Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. - ------------------------ ~ (Left) Mark Schalman hits a tire en route to h is win In the 80Cc Intermediate c lass at the Kingsville Motocross In Misso uri. (Above) Dustin Fau lds (23L) slid to v ictory at the Sioux Valley Cycle Club sho rt trac k In Sioux Fells, South Dakota, on J une 7, McAlister on fire in Missoula MX By Ed Beckley 250 Il'I.'T: 1. R..-IISdw!.~(kaw);2CftJc Cw.-rQion). 250 EX: 1. e-,. McOr-rIIOCa ); 2. AamnStt....,.- e to ta ke Hrst in bo th m otos, ov er l u ke Smith and Derick Connt"r. Resutts P/W: 1. ROc"'y Draprr (I(Th(); 1. Trlml Simpeotl ( tend ); 3. JCITY Moxn Jr. 0CTMl;4. Tyla- ~"'"*lI'l {Lnn,I; S. J\I3tIn ~ "'...,. llO: 1. bo;i. Evana (Ka.....; 1. Bn-nt N_brny ( Ka w) !lOBF.C: 1. bd. Eva,. CHon); 1. Corry Smilh CHt... I; 3. Ambrr M.;Guin" frkxU; 4. Bobby ~ (Yam) . 3. :~~~~rlr. (HgN, 2.lAlk!oaulh (Hon); 125 BFC A. 1. Zad ~); 2. A..JrIm.n.r.~ (Hon );3. Kalh H.n Qion);4.,..... W~(Hon); SO j. V. NNI Jr. (Yarn) . 125 BIG B: 1. EAon Sp&Rft'I 0i0n1; 2. o.~ c:r-t 0i0nJ; J . 8Wn U!Ouyw (Suz); 4. Tnlvia TI'. a-1onJ. By Brad Letcher Photos by K ristl Dempster SIOUX Fsus, SO,JUNE 7 Dustin Fauld s scored main-even t wins in two ou t of the th ree Pro classes during th e season opener at Saddleback Racew ay. Faulds took a hard-fought win in the newly rec onciled Open Pru IT class, and ran away wi th the 250cc Pro-class main. Feuld... hopes f';r • a s weep o f the Pro classes were da shed w hen Bob Anderson slid hi!' wa y to a flag-to-Ila g vietury in th e Open Pro class . Faulds su ffered a bad start as Brad Letch er took th e ho lcshot in th e Open Pro IT. Letcher and Chuck Bevin g battled thruugh the infield se ct ion bu t ca me together exiting the infield . allowing Mike Lalley, C.J. Beving and Faulds to move pest . Fauld s followed Lalley across the lin e fo r the first sev eral laps as they battled w heel to wh eel. Lalley' s Kawasaki was set u p better for the muddy cond itions of the infield, as well as hav ing a fron t brake; Faulds kept dose in the infield d espite having no frunt brake. Faul ds took ad vantag e of his CR25O's power and ha nd ling on the sho rt track portion of the track to take the lead in the final laps. Fau lds won with Lalley clo se behind. 11~ Beving held o ff Letcher fur third . Faulds did not want to repeat the bar-banging battle of the IT as he took th e hole shot in the 250cc Pro mai n . Faulds led flag to flag to ta ke th e se cond main of th e night. Mik e Johnson, letcher and Beving battled behind th e lead er throughout th e entire main. Johnson' s trademark ru b-the- w al1-a s-much -a s-poss ib le st yl t!' netted him ~nd place. The Open Pro main event proved to be too mu ch for Fauld~ on t h i ~ ni ght . Vf" tf"ran Bob And~rson took the holesh ot by slid ing deep into the first tum an d powering hi5 way in fron t of the field . Anderson's thro w-it·· L1y-it-ovcr t~nique proved to be the Mt m ethod of gethn g around the dry, slick track. Pete Tapkin and Fa ul ds tri ed va liantly to keep th e p ace, but ~n ders~n w ou ld n ot be denied an openi ng rught wm. MISSOULA, M JUNE 13-14 T, Mo t ion Spor ts-s ponsore d Ch eun McAlister holcsh ot and won all four Pro ma ins in ro und th ree of the C hec kered Fla g Productions Summer Slam Monster Motocross Series, held on the western Mon tana Sla te Fairgrounds. The series has had bad luck thu s far wi th the wea the r as, again d ue to heavy rains, the facility wal' practical1y underwa te r prior to th e race. Work through th e night resulted in a tight but dry track. The 125cc Pro actio n on Friday saw McAlister o u t fron t. with Dick ' s S u zuki ' s Jimm y La mas tus hold ing d own seco n d . F&S Suzuki / FMF/ UFO-wd od Kenny Bertram had a poor sta rt but wor ked up to third. The finishing order was McAlister, Lama stus, Bertram, and Honda riders Kodjo I~!I and John Bell. In Frida y's 250cc race, McAlister again started quick, with Lamastus , Misso ul a's own Phil C a ~ t h ier , and F&:.:S Suzu k i / Metro Xpress l Smith-backe d Jo n Hedd en d os e behind him. McAli s ter opened h is lea d while Lama stus secured seco nd late in the race . H~den pressured Ga u thier an d fmaIIy made his mov e for third in the final co rn er of the ra ce. Ga u thier ~i s~ th ird by hal f a bike length, an d Honda nder Tyler Voss finished in fifth . It wa s busin ess a~ usual fo r McAli ster on Sa ~rda y , as he sta rted by winning th e 125ce rna m. Lama stus held second until another pass wa s made in th e final corner, th is time by Okla ho ma's Bertram . At the F inish it was Meg.lister follo w ed. by Bertram, La ma ~'tus, Hedden , Leed s. McAlister won his fourth main in Saturd ay' s .25<<< rar-e, with Bertram unable to duplicate his 125cc heroi cs despite pres suring lamast u s fro m wire to wi re. Kansas' H edd en wa s fourt h, and Honda rid er Na te Bertland was fifth. In fron t of a partisan, hom etown cro wd , 14y~a r~ ld Tyle! Voss won Frid ay' s jump contest With a heel-clicker . An other heel-clicker won the jump contest on Saturday, this time for lamas- and tus. Results Friday 125 PRO: 1. Owun {s.ut 2. Jimmy.La...-tull t5uz); J. Kenny 8mnIm (Suz); 4. Kc>d;o1.ft,;b Ulon); S. John Bdl (lion). 250 rRO: 1. Chaun McAilatrrtsuzl; 2.J.mmy (Suz); 3. }oft JWddton (5u:lo) ; 4 f'till Gau lt\i(of (Hm); 5. Ty\er Vc. (}ton) Saluntay 125 PRo. I. Chaun t.kAIiatrf CSul ); 2. Kenny Bertram fSu:d ; 3. 'i.Duny Lamutus ( Su t); 4, Ion HC'd C'TI {5\It ); S. KocIjo ~ d AJeoll.~ J. Mall Linq.-t; 4. JohnGntfith; 5.Brad y Rrink_ MI st 60: 1. J~ l...amlt 2. Miller. 5. Tory &-I. J .:ob Ahl 3. NO. 8uol4. M," ML'\l180: 1. Brandon MiIkT; 2. Swv. Mill«; J. Gerod 0livWr'; . , Rymt ~Ioa; 5. o..rtil- lir Brving. SM Er-oiG, 1. Ry.n Ol'ishloa 2. Obvicr . o.nidl~ 'ohnaono Shott P/W 3. ~TJ(; I. ~ L.Jmbott ( Y. m) ; 2. J~ Dod~ fYam); f.al1Ul!' P.mel (Ya.m); t . Kyle ANlolmi (Yam) ; 5. o.""y McDanIel (Y am). p/w STK: I. AJyMa J_n ( Yam). P/W sn:;. 1ClM C: I. David Rc.(Ya.m). P /W MOD: I . J-ph H~ noJez; 2. Cody AnMftmIIKTM). DI."rrtd; Ponton (Ka.... . ) WC: I. MadI.wI R1N.lcli ()(a ....); 2. Bobby FoIls ( f(.a w ). 80 A; 1. MattConwz Jr. (Hon);2.J~en--(Y.un). tIOB: 1. Frankl.1.uII! (Suz). 250 B: I. 8l1 Hilt"li (Yoilm); 2. ChN Cilfus (H o n). 1y 250C: 1. HiN l~--ry TaI\oilRUd\i; 2. Moiltl Com e.ilJr. (Ya m). KNO BBY: 1. CUI W~k>f (Hon ); 2. John IWilt"!" (Hon ). K.1l,JOBBYC: 1. BillyCra y. . VL r r 2·STRI< 1. Billy Hilft (Yam); 2. J_l<=yli "K (Bu l). ... : 60 A/B: I. Ryan l. TT P/ W STK (OOS): I . o..n"1 MfOanri (Yam); 1. Anlhlny Fons fYam>; 3. J.n- Lamba-.a (Y. m ); . Jlllitin DOOun (Yam); 5.}ami. (Hon). r .lwl (Yam). (HoIl) . Jorgensen goes for two at Lodi Short Track By Mike Le w Bnins; 3. Gnod 250 PRO 1. Duetm FauJlU; 2. M1M 3. I..richer. "C.J.8Pvlng O rEN A: 1. Vrrlon 1..n g"OO; 2. O\ld 8o:ving; 3. Chaf~ LmgLmd ; 4. Dick V~. OPEN PRO : I . Bob A nd enlOn; 2. Pt"tl! r.rkln; 3. Dusty; 4. Mikl!' Johnaon; 5, Brad ~ OPEN riO 17.1 . Du.ooIm Faulli; 2. Mw-l.Ilitoy; J. q . fJno· in~ 4. Brad ~ 5. Chuck 8I!'ving. Results 2.."tO rRO- 1. Cha un McAINPr" C'itu':); 2. Jimmy La....-us nl. OPEN C; 1.l amn MIlNT. 45

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