Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Beca us e h e m is s e d th e p re v io u s round in Portland, d ue to a conflict with th e AMA 's Mid-Oh io d a te , a n d a ls o because he wa s d isq uali fied from one wi n, he's way down in sixth in the point standings a fter five of seven races. Leading the pa ck is HM C Hansen Racing' s Shawn Conrad wit h 138 points, four better tha n Hal's H-D's Tod d Evans. Conra d go t to chase Bostrom to the flag, an d it wasn't ca sy . He an d Eva ns we re hooked up with Kersting's Cyde Centers' Greg Hutcheso n early on, with Valley Racing's Brian Conley lat er mov ing in to the mix. Halfway in, H utch es on seemed to have a ga p on Conrad, Evans, and Las Vegas H-D's jess Roed er; then the pack dosed and there we re four nose to tail, with Conley just off the back. On the penultimate lap the order was Con ra d, Hutch eson and Eva ns ; th en Hu tcheson sh ot by a t the line to take over second befo re Conrad rea sserted himself on the white- flag lap . It may not have been the best stra tegy for Conrad beca use of the lon g run up the hill to the flag, but the rider from nea rby Sheboygan Falls made it work. " We ha d a tremendou s d ra fti ng game ou t there and we knew it could go either way:' Conrad said a fter his narrow second, his be finish of the series. st "When Hu tcheson dra fted by me on the back straig ht , I kn ew I could win the race. It was heads or tails all the wa y." "I thou ght I had seco nd:' Hutcheson said . "I didn't want to follow on the last lap. I didn 't think he could dra ft me." Evans took a close fourth; then carne Conley, wh o was followed by Chris Bliss. A p ro cessio n follo wed, w it h N e w Castle H-D' s Brian Bodine in front of Michael Fribe rg . Then came Hal's H-D's Mark Zalke, crossing the the line well a head of ji m's Harley Davidson of St. Pctc's ScOtt Korol. (~ Road America Elkhal1 Lake, Wisc onsin Results: Augusl 3, 1997 (Round 5 of 8) HA R LEY-DAVID S ON TWIN SPORTS : 1. Eri c BoNtrom; 2. Shaw n Co nrad; 3. Gn>g Hutchl"SOn; 4. Todd Eva ns; 5. Brfun Conll-Y 6. Chris Bliss ; 7. Brian Bod ine; 8. ; M ich ael Fr ibto r~ 9. b ike ; 10 . Scott Korol; I t. Da rren Co nrad ; 12. David Marv u; 13. J~s Reeder, 14_ Sha wn MeN.try ; 15. Billy Gr"ef; 16. Rilly J Fehrman. .1t" Time: 15 m in.• 42.495 :ow."C. Di !ll~n cC': 61"p!!, 24 nclce AvC'ugC' spee d: mph . M~rgin of victory: !l.813!ICC . HARLEY· DAVIDSON T W IN SPORTS C' S H IP PO INT STA ND ING S (After S of S rounds): 1. Shaw n Conrad (38); 2. Tuc..ld Evans ( 34); 3. Billy G raci 029/ 1 w in); 4. Brian Budin" (122); 5. Gn-g H ut cheson (11y (017); 15. Robert B~ (46); l b. Roy Nichl.lI!O(Jll (oW); 17. Chud .. G rave. (30); 18. Sco tt Moon (25 ); lq . Jody f-1 t"nd ll"y (23) ; 20 . David rrre Ktdfer-(22). Upcoming Rounds: Round 6 - Long Pond, Pennsylvania. August 31 Round 7 - Loudon , New Hampshire, October 5 N S CAmerican GP byId itsu A 8JliR em R 5: Road A ound merica liza ka back on track By He nny Ray Abrams ELKHART LAKE, WI, AUG3 o ns id er th e Po rtl and ra ce, where Masah iro Iizu ka finished second to a n in te r lo per , a n a be r r a tio n . At Elkha r t Lake, Silverman Museum Racing's Iizuka was back to his old tricks, lead in g the Idernitsu American Grand Prix from the s ta rt a nd breaking away for ano the r domina ting win, his fourth in five tries . It was so boring that at the end all the track a n nou nc er co u ld say was: "The 1255 m ake th eir way into th e winner's cir cl e a fte r a ve ry une ventful 125cc race." Amen. Iizuka' s da y may have looked eas y, bu t a cra sh in the wet morn ing qualifying session made sure tha t it wasn't. The japanese rid er had to spend most of the midmorning repairing his Ho nda RSl25 C af ter the spill, finishing the wo rk just 30 minutes before the sta rt of the race. "I cou ld n' t co nc e n t ra te before the final race, bu t I' m happy now," he said after taking the win . Iizu ka an d Kncwseed Energy's Marcello del Giud ice broke away from the thin 12-rid er fie ld , leaving the rest to brea k into smaller quarrels. Del Giudice s tuck with the defend ing series cha m pion until making a mistake entering the hard-braking turn-five Icft-ha nd er. "I overcooked five once," del Giud ice admitted . "He mad e a couple of mistakes too, bu t he was able to pull away." And quite rapidly. At the end of the six-lap, 24-mile race, Iizuka had a 13.704-second cus hion, winning in a new race record of 15 minutes, 10.091 seconds, at an av er age speed of 94.936 mph. It was considerably faster th an his win here last yea r, when he averaged 92.647 mph. The only way he can be stopped, del Giudice thought, was if there was a rule change. "How abo ut a rule where everybody weighs the same?" the hemp advocate proposed. With four wins' and a second, Iizuka leeds th e cha mpions hip by 24 points, 172 to 148 over former teammate Vicky Jackson-Bell, with three races remaining. Lik e Iizuka , ja ckson -Bell a lso su ffered a heavy tumble in morning qua lifying. Her cras h w as in the left-hand turn six, and the r esulting damag e forced her to change the forks on he r Hond a RS12 5. Un like ll zu ka , w ho esca ped mostl y unscathed, jackson -Bell wa s a little banged up. Her effort wou ld earn her th ird a nd it would com e at the expense of Patrick Ryder, a lo cal hotsh ot fro m n e arb y ja nesvill e. Ryder had recently returned to racin g after ta king m o r e than a decad e off. S ince his return to competition, he'd run only one other race before this one . At Elkhart, he was near jackson-Bell for a few laps; then she go t on the gas and started to pull away. At the end, she had about 3.5 seconds in hand. Dragonfire Racing took the next two s p ots, fellow Los An gelenos Rolando Quintero battling, Ben Solis the distance, the ord er not cha ng ing though Solis never gave up and finished a d ose sixth. Seventh went to Hayden james Bool, a New Zealander sponsored by the Cali'" fornia Superbike School. Road Ame rica Elkhal1 Lake, Wisconsin Results: August 3, 1997 (ROU 5 of 8) nd HR C AMERICAN GP BY lDEMITSU: 1. Mo1So'1luro liz u ka (Ho n); 2. Marcello del Giudice (Hon); 3. Vicky Jackso n-Bell (Hun); 4. Patrid. Rydt.T (Hon); S. Roland o Quintero (Hon); 6. Ikon Solis (Hon); 7. Ha yden James 8001 (Hon); 8. Dan Ckrnt."f\S (Hon); 9. JeffYoung (Hoo); 10. Pa u l Hoyt Ndson (Hon ); t 1. Aaron Stein (Hon); 12. Todd No rdby (}ion). Tirn ~ 15 min., t o.()Ql sec, O iu... nce 6 LtJ'!!" 24 mile. spnod : 94.936 mp h M. ~in ui victory; 1 3 .704 ~. HRC AMERICAN BY ID EMITSU C"SHIP PO INT !>ANDIN GS (Aftr r S of 8 ro und s); 1. M. sah iro lizuka i (172/ 4 win.'lo); 2. Vicky Jacbon-Bcll (148); 3. Marcello d el Giu d ice (139); 4. Ben Solis (117); 5. Rola ndo Quintero ( 03 ); 6. Ch ris Ulric h (99); 7. LaVau ghn Mon tgo mery (75); 8. Joh n Ulric h (65): 9. (TIE ) Roland Sa nd slJoe Sht.'h on Jr. (M) ; n . Jeff You ng (59); 12. Tod d No rd by (53 ); 13. Ha yden Bool (46); 14.. Nobi Iso (35); 15. Aaron Stein (34.); 16. Pau l Nelson (33); 17. Jad CYDeU (31); 18. Colin Gihart Jr. (30); 19. P~ t rick Rydl!'l'" (28 ); 20 . (TIE) w esley Totsu bo /Muk M tt>r (26). Upcoming Rounds: Round6 - long Pond. Pennsytvania. August31 Round 7 - Loudon, New Hampshire. October 5

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