Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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t, "That wa s maybe my best race thi s y ea r, " said Pichon, who ha s be en improving seemingly by the race. "I am riding smarter and trying to get good fini shes and not crash by trying too hard . I think that it's better for me to ride like this because I was hurt early in the yea r a nd I a m still coming ba ck ." Unfortunately for Pichon, the Frenchman d id crash in the second moto and seemed to reinju re a musc le he pulled in his left leg ea rlier in the wee k. He sold iered on for 11th in obvious pa in. Carmichael holeshot the second mo to a nd ap pea re d ready to run away and hide as he has don e so many other times this yea r. But a fter op ening a lead of about five seconds on Lamson and Huffma n, Ca rmichae l seemed to lose his fast line around the track, and his lap times started climbing from a low of 2:22. To the surprise of many, Carmichael was pa ssed wi th relative ease by bo th La mson a nd Huffma n bef ore sett li ng down into a fa st pa ce . Ca r m ichael's mechanic, Chad Watts, let him know th a t th ir d p lace wo u ld still be g oo d enough for the ov era ll, sin ce Wind ham agai n pe nalized him self with a po or s tart. With Ferry runni ng fourth a sa fe d istance behind .htm, the kid rod e a smart race to claim the overall. "It's abo ut the title now, no t winning mo tes, a nd I kne w right w here [ was," Ca rmichael sai d lat er. "I was ge tti ng hot, and Lam my and Hu ffy were rid ing really good. I was afraid 1 was going to start overheating like I al mos t did a t Kenworthy last weekend. 1 just played it safe and consistent, and it paid off wit h the overa ll wi n." . uimso n stayed safely ahea d of Huffman throughout the sec ond moto to claim his first moto win since the season o pener. Both r iders clai med th at th ey were unable to get it go ing in the firs t moto, but the seco nd mot o seemed like a whole d ifferent race to them. '1 just rode stiff and tight in the firs t moto, and I really wasn 't riding my best," said Lamson in the winner' s circle . "Th is time I decided that - no ma tt er what - I was going to push il as hard as I could . After a few laps, I found my lines, settled down, and ca ugh t Carmichael. After that , I just rode my own race. Now I feel like I'm almust bac k, and I can't wait for the last three nationals." '" didn't g et a chance to rid e very mu ch in p ractice and I didn't have to qu alify, so I think that all caused me to pump up in the first motu:' said Huffman, who has been putting in his best rid es of the sea so n these last two week: ends. ·" 1 think I rode well in the second mo to, and if I would have loosened up a little sooner, I mig ht ha ve had a chance at the win." Ferry finished fourth, with Windham a d iscouraged fi fth . The Honda s of Sheak, Reynard and Stephane Roncada were ne xt. PE 's Ron Ti chenor and Honda of Troy' s Cas ey Lytle rounded out Ihe tup 10. '" Sp ring Cree k Mo tocross Park Millville, Minnesota Results: August 4. 1997 (Round 10 0113) 2SO MOTO 1: 1. J.. f Emig (JU w ); 2. MikP l....aRocco o <4. Ezra Lus k (Yam); 5. C reg A lbenyn (Suz); b. Mike Kiedrowski tHon); 7. Larry Ward (Hon); 8. Ryan HuKhcs (; 9. Jeremy McGrath ($ U2); 10 . Da m u n Bnd 5haw (Ya m ); 11. Juon M cCormick (Ya m) ; 12 . Jimm y Buttun (Yil m); 13 . Anthllny p(JC\N'l,.JN Jr. (Sud; 1<4. Ky.," HufflTlort e to manage· the program: As plea sed Dowd . - This is so me thing y ou don 't out the ~rcuit and se e abo ut a .Down Under . for compe tIng in a few outdoor . n:atio~l s next deal 'fo r next ye ar w it h Y amaha . J oi ning the really think about.. because you just don' t think yea ,. Moore says that" s not bad idea. but h;ghly they would eve r considc·r you . It' s always been doubtful. " I trunk that I will have my hands full team for' at least the last two national s thi s year will be Mi chigan amate ur hero N ick Wey, who a dream o f mi ne ~ I know there's bee n a lot of wi th my new role. but jf I get' the 'itch f-eal bad . top guys like Doug Hen ry who have never been -is already signed for next year but won't join th e we'll see . MAnAging 8 team wa s v,.-hat I alwayS invi ted to go. so the fact that they as ked me se ries until the '9 7 amateur nationals (Ponca wonted to do wh en my caree r ended . and I'm C ity and Loretta Lynn' s) arc over this.week. ~ means ~ lot to me. Bu t I will tell yo u that I'm luc ky enough to be gett ing that chance. " The already, a little nervou s about it. - With the way las t thr ee gr and ::. pri ,; tace s of M oore 's lon g he ,is ri ~i ng ~ig ht now. and the way he nev er Spea king of L o re tta l y n n ' s . Te am' Honda career will take place this month in Slovenia. giv6S up. few wi ll argue that Dowd is the best mec hanic Mike Gos sela a r co uldn't w ait Belgium 80d HOt1 8nd. in guy es. I'm a same up pumped same in mY was avera" race time and to 250 MOTO 2: 1. Jeff Emig (Kawl; 2. John Do w d (Y.lm); 3. Mike uRv cro ; 20. . 9. RV.lnTmidi (Suz); 21. HII",1th VQ5S (Hon ); 22. Jim NII"'l"Se (Suz>; 23, Mark Morris (Suz); 2<4. KeDv Smith (Hon) . A M A 250 N ATIO N AL CHAM rIONS H I P M X SER IES POINT STA ND INGS (A~ 10 of 13 ,u lm d..); 1. Jrff Ernig (447/5 win·d ; 2. Juhn Duwd (378/2 win ..); J. Jrr~my McGrath (335) ; 4. En ol Lu sk (300/1 win); 5 . Mikr LaRoco(287); 6. Lan.,- Ward (276); 7. Ryan Hu gt(269); 8. G~ Albrrtyn (228/1 win); 9. Jimmy Button (221); 10. Da mo n Bra d shd w (203 / 1 win); 11. Mikl" Kiedrowski ( 53); 12. Phil uwn-nce (133); 13. Buddy A n tu nez 0141; 14. Do ug Henry (02); 15. Ja son McCurm ic k (1 00 ); 16 . A n thv ny A ma ra d io ( %); 17. Antho ny Pororobbi, Jr. (75); 18. Rvan Hu ffm.m (72); 19. Jim N~ (61); 20. Brua.- Stratton (6()) . US MOTO 1: 1. Jdf Emig(Kaw);2. Kt-vin WindhAm (Yam); J. Mil:LwI P'dxon (Sud; 4. St~_ l..iIrn."oOI'l (Ho,,); 5. SCtlU Shr-a " (H on); 6. Tim Fr-rry (Suz); 7. Damon H uffman (Kaw) ; 8. David Ping1ft' ( Ka w); 9. Stephane Roncada (Ho n ); 10. Ron Tic ht' no r (Suz); 11 . Robbie Reyna rd (Hu n); 12. Sh.lun f\..,oh o O·iun); 13. Casey Lytle (Hon); t<4. Paul Currie t Kaw); 15. Ch..uks Bogard ; 5. Kevin Windh.1m (Ya m); 6. Scott She.1k Hon); 8. Stephane RonC3d.t (Hon); 7. Robbie Reynard C (Hon); 9. Ron.Jld TIdk.-nor (Suz); 10. Casey lytle (Han); 11. Micut"l Pichon (Suz); 12. Milr CUig (H o n); 13. MichHl Br.lnt.kot. (Y~m); 14. R.I~ (Suz); 15. Jeffnry- Willoh m ); 16. Dtomulh (SuD . 17. raul Cu rrit- CLtw ); 18. 8my Ca Nen (Suz); 19. David Pin~ (Ka w); 20. JaJnel' Povolny Jr . (Suz); 21. O uu Whedcr (Suz); 22. Rubbi r Slag." (lion); 23. Doug Od\aan (Suz); 2<4. Ryan Dutt (Hon); 25. Blair Morga n (Kaw); 71J. Ryan ev.. ,..,..h C ~ (!=iu z) ; 27 . S t.-v .' A nd r ic h (Stu ); 28 . r a lr id. MeMull.·n (Sud; 29. Eric !.. VaU.. jo (Ka w) ; 30. C hdd Krf"!'l g r (Su d . 31. Shaun Prrol io (H on) ; 32. Cha rJt'S Bogard (Suz); 33. Brain Rot h (Suz); 34. Bri<1n Deeg a n (SU7J:35. Tt'd Ca mpbell (Suz); 36. Ton y loRusso (Suz); 37, ClSey Joh lbOn (K.1 w ); 38. Clll"b th (Yam ); 39. Scott Carh"l' (Suz); 40. Brock St.·II.l td s (}(.aw). 125 O /A : 1. Rick y Ca rmich<1el ( K<1w) 2. S tevl! ; u mson (H on ); 3. Kevi n (Yam); <4. OiImo n Huffm.ln (lY w) ; S. Ti m Ferry (S uz); 6. Scott Sh ~a k (Hon); 1. MidMoI Picho n (Suz); 8..Stc-phan e Ronca d.--. (Hon) ;~. Rubbi.:- ~ nJ ; 24. J.1 ~ Pov olny Jr. C5uz). A MA 125« NATIO N AL CHAMPI O NS HIP MX SERIES ralNT STANDl NC S (After 10 o f 13 roundld:: 1. Ridr.y Carmi~1 (<426/6 ""i ns); 2. Kevin Windh.lm 032/2 wins); 3. Scott She- k ass/I wi n); 4 . Micuel a Pichon (259); S . Tim fffry (243); 6. Robbie Reynnd (240; 7. Ronad.o (231); 8. Damon Huffrnd n (217/ 1 win ); 9 . (TlF.) Mill" Cr. i,Vc-.'Y Jobmo.on (2 16); 11. Mich..... Br-..nJo.o. (1 1S); 12. ~__ t" l.arn"iOR (173 ); 11 Ron T.....homO'l' (141); 1<4. D,nid ri~ (137); 15. Tony I.o RuVlO (119); 16. Ca.yY Lytlt' (11 3); 17. CraiS; IJrcker (113); 18 Nathan R.arnlicy (85 1'J. Broc::k Sdlards (78); . ); 20. J...lfn..,. Willoh (71). UpcomIng Rounds: • Round 11 - Washougal, Washington, AugUS1 17 Round 12 - Binghamton. New York, August 24

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