buehl (Hoe) : 7. Budd y Antuna (Suz); 8. Barry Carsten racem Perri s. California. at .the beginn ing ' of Janu ary. Sheek is set .to race the AMA 12 5 cc Ea st er n Reg i on a l S upercros s Series. . . The 1-900- PRO- RA C E 'awards we nt to C harl e y B ovard and Buddy Antunez in Friday' s 125 and 250cc finals, re spectrvely. Grayson Goodman bagged both holeshot awards on Saturday. During· .S a t urda y n ig h t's ju mp cont est, J osh De m ut h ca me blazing out on the track. doing so me of the jumps backward . He then went-to the ed ge o f t he . se at s. dropped .his bike and th rew ou t several ·pairs of Smith gog gles and h'is Thor jersey be fore riding back to the pits shirtl ess . The fan s lov ed it. and s o did Drew Ku riger ·and Bob Maynard. the Smith and Thor rep re s entenvea who we re . p re s e n t ·Albany.

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