Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ROAD RACE : Road America S NOCO RACE FUELS U FORM U ASERIES ULA S (Left)Dave Sadowski (25) came from the back row 01 the grid to beat Jason Fraser (8) in the EBC Brakes Sport Bike Ilna!. (Left) Eric Bostrom raises his fist in v ictory after a commanding ....In In the HarleyDav idson Twin Sports race. It was hi s th ird win in tour tries. • ~======:;;;:===;;;;:=========:::::=:;;----':M~ (2:21.507) ; 14. David (2:30 .957); 29 . T odd H('N\l..· s.:~y (2:4 1.60 1). RACE ONE: I. Tray Batey (Suz ); 2. Frih'. Kling {ya m}; 3. Dave Sadow sk i (Ho n) ; 4. Jason Fra se r (Hon); 5. IA"e (Sut); 6. Gra nt 'f'ts lopez (Suz) ; 7. A ndy Deatherage (Ka w); 8. Eric Wood (Ka w ); 9. Mi cha el Fit zpa trick (K aw): 10 . Steve G rig ~ (Ka w) ; 11. Jeff vos (Kaw): 12. Ro ger Bell (S uz) ; 13. Mik Wclbh (Yam) ; 14. G n-g Fr yl;'f" (Vitm); 15. ).Hlll-OS Milroy Jr. (KclW); 16. St-th Hah n (SU7); 17. St>an Goff (Su z); 1R. Rog..r Hendricks (Sur); 19. Chris Bli~s (Ho n); 20. Michael Kb-sh baum (Ya m) ; 21. Devi n Ba tt tcy (Ya m); 22 . Ja ck Pinene (5u7.); 2. . Cu rti", Ada m~ (Ho n); 2"'. 1 Sloan Ni nne m an (SU7 ; 25. Joe r ittman (Kaw). ) Timl": 20 min., 22522 M"C. Oi",l.ln«: 9 laps. 36 miles. Average ape'l"d: 10&.010mph . Margin of victory: 2.273.!ICC. RA CE TWO: 1. Dave Sadowski (H o n); 2. Ste ve on); 4. C ra nt Lopez G rigg (K.1w) ; 3. j a son Fra se r CH (Su z); 5. LeC' Shlc rt s (Suz): b. Eri C Wood ( Ka w ); 7. Mich.:ael Fitzp.Jtric" (K.1w); 8. Jeff Vas (K.1w ); 9. Mike Wabh (Yam); 10. Reger Bdl (Suz); 11. St-th H.1hn (Suz); 12. Tray Ba t~ (Suz); 13. Chris Bliss (Ho n); 14. Rog er H endricks (Su z ); 15. Mic ha el Kirshbaum (Ya m); 16. Devi n Battler (Ya m); 17. G"'-"K Fryer (Ya m); 18. Andy Deatherage (KJiw ); 19. Fr it z KUn K (Y3m); 20. Ja mes Milroy Jr. (Kaw) . • Time: 20 min., 33.663!>t"C. DisLIn ~ 9 lapi, 36 miles . Anuge apnod: 105.053 m ph . Mugin o ( v ictory: 0.456 sec. • SUNDCO RACE FUEL S F· USA C' SH IP POINT STANDINGS (Aftt!'!'10 of 16 r.Kl'S); I. rMwSad owski (294 /2 wins ); 2. T,..y Batt")' (2bO/4); 3. F"ritz Kling (251); 4. ja son Frd~ (228) ; 5. Andy Dealht.'Ti'lg'" (214); 6. SII::"Vt" Grigg (209); 7 . Eric W uud (2 00) ; 8 . (T IE) Lee Sllit!'l'b/ Michad Filzpa tri ck. (1 91) ; 10. Grant Lopez (164); 11. Curtis Ada ms (155 /2); 12. Chuck G raves (05); 13. Set h Hahn (91); 14. Devi n Battk'Y (90); 15. Joe Pittman (83); 16. RoK Bell (15) ; 17. Doug Chandler (70/2); 18. er Do ug Polen (65); 19. (TI E) Jason Pridmore/Chris Ca rr (64 ). Upcoming Rounds: Round 6 - Long Pond. Pennsylvania. August31 Round 7 • Loudon , New Hampsh ire, October 5 NASBJEBC Brakes Sport B ike Round 4 :Road America Ski fro. the back By Henny Ray Abrams ELKHART LAKE, WI AUG 3 , the morning of the EBC Brakes port Bike final. Tea m LaBelle's Dave Sadowski d idn't mu ch feel like racing . After qua li fying secondfastest o n his Suz uki GSXR600, it was found to make too mu ch horse power 104.5 to th e legally manda ted 102 - so Q he 'd been disqualified , wh ich m eant that he cou ld s ta rt, but from the very ba ck o f th e 43-rider field, by far the largest of the day. So he said he wasn't going to bother . The n he had a cha nge of heart and decided to go for it. "The green flag dropped and I started making my way through the pack," Sadow ski said, offering "excuse me's" as he rapid ly carved his way through tra ffic. By the end of the second lap he was fifth , third at the end of the fourth, and into the lead ending the sixth, a spo t he would hold to the end of the nine-lap, 36-mile race. "I hope thi s thing rna kes 102 horsepower:' Sado ws ki said afte r doing w hat no one before him had d one: wi nning from the back row. "We detuned it two mo re horsepower. We took it to the dyn o and it was right at 102. That wa s too close for comfort." The sa me cou ld be said for the finish . Sad ow ski had 1.179 seconds on Team LaBelle teammate Jason Fraser, who was ab oard a Mike Velasco Racing Honda CBR600, after com pleti ng the race in 21 minutes, 33.680 mi nu tes, a t a n average speed of 100.179 mph. Luke's Kawasaki's Mike Ciccot to finished third, about 7.6 seconds back and about 2.5 in fro n t of Peng u in Ra ci ng School 's Eric Wood. Kawasa ki-mounted . Wood was in the lead at one point, then dropped to second before bei ng taken o u t o f contention whe n leader Ke n Krebs crashed in turn five. He reco vered to take fourth and consolidate his commanding lead in the cham pionship. After four of seven races, Wood has 127 points to th e 93 of Mark Reed , the Triple R Racing- backed rid er who finished 10th today. Third in points with 81 is Team Suz uki Spo rt's David McGrath, the po le-sitting Sou th Carolinian finish ing just behind Wood . Off th e start, it w as a nyone' s race, wi th abo u t six riders all tryi ng to lay claim to the lead po sition as Sadowski sliced through the meat of the field. By the second lap it wa s obv ious that he was go ing to be a playe r and the lead ers had cause to look over their should ers . Ending the thi rd lap , it was Krebs in fro nt on his Suz u ki, with Wood on his tail, then Fraser, Ciccotto and Sadowski. Enter in g turn fi ve o n th e fo u r th lap, Krebs got in too hot and cra shed, forcing Wood to take e vasi ve action and allowi ng the three near est pursuers to move int o the podium spo ts. Fraser was in front at this point, leading Ciccotto and Sadowski, with Wood recoveri ng to mov e back into fourth . Sadowski was briefly in the lead: then his tea mmat e took it back, a nd it went • like that until th e sixth lap, when Sadowski made it permanent. "I knew Dav e (Sadowski) was com ing," Frase r said . " I saw his pit board. I put my head down and went. But he's Dave Sadowski." The re was no s topp ing him once he made his move and Sado wski crossed the line comforta bly in front of his teammate. "We ·tried," Fraser sa id . "We gave it everything we've got. nus is the first time I've been to this place. I made a few key mistakes that pu t me back a couple of bike lengths and took me out of the draft." Cico tto finished third , mostl y alone and slowed slig htly by a problem with fifth gear o n his Kawasa ki ZX6 . "I'd like to ru n with them a little better, but, hey, that's racing:' he said. "It was good to be able to stay with th em for th e first two or th ree lap s." Wood had pulled out som e space on McGrat h , but i t s h ru n k a t the end , tho ugh not enoug h for McGrath to take over. Behind them was Rick Kirk , a ll by himself on his Suzuki, then another lone rider, Honda-mou nted Jason Farrell of nearby Oshkosh . Iii-Per Sports' Steve Johnson made a late move to take eig hth from Ra nd y Mennegna, with Kris Clubb filling out the top 10. 0 Road America Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin Results: August 3. 1997 (Round 3 017) EBC BRA KES SPO RT BIKE: 1. Da vid Sadows ki . (Suz ); 2. Jason Fr.1Sl-'1' (Ho nj: 3. Mike Cicco ne (K.1w); 4. Eric Wood (Kcw): S. Dav id McGrath (Suz ); 6. Rick Kirk (Su z); 7. Jason Fa rrell (Hon); 8. Steve Johnson (Kaw) ; 9. Randy Menn t'nga (Suz); 10. Kris G ubb (Kaw); 11. Brian Liven go o d (Suz) ; 12 . Mar" Ree d (Kaw ): 13. S <'30 Kowa lski (Ho n); 14 . Rube n Fra nkl'n lield (Suz); 15. Stoney Landers (Suz ); 16. Set h Hahn (Suz) ; 17. Jam",' Pri nl",,'(Hun) ; ttl Glt"lln Cu rti~.. (Ka w) ; l Q, David }t.1'~·Jlh Ro-e (Hon) ; 20. lA'S Wh it", (Dud; 21. David McPh.'r.lOn (K.1W); 22. Tod d Evans (Bud; 23. Mar" Z l Ike (Kaw); 24. . Ma rk McCormick (Ho n); 25. Brad A. ...cgaa rd (Hon); 26. Darrell Co llins (Suz); 27. Kurt M.irmur (Han); 28. Ryan Meyer t K.1W); 29 . M ar c Sherwood (Su z) ; 30. G r~g Hu tcheson (Kaw); 31. Ch ris Bhss (Hon); 32. Robert Debe (lion); 33. Rod Borsc ht.' (Ho n): 34. Roger Bell (Suz); 35. Shawn Higbee (Bud; 36. Ke n Kr ebs (Suz) ; 37 . Scott Die rich (Suz ); 38. Kris August (K.1W); 39. M.lrty SaulI' d III (Suz); 40. Bria n G ibso n (Sw.) ; 41. Tripp Nobles (Bue); 42. W illiclm Tay lor (Suz); 43. Boyd Hed stro m (Hon ). Time: 21 min .• 33.6XO !Ot. "C. D i!il.ln(:l": 9 1; p!i,36 milt.~ . . 1 AVfO g fO speeds 100.179 mph. U Margin o f vict ory: 1.179 sec, EBC BRAK ES S P O RT BIK E C'S H IP P OINT ST AN D INGS (Aftrr 4 of 7 round &>; 1. Eric Wood 0 27/1 wi n) ; 2. Mark. Reed (93 ); 3. David McG rat h (SI ll); 4. Da ve Sadowski (63/t); 5. Mike Cicrotto (58); b. Rick Kirk (50); 7. Jaso n Fraser (44); 8. Steve Johnson (42); 9. Les Whi te (40); 10. Jeris G ubb (30); t I. David Rose (38); 12. Reuben Franlu.··ld (36); 13. David Cook (35); 14. mE) And rew Stro u d / Tod d Evans (32); 16. Tr ipp N o b les (3 1) ; 11. (TIE) Doug Tobnd /~on Bt' ckli n /J im Le st er (3 0); 20 . (TI E) Dnan LiVl'ngOl>d/Jamt."S Bronson (28). Upcoming Rounds: Round 5 - Long Pond. Pennsylvania, Augusl31 Round 6 • Loudon, New Hampshire, October 5 N S rle ·D A BlHa y avidson TwinSports Round 5: Road America fto stopping Eric By Henny Ray Abrams ELKHART LAKE, WI, AUG. 3 f you wanted to quibble, you could say th at Eric Bostrom ' s NASB / HarleyDavidson Twin Sports win wasn't as fast as his victory in the summer's earlier AMA Progressive Insurance Supertwins event. But that would be about all you could fault the Miller Electrical Construction pilot on. O therwise it was typical Bostrom: ou t front early, blazing pace, . competition disheartened. "I couldn't ask for any better than this," Bostrom said after adding the Harley even t to his earlier Buell victory. "It was almost dull , the tires were that good." It w a s cettai n ly dull to an yone watchi ng, but only for the lead. Back in th e field, the action wa s frantic. T his w i n, Bos tr o m 's third of th e se ries, ca me as no su rp rise after he ' d qualified 1.8 seconds ahead of the rest of th e spa rse 16-rider field. He d idn't get the jump at the start, but he wa s nearb y, and leading befor e long. By the end of the first lap he had better than a tw o-second lead. He added about a second per lap to win the sixlap, 24-mile race by 8.813 seconds in 15 minutes, 42.495 seco nds. Hi s average speed wa s 91.672 mph, just down from th e 91.942 mph that he'd avera ged in wi nning th e se ven-lap June AMA race. You could probably put the difference down to track conditions. I

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