Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 11 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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c w ho wa n ts to take a seriou s sho t a t a p ro fess io na l ca re e r a nd has ear ned enough adva nceme nt points in the Pro Sp ort ran k; Gra nd National - for dirt tra ck racers with enough ad vanceme n t points as Pro Expe r ts to qualify for the AMA ' s Grand Natio nal Dirt Tra ck Series; Superbike - for racers com pe ting in th e premier di visi o n o f th e AMA / MBNA Superbike Series. Malcolm Smith's fifth annual D ua l Sporl Ride, scheduled for November 16, will use a new starting area . Unlike the previo u s events th at ha ve sta r ted a t Smith 's dealersh ip in Riverside, California, this year's event will begin at Glen Helen Raceway in San Berna rd ino, Ca li- forn ia. The star t has been changed in an effort to accommodate more riders and to red u ce th e amo u nt of stree t ridi ng tha t must be covere d before reaching what Smith refers to as the "funner sections." Thi s rid e is not recommen d ed for beginn ers a n d no passeng e rs a re a ll o wed. For m o r e i n form ation, ca ll 909/687-1300. Thunderhill Raceway Park in Willows, California, recently completed a I-mi le addition to its road race cou rse. Orgina lly 1.9 mil es in len gth, th e tr ack no w measu res 3 mit es in length, tha nks to the $ 1.1 million ex pa nsio n project. "The ne w co u rs e d es ign wi ll offer tes te rs from professional race teams, film studios and local car clubs just abou t eve rythin g they cou ld ask for in a race facility," track CEO David Vodd en said . " I expect our schedule to fill up rapi dl y for 1998 as the w or d ge ts ou t a bou t jus t how mu ch fun an d how good our new course d esigns are." Thunderhill Par k offers a Long Beach simu lation, vario us 90-degree corners at su fficient di stan ce to accelerate and brake, plus eleva tion cha nges, acco rd ing to track perso n ne l. For more informati on on the race track , call 916/ 934-5588. Bell Sports now has a traveling display of over 40 years of helmet-making history . Ho used in a 53-foot tractor /trailer rig, the exhibit fea tu res no tab le examples of Bell's cont ribu tion to head protect ion Australian Superbike star Troy Bayliss is considering his optio ns after receivi ng an offer to ride for the Molenaar Racing Suzuki 250cc Grand Prix team in 1998. Bayliss, who rode to an imp ressive sixth place in th e recent Au strali a n Gra nd P ri x w h ile fill ing in for th e in ju red Noriyasu Nu rna ta on the 250cc Suzuki, was hoping to ge t a World Superbik e ride, accord ing to Cycle News con trib utor Darryl Flack. Cycle Gea r a nd AMA / District 36 a re combining their efforts to presen t a free off-road riding school near Upper Lake, California, Nov ember 1-2. On Saturda y, No vembe r I , a t 4 p.m., the cla ssro om ses sion will begin, covering all as pects of timekee p ing . This ses sio n w ilt" be hos ted by mult i-time ISDE gold med al-, is t Da ve Bertra m and AMA /D-36 end uro champion Dave Wood . On Sunday, N ovember 2, beginning a t 9 a.m ., actu al hand s-on rid ing d emon st rati on s wi ll be pu t on b y form er Na tio na l end u ro cham pion Steve Hatch and hare scra mbles ch a m p ion Rodney Sm ith . Topics will includ e tight w oods, logs, creeks, rocks, ru ts uphills and do wnhills. The school will be held at the staging area o f th e Cowbell Enduro an d arrowed from Up per Lake. Both d ays of th e school are free to an y AMA /D-36 • member. No need to RSVP - just sho w up . Fo r more in fo rm ati on , ca ll 1BOO /CYCLE GEAR. f OT a uto racers, b icycle rid ers and mo to rcyclis ts . The d isp la y fe atures exam ples of early d esign s to the most recent production models. The helm ets of m o to rcy cl in g le ge n d s Ro ger DeCoster, Bob Ha nna h and Edd ie Lawso n a re sho w n alo ng w it h th e helmet a nd m otorcycl e rid d en b y Jeremy McGrat h. Los Angeles Harley-Davidson will host its fifth annua l Ho liday Open House on Saturday, November 29 with an opportunity to be ph otogr aphed with Sant a on his Harley from II a.m. to 4 p.m. For more informa tion, call 562/ 408-6088. One of the highli ghts of the 32nd Tokyo Mo tor Sho w was Ho nd a' s nak ed spo rt bike for the next mill eniu m, the FN- J. The av ant -garde ex hibitio n mod el featured a longitud inall y mou nted V-four engine with a claim ed di splacement of over 1500cc, an attenli on-grabbin g du al u pswe pt ex ha ust sys te m, a nd singleside su spens io n sy stems for th e fro nt and rear wh eels. Ho nda calls it "a mod ern form injected wi th pure, wild, naked spo r tiness." A complete report on the technical features of the FN-I and other new mod els disp layed in Japan can be found in n ext w eek ' s issu e of Cycle sored Suzuki team. With Lucky Strike p ulling th eir backing fr om Su zuki' s 500cc Gra nd Pri x team, th e Sugo race will be the last hurrah for the pairing. Headlining the team ' s cha llenge in the 500cc race at Sugo will be Japanese rider Yukio Kagaya ma , the factory test rid er w ho rode th e Suzu ki to seven th place in the Australian Grand Prix - his only outing on the bike in 1997. Kagayama will battl e agai nst th e lik es of fou r-tim e World C ha m pio n Mi chael Doohan, Spa niar d Alex Criville, Wor ld Superbike Cha m pion John Kocinski, No rifwni Abe and other top GP stars. Colo rado State University's department of Na tu r a l Res ource Recreati o n a nd Tou rism, in pa rtne rship with NO HVCC, the Bl.MiColorad o State Parks, the Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition a nd the Mon tana Tr ail Vehicle Rid er s Associatio n, ha s d e vel o p ed a threecou rse correspo ndence program (th ree cred its each) for un ive rsity students and p ublic-l and mana gers . St u den ts ca n work on the cou rse at their ow n pace a nd in their ow n ho me, u sing a co rrespon de nc e-stu dy mod el with p rinted materia ls and vid eos . NO HVCC had a lot of in put in to the actual cou rse material and they hope tha t the ed ucation of land managers at CSU will lead to more opportu nities for O HV users, as well as a wa y to help recreati on man agers meet the challen ge of-managi ng tra il use by various user grou ps. The three courses in cl u de the fo llow ing : Off-H ig hway Vehicle Recreation in America; Planning for Off-Highw ay Recreation; an d Manag ing for Qua lity Off-Hig hway Vehicle Recreation . Those who wanted to attend the AMA' s Wom en & Moto rcycling Nalional Conference, he ld t h is pas t su m mer, but were u na ble to, can now order a vid eo packa ge to expe r ience the con ference. The six-video package cap tures all of the workshops from th e co nfere nce, along wit h an overv iew tape wi th high lights fro m th e ga th er ing 's four d a ys . For m ore inform ation , ca ll th e A MA at 614/891-2425. News . Action Sports Promotions Inc. will host the 1997 Team Hare Scramb les Champion sh ip of the World on No vem ber 1-2 on a 400-acre farm in Athens, Ohio . For more informa tion, call 614/ 594-6686. The Big Road Race in Sug o, Japan , on No vember 2 w ill mark the last int ern ational outing for a Lucky Strike-spun- The Ne w York Stock Exchange (NYSEl has chosen the Harley-Da vidso n Motor Com pa ny to feature in its newest adve r- tising campaign. The pri nt ads and televis ion com mercials w ill highligh t suecessf u l com pan ies whose s to cks a re traded within the exchange . Some oth er com pa nies fea tured in th e ad s include Xeros, Nike and Ma ttel , The campa ign is an at tempt to attract othe r com panies to the NYSE. OPENED: Fah-Q Racing's home page on the World Wide Web. The site can be foun d at the following add ress: http:/ / OP ENED: Motocross Factory Ou tlet's home pa ge on the World Wid e Web . The s it e ca n be fou nd at the foll o wing a d d re ss : http :/ /WWlV /mofo. OPEN ED : Pod iu m O ne, a motocross pa rts , accesso ries an d ap parel store in Loui sv ille, Ken tu cky . Fo r more in formati o n, ca ll 502/ 899-5242. O PENED: Abate of Iowa' s home page on the World Wide Web. The site ca n be foun d at the foll owing ad d ress : http :/ / w w w .mu!:icane / - aba te/ index.html. OP ENED: Holeshot KTM-Race Tec h's home p ag e on the W o rld Wid e We b. The s i te ca n be fo u n d a t t h e fo ll owing ad d ress : http :/ / OPENED: JML Ma rk eti ng, a rider -resumes serv ice in Ha d ley, Massachu set ts. For more inform ati on, w rite to PO Box 89, Had ley, MA 01035, Attn: M X. CORRECTION : The West Coast Stad iacr o ss C ha lle nge, s c h ed u led fo r the Sa n Franc isco Cow Palace on Novem ber 8, was in co r rec tly lis ted as the Wes t Coast Arena cross Cha llenge. For mo re informatio n, call 702/2 67-4392. CORRECTION: The price and the phone nu mb e r for the PACE Mo tors ports " Bar to Bar" 1997 Thor /Parts Un limited Su percross Series highlight video in the October 22, 1997, N umber 42 issu e of Cycle Nl'WS were incorrect. To order, send a check or mon ey order for $1 4.95 plus $3.95 shipping end handiing to PACE Motorsp orts, 477 E. Bu tterfie ld Rd., S Lomba rd, OH 60148. Illinois reside nts add 6 _ percen t sales tax. For phone ord er s, call 1- 888-659-RACE. NAMED: Rick Sieman, as editor of Old Bike Journal -magazin e . Sie ma n wil l wor k o u t o f h is r esi d en ce i n Ba ja Ca li fo r n ia, Me xi co . Sieman ca n be r eac h ed a t 4492 C a mi n o De La Pl a z a , S u i te 12 51 , San Ysidro. CA, 92173. or by telephone at 011- 52-66-313480. ,~ r------ ---------------------- ~----------------------------------~, rIDill ~ SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Name ,- _ Address City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Order Date State _ _ Zip _ Please start my subscription to Cycle News: o Every week for one year (50 issues) for $38.00 (can be billed 3 monthly paym ents) o Every week for two years (100 issu es) for $70.00 II 0 Six months second class (25 issues) for $19.00 l I L One yea r (50 issues), 2nd class Canada or Mexico and all other foreign countries $78.00 (U.S. funds). First class and airmail rates ava ilable upon request. _ A o This is a 0 New Subscription o Renewal o Please bill me o Bill 3 payments of $12.67 o Enclosed is my check or mo n ey ord er' Charge my 0 Visa 0 Mastercard ~. B ~ r-, 0\ 0\ ...... Signature u) _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ Exp ira tion Da te ... Q) !II'llJlS\l ~ Inc. Send to: \:J.J~ ~ , P.O. 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