Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 12 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- ,EV N S ET E ITEDBYCAMERON COATNEY D ECEA Hare Scrambles Series, Round 8 __ I-~ ...J ~~~~ Mill atL sl owed him and eventually had him pushing the b ike back to the p it>. Undaunted by th is setback. however, Lafferty saddled up a KTM 620R/XCe_ dual sport bike and set back out on the trail for not hing bu t fun . On the second trip aro und. Rich Laffe rty an d Ben ne tt co n ti nued to build . the ir cushion. Benne tt, main taining the nu mber-two position , stuc k to Lafferty's fender. seemingly satisfied wi th d rafting . However, somewhere around midlap , a major cras h ended this little due t. It wa s reported that Benne tt' s Honda deflected off a trailside stump, throwing him headfirst in to a tree. Gross ma n, a r r iv ing seco n d s later, found him un conscious and stopped to lend assis-tance. Eventually, Bennett was brought around enough to be ridden ou t of the That's how things ended. Top ride rs completed five tri ps around the cours e as Richa rd Lafferty coasted to the easy victory. litera lly leadi ng the event wire to wi re. Yamaha r id er s Leatherwood and Gunsel man com pleted the podium. finishi ng second and th ir d overall , respectively, A se mire tired Ed O'Flynn pu t in a su rprising performan ce, good enoug h for fourth ove ra ll seed ing. while C R250 d river Da n Sha rp less rounded ou t the top five ove rall. In other action. CD R club member Kevi n Reed overalled the Youth-class races, finishi ng first in the / 2- to 15-year old class, while Jason Lawrence topped ." the 10- to ll-year-olds. Lumls Mill Hare Scrambles Millville, New Jersey Results : November 9, 1997 (Round 8 of 9) (Top) Rich Lafferty rode to a conv in cin g overall victory at the By Mark Ul hITra ii Rider Magazine MILLVILLE. NJ. NOV.9 m r-, 0\ 0\ ,..... 0 ,.....' .... (J ..0 E OJ u OJ o 18 ich Lafferty cruised to an easy win at the ECEA Lumis Mill Hare Scrambles afte r o verc o m in g an ea rly-race challenge by XR250 pilot Kevin Bennett. Campaigning his KTM Sportinotorcycle / Ami Hel me ts /M oose Rac ingsp onso red 250E /XC, Laff erty led the e n tire race a nd finished with a nea rly five-minu te margin of victory. It was not all cake. however. as for the first lap and a half Benne tt kep t his Honda glued to Lafferty's rear fender, seemingly content to let Lafferty break trail and lead . However , this stra tegy came apart a fter Bennett suffered a horrific crash d uring the second trip around the 9-mile course. Dazed, he was unable to contin ue . Af terwa rd, Lafferty commented on the technica l demands of the course. "I did n ' t really wan t to hammer. because of the slick conditions, ruts and stu m ps," Lafferty sa id. "The best plan was to simply keep a steady race pace . / did that throug ho ut the race - managed to keep it upright and cruising." No doubt the fav orite a t th e s ta r t. Rich's brother. Mike Lafferty.Tined up aboa rd his factory-sponsored '98 KTM 250, ex pecti ng a good d og fight from the locals. H owe ver. Mike Lafferty ended up completing but a sing le lap. pushing his bike ou t of the wood s and retiri ng with ignition problems. ISDE ve te r a n Marc Grossman ' s day al so went awry, as he was the first on th e scene to s to p a n d lend a id t o the se verely injured Bennett. As a result. Grossm an fell well behind the leaders and finished uncharacteristically down in the standings.' t u mis Mill Hare SCramble s in Millvill e, New Jersey. Lafferty Is the brother 01 AMA National End uro Champ io n Mike Lafferty. More than 200 entrants entered the day's event . despite the marginal weather conditions. All day long. there were pa ssing showers and thi ck. sou py mist under overcas t s kies. Fortunatel y, temperatures remai ned in the mid-50s for the duration. making for decent racing weather. The Competition Dirt Rid- (Left) Steve Leatherwood went on to card a second-place finish after Kevin Bennett (not shown) ers p lanned a three-card event, wh ich Included morn ing ATV and Youth racing. followed by the main event at nooo . ATV aod You th even ts used the sa me 3-mile-p lus co urse a nd raced an ho ur each . Af te rward , the course was re-marked to pro vide a loop for the twohour main event. d uring which the A. B aod C classes would compete simu ltaneously. At th e so un d of the starter's gun, Rich Lafferty bolted to the fro nt of the pack and assumed the lead as riders d epa rted the grass-tra ck a r ea s and entered the woods. Lafferty charged off into the woods, trailed by the Honda XR25o-mounted Bennett. who pla yed a game of cat-and-mouse. letting Lafferty lead while keeping him close at hand . This went on for the entire first lap. as both riders scooted into the barrels just se co nd s apart while distancing themselves bv more than a minute from the othe r f ~o n t. ru n n e rs, who i ncl u d e d Yama ha-mo un ted Steve Leatherwood . AA rider Grossman. vet ace Jim Guoselman. CR500 hammer Edd y O' Flyn n and B-class phenom Dan Sha rpless. The lead pair managed to set a sub25-minute pa", the first time around the course, in s pi te of the blan ket of slick, we t lea ves th at covered the co u rse. Na tional Enduro Champion Mike Lafferty had trouble almost from the onse t, as ignition problems wi th his KTM first crashed while chas ing Lafferty. woods to EMTs a m! a wa iti ng ambulance . Cha ngi ng co u rse con di tions migh t have been a factor in the crash, as the greasy soil and techni cal tra il qui ckly became extreme ly rut ted as a result of soft con ditions fueled by the previou s da y's rains. With Bennett out of the running, Lafferty assumed a comfortable lead, which in ensuing laps was built to several minutes as he continued posting consistent 28-minute lap times . With first place all but decided by the end of the second lap, ind ivid ual battles fo r subseq u e n t p lacings raged on. Leatherwood had a tenuous hold on second place in the second and third laps, tra iled closely at times by Sharpless. During the closing stages of the third lap , Sharp less go t arou nd Leatherwood to ass u me the number-two slot - for a br ief pe rio d. However , thi s surge wa s sho rt-lived, relinquished one lap la ter when Sharpless pitted for fuel. Jim " Bip" Guns elman a n d Ed O 'Flynn rema ined in the hunt throughout and moved up while Sha rpless pitted. but were unable to challenge for the nu mber -tw o slot. OI A:. 1. Rich Laff erty (KT M ); 2. Stev e l...e",thl'l"W()Ot.i (Y" m) ; 3. j im Cu nsetma n (Yam); 4. Ed O' Hynn (H(m); 5. Da n Sha rp less (Hen] . UW A: I. Greg Davies (Yam); 2. M. Dean Spe ncer (He n): 3. Ron Lucas (K.1w); 4. Brandon Sex ton 5. Albe rt Mooney. H /W A: 1. Rich Lafferty ( KTM); 2. Steve Leatherwood (Yilm); 3. Ed O' Fly n n ( Ho n ): 4. Jolm~ Wri ~ht (KTM); 5. Bob Solomon (KIM). . V£T A:. 1. lame Gunselman (Y s am); 2. Robert Kin~ (KTh.t); 3. Slew3.rtC rouch (Suz). VET B: 1. Bob Sch wegel; 2. Dave Myers ; 3. Donal d Va\'a ILi (Hort); 4. Bru ce Lowman; 5. Jd f Rutl edge. U W B: 1. Lewi s Robbins (5 uz) ; 2. Eric Co rbi n ( K.1w); 3. Willidm Hess; 4. Joseph Newman (Hon); 5. Sleve Bro wn. HtW 8 : 1. Da n Shupless (H o n ); 2. Bill GUbfort (Yam); 3 . Rob. rt Mikulsk i; 01 . Lance ThomM>R; 5 . An thony Fisch"",. 4.STRK: 1. Doug Graff; 2. Mi ke; 3. Scot t Tellone nedik; 5 . Reece Spano (Yam) . U W C: 1. Mark Dira!KJuale; 2. Miu DeRol&A; 3. Thoma.' Seaman; 4_ScottStTaub. HM' C: 1. Chn' Vecchio ne (lu w); 2. Gilo Rvan::-3. Jim Corsello (Suz); 4. Dennis Lynch (Kaw);·5 . " Layn e Foull ( KTM). . ITH A 02-15); 1. Kevin Reed (Hc n j: 2. Edward Hill ; 3. Steven Keely : 4. De nny Yea 1'l1t' ; 5. Dann y d Ma ngini. YTII B no-m 1. Jd~ l..aW1YTlCt"; 2. Evan 8I-...t:rom (Ka w); 3. Jimmy Ma u l;'4 . \t ichat' l Pew; 5. Drt'w Uth (H on). Upcoming Round: Round 9 • ManahaM

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