Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 12 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Left) Tall, lanky Damon Hullman was unable to put his height to good use on the muddy, rutted co urse. The Kawasaki rider was fourth. (Below) Kevin Windham looked exceptio nall y fa st at the start of race one , but nerves got Ihe besl 01 him and he ended up filth overall. " I got out front and put m y h ead d own and cranked ou t five or six hard laps ," said Lusk. "The next thing I kn ew, I looked up at my mechanic (Mik e Cosselaar) and he held up a sign that sa id 'Plus 12 seconds.' At that point, I set it o n cruise control and start ed si nglejumping some of the gna rly obstacles." Ward was the next to zip past Wind ham and, along with Lusk, wa s one of th e o nly riders who looked smo o th on th e brutal course. " I had a couple of areas where I was making my passes," Ward sa id with a smile, "bu t I can't tell you abo u t th em until after the second moto.' Dow d rode an un even tful race to finish fourth, ahead of Ferry and McGrath.' McGra th was as high as fourth after sufferi ng another m isera ble start, but was cleane d off his machi ne when Pichon looped out in the whoops in front of him. " I w a s go in g good , b ut ' Pe ca n' flipped in the whoops and 1 hit his bike," sa id McGrat h. " I got u p and go t going good aga in - back up to fourth - but then I fell agai n in a corner." Perhaps the American w ho hit the mat the hard est, however, was Lamson. The two-time 125cc Na tional Cha mpion ran fourth through most of the race, but landed on a helme t-sized rock and was spit violentl y off his machine. "I just lay there for a whil e, it hurt so bad ," sa id La mso n, w ho event ua lly s tood up and hesitantly checked ins ide h is lea thers for damage. " I d idn't even expect to crash, it happened so quick. 1 had a stomachache afterwar d and I had to pull off." Takesh i Koikeda was the to p Japa nesc rider, round ing ou t the top 10. FINAL TWO Huffman grabbed the holeshot in the second final a nd looked s tro n g as he pulled ou t a slight lead over the rest of the field . Like Windham in the first race, h owever , Hu ffman began to pump u p and eventua lly fad ed to third. "I felt good at first, bu t the track was so bad that it caused me to tigh ten up," said H uffman. "The ruts were bad, and the trac k surface was rea lly uneven and unpredi ctable. The dirt is really soft and it eats up your mom entum." Thi s time, it was McGrath' s tum to step off his machin e in the early go ing , a nd th e p opular American did so in grand fashio n. "I was right inside of Huffman at the start; 1was stoked," he said . "I cut insid e him in the first cou ple of turns and hit th at st ep-up pr etty fast . My back en d spun ou t under me and I did a doughnut in the air and high-sided when I landed. After that, I crashed two more times. The track wa s g narly!" Just as he had in final one, Lusk sliced throug h th e fie ld a nd in to the lea d before the race was half over. Once out front, he set sail and cruised to another convincing win . Likewise for Ward, who ran down everyone but the fas t-d isappearing Lusk. " I felt like a hero o u t th ere," sai d Ward, "but if I was a hero, what would you call Lusk? But you kno w what? You can' t jud ge any th ing from this race. The track was messed up." Huffma n held o n to t hi r d , w h ile Picho n and Dowd crossed the finish line side by side. They were so close, it took severa l ho urs to officially decide w ho had scored fourth. It was Picho n. "T he track was very d ifficu lt," sa id Picho n. "It was impossible to ma ke even one lap wit hou t a mis take. I had a bad crash in the first race, bu t I felt better in race two." Em ig came home s ix th, a head of Lamson, McGra th and Windham. " I started in th e middle of th e pack and I jus t stayed there," said Emig, w ho seemed disgusted with his evening . "I just wasn' t on tonight." "I was up abo ut fourth, but I cras hed a nd lost motivation" admi tted Win d ham. "The track made it really hard to get excited abo ut ridi ng ." Ferry had a close encounter with a Japanese lapper and ended up 10th. " I w as battling with Pichon and I landed on a lapper," said Ferry. "It was pretty hairy, but neit her of go t hurt." Works Honda rid er Yusuke Sasa ki was 11th, and earned top Japanese honors wi th his 10th ove rall ranking. n us Chiba Marlne Stadium Tokyo,Japan Results : November 23,1997 (Round 6 of 8) HEAT 1 (6 1"p"- 18 ridt!B, top 9 tnnsferl: 1. Jeff £mig Ezra LWo"- (Hun); 3. MicIYd Pichon (Suz); 4. Kevin Windh.lm (YAm ); 5, Tim Ft"J'T)' (Y.o'Im); 6. Takeshi Koikeda (Ya m ); 7 . Ak iTa Narita (H o n ): 8. Yui chiro Kawa~himi'l (Yam); 9. His..l.'1hi Ta jima (Ya m); 10. Ta kateru Abuta < Sw:); 11. Tatsuhide Katahira ( Ka w); 12. Shin Ouchi (Yam ); 13. Kcnid'l.i Sh ll'Ob (Ka w ); 14. Okilsugu Ukcgawa (KawJ; 15. Kcnji Kokuryu (Ka w ); 16. Kenta Shimoi (Suz); 17. KiyO!:>hi Saai (Hon ); 18. Shun ku Takarni (}(aw). (Ka w ); 2. Time: 4 min, 48.02sec. HEAT 2 te laps, 18 riders, top 9 tu n!i.fer): 1. Steve Lam so n (Hon ): 2 . Jo h n Do wd (Ya m ); 3. Da mo n H u ff m a n ( Ka w}: 4 . Larry W a rd (Hen ): 5 . Je re m y McGrath (Ya m ); 6. Craig Andersen (Ya m ); 7. Yoshitaka At suta (Hon); 8 . Hiroshi N a kAY md (H on); 9. Yusuke d 5.l<;(lki (Hon); 10. Tadakazu O htsuta (Su z ); 11. Tai chi Kugimun (Yam); 12. 5 h in o b u Idehare (5 u z ); 13. lk ki Mcrua (Suz); 14, Nao ki Serizaw a (H an ); 15. Ryuc hiro Takabama (H a n) ; 16. Ken ji Su z u ki (Yam ); 17, Ken jiro T!lup ( Ka w ); HI. Tomohiro Shlbaya ma (Suz). T im e: 5 nun., 1.25 sec. FINAL 1 U8 I~p!l, 21 riden): 1. Ezra Lusk (Hoo); 2. Larry Ward (5 u z ); 3. Kev in Windham (Yam); -I. John Do w d (Yam); S. Tim Ferry (Yam ); 6. Jeremy Mt:Grath (Yam) ; 7. Mick. l Nc hon (Suz) ; 8. Damon Huffman w (Ka w ); 9 , Jeff Emig Ouw); 10. T<1k.,...hi Ko iked<1 (Yam) ; 11. Yusukt>5d!>dli (H o n ); 12_ Ryuchiro Takahama (Hon); 13. Craig Andt."r.'oOn (Ya m) ; 14. Kenji Suzu ki (ya m) ; 15. Akira Na rita (Hon); 16. Yosh ita k.1 Atsuta (Ha n ); 17. Hir oshi N a kayama (Han); 18. Yuic h iro Ka wa shima (Suz ); 19. Hisa shi Tap ma (Yam); 20. Takateru Atsuta (Suz); 21. Steve Lamson (Hon). Ti me: 14 min., 58.63sec. ANAL 2 (21 rid rn, 18 laps): 1. Ezra Lus k (Hon): 2. l.oury Ward (Suz); 3. Damon Huffm.ln (J(aw); 4_M ickael Pichon (Suz ); S. John Oowd (yam); 6. Jeff Emig ( Ka w); 7. Stt."\1P La mson (H a n); 8 . Jl'T\.'II1Y McGrath (Yam); q. Kevin · Windham (YAm); 10. Tim M-ry (Yam); 11.Yusuke S;a..-.;tki ( Hen ): 12. CrAig Anderson ( Ya m ); 13 . Akira ~ ari ta (Ho n ); 14 Ry uc h ir o Td la h"mol (H a n ); 15 . Yoshitak e ANJta (Hon); 16. Hi......hi T" jima (Yam); 17. Kenji Suzuki ( V. m ) ; 18. T ak r sh i Koi ke da (Ya m) ; 19. H iro sh i Nak.1ya ma CHon); 20. Yuic hiro Ka wash ima (5 uz); 21. Takateru A~uta

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