Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Daytona, and it felt good to start a mai n ' event on the front row. That's one of the high po ints of our season." CamJin held tight in sixth, turning more than a few heads in the process. · "If I could do that jump a little better, I could do all right here," Camlin said. " I need to be more assertive- remember, I got hurt her e a couple years ago. I just told Skip that I wanted to be th e first guy out for pr actice, and I was. An d I wanted to pr actice un til they wou ldn' t let me anymo re, and 1 did. Every lap, I . go t more and more confident." Kopp wa s ge tt i ng m ore a nd m ore co nfident, an d m ore ca lcu la ted too , as he wa s consistently able to bury it deep in turn o ne a fte r rocketing d own the front straig htaway each lap. With Parker right on Kopp's tail, both moved in on Tresser , and both slid und er the Californian o n lap eight. It was a two-horse ra ce after that. as Tresser rela xed and co ncentra ted on ma intaining a consistent pace. "The pressure to win two in a row turned out to be more than I th ou ght," Trcsser said . "The bike ran excellent, but I just knew I didn't hav e enoug h to stay with Joe a nd Scotty." Parker continued on pace with Kopp, the champ see mingly probing for weak - Briefl nesses - and learning what his own were - before making a pass fo r th e lead . T hen, on lap 17, it happened : Pa rker made a costly mistake as he go t crossed up off turn four a nd parked it, handica p p i ng Kopp some seven leng t hs . Parker m ad e th e g ro und u p quickly, and again pulled to Kopp' s rear wheel before sli pping off the groove aga in on lap 22 a nd losing ev e n m ore g round than he had the first time . "He pu t IO lengt hs o n me ," Parker sai d . "I could reel him in, but I cou ld n' t do an ything wit h him. The only place I could pass him was over the jump, and he was ge tti ng ov e r it p retty w ell. I knew that I wasn't go ing to pass him on the front straight; so I just said, 'Pl ay it cool. collect your points, and we'll see him again at Rap id City.'" There was just no s topp in g Kopp, w ho maintained a bike leng th's ad vantage between h imself and Park er down the front straightaway for the final tim e. Kopp pumped hi s fist in th e air as he ro lled under Ste ve Far aci' s chec kere d flag. "I'm lost," Kopp said . "This is some th ing that I' ve d reamed of. I usu all y don't co u n t laps, but w hen I sa w th e five-lap board, I started counting. When I go t to two, I saw th e white flag, so I ••• Prior to the Peo ria IT. Joe Kopp wid thDt if he eouid do one thing differently than he did last year. it w ould be : · To be patient. take my time,· Kopp said . - That' s probably the -biggest thing . If I don 't get the holeshot. I' m just going to stay loose. I wa tched a tape of the TV .race that we had he re two years ago . and that'-s what C hris Carr did to me. " Kopp also said that he W3S better prepared to handle the pressure to win this year's even t. -I think that I've had mo re hype this year: Kopp said. - Bu't rm deahng with It better. I' m not lIste ning to it.. Last year .I did. and I got all pum ped up, and it bit me .· · So nie things are easier to correct than o~hers , miscounted in th e re so mewhere . But thi s (win) is definitely go nna be a big kick in the butt for us . And I know tha t this is one of tho se tracks tha t reward s an all-arou nd rid er ." Well, he had it coming . '" Peoria M.e. Peoria , Illinois Resu" s: August 3,1997 (Round 12 of 23) HEAT 1 no ' ..po;; 1.2 ri dl"~ top 3Ir.n!o(er): 1. And y T~ .... (W-Rl; 2.. Re.. FI.J1o..,. (Rn );3. rau l Lynch(RId ; 4 -r seeve M"yfi~1d l ~ (A TK); 12. C art h Bastian (W ·R ). Ti me: 4 min ., 4 1.708 sec. HEAT 3 (10 laplO; 12 elders, top 3 t ran d er): I : Joc Kopp (Rlx ); 2. Dav .. y Ca m lin (Rn); 3. Johnny Murphn.'e ' (W.R) ; 4_ Jos h Butler (Rtd; 5. Brya n Bigelow (A TK); 6. no Ricky Graha m (Ht, n); 7. Kevtn V20 mt'S (Rtx): 8. P20ul Mo rgan III ( Rtx ); 9 . J .P . Simo n sen (Ho n) ; 10 . Pa ul I w a n a 6 a ( Ho n }: t 1. Pau l K o p !'> (W · R) ; ,12. R u ss Yama moto (Rtx). T i m!": N Oll(" du.. tu n ...l fl

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