Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 12 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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BMW OfSan Francisco I WANT ADS HELP WANTED ASST . SALES MANAGE R - Large volume Honda. Yamaha sea-Ooo dealersh ip in Delaware . sales experience req uired. Send resume 10 -Hey" 620 PYlaskiHwy Boar, DE 19701. (302)322-4120. DE. .. O ldest Honda dealer In Northern Ca liforn ia is expanding. Good commission base and benettls. cloan air. a n _ housing. good _ on Iaryo lake. next to on~ riding area. Please fax resume to (707)263-9009. Serious inquiries only . CA Live In The Rocky Mountain Second Class 5enlce 50 sses 6 mon1tlS 25 sses T SLll. 15 issues rial $38.00 $19.00 $12.00 1 year $7600 $3900 $2400 1 year Denver UeU'O Area • CareerOpportuntties AvaIlabie With Expanc1InQ HondaISeaOoo OeaIelshi p. $ales Mgr.. S8rvtco ~gr .. F&t Mor.• _ writar, othor posilkxls open in Parts & "'Servtce • ExceDenl pay programs. benefits. Franc:tNsed doaIOfShip oxponenced ~red. Fax I1tSIMTI8 with income requi~ monts to (303)238-68 18. CA. Dynojet Is Vegas Boundl 6 monms T SIb. rial Oynojet, makers of wor1d famous motorcycle Jet kits and chassis dynamomet ers. is moving to Vegas this winter . We need experienced motorcycle Tech and SAles people 10 be part of the core group that pr0pels Oynojet into the 21st century. Exciting career and greBt benefits . (800) 99 2-4993 . 1 year 50 issJes 6monll>; 25 saes Trial sub. 15 issues M EXICO AlLO R THE COUNTRIES $7600 $39.00 $2400 1year 50 issues 6 months 25 issues Tnal sub. 15 sses $78.00 $39.00 $24.00 first Class 5ervIce OOM Esnc 1year 50 issJes 6monll>; 25 sses Trial SLll. 15 sses $1 11.00 $58.00 $34.00 50 sses 25 sses 15 ISSUeS 1 year 50 sses 6 mon1tlS 25 sses TrialSLll 15 eses AlLOTHER aLffi'RIES $125.00 $61 .00 $37 j)() $12500 $61.00 $37.00 50 issJes 1 YIB 8 mon1tlS 25 issJes Trial SLll. 15 issJes $13000 $63.00 $39.00 Air MaD 5enlce OOMESTJC Ca ll Dav e K o s holi ek a t ServiceTechnician Expenence necessary lor busy Kawasaki dealership in So. cal. Fax resume to: (909)984-7082 or call Gary or Ralph at (909)983-5988. CA. EX PERIENCED TECHNICIAN and parts person nee de d fo r Northern Ca lifornia Honda Ya maha dealer. call Jeff at Mach 1 Motorsports (707)643- 2548. CA. • FINEST DEALERSHIP IN FLOR IDA EXPANDING RAPIDLY - Openings For. Prolessional Parts. Sales and Service. Mus t be Ughtspeed literate. Pos itions offe r. 5 day work week, paid medical Insurance, paid sick leave, paid vacation. retirement plan . Send resume to: Sports City Honda see000, Attn: Jorry S ire_on, 1130 S, Har1>or City Blvd .. Molbourne, FL 32981 . Fox: (407)9~11 0. FL Design Assistant Honda R&D North Am er ic a , Inc •• loc at e d In Torrance , is seeking a se ll motivated , fl exi bl e Design Assi&tan for our Motorcyde DMsion The t . succe5Slul candidate will suppor1 full modot change act ivities incl udi ng model making . You will also ossisf in ~ motorcycla color and graphic proposalS. Requores strong motOtCVde backgroood, Interest and product knawIedge. Uusl also possess arUstic. design and color Interest with related experience. PC famlliarity and basic mec hanical and shop skins necessary . We oller a competitive c0mpensation and benofltS package in a dynamic _ environment wtth career growth potential. For ceoslde ra Uon. please send your resume to: Honda R&D North America., Inc.. Human Resources Deot.. 1900 Harpers Way, Tor rance, CA 90501 . ~ax (310) 78 1-5677. Equal Opponunily ~r. CA. PPS Needs You! It you have experience with motorevde suspension and WOl..Ikt D to be part of a world renowned suske pension leam, please contact Stig at (714 )630-4TT7 or lox rosumo to (714)630-4788. CA. Customer Service Not avaik'lble Immediate opening for IndivJd ual with motorcycle industry and computer knowledge. Please contact Oobblaf PPS (714)630-4m. cA. 1 year 50 issJes 6 mon1tlS 25 sses Trial sub. 15 sses $14000 $71.00 $43.00 M EXICO 1 year 50 issues 8m onms 25 issues Trial sub 15 sses . $140.00 $71.00 $43.00 AlL O THER COJNTRIES 1 year 50 issues 6 mon1tlS 25 sses TMI SlIb. 15 sses $22700 $115.00 $69.00 4,000 sq . It. warehouse with 4 offICeS (approximately 1.000 sq. Il) fOf sale in Iho lDng Baach I SlgnaI Hili area. 2 restrooms, 2 loading dOCkS with 12 ft. cJooI'S, comer lOt with alley, available now and eager to sell. Call Dennis Ingram at (310}538-9620. CA. available. Enjoy our 12-monrh season. BMW onlhuslasts nood only apply. Fax resume (415)8639958 Of can (415)55 1-4220. CA. Parts Person Northem Calltomia's largest Kawasaki and Yamaha shop . . . - IOl> notch pollS people. Must be a learn Sales Persons Wanted Subscription Rate Schedule R&D Building For Sale Northem Cali fornia' s first full line BMW retail center seeks professional career orie nted individuals lo r our new motorcycle franchise . IMMEDIATE O PEN INGS : Sa les Manager, Sales 'People and Mas te r Technicians. Excelle nt, stable. guaran teed montnly compen sat ion and benefits . Moving ass istance ServiceTechnicians Large multiple frDr1chise dealer in Nonhem Virginia needs experienced technicians . We have two Iocalions that offer excellent opportunities for the right Individual. If you are Interested In relocat ing to our area and have experience in the PowerSport Industry, call today. Excellent pay, cenenrs and relocation ass istance. Coleman Power Sport (703)237. 3400 Of (800)888-3619 . Kim Harrison. VA. player. and have a ·C ustomer Comes Fi rst Attltude-, Fax your application to Dave. (5 10)5374263. (5 10)537 -2257 . CA. Distributor Opportunities· CA R&D TECHNICIAN · Good communication skills. Three years minimum franchise dealer experience in Parts and Serv ic e Dep t . INSI DE SALES TRAINEE - Two years dealersh ip experience or ealee experience and motorcycle product knowl · edge. Fax resume - Attn : Joyoo (4()8)727 -45 14. Phone (408)727~67, CA. Mechanic W anted: Rep utab le custo m motorcycl e builder seeking Harley -Davidson mechanic. Must be knowledgeable in makes and models from 1910's to present Big Twins and Evolution Spot1S lers. KnowkKSgo of suspensions and wiring a must Minimum 3 years experience. Fax resume to (860)526-1527.- CT. Service Manager Sacramento's largest motorsports dealer Is seeking a lOP notch Manager. Person mUSl possess excellent organization and communication skills. Must be self motivated . Mail resume to Good Times KSO• 5000 Madison Ave., Sacramento, CA 95841 . CA. ServiceTech Wanted Start Immediate ly and spe nd the win ter in O rtand c . Florida. Suzuki. "Triumph, TIgershat1l: Dealer has full time position wrth benefits. Fax resume and com- pensation history to (407)578-ti823 Attn: Thad. FL LOC KH A RT · PH ILLI PS USA In South Orange County, CA • Seeks setf-rnotivated team players for the following positions: DIST RIBU TOR SALES ACCOUNT MANAGER· respons ible for Lockhart Har1ey·Davidson Oil Cooler sales to distributors and sportbike accessory sales to International distribu tors. KnowIadga of Har1oy-llavklson and sportllll lhors. 24845 CortJl1 Pl. . Yortla UncIa, CA 9 2887. Ann: BiU Ramsey, or Fax to (7 14)692y 3409. CA (54 1 ~. OR. 1974 Bultaco Pursang 250 New Paint. Cad plating , clutch and tires. Looks and runsgood. $1,SOO /abo. (8 14)894- 5801. OH. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Inside Sales Positions (3) Available Largest Sea Ray boat and yacht dealership in southern ealtforma with five locations has an oct standing opportunity lor Soles Manege .. and sales Professio nals. We offer a great compensation package Includi ng salary, over rides. bonuses, vacation. haalth Insurance and more. SALES MANAGERS: Must be high energy and profit focused with great ktadership and managemen t qua lities . With a proven track reoon::I and the desire to lead a winning team this could be the job for you. SALES PRO FESSIONALS: It you are a professional in sales with a solid record and are willing to earn at Ieas1 S60k per year. appty today. Wo ol1or extenl ;ve traiNng and sales support. Fax resume in conIIdarx:e to (714)642-3092. EOE. CA. IMPORTED ANTlOUE REPLICAS. 27 handpalnted cast res in . Metal wheels , rubber ti res . -Impress lve.- $129 .95. Dgalers w elco me . MASTER HARLEY SERV ICE TECH wa ntad by HU'ltsviI1e, AL Hial growth dealer moving to new store 1198. AI! prol essional staff. deale r enthusiast wit h open door. sign -on & moving. all bennies including simplo 401. Earnings, _ _ and personal background requ ired. Mtn- Iakes region of N. AL has highest income of the entlre S.E.• best schools. services, etc. Expense reimbursement for QlJl11if1Od PfOSPOdS' 2-

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