Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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t_ finally cooling off a little bit. I felt good when I was racing; then I came back and took my leathers off. Then I star ted to fee l really bad . I ra n e verythi ng yo u could today but the Challenge. I had a r eal good r a ce w ith Ja y . It w a s fu n . Hacker go t in there a cou ple of tim es . Me and Springer kind of pulled away and we caug ht a couple of guys as they were d roppi ng o ut. The Iast lap, I was going to try an d do something . I tried to drive un der him real low, but it didn't wo rk, and I lost him . It was a good day for us . We sta rted out struggling, but we ended up in the National." Joe Kopp and Mike Hacker rounded out the top 10. "I wasn't diving into the comer hard enough, I gu ess," Kopp said. "I'd have been way back if it weren't for some people breaking." "I just got a bad start," Hacker said. "Kenny passed me, and I was going to try and hook u p with him; then h e broke. I just rod e my own race. Kop p passed me, and I wasn't goi ng to play wit h him . I looked behind me and there wasn't anyone there. I hooked up with him for the las t five laps and was go ing to try a nd d ra ft him at the en d, but it just d idn't work ou t." 883 NATIONAL The large field of 33 8835 ra n in three heats to get the lineup for the National. Jess Roeder (Las Vega s H-D / American Asp ha lt Gradi ng), Shaun Ru ssell (Bartel's H-D/Metze ler/Big Twin) and Dave Camlin (l-800-FASTHOG / Mo ro ney's H·D) were heat winners. The firs t s tart of the race had to be abor ted whe n Paul Bergs trom fell in tu m four of lap two. A complete restart was in ord er - without Bergstrom's bent Ha rley, however. Roeder led the restart int o turn one, over the Moroney' s team of Hacker and Ca mlin. The race qu ickly turned into a sevenrid er war, as Camlin would officia lly lead all but o ne lap; h is teammate, Ha cker, grabbed it for the fifth lap. The running order varied greatly, but Camlin, Johnny Murphree, Russell, Ha cker, Schnabel and Bret Beyer wer e all runnin g up front . No d iffer ent from the other 11 laps, major chan ges in the running ord er came on the last lap. Murphree, who had been running th ird for se veral laps, allowed his competitors just enou gh room to drop him from third to seventh on the last lap . That gave Hacker the last podium slot. '" Du Quoin State Fairgro u nds Du Quoin , Illino is, Resutts: July 13, 1997 (Ro u nd 9 0f23) HEAT 1 (10; 11 rid ~n. top ] Ir.n.ln): 1. Rick y Gra ham (Hon) ; 2 . M ikf' H olI Ckf' T (t -I· D) ; 3 . Stt>ve tC' Mo re h ra d (H -D ) 4 . T im M eor n5 (H-D); 5. Ja y Jess Roeder (94) and Mike Hacker (67) led the f ield Into tum one during the 883 National, but when it was all over. Davey Caml in (27) had notched his fourth victory of the yea r to solidity h is lead in the series standings. Springs teen (H~D); 6, Bret Beyer (H·O); 7. r aul Morgen III (H -D ); B. r .ml Lynch (H·D); 9. JdE Randolp h (H-D); 10. Robert Lewis,nI-D); 11. Dan Su nlt'y ( I~-D). Timl!; 6 min., 12..39 ~'C. 7 HEAT 2 no l,lp tr, 11 rid ers, top 3 trandl!r); 1. Kevi n Athe rto n {H-Dl ; 2. Terry Poo vey (H- D); 3. Dave Ca mlin (H·0): 4. Steve 6ciltt ic (H -D): 5. J.R. Schn.lbel (H-m: 6. . Lonnie Pauley (H-D); 7. Paul Bergstrom (Hen): B Devon Pritcha rd (H · D) ; 9 . Randy Shank ( H- Dl; 10 . Ken Cool bet h Jr . (H-O); 11. Scott Stump (H- D). T im e-: 6 min ., to .052 M'C . HEAT 3 (10 bpll; 11 ride..., top 3 transfer): 1. Scott Parker (H -D); 2. Kevin Varnes (H-D); 3. Joe Kopp (H-D); 4. Brian Bigelow (H -D); 5. Dale [enneman (H-D); 6. Ceo Roeder II (H- D); 7. Chris Evan s (H -D ); 8. G reg Teague (H- D); 9 , Ian Segedy (H-D); 10. Josh Bu eler (H -D); 11. CMn C't" Darling. Tim~ 6 min., lO. JI sec. 7 HEAT 4 110 laJ>ll; 12 ri ders, lop 3 tran!lifl! r): 1. W ill Davl.'1(H- D); 2. Kich King tHon): 3. Den Butler (H -D); 4. Jim Su m ne r (H· D); S. Sha u n RU!>!liC'lI (H-D); 6. M ikl! Varne s (H -D ); 7. Dou g Dav is (H- Dl ; 8, Johnn y Murphree (H-D); 9:Nick o an id!li (H-D) ; 10. Jim Rosa (H -D); 11. Brctt I...a.ndcs (H -D): 12. Rob Gctte (H- D). T ime: 6 nun .. 9.470 sec. SEMI 1 (8 l.aps; 11 riden , top 2 tr.ansfer): 1. J.R. Schnabel (H· D) 2. Chance Darling (Hon); 3. Brct Beyer CH-D); 4. Greg Tea gu e (H · D); 5. [).lIe Jcnneman ili-D); 6. J(>[f Randolph (H-D) ; 7. Jim Sumner (H -D); 8. Devo n Pritchard (H-D ); 9. Dou~ Davis (H-D); to . Jim Rosa (HD); 11. Scott Stump (H-D) . Tune; 01 min., 57.1013 we. SE MI 2 (8 la ~; 11 ridl!A, lOp 2 tr;1lR'l,fer): 1. Ken Coollwt h Jr. (H-D); 2. Jay Springo;ll'O:."Il (H·D); 3. Steve Beattie (J-I- D) ; 4 _ G~o Rot>dt>i n (H.D) S. Breit: La ndes (H -o); 6. Paul Lync h (H· D); 7. Shau n R u~o;ell (H.D); 8. Jo hn ny Murphree (H-D); 9, Pau l Bergs trom Ij-lon): 10. Da n Sta nley (H-m; 11. Ian Segedy (H-D>, , f r '- Time: 4 min., 57.070~. S E.\U 3 18 l.ap s; 11 rid el"!l, top 2 tra mfer): 1. C hri.. Evens (H -D); Mike Varn es (H -D); 3. Bryan Bigelow (H -D); 4. JO$h Butler (H -D); 5. Paul Morgan III (H- D); 6. N ick Daniels (H ·O); 7. Robert Lewis Jr. (H -Q); 8, Randy U (H- D); 9. Tim Mertens (H -D); 10. Lonnie Pau ley (H- D); 11. Rob Celte (H- D). g. T im e: None, due to red nA GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIO NSHIP (25 I.aps; ; 18 ridl!n): 1. Scott Parker CH-D) 2. Kevin At he rton (H0); 3. Ricky Gra h,lm (Hen): 4. Win Davis (H -D); 5. Rich King (He n): 6. Dan Butler (H-D); 7. Jay Springsteen (H0); 8. J. R. Sctuldbt:-I (H-D); 9. JUt Kopp (H-D); 10. Mike > H ack e r (H-D); 11. Ch ri~ Evan .. (H·O); 12. C hance D a rl in g (Hen) : 13 . Kev in Varn e~ (H- D); 1ol. Dave Ca mli n (H - D); 15 . Te rr y Poovey (H-O) ; 16. Steve Mor eh ea d (H -O); 17, Ken Coo lbe th Jr . (H-O); 18. Mike Varnes (H-D>. Ti me : 15 min" 5.022!ICC, AMA G RAND NATI ONAL C H A M P IO N S H IP SERIES POINTS ST ANDlNGS (.after 9 of 2J events): 1. Will Davis (150/3 win s); 2. Scott Parker (137/ 2 wi ns); 3. Ric h King (125 /1 wi n) ; -I. Kev in A the rto n (t 13/ 2 "n wi ns); 5, Jay Springstt."l (93); 6. Joe Karp (77); 7. mE) Dave Ca mlin/Dan Butler (74); 9. Ricky Gra ha m (72); 10. Steve Morehead (71); 11. Mike Hac ke r '(63): 12. Kenny Coolbeth (56); 13. Cec Roeder II (55); 14. Kevi n Varnes (42); 15. 1.R. Schnabel (41); 16. Terry Poovey (37/1 win); 17. W illie McCoy (35); 18. Chris Evans (30); 19. mE) Steve 8t"attie /Dan $lanky (28). WHEELS THRO UGH TIME MUSEUM/B ILL HUDDLESTON MEMORIAL CHALLENGE (S 1;1I~; 6 rid~",,): 1. Stf"Vf' Beattie (H-D); 2. G'O Roeder U (H-D) ; 3. Brtt Beyer (H- D); 4. G reg Teague (H- O); S. Bryan Bigelow (H-D); 6. JOIIoh Butkr , Time: 3 min" 7.599 sec. HARLEY-DAVIDSON 883 NATIONAL (U laps; 17 rid en): 1. Dave Ca mlin; 2. Jess Roeder ; 3. M ike Hader; 4, Sha un Russcli; S. J.R Schnabel; 6. Bm Beyer; 7, Johnny Murphree; 8. Paw Morgan; 9. Scott Stump; to. Billy Martin; 11. Robm Miller, 12. John Faulkner at 13. Vktor McA ; 14. Sean Lolur; 15, Ala n Ead ie; 16. Lonnie Pauley ; 17. Paul Bergstrom. Tune: 7 min., ~9 .01 16 sec, AMA HARLEY-DA VlDSO N 88J NA nONAl SERrES POINTS ST ANOINGS (After 5 of 14 n-enb): 1. Dave Camlin (01 win~ /97); 2. J~ Rot.oder (86); 3. Mike Hader (66); 01. OlE) Shdun RU!>. /J. R Schnabel (58); 6. Johnny ~ll Murp h l't"t'" (51); 7. Rubnt Miller (49); 8. Billy MArtin (39); 9. W iIlif' McC oy (31)); to . Ja ~e Zemb (32) ; 11, Scott St um p (2 7) ; 12 . Brtt Beyrr (26); 13 . (TIE) Paul Mo rg a n /Ja 1'l o n Fl..tch ..r (25); 15 . (TI E) Paul Bergmom/ Rob Grite/Oonnif' Krn (20); 18. Randy Trxtl!l' (19); 19. Clla ncr Dar ling (17); 20. Brian Kromroy z. (1 4). BriefIY~i1- - -,. . -:. ~· : S~ott Pa rke r o'f .co~rse was the ' big-money winner, knocking. down' $5725 ,plus .enothe r , 400 in lap money,.but It' was not an unevent$ next wee kend." J~ .Kopp had a front-r~ eeat for Coolbeth's trip: ~ I wasbehindKenny com-. · (ng -out cttorn.tour," Kopp said: "Then. co m~ ' , jng d own· the straight. rill ,of 8 sudden 'he was just sl.deways wlth both ...meels pointing to the ' ·inside. 1dave to the inside, and his bike is just pulling hirn to the _nside.: I .thcuqht to myself, _ i 'Hurry.up before he gets 'there." . .- ful day fo r th e def end ing Gr and Natio nal .C hempton . A rare mecha nical problem sent .' him to t he infield during his qu 'alifyiilg he at .". Deeley . Harley -David son' s 'S t e v e Beattie . ." The coil wire fe ll off, MParker sed.. M was sitI was the big wi nner of the W heel s Througli ;ing out there thinking, 'It sure would be nice to .' Time M useum/Bill Huddleston M emorial Dash get a couple of laps.' Then I saw wha t it was: .for Cash.. the race for the fastest six noo-quebso I put it back" fired her 'up and finished the ' frers for the National. Geo Roeder 11 got by . race." . His .last-place· finish would put -h·im' on Gr eg Teague .fo r second. then Teague los t the second rQw for his ~eat, ·M Good ti ming,·· ~hird to -Bret Beyer with two laps .to·go: MThis , . is great - I'd have to finish in the top five in the . though, If it had to happen.- Parke; added. .' National to 'make more moneY t han, this." an' ·Ke vi;'. At h e rton may have lost the war. ~t .. elated Beattie Said. .. . - . . ". he won the lap,m6ney battle: By taking .20 of . the 25 taps •. he added $ 2000 to his $3 500 in -The a tt ri ti o n rate was very h igh , but it. second-place ,:"oney. . -. . wasn't motor problems that caused the Firs ' t DNF. Mike V ames pulled off.aFter.nine japs., W ill Davis ·stlll tops the pointS feaderboerd : The zipper broke on my jacket. and We had to duct-tape my leathers." Varnes said. '-We 'got with a 13·point lead over Parker. King is still in the hunt. 12 points back as Atherton creeps · ite little' too tight: and'when I tried to tuck in. " to- d~op· . couldn't breathe. I was the first back into contention . Atherton -ls another 12 behind King . ..Jay . Springsteen is ,t1 solid · out .. then all kmde of gUys went out . ./f I jl. st i hfth. . .' . could have gone .a couple .more laps. I could·. have pic ked up a fe w po sttion s . - . e r r y T Kenny .Coolbet h ended ·his race Wit h a wild . Poove y was anothercas·Ualty: . "The' oil-filter ride·,down ' the front straight: -" The swingarm : · bracket broke and t he fil ter was flopping batt backed off end let the s:Mngarm twi st , ~ : around.. ~oOvey SB.i .: M was"just hanging on ~ d lt Coolbeth said. J tho ught I was headed into by the hoses. and I was afraid if I kept going it the wall.'Springer and I were gaining·on a pack .' might cOme off and oi'-the' track. so I just shut' , .. . ' ·of riders when' t~at happened. Well, we 'v~ got ,it dowrC ' - uy g M Upcoming Rounds: Round 10 - Oklahoma City. Oklahoma. July 19 Round 11 - Rossbu rg. Ohio, July 26 19

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