Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ROAD RACE ~~~~::-=~~~------------' SUNOCO RACE FUELS FORMULA USA SERIES By Henny Ray Abrams • ELKHART LAKE, WI,A UG.3 • • E veryone worked hard enough for someth ing good to happen," Team Labelle's Dave Sadowski said after expanding his Sunoco Race Fuels Formula USA ch ampionship points read wi th a third a nd a win in the Road America Cycle Fest at Elkha rt Lake, Wisconsin. "I'm glad to be able to re p resent my sponsors with, something good ." Good ind ee , d c: .. After a first ra ce in whi ch he struggled to finish third on an agin g Honda CBR900RR which had been a headache all weekend, Sad ows ki got a littl e help in the second one. Tray Batey, who comma ndingly won the fir st race o n his Valvoline Suzuki, de veloped a misfire which knocked him out of a comfortable lead and dropped him to an eve ntual 12th. And Dutchman Yam aha' s Frit z Kling, second in the first ra ce and vowing in the winner's circle to win the second one, overcooked tum 14 on the first lap and went skittering into the grass. That left Sadowski to fend off the co ns tan t ad va nces of teammate Jason Frase r - wh ich h e did , only to co me under a last-lap a ttack by Grigg Electric's Steve Grigg. Grigg made a last-lap pa ss of Fraser and came up about 10 bike lengths short of Sadowski at th e end. The margin was 0.456 of a second at the end of the nine-lap, 36-mile second leg. Fraser was abou t the same dis tance back in third . Sadows ki averaged 105.053 mph in winning the slower of the two legs in 20 minutes, 33.663 seconds . Batey took 20 (Top ) Lee Shierts (58) got the jump on the field In the fi rst F-USA race , leadi ng Tray Batey (1), Jason Fraser (26), Dave sadowski (25), Frllz Kling (2) and Steve Grigg (27). (Above) Th is is the view the rest of the field saw of Tray Batey in the first race . wh ich he won with ease. (Left ) This quartet ran most of the first race together with Ja son Fraser (26) finishing fourth in front of Lee Shierts (58), Grand Lope z (5) and Andy Deatherage (6).

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