Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• <:>wntn ~ md wuan ty inlOmwion included • Aulo Vt t off~ battery lif u e • Efficient powa mnsumprion design du r nuxllnm:. baxmy I.. • I\"ubk""-" .,J,0:Jn • ~ rime )'OlJ switch on theJamrna' an automuic tl.'St is pt'rfonned. If there isa problem thepawn lou alarm will scend me! me"on liplt"will not .lppcar. • If a ntW ~ ofpolice ndar isdevelcped wewillupgr:ade yourJammer fora minimal cost. THE !iTEALTH TELE RADAR .JAMMER jams police radar and laser using recently developed rc:chnology which prevents rho Radar Gun Operator from gating a speed reading. Tho Seealrh Tele Radar jammer makes radar detectors IF YOU ARE CONC ERNED TIlAT THEroUCE WIll. BE SUSPIOOUS IFTHEY DO NOTGETAREADING PlEASE NOTE n UT IT ISNOTUNUSUAL TO GET NO READING OR A CONFUSED READING BECAVSE THERE ARE MANY SIGNALS TIlAT CA INTERFERE WITH RADAR GUN SIGNALS. MOST N IMPORTANTLY RADAR JA MMERS ARE NOT ILLEGAL EXCEPT IN OKlMlO.\lA, NEBRASKA AND MINNESOTA. OUR JAMMER IS LEGAl FOR TRUCKS BECAUSE IT IS Nor A RADAR DITECTOR. IFTIlEY DON'T GET ASPEED READING THEY CAN" W'RJTEA ncKET. obsolete. Speeding ~ckets make hu ndreds of millions of dollars annually: for g ovemments. \l'hy continue to be .lI .vicrim ci poIict ...w. The s...]th Td. R.dor J=mu ;,, me« 'Ill"";" method of prol,,",,! younclf from Ixingu ppnj by police radar. If you ever g et a spe;edi ng Je le Radar Jammer . What is the a ctual cast of a speeding ticket? It could IS ~cket pay th e oast a f the cost hundreds or per hapsthousands ordoll rswhen you considerthe flne. increase in a ~cket w hile the Stealth in use, the manufacturer will a nd a ll reasonable imurarn roun. kpl cose aod the cost J alrerrure cansporcrion if you lose your (Above) Happy mates : Runner -up Jason driven license. a ssociated costs. We will alsoreplace the jammer 2r no test. Details ofthe ticktt rrbare provam an: outlined in the VS('o Mtnual . Crump (left), winner Sullivan (center) and th ird-placed Craig Boyce (right) celebrate atop the podium. The Stealth Tele Radar Jammer has been cleverly designed to look identical to a cellular telephone. 'I);/e The ~lc:iIJth Tele Ibd:lr J:unmcr ro~ $~49.00 each plu.' $9JlO r2Ch (or Shippin and Handling. Orden o( &-om 2 105 Jammers deduct SX each, 6 to g IOJ2mmm dnloc11 0% t2Ch. 11 or morr JMllmrn dfduet 15% taCh. H ea t 19 was abo u t to g ive so me a ns we rs a s to th e American' s fat e. It brought togeth er An dersson and Ped ersen - two of Erm olenko's closest rivals. They bo th knew that points we re cri tical , as did Jaso n Crump, who still had real hopes of becoming a Grand Prix rider in his own righ t. With Crump se t to guarantee a ro st rum spo t, Anders son and Pede rsen clashed on the final turn of the opening lap. Pedersen was left sp rawled a cross the tra ck , a n d referee Dav id Hugh es ru led a rerun without Andersson, ad judged to have been the cause of the incident. That left the Swed e tied on po i nts with Ermolenko; and, while Crump repeated his exploits wi th a blisterin g gate, proen;.en was able to move on to an eight-po int score, unchallenged in second place by Gary Havelock. w ho was completi ng a mise ra ble p erformance. and w ho wo ul d co llect a gifted secon d point in the mee ting. Boyce had jus t on e mission in heat 20: A win would level him wi th Crump and necessitat e a runoff fo r th at o pen Grand Prix berth. Boyce duly deliv ered, and tha t win at least restricted Nahlin from also reaching the eight-point ma rk. 50. with programmed rid es completed , the re were three rid ers battling for the las t GP-challenge-qualifying spot . Ermolenko would need to recommence battle against Andersson and Pedersen, wit h victory th e only tar get. By now, his pit crew had found the secr et to success; and wit h Ermolenko dr~wing the inside grid position. he mad e a sp lendid ga te and roared to th e fas tes t time of the meeti ng - lack of puwer nu lunger an issu e - gaining a comfortable win ov er Pedersen, with Andersson not even the hopes of a reserve berth in Austria . It was a mig htily relieved Ermo lenko who wit nessed the cli max of a hig hl y thrilling meeting - the clash of the Australians, with Crump doing all the work from th e tapes to prove again that this lad rea lly is the H o u d i n i o f World Speedway. 1:\ Int erc o nti ne nta l Fina l Vastervl k. Swede n Results: July 26. 1997 OIk 1. R~·an SuUiv.Jn (13); 2. la~>n Crump (12); 3. Crollg Boyce (l2); 4. Kelvin T.1tum (10; 5. Stefan D.JntlO ( 0) ; b. 'CIt' Screen (9 ); 7. Sam Ermok.'lIko (8); 8. Ronnie redersen un; 9. Std.. A nd~~n (tl); 10. Pf'ter Nahlin m (1); 11. Kaj LaukkAm'll (6); 12. Frede Schon (5); 13. John JO~t'nsc n (4); 14. Sean Wilwn () ; 15. Gary Havelock (2); 16. Rune Holta (2) 17. Jl':-pt'T B. }t. .....' Il (0); 18. NikLts .n. . IuYe donethisJ() tlut it will not k identified .u.1radar jamming ~icc.1f ~fl'Kqne 1ttempu to use mep.mmeras.1 cdlubr t(kphont "low baiter( win aPSttThe tOuch . peds are progra m ~ so lhott the W(' ! Com rmlt'VeinfOrrrwion as hpW' many speed trapsyou fU$S in a day, t)'Pc of rada:r and time Cla)" TbeJarruner can be' programmed 1(1 ajerr yuu eo me vn:srn~ Of radar like a ~(Cl- The optional SpeedSd (r2hlr'f tfw ~l o"'!'i)'01i to rod Iht .'pttd you thl' ~~~!o!oI1 [\;poiLce roW to reid (it ynll are tr::I\'l'lIlng ~l 65 mph in a ss mph zone you tIr'OUJd W:l lilt SleaIdJ Tl'l Radarjammer at 55 mpb ,,'hich is lhl' nadinlt the e ~Mi~" i' polio:rocl:lr.. ... 1d reedve). ' ''''' $'9.00. Order ~awariJ noadditionlll am. a 90 p~ Road Ada:5 of the United Sutd .llnd Can4lii highlighting. by fiequeocy of sickee given. the ~ whee most polk. rad.i""~ty Iak.. place. This 'P"ia1 Road Adu Iw , mall n1", of Sl4.9\. Qu:antitio art' limited. The StcaJth Td C' lUdarJ:unmer nukes a grot gin for .any The Stealth Tele Radar Jammer manitors, analyses and jams all ~s of radar currently in use by North American pallce forc es ;,dudingX and K baod.",1'" wid< baod K.a. ocasion European and Asian rnodC'b avaihble at me same price, . // pboeo radar. and bsa md aII lnsan on or pulsed ~ guns.. The- new lecilnoSOg; 1 ....~ have ckvdopcd docs not ttqui~ input !Tom a !2dar gun bd'Ol't it Jctcnnincs the type ofndolIf wrdandthensend a jlm ming signal. Our Jmurw:r sends OUt mousane4 ri sipuls a minute' [Q jam all the various typo of Ddar. 30 l}Pb - - iT Most poIia arriIi:rc -irunnr Ol't Of "pul~· IadM gum which provide drMB using ~ deta::torsonly 1110 ofa secondto roa to the radar warning and slow dawn If cluJ"~ du _ makt ." " m. "'" AMERICAI\l ",du dnm..... me~ dun , TICKET ALARM. TECHI\lO LOGY ORDER I\IOW /l1Jta-tvel.f!1f r- P YO:---- - -s-tii' P..obm is a Sab Rtpmcntativc for a mmpany that manufaaura and ~utn ma:lical supplio. He lives in Des Moina. Iow.a and CtI'm1 ill r£ 1ow:a and Nebr.asb. He drives : • approximately 25,(0) milapc ye t. Hat arc his mmmenu. "I W2S aska:l. (0 use tht Scealth i Tde Radar Jammer for 6 months. In my businm I m.akt appoi unc'l1ts 2 to J wt'tb in ~ n advance. Thepeapk I da.Im arc VCf)' btuy thtrdOtt I mwr be on rime_My drM"I; n:mrd f NAME " " IlOC good b.oW< of!p«dmg ridm. During cl" 6 I ""'" SO" spmling tid«. : Iu the rod of ada d.Jy I would ch«k t~ Jammer1 ~ iI IOding ofhow many radar laps I : 0 J"l"d mrough. I "" "''Prisod bytho of <>du " 'p' I did "" as mdia,n1 00"" •• ACORESS jammrr11'IC'm' rcalilro how llWlyradal taps that' a~. I nude.J.II myappoinunemson O . tTl('." : MONEY BACK GUARANTEE O?/4 dz~ t'fadpd - - - - - - -- -- --····--------------- 1 : i : menm "" ! ,.mb.r ' I bd... m. SttaIth Td<: R.dor J=mu ;,tho moot si!,i"",","dtllologaJ dovdop"".. for pmrroingdrivm from speed traps('Y('r invrnrni. I WiI.1 invokd in the- dcvdopmml and cesting ofthisproduCt rrom the idea sugt andan thC'refo~ pmotuUygwnlUet irstroubl(frtc andxcuare ope t;oo fOf many ticket fret ynrs ofdriving." SCln SulliV".lll- V r roidc:nt of a ice Rowch and ProdUCt DevdopmC'Dts. CITY STATE ZIP m, ThoStalthTd. Raw jammu Iw follooi'gfan"" • 3 mik mtg( withJ6(r prot(Ctjon • CompulCT controlled .lind lorC'd J timn bd"ort' bangshipped • Wei&ht 14 oz. • 3 yt'lIr ~;l, CC'lI'Il'nt w uanty • UnivcnaJ mounting hardwan:: for ars. trucks and motorcycles • Pu.m- lou alarm 2nd "on light" - Complies with FC rub C • Actessory power corel or b.anay openlN 1/2 SAT. SEPT. 2Tth,Tpm October 4, 7:30 pm CAL-EXPO BOX OFFICE 916·263·3049 Gates LAS VEGAS MOTOR SPEEDWAY Tic kets & Info 702-644-4443 October 12th, 12:30 DEL MAR FAIRGROUNDS Ticke ts 31CJ..547-9898 Open At 5:00 - J

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