Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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#/se!! !X-!:n!!-r . ~ """ -~. ~ presents Round 9 of th e ru t which had been bulldozed halfway down the stra ight, and I lost drive." King finished seventh. " I ga ted well, too," said Parker of his race, in w hich he p laced 12th. "But the motor sputtered and I had to ride a gear lower all race. The other American, Keith Bowen, di dn't have much to say abo ut his midpack rid e. "I jus t never got going all race," said Bow en, w ho was riding wi th an injured foot. "Not a good ride." Th e seco nd moto was controversial, to say the least. Even winner Smets got lucky. " He (Smets) made a big mistake a t the firs t turn, " Joh ans son said. "I was r ight behind him, h it him a n d w en t down, and Joel stayed on." Johansson was to quit at half d is tance. "My shoulder just cou ldn't take any more, ~ he sa id. HI was having to ride different lines to pass riders, and it was contin ually being punished." Smets, meanwhile, took jus t a couple of laps to ease past Darryll King for the lead and the wi n. The KTMs ha d gated well this an d Nicoll, King and Parker were right in amongst the big bikes. Parker ha d p a ssed N icoll after 15 minutes a n d, on the h alf-hour, w ent past King to hold a clear second - until the last lap, w hen he slowed dramatically in the cl osin g 200 yards to finis h fourth behind Nicoll. "I feel s hit about it ," Parker said. "Bu t they give me the bike an d I have to o bey the team orders. I got a board (telling him to let Nicoll by) a couple of laps from the end." Nicoll gratefully accepted the two extra points. There was carnage aplenty behind the front four during the race. Gert Jan Van Doom went back from fifth when he twis ted his lett knee in a hole and nearly collapsed at the finis h after coming home 15th. Willie Va n Wessel went back even further after hi ttin g the wall on the half-hour, while Swedis h privateer Mats Nilsson was incredi ble as he cha rged from a first-lap 13th to relieve fellow Swede [onte Engdahl of the fifth position be fore his motor started to stutter badly. The placing eventua lly went to Andrea Bartolini. Bowen quit mid race w hen well down-field again. ,,. iI ~ ProNational Motocross Series JULY 25, 26, 27 -- Bajj p .. Kenworthy's Motoc ross Park COMETIC a_i.e. ""-~ OMS w ·. s N ..... -+---1-'" -11-- +...n DAYTON ~ Information: 937-335-4763 :it ~ KK Motorcycle Supply ~KJOICHER' ~SKOAL - ~ RACING Schroeder bccnaUn9 ....' lIllO SCOTT U~= 1':: I B.rney Renl.<1Ih. Inc. ~ time , Donate to THE CLAYTO FOUNDATIO 2201 Cherry Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806 310/427-7433 -We want to be yourfavoritecharity- Forle lgh Castle GP Fortelgh Castle, England Results: July 6, 1997 (Round 8 of 12) MOTO 1: 1. Jacky M4rtron ( H u~); 2. Joel Smets ll (Hbg); 3. DuryU King (Hus); 4. ~lt'I" JoIw:nsMJn (Yam); S. Willie Van w eeeet (H on); 6. Ge rt 14n Van Doom ( Hon); 7. Sholyne King (KTM); H. Danny Theybf:r, (KTM); 9 . C h ris Burnham (Ho n); 11. Johan 800l\("n (ICIM) ; 12. T r&mp.M P.ubor (JCTM); 13. &mgt ~ (Hon); 14. Cerili OeJepirw (Hon); 15. MikkrJ u praN (HU5). MOTO 1: I. Jod Smrts (H bg); 2. Da r ryll King (H us); :J. Kurt Nicoll (lCTM ); 4. Tramp.u Par kn (JCTM); S. Bartolini. (y..m.); 6. I_ky MArtens (Hua); 7. Jonte ~&hI (H an); S. John 8oonorn (KlM); 9. 9\aynr King C KTM I; 10. Danny Theybers C KlM): 11. Avo Lrok (Hon); 12. (;er;Ud Ddepinr (Hon); 13. Fm:Irik Hedman (Hbg); 14. Erwin Machtlinger (H on) ; 15 . Gnt Jan Van Doom (Hon). OIA:. 1. loel SmrtII (Hbg); 2. DarryU Xing CHusr. 3Ja cky ~brteN C us); 4. Tr~mp ... Par kr r ( JCTM); 5. H Sha y n~ King (KTM); 6. Kurt Nic oll (KTM ); 7. lonte En gd a hl (Hon); 8 . Danny l1wybers (KTM); 9 . P~trr Joh.u.oon (Yam); 10. johan Boonen(KTM). WOR LD CH AMPIO NSHIP 5OOc:c MX SElUES POINT STA N D INC S (Alh:r Auf 12 ro unds): 1. J~I Sm~ts (202/4); 2. ShayrM" Xing (151); 3. Kurt Nicoll (147); 4. Petrl' lohansxm (12811); 5. And~. Bartolini (12511); 6. Gcrt JAn Van Doom (112); 7. OuTyU King;(109); 8. Jchan Boonen (67) ; 9. Jacky Ma-.. (61); 10. Jon.. Engdahl (53); 11. Trampas P.vker (51); 12. Danny Thcybcr& (SO); 13. Avo Lee k (48/1 1; 14. Bemd Ecke n ba ch (47) ; 15. DirtJ:nu 1.acher (46); 16. Ruprtt Walkner (32); 17. Keith Bowen (30); 18 . Jame s Marsh (29); 19 . Erwin ~ (28); 20. MikblCapnoni (28) . Upcoming Rounds: Round 9 • Laguepie. France. July 20 Round 10 - Namur. Belgium. August3 When you choose SBS STREETexcel sinter compounds. yeu Choose me best In sinter reptaeement peds for yOur high· perfonn:lIlCE street ~ we Offer nlgn ff1et1On IHS)fronts and loWer Ir1etIOn ILSI rears to provide you wttntile ul~mote .... ..70 appli«l~ons. in stoPping pewer no matter what the conditions. When you're reacfY to replaCe your worn, sintered metal pads, be sure to cnoose S111EETexcei from SBS - tile sinter COITlIJOUndS wltll tile power to stop you. ~ 0.60 t .... §.... 0.40 0 39