Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SPEEDWAY Intercontinental Final W RLDQUAUFER O SER C IES HAMPIONSH r---~---------- -------- -------_---.:.J IP (Left) Intercontinental Final winner Ryan Sullivan (foreground) leads Joe Screen (left) and Frede Schon. Sullivan led an Australian sweep of the top three posit ions In the evenL (Below) Another disappointing day: American sam Ennolenko displays the frustration of failing to take one of the direct seed ings In the GPs after suffering through a day fraugh t with mechanical prob lem s. By John Hlpklss VASTERVIK, SWEDEN, IULY 26 tanding alongside Sam Errnolenko's ~ pit station after the Intercontin ent al Final meeting at Vas tervik, it was p la in to see jus t wh y th e Ca lifo rnia n needs to compete in the Grand Prix challenge if he is to resume his place by right in the prestigious World Championship Individual Series. . Adorning his workbench were burntout clutch plates by the scor e - th e ex hib its for the d efense, if vou will. Errnolenko' s ho pes of securin g a toptwo place to guarantee his inclusion in the 1998 Grands Prix di ssipated when he ran a disappointing third place in his openin g rid e . While takin g nothin g away from Austr alia's Cra ig Boyce (who rod e a good line to pass Ermolenko), it was clear that the American was lacking on power. R r-, 0\ 0\ r-« rrl ,..... ..... rJ'J :::> CO ;:l e of the probl em as qu ickly as we w ould have li ke d . My clutc hes we re burning up every time and we need ed to make some drastic changes." Th ose cha nges w e re not mad e in time for his second race, w hen he ran another third pla ce, this tim e beh ind eve ntual race winner Stefan Andersson and first-time-out victor Joe Screen. With two d isappointing rid es und er hi s belt, Erm ol enko wa s langui shing near the bottom of the pack, whi ch was so mething of a majo r shock for the rider wh om man y th ou ght w o ul d have a strong chance of ma king the auto matic cu t, as the Vastervik track is his ho me Sw edish Eli te Leagu e circuit. By this stage, Stef an Danno w as lead in g the proceeding s wi th wins fro m both h is rides, and another Vastervik hom e rider, Craig Boyce, was level with Ke lvin Tatum a nd Screen on fiv e points. But there was a long way to go in the meeting and, wi th the track being prepar ed in such a manner that it was conduci ve to good racing. the in tensity of the field was to throw up many a twist and turn. Jason Crum p, g iven a late reprieve followin g an injury to Dean Barker, had begun with an ign iti on fault th at lett him pointl ess from his opening rid e. But th e yo u ng Australian raised hi mself above the di sappointment, switched to his second bike, and went on to record four straight win s in his remaining prog ra m med rid e s. His compatriot a nd Peter borou gh teammate Ryan Sulli van had beg un with two second places but, likewise, he w as to go throu gh the rest of the card, recording consistently fast times to add the title of 1997 Intercontinental Cha m p io n to that o f his 1995 Overseas Cha mpionship. For this meeting was to become Austra lia' s d ay, w hil st Ermolenko's pit cre w w orked incessant ly to find the ca use of hi s po wer problems. Things began to loo k better 'for the Ame rican in h ea t 12, w h en h e w a s involve d in an enthra lling bat tle with Denma rk's Ronn ie Pedersen . With jus t a tire's w id th se para ting the two as they crossed the line, the verdict went Ped ersen's way - bu t Ermolen ko's total points (Left) Ermolenko (left) battles with Australia's Craig Boyce (right) and Gary Havelock (background). The American salvaged his day by at least qualifying tor the Grand Prix Challenge meeti ng in Wei neraNeusta dt, Austria. It will be his last chance to gain a berth in the '98 Grand Prix serie s. tally doubled, and w ith meeting leader Danno traili ng in third place, the field wa s begi nni ng to open up. The interval cou nt showed that Ermolenk o rema ined a couple of points outside the top-se ven cu t - the target all riders were head ing for, wi th places third to seventh giving eligibility to the GP cha llenge . Out a g ain im med ia te ly afte r t he interva l, Ermo lenko co nceded a hea t wi n to C ru m p, but managed to s teer dear of Peter Na hlin and Kaj Laukkanen to move on to six point s and advance his cau se for a qualifying spot. Brad ford and Engla nd's Sean Wils on, wi thout a p oint a t th is s tage, d id Ermol enko a favor in heat 14 by ta king a win from the hands of Kelvin Tatum and Pederse n. In the next heat, Boyce' s return to his winn in g ways (af te r ha ving ru n third place in his th ird ride) also aided Ermolenko, for it was va luable points taken from Andersson and Danno. The meeting wa s beginning to boil, as every point was being keenly contested . And while Sullivan's win in hea t 16 left him in command, there were many uncertaint ies that needed to be resolved. Tatum com pleted his sched u le with a race win in heat 17, leaving him on 11 points and ass ured of at least a qua lifying spot. While Sullivan completed the task of winn ing the meet ing with victory at the expense of Ermolenk o, the Californian's second place was crucia l. As Su lliva n w as busy ringi ng Australia (unmind ful of the fact tha t it was the rather unsociable hour of 3;30 a.m, there) to break the new s that his family had dreamt of - they had a Grand Prix ride r in their mid st! - Ermolenk o had to sw ea t out the final few heats in the pits, kn owing that his final total o f eight po ints left him preca rious ly positioned, as by now no fewer than eight riders had a score of this level or abo ve.

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