Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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QUlKSHOP BIG BORES TOO! DAMAGED CYLINDER? DON'T SLEEVE IT, FIX IT RIGHT! We Carry'AII Major Brands of Pistons WE REPAIR CHROME.,,N IKASIL & ElECTROFUSED CYLINDERS . 1212 McKinley Avenue' National City , CA 91950 Phone (619) 336-1231 ' Fax (619) 336-1785 1'"Q.Uulelt ~~J;Ji~ 4')~~ •• - ~\ N - Lan 9~ourt Limited .. .J1e! CiuIeIIIe 0""" S~ GENUINE J1e!A~ NICKE LSILICON CARBIDE LU6~~~~~6 - - - - I - SANDIEGO - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - 2080 McMIllAN STREET, AUBURN, AL 36830 SPECIALISTS INNICKEIISILICON CARBIDE COATING AND BIGBORE CONVERSIONS FOR PERFORMANCE ENGINE CYLINDERS - PHONE 334 887 9633 FAX 334 887 9474 tiHLINS' MA K E A G R E A T V A C AT ION! D ~I V E WIT H B A C K YOU R HO M It F"RO M NEW Y AM A. H A Vl!!:G A!5 P U R CH A S It . Without ques tion, Ohlins makes the finest shock absorbers in the world. Stig W E W I L L F"LY Y O U ( r R E £.) ,. F:l OM AN YWH E R E U S A IN T HE C O N T I N It N T A L TO P I CK UP YO U R Factory Authorized ---Service Center N EW B I KE:. ~~s;~ .... Pettersson is offeri ng yo u his vast tech nical expertise to hel p set up and repair your suspension package. PPS , ~.· O'" carries a large selec tion of those hard to find shoc ks. " YAMAHA ALLR:::)Y Canopies W EVEGOT YOU COVERED ' Price ' SIZe' Weight S'I 8' PARTS & ACCF-SOPIES at~. lor An< mo~ l_ fEuU Irw • • • I AT If •• ' .ILlTY ~RDTAxl ·.I U e ON rAINIO · I I TII UP IN . ICO.... 10' x 10' 10' x IS' 10' x20' II ... 4 fiJTACKIi: ~ PARTB A\ID'IIGI£A" &TK. CAN AM. CCM. WI:ICC Install Ohllns on y o u r bike and r~..,1 the dHre",n~.., today! ~ ~ ~ 406.iE .L>PaI"" UniIG ~ Anabeim, CA92807 CompI ~ . 71~PPS (4777) I'"ork . . . ..-.-. Some Oay UPS Large Inventory Monday through Friday SHOEI SAFETY HELMET CORPORAn ON 22605 East La Palma Avenue , St•. 507 YorbaUnda, CA 92887 Tel. (71 4)692-8ns FAX (714) 692·2815 MORE THAN 70 MODELS COOT.... [+l~ATK 2-STROKE ENGINE PARTS ';':~ ............ ........ , All parts · A ll mo dels' all years Phone (805) 944- 624' Fax (805) 261-9227 1 ........ c::-~, _ mcdno.tlan _ ~ ..,~ (BOo) BUY·TENT ' .. . . ;]jJ ~e ~Orl~':1 ~ The Choke of ClKimplons CRANK REBUILD KIT . Newport Beac h CA ' (6001269-6366 ' FAX (714) 631-7247 Web IVWWaltredycom E all bOb\llallredy com ·M (SHDEI) OVER $50.00 d IIIl --~-::-- ~ For Comfor, and Confidence Top Pros rely on... LOW - LOW PRICES 1 ~U5PEN510N o FREE FREIGHT _ ~.~ . . . . SuperlJlke fastener SEND $1.00 FOR COLOR 8ROCH URflAPPUCAOON CHARTS! PRICES" PflQ-aQLT ST1C1CERS TO: STlCIU RPOINT U.S.A., fS f FAIROIILl) Av e•• I"LAINVIC1N, N. Y. ' 7801 Choice of Top Pro MX/IX Racen Scott Sheak #29 • RobbieReynanJ #24 Barry Carsten #34 ~ 1746J...nrh Fann Cos,,, • .,. eusro.. HEuIET DEsIGN " . .• Da"idsontliUe. Maryland 21035 D.C. M."", (JOI ) 26t·3714 Balli mott : (4JO) 79J...J8J I • S USPENSION SERVICE K A V A B A s P E C I AU S T Rebuilds. Repa irs. Re v.lve. _ S pring s Suspens ion Fluids _ Fork P ro tecto rs ALeader in Frame Technol ~ (or Over 20 Y ears 577 M.ary A nn Dri ve, Redondo Beach. CA 9027 B (310) 318-3565 (7 14) 98 4- B0 10 - CA 9270B -J Fl. Valle y - ===,!J TIOllIST - 1.. - 1.. . . 1.":",.:" . -I. = = WASIlEIIS CIlIa....,.. ... _ ., -".' - ia •• - ""... ,lit '" gna_.. 5§1- -. a'·. .. CltlII"'-Ml a .• _ N.. _ _ .II ..... . ." ". _~ _ 1lD 1Il1l • • •• N. . M.JI _ . . .1 _ _ ~ _ 1 1 :-:VW-CWI 205 - lIWPl·.·. SAITIFESPIIIGS, ca-.n = :::: _ .-.rI'... ups_y 111D11 .... _ 888 ITS-NIKS II.• It..a •Yourcustom rnototcyck photos • Custom Hdrnd photos • My pkturt. al'lY 5Ubi«t SftENCE~S SU SPENSION PIPES ~ MOTO~S puo PERFORMANCE RACING IGNm ONS ....,. '.JlI W makt custom full color shirts from )'Our photos e • bet TtJm Photos • Hlgb ftylng motocross photos cmCUI T 909/738-8050 Ci\TIl.: n G A Vr1 ,' : t.!~ l [ (!It: FOP /,'\JFOFi',""'''TlO N SUPE R IOR RA CIXG P ROTECTIOX P e eWe e" Y o n t b .. .A rt u t t BOO-FLAK-JAK PVL,ndMOTOPLAT Sales. T esting.oct Service I:LUTI:!VIOijI C; of Ele

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