Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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In the closing hour of the race, Barros passed Ito to regain the lead lap for the firs t time in seven hou rs and 158 laps. Polen caug ht Russell and challenged the Georgian for third, bu t eventually had to pit to take o n fuel to co ve r the remainin g laps . Russell consid ered himself clea r for third , but Ryo quietl y cre pt up and the Yamaha team d idn't catch the threat in tim e to wa rn him via the sig n boa rd . Ryo flew pas t and pulled ahead by two and a half seconds before Russell realized he'd been had. Russell responded and reeled Ryo back , passing him on the final lap . But Russell overshot the comer at the end of the backstra ight and th e la st two motorcycles s till o n th e rac e cou rse came across the finish just a few bike leng ths apa rt - advantage to Ryo. It was further proof tha t on this day in the Rising Su n and falling rain, for tune's firm favor ites were the Japanese rid ers. t::\ Briefl (L eft) SCott Ru ssell protects Troy Suz u ka Circuit Suzuka City, Japan Resul ts : July 27. 1997 (Round 3 014) Corser from the 8 HOURS A NAL: QUALIFYINC: 1. Yukhi Take-d alO,1ij iro Kate (2:09.879); 2. Simon Cratar /Akin Y"l'Io1~wa (2.: 0.128); 1 3. Noriyuki Haga /Kl"nlluke Ha ga (2:10.142); 4. Wjltaru Yos hi kA-a / N urihiko Fuji wa ra (1:10.302) ; 5. Akiu Ky o /Sh in ya T.k. ~i ~ h i (2:10 .425) ; 6 . Tak u m i Aoki / N u bua hu Auld (2 :10 .532); 1. KatA ua l i Fu jiw ara /K rnouke "k i y o~h i (2 :10 .549); 8 . Tl"rry Rymrr/ P ing io rg io Bontempi (2:10 .902); 9. Sh in ic h i Ito /Tohru Uka wl! (2:10.617 ); 10. Ta dayu ki Okad a I Aaron S lig h t (2: 11.030) : 11. Ht to ya su - lz u ts u / ~b k o t o Suzuk i (2:1 1.003 ); 12. Jo hn KOCin ski/ A le x Barr o ll (2 :11 .04 8 ); 13 , To1mo1ki Serizawo1/Y ostu tcru Koru~i (2:11.220): 14, Yoshinobu Ta ka h a sh i /M ich io Izumi (2:12.2 13); IS . Takahi ro Sowa /Sa to~ hi T8u jim o to (2:12.948); 16. Peter God dard /DouK Pok-n (2:12.578): 17. Scott RusseUlTroy Co rser (2 :12,293): 18, Kats u nort Ha~~awa /Naoto Og u ra (2:12_ 716); lQ, Noriyu ki Tsujimoto/Toshiyuki Arakai (2:13.016); 20, } -Luuc .:hik.1 Aoki /\t,""'bu KamaJa (2:13.13.118). ANAL SUZUKA 8 HOURS RESULTS: 1. Shin ichi Ito / Tohru Uka wa (HaN: 2. John Kociru;ki l Alex Barros (Ho n); 3, Akiro1 Ryo / Shinyo1 To1keish i ( Kaw); 4, Scott Ru sse ll /Troy Corser (Ya m); S, Pete r GodJ.a rd / Do u~ Po len (Suz); 6, TaJ ayu ki O kada I A.uon Slight (Han); 7. Simon Cra(ar/ Ak lr. Yana gawd (Ka w) , 8 , Wat a r u YO'lh ild wd /No ri h iko Fuj iwara (Ya m); 9 . Yu ich i Takeda /Ulijiro Keto (Han); 10. Jt.a n-Ma rc IJre ' lctang/ Jcan- neYer~nding rain. (Bel ow) The t op Ihree teams celebrate. w it h Sh ln lchl lto hol din g the huge Suzuka I rop hy . Ph ilipJh" Rug~ia (Yam); 11. Tomohiko KaTWY.a"iU /Yuoo Nukwni (lion); 12. Shin)'. Nakatani/ Ryuji T~nJta (Kaw); 13, Takatoshi Onishi lTo1ka..Ju MII"lOdo1 (Yam); 14, Takah.1nJ Kishid o1 / Mo1So1 ki Toku no1 go1 (H on ): 15 . Takaharu Kishida/~ki Toku na ga (Hon); 16. K.1tsunori ~w" /NaotoOgura (Yam); 17. NoriyulJ ~/~le HolgoJ e9in Hours · 'which Is excit ing and coo l.' The co rrelation is verY strong , w~s suppos~ to dec~ase the cost of competing while ,increas-..·' to tell you' -how ·m'u'ch fun I had. " Bo st rom . said ,:.- It..was ·t he ' far the prand jmage and the event..~ COCa Cola plans to conti nue' jng intere~t in ,endurance ':CIcing. !his yt:!ar's , race sa vv 67 entri~::t .cooles t race, and 1loved riding In the rain. t My teammate) had 'us' qilling tne .race as the Sprite Co o, .Suzuka 8 Hou'rs in ComIng ' CC?mpeting for th~ 66 star:ting positi~ns , -:~he ~st popul8r brtlnd, . up to 15th, and the~ ·1 ~ent out and I·tan us oUI of gas all the way l '. ':. ' ," , ' , a s always , -.yere. H onda s. , ~i t ~ 34 entr! 8S <3 1 A:C45,s. two back al. Spoon Curve , J had to push the' bike the 'way 'back' to years: . . : . . . . . .. . . . VTRH)?OFs. and one creaky old RC30 ). followed . by Yamaha at ·: (the pilS>. We fell back to I;ke 47th orsomething, then worked our at , Yamah8 's Cohn Edwards .11, Withdrew from the race on the .. 12 entn~s ( 11 .VZF?50s and, one JRX850>, Kawasaki_ 11 (eight ,way ,up to 30th. Then something broke', somethi ng mechanical., . " WeclnescfDy before the e~cnt: Edwards rode a.b?ut seven laps in . :z>:<-7RRs and three ZXR150 Rs), Suzuki 8.1 eight (aILGSXR750s ), '. and it put us ou t. It was a bummer." , ' practice that day, but found that the injuries from his Monza crash '. ' and 8 lo ne Ducati ,9 16 .·The promoters also allo we d a Handa ' " were'n ot fullY healed. ~Coming to the track. I felt good , and J felt . Blackb ird. a Yamaha VZF1000. and Q Suzuki 1200,Bandit in ,the Matt Wait was at Suzuka as a reserve rider.for_ pole-winriing like " could do it."the Texan said . " But.once I get 6n the bike I race as exhibition entrie s, The Yamaha VZF1000 was the highest Hon'da team of Daijiro Kino Yuichi 'ToKeda. -The regulations knev¥' dlfferentl)< I got on the bike and I think I did a total ·of maybe finisher among the special entri es, cOmpleting the race in 13th ': only allow ,two .rid~ per team -to take part ~n the race. and the seve~ I~ps . f knew right ~ I: ~sn '~ right,. ~u knQ\N." ,Wh at '. ' ~ace_ . . , ' aptly nam'ed W ait didn't get a' chance to ride' in the rac·e. although wa.n t nght was that Edwards nght hand was still weak from Ihe . . .. . . ·t I k d Ik h . . ht wi> he k S d .. .Monza "mcident. arid his left collarbone was not t OO ~rcent, due ' .·OF the tWo Honda VTR1000F Super Hawks in the race, the . ~T ok °edae ;.:~e e r~llg had e~ u wo e ,up ton ndu ay ·mOr Olng., · ,n u .' -, . ."'" . . a U~ morning a rea y bad throo a gol a ca at a .' . . - . ".. : .to ,t.he presence of pates 'and screws installed last year.. - ~t , one .ent~red by Moriwak! Engineering -was the tastiest. Howe ver,afl~ ",~e to Gel here ,;a~"::k. ca:~ we m,ght nod happened. I. guess, is that in· the proces s of the (righi> haOd ·it qualified a d;sappointing .22nd. wit h a time of 2:13.18 1. The ,t>ke was a disappoint ing performer in the race ._stopping on course you you re on stan Since a . s . S IC '. _ guess,he being broken, I started favoring the left . The first Few Iaps ~ I sta rt ed realty using the left . and i just strained it. and maybe tW(!~ mUltiple times: right from t!'le second lap. A team spoke~man. said . went t~ th~ Au doctor and go t 8 flu Sho! or sorrethl~g for hIS' some muscles 8nd tendons in there: Then, after 8 F~ tapS:it got the probl~m was the fuel pump, ' throat. ~~ IS feellngbetter. ~ut ~r a whde I wa~ getting pretty ' . . . . . excrted. .In reserve-nder qUQh~~g. ~alt was ~Ou~-quickest .~t to where I coul dn't tum the bike, It hurt so bad. The,Japanese, they Idnda' puJIed me to the side and asked 'me, .'Wha t do yo u' In the tire wars, D unlo p fed the way at '4 1 entries, followed by 2:1~ .190, The faste st reserve rtd: r w a.s Ll!~kY Strike S ~~uki s think7Do you think it' s going to be possibreT I told them, .'Hoo. M ichelin at 20 entries and B ridgestone v.ith five entries. Yukio ~~ama, at 2: 1 4 .0~8: es tty, I'm riot 90i~ to , be ' 100 percent I ~ prettY ,:",uch ,gu8rtln:. . • .. .. . tee thot .' You never know it '¥ts as bad, as it does until you get 'The' latest l? get involved i~ '~ Micheli~ vS. Duniop ~.r ' is _ AspiOng s~rbike r&eer and ~ime AMA c~titor S~v.. on. the bike.. ! feel perfect right now .C ing· in a Suzuka Circuit ..bas.k:etball's ~d~, D_ sitt enni s Rodman . Dunlop sells car-win- .V l as b l o m w~s at Suzuka: agaln , s a reserve ~r or:' a p~ate a suite o n Friday afternoon), I fee' fine, But when I get on a bike, it's dow shades in Japan , hat feature the snarling .Rodman v.ith Dun- · Honda.RC4 5 team; The .New Zea lander was ~eased !hat ~is st t a different story: ~ The collarbone inj~ is now the major cOncern. ' lop~s, corporate logo dyed into his hair, along With the w ord s. lap ti me in th e dry , W8~, ~ 1!I high 20 . ~ Officially t he time wa s " Every year Yamaha brings noted San Francisco doctor.Dr , Arthur "Get Dunlop... · 2:2~ . 73_3 - 2 .8 second s better than Y lasblorn's 'best time fr~m . Ting to the mee. ood Edwards was anxious' to have him examine 1~ of 2:32 ,551 -,and good enough to r ank-him 34th out of the ' th e collarbone X-rays take n Friday in Japan - which suggested A commemora tive book on the Suzuka a .Hours. called 36 res erVe riders . V1asblom credited his im proved performance that. the 'plate may:have cracked clean throug h_ " W e went and - 8HOU RSX20YEARS: has gone on sale In' Japlln , Although the ,with .the p$easure of finally being on a bike with enough Power to with.having a better mental image of the race had the coI18rbone X-rayed . f'm not."" saying that (the p1ate· s)' bro-. text is to Japanese. the collection of color photograph s is every " pass people , and_ ken: I'm going to wait 'until Dr. Ting gets here. But from my point bit as goad as ·those fOlind in the Mo tOcourse annual, Yet are dls- .track: Vlasblom did 'not race, althOugh he rec om'mendt!d to theof view. it 'Iooks Ii~e it's bro~en , - Edwards .wiUUkelynot race the , tine;tly diff erent than ·the· uSl:Jal race phOtography, ~ e price ,in team manager that " If 'it rains. put on the bike.· . , . :. .... ' _" . '.' , . , ' ' ,' " . ' " race. , the 'new_ an a Ben ',:. all the a nd .="'" ':" by tire tx: .. me

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