Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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r== = = = = = = == == == = = = = == = = = = = = === = == = == = = r-t-Parts Manager tleederf-- QUlKSHOP - - -, Live and plar only 5 miles from Laguna Sees raceway_ Centra Califom ia's largest Kawasaki, Suzuk i, Ducati. See-Doc dealership is looking for a expe- naned parts manager to run a fast paced customer .... THE COMPANY For.Change ... (Perfonnance Change) • E::. _._._ We STOCK the COMPLETE LINE of PJ Oval & P'M< '0. SlOe """"- C\x axr<>/efB ,..."._....... W e STO CK the C OMP LETE line o f VMfround} . T Mfflat}. TMX ("'D" fl at) . R S . a n d TMS carbs . A ll carbs can b e PREJETTED for E B5Y In s ta l/B tlon . Qet caught errort I S i I'TJ pJe tunirJQ changes can /9BcJ to s ign i f iCan t potl'V9r """'6 In crea s e s / s tock a l a rge selection of JETS. N E E D L E S . S L IDES. a nc:t PARTS f o r 01/ MIKUN I and KEIHI N Carbs. -erJ:::g:~/c:r,'::::':::"·C::::::":nTV CARBURETOR PARTS WAREHOUSE 7777 Wall SI..Valley View. OH 44125 1216J 524-1599 In • •' ..... US PE N S I O N -- o Persona lized Suspension Mod ification & Servic e o Quick Servic e -3 Days o Pe rfo rma nce Guarantee r;-r ,.''iJ.7,. :1 _,..crr,..-Hiiill""t. Cen ter EaAN° • SUZIIIO IlCIIIIIA TAIWIA TOLL FREE 1-800-342 ·1681 (exl.22) TOLL FREE FAX 1-800-341·1681 _ (24 hours . 7 days a week) ~ Available at : Las Vegas (702) 873-1962 Baldwin Park, CA (818) 962-2451 Honolulu, HI (808) 373-2322 Visalia, CA (209) 625·2900 San Pedro, CA (310) 548-6874 Van'Nuys, CA (818) 786-8180 San Fernando Valley (818) 289-8521 EI Cenlro, CA (619) 353·2110 San Diego, CA (619) 691-9171 ·2233 N.W. Broad St.. Murfreesboro. TN 37129 F scale pertormance ull ': services from the Mission . Y amaha Speed-Tech P ertormance Division. AU.CEM's! Two & four stroke motors. incl din pumps, cases & u g cylind Head mods. parts& ers! accessories forallOEM'stoo! ~ THE USA CREATIVE ENERGlES,I.,. ~ 1607N. M agnolia Ave. 0,,1a. FL34475·91 06 1·800·351·8889 e lim OOME·1NATOW it 's nut ver y mu ch . Bul check oul the fa bulous Two Broth ers Racin g weh § site for our catalogs, movies. 1<4 -=: . ~_: ~~ motorcycle sound files and more . It's a bunc h. g =:_ N Features oflhe 10' X15' DO M E· I NATOR~ TBI~oping Al ununum Fr ~ • . OnlyJ4 lbs 'II TIG WeldedJOInts I H Fitmst Meterlll 0nI)'!he Finestltmina w/ Ylelcled Stlll'Tls. N Sl~cl'lln e) lfl o UIJII'Neill"", £IS11r IO Acsembl. lIlBn Pop . Ups nl:,.pn ~t"'. = 9 Gu.-.., I-:lN!:l lo l ..'- or Pw!cklllw..... Olhlf Scm ~ '" ..~ =3 t o-I 10'.\ 10' 1 21)' ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS? cn M m' f. 's,w"'" l)"v (508) 6 97 -3401 N IntH (508) 285 -9 652 60 STATOR PROS 12 F-ir~l SI IP-t-'1 Buuqew-ner. MA 023211 SOU THE RN C A L IFO R NI A Honda . Kaw a sa ki, Pol ar is dealer looking fo r experienced. c cm rnts- ] ston ed me chanics and sales peopl e. Ca ll Joh n ((818)287-6167. CA. Parts Person Southern Ca lifornia . Large pr og res sive Ho nda Suzu ki dealer looking for a enthusiast ic . exp er ienced. parts and accesso ries salesperso n who is a team player, Call or tax resume to: Thousand Oaks Honda Suzuki (805)371 3000. Fax (805)379-1882. CA . 0 Two posi tions open for expe rienced individua ls. Southern Calfomia Honda. SUZUki. Sea-Ooo dealer is ready tOT immediate response. Generous pay and commission is waiting tor you. This could be your fut ure . Ca ll 9am - 6pm. ru eseav - Sa t urday . (805)945·5858. CA. Service Mgr I Mechanic We are now hiring for insid e sales and cus tomer serv ice . Succe ssful candidates mu st ha ve bas ic knowl edge of motorcy cles . Call or fax resu me to Watter Wells (909)628'4 722, (909)591-2198. CA . ZAacing is seeking a UPS. phone. counter person. Good PR skill s a mustl Will traiFl with righl backgro und . Ma il re sum e to : ZA aci ng 23 50 O ran geth o rpe . Anah eim . C A 9 28 0 6 or fa x to (714)449- 1374. CA . Established BMW Ducati Moto Guzzi ¥ YR'w'1dNG Al IYPES of 2&4·S,ROkf Cv!IN

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