Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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orld Championsh ip trials riders
are a pretty toleran t bunch . At
' times th ey put u p with co nd itions tha t ot her profess ional sportsmen
would laugh at - and walk away from.
They have been allotted "pare fermes"
in deserts, in swam ps, alo ngside bu sy
freeways - sometimes without adequate
p o w er, water o r toilet facilities - a nd
shrugged it off. They tolerate both indiffe re nt official do m and dow nrigh t
aggressive officia ldo m with little more
tha n a murmur.
Very ra rel y do th ey rise in a nger,
which is - unfortunately for them - just
as well, becau se w hen they do protest,
even en masse, they are exposed as ha ving as much collective bite as a goldfis h.
The last time ou r feet -u p gla diators
made a comm una l protest was in Bilbao,
Spain, in 1995, On Friday night, few sections had be en ma rked ou t, and those
that could be seen the ride rs didn't like,
In a twilight meeting that evening, they
demanded that the AM Jur y take action
or , they sta ted, puffing out their collective chests, they woul dn 't ride, Saturday
mor ning ca me, wen t a nd lunc h ti me
arrived . The AM Jury returned from its
previewing of the sections - an d admitted that eve n they had visited only half
he sections.
"That's it, w e a ren't riding thi s
ve nt! " sta ted the riders after several
eated meetings that afternoon. Half an
ou r la ter, every o ne was on his bike,
eading for the first section.
Basically, the Spanish Federation pu t
he heat on its riders (otherwise, the bigoney cigarette com pany which sponors the Spanish wouldn' t b e very
leased ) and the factories did likewise
o their contracted riders.
The rid er who lost most face w as
992 World Cha m pio n Tommi Ahvala.
t w a s Ahvala, elected as ride r
pokesm an, who declared tha t the riders
vere unanimous in their decision no t to
ide. And five minu tes later it was an
mbarrassed Ahva la who had to face his
ellow riders with the new s tha t Fantic
ad informed him that he was in fact
tarting shortly - a total collapse of rider
we rt
U T3,1967
riu mph' s Sk i p
Leeuwe n
took his firs t
ational Dirt Track
ictory when he won
e 50-lap N atio n al
T at Ascot Park in
alifornia . Du sty
oppage finish ed
-cond on a Triumph
nd Dave Palmer piloted his
.o r ton to third . Triumpho unted Ji mmy Odom wo n
e Amateur IS-lap final over
oger GoldWaite on a Royal
nfield .. . CN did a p iece
lied "Meet the Racers" and
was 25-year-old desert ace
N . Roberts in t he s p o tght... Hodaka rider Tom
ruckenstein won the l OOcc
atianal Motocross event
eld in A thena, O regon,
e r Jerry Do b b in s on a
awasaki and Rick Cray on a no ther
odaka ... Jo hn Jorgen sen wo n t he
Expert class at a Sho rt Track even t
th e Lod i Cy cle Bowl in California .
In Italy this year we had a very similar rerun of this little playlet - only this
time, they d id actually get as far as
bringing th e event to a tota l h a lt . In
Italy, the beef, very rightly, was that the
sections marked out and viewed on Friday looked very dangerou s. The riders
protested to the A M an d the organizers
- and to no one's surprise, nothing was
On Saturday, in ter rib le conditions
an d fo llowing a migh ty cras h fr om
Doug Lam pkin on the seco nd sec tion,
followed by a ridiculo us third hazard of
wh ich only one rid er saw the exit cards,
the top riders called a halt .
They called a halt for all the right reasons bu t then, having brought the show
to a stands till, got carried away and pr ese n ted th e FIM with a d em and to the
e ffec t th a t un less th e co n trov ers ia l
"stop-d ab" rule was repealed before the
follo wi ng week 's Fren ch round, the re
wo uld be a rid er boycott of that trial.
The riders' demands were thus:
With regard to the stationary dab rule
introduced this year, we the riders make a
protest to you, the FIM .
We will not compete in the next Wortd
Championship trial (to be held in France June 21-22) until the rule is reoetsed to that
as in 1996.
We woutd also like to be informed in the
future of any major rule change and pros,
pest that a test